《How I Got To You | Morgan Wallen》T E N


The next morning came way too fast. Before I could already feel the tension in the room as Kayla, Luke, and Morgan all sat in the living room with the TV on mute. I reached for the phone only to have Morgan grab my hand, "Bailey wait" Morgan said "what?" Im sure the look of confusion was clear on my face "Bailey you're about to see something you don't want to, before you jump to conclusions please hear me out"

"Morgan I have no clue what I am about to see but you better have a great explanation."

*4 new DM's from Kenzmw*




* You can be happy he's posting all about you now... but here's where he was while you were all alone sweetheart.*

"Well, I guess all good things don't always last forever. Why didn't you just tell me, like honestly. She was the girl from that call the one night wasn't she?"

"Honestly yes.. she's my ex. We've been on and off for years and for some reason I kept getting sucked back in, when I left this time she knew I wasn't coming back and she's been blasting me all over Instagram since. I'm surprised the media outlets haven't caught on"

Kayla and Luke just looked at me. I couldn't tell If they knew prior or not. I'm sure Luke knew all about it 'he's super busy' yeah, super busy with his ex. If this was any other guy I'd say by and move on but this was the fucking Morgan Wallen and here I am using his fame but it's more than that. I loved this guy before knowing him and now here I am stuck.

I must've zoned out for awhile because the next thing I hear is a door slamming and I'm pulled back into my thoughts.


"What was that?" I must've jumped when the door closed because Luke and Kaylas eyes were back on me. Luke and Kayla. One was missing... Morgan. Must've been his door slam.

"Well that was fun while it lasted wasn't it" I laughed.

Kayla and Luke looked at each other before their eyes locked back on me "you alright bails?" Kayla said quietly.

"Well yeah, not much I can do. I've been sad over him this long. It's nothing new this time"

"I'm gonna leave y'all to it.." Luke kissed kaylas temple and soon followed out the same closed door Morgan left through. "Are you sure you're alright?" She looked at me again "Kayla, it's really fine. I'm done begging. If he wants to make it right he will." "He posted all 4 of us on social media and made it very clear where he was kayla. I can only be so mad at him. Do I want a relationship?" I paused " at this point no. Because the track record isn't the best. But I'm not gonna just shut him out like he did me, I'll avoid her and maybe even him for a little but there's no point in being a crying mess anymore"

Kayla smiled a small smile my way "my little bails all grown up and acting adultish" "yeah well I still wanna beat his ass but like in an adult kinda way" we laugh together like we haven't laughed in years

*new tweet @ MorganCWallen: In song writing mood, expect a sad one coming y'alls way"

"Jesus" the eye roll was very clear on my face "does he not realize that he tweeted about us last night and now he's writing that, ya fans are not dumb" kayla laughed at me while scrolling through her phone "dude their tweets are already funny and it's been 2 minutes" " 'trouble in paradise morg? Gonna need some whiskey glasses after that one' did we act like this when he tweeted shit too" the laughing hasn't stopped since Luke walked out. The door started to open and kayla and I went right back to our "mad" faces. "Is it safe for us to come in?" Lukes face pleaded with Kayla " I don't even care anymore Luke" with that he closed the door behind him and back to Morgan he went...


"Are we bad people Bails?" One more laugh escaped her lips, "why? Making them feel bad for things we aren't even mad at?" A laughed a little with her "nah they'll be fine" I continued

Shortly following Morgan walked his way back into the living room

"Bailey I..."


I'm sure we all know how this conversation is gonna go, sorry for the long update intervals. Work work work is all I get done. Fun fact I'm actually currently updating at work lol! See you guys soon💙

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