《How I Got To You | Morgan Wallen》E I G H T


"@MorganCwallen: Last call, I swear this'll be my last call"

Here we go same thing different day. *BING* "Jeez Cailey he sure loves twitter this evening. Probably giving out more meet and greet tickets to girls that are not me" I laughed as she starts to shake her head laughing back with me. I finally look down at my phone to see a text

Morg: I need to see you

"Cailey?! He texted me! What am I gonna do? I haven't talked to him in 5 months and now he can text?!" I started in a panic. I mean yeah, I wanted him to text me but not now, not here. "He's playing games now Bailey, I wouldn't trust that he's going to stick around this time either." she looked at me with concern. "Should I tweet something indirectly, like he's been doing me" I asked as more of a statement than a question " Just be careful babe, he has a big following now"

@Bmadss: 5 months later? Wow 5 must really be my lucky number

As soon as the tweet went up I got another message

Kevy(Kayla): damn babe you a savage tonight! P.S come home thnx



Oh shit, my phone was going off left and right. '@MorganCwallen mentioned you in a tweet' my heart was racing and I could feel my body temperature going up with every second that passed. At this point I didn't even want to look at my phone. He never, EVER has tweeted me or even retweeted my stuff. He was always so private about his life and people had just come to get used to it. But at the same time I don't think I'm ready to be known as someone "Morgan Wallen" knows. "Cailey, look at it for me" I whined.


"He replied to your tweet and said 'It doesn't have to be like this' wow I can't believe you got a text and a public tweet all in one day" she said while trying to lighten the mood

"I can't believe he is doing this, I mean like I don't want to talk to him Cailey. But it's Morgan Wallen and I feel stuck"

"Do you like him because he's 'Morgan Wallen' or because you guys really talked and got to know eachother" she always tried to help the best she could and for once Cailey was really starting to make sense. "I like spending time with him, I like talking to him, I hate that I can't forget about him and I just wish most days I would've never met him. It's complicated." Here we go, getting into my feelings while my phone is blowing up because all these girls think they found their answer to meeting Morgan Wallen.

I quickly shut my phone off and laid flat on my back across Cailey's bed "help meee" I whined some more. "Bailey, I can't fix this for you. You have to think back and decide if you can forgive or not" I could hear the annoyed tone in her voice but I tried to ignore it. I know I could be a pain in the ass but, I really just need answers.

Let me go back in time for a second, When we first left the concert Morgan & I talked everyday. Luke would come visit Kayla every week and Morgan would come once and awhile, so this went on for a few months until one time when they were down Kayla & Luke were talking about being a couple or not and Morgan completely avoided the situation. So I went out with some of my old guy friends from out of town while him, Luke and Kayla went to one of their shows here close. When I got home he was gone, no texts, no calls, and he avoided all mine for a month or so before I finally gave up. So I know to everyone on twitter now, I seem like a bitch, but rejection hurts and I just needed a break form it and now I'm the bad guy.


Kayla's POV

"Hey Guys" Morgan said looking more at the floor than either of us. I shot him a look that could kill as Luke walked over and started helping him carry his things. I swear I always end up fixing Bailey's shit, She's lucky she's at work... wait she isn't at work. Today was her only day off. Where the hell is that brat.



"Where the hell is Bailey?" Luke and Morgan looked over at me confused "Working I assume.." Luke said more like a question

"She isn't scheduled, I checked." I took off back towards my room while Luke helped Morgan carry the remainder of his things. It isn't like Bailey to lie to me but I know all this shit with Morgan has made her not herself lately. He's famous and I know everyone would just assume that this would happen, but things were different for them.

"She didn't pick up" I said walking back into the living room. "She doesn't want to see me does she.." Morgan spoke up quietly. And in reality I'm sure theres nothing she would rather do. But he's gotta fix this on his own. Not just show up and leave again. "It's complicated really. She's a pain in the ass and she always takes everything to heart"

"I just want to see her Kayla, where is she? I know you can track her" His tone was stronger now, and once again he's right. But would she be even more pissed if I told him? Yes. The answer is always yes "Now's not the time Morgan" Luke spoke up for me.

Bingo, She was at Cailey's, I should've known.

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