《How I Got To You | Morgan Wallen》F O U R


Kayla rambles on and Im still in shock by the events that took place 30 minutes ago.

"then Luke and I made out, it was so good! like Im back baby!" and Im so happy for her don't get me wrong. She deserved someone wild like she is, carefree even. Kayla was always down for an adventure and there was never one to small.

" bailey oh my god Morgan just followed me!" and what do you know, my phone had the same little message. '@morgancwallen followed you' and with that a DM soon followed

' sorry you had to rush off. Couldn't leave without a kiss. Would've hated not to and then I never see you again. Here's my number ***-***-****.'

"Kayla can you DM Morgan back?"I said nonchalantly handing my phone her way

"what!? he dmed you OH MY GOD Im so excited yay!"

"Just tell him 'thanks for the dm it was really sweet and for the follow after all these months'" I was really trying not to make it a bigger deal than it was. He was just a normal guy right?

"wait wait wait Bailey he kissed you! and gave you his number Im dying Im dead this is like all we've dreamed about. This shit doesn't happen"

The 2 hour ride home felt like it took 5 minutes. We laughed and talked and just in general had one of the best times of our lives. This whole night was a dream and no matter how many times I played the story over in my head it couldn't get any better than it already was. "5am!? shit Bailey mom is gonna kill us, she is gonna know damn well we were up to something"

"She would do the same at 20, I just have a feeling it'll be fine" and fine it would be. Kayla and I stayed up the rest of the night, or what little was left of it. At 7 T woke up and gave us a knowing look, "you girls are crazy, and you both better be damn happy you were with the band members. Kayla better get yourself ready for work" she laughed walking away.


Kayla and I spent the whole day at the diner still buzzing for the last 12 hours. With a text and snapchat here and there from both boys it was by far the biggest dream I've ever lived.

"Bailey, I was just thinking..." she started trailing off

"Yeah?" I could only imagine the next word's that would be coming out of her mouth

"what if we drive down to North Carolina next week? Morgan has 2 shows and we could just kinda show up, I'll buy the tickets you get the room and we won't tell them. " and there it was!

"jesus are we stalking them now?" I started giving her a questioning look

"no" she drew out "but Luke keeps talking about how they are going to be at the beach and I think it would be fun! you know how much we love the beach" as I looked at her I began to realize there was going to be no telling her no. So with that I guess there was only one thing left to do.


Little did I know this trip was going to be crazy, Kayla's only day off on a 7 day week was wednesday but she managed to get one of the other girls to work saturday and sunday for her. As next week got closer and closer it was harder and harder to keep this secret from Morgan and Luke. I mean we were literally driving 5 hours for a night, one night. But as much as I thought she was crazy I knew adventure was kayla's thing and I would never say no to something random and out of the blue. To be honest this was probably one of our most planned out trips to date.

Before I knew it. It was friday and that could only mean one thing. It was 1pm, Kayla just got off work and it was time for us to drive 5 hours to the beach, or more importantly to another Morgan Wallen concert. "maybe we'll get to meet and take a picture with Morgan!" kayla joked as we finished our first hour of the trip


"yeah maybe! his guitar player is pretty hot maybe he'll notice me in the crowd" I laugh

"oh shut up ya tit" as scary as this whole thing was, is, might be, I knew that it would somehow lead to another badass memory to add to our collection.

Kayla and I were never the relationship type, but at the same time we were no where near what you would call a whore either. We loved random drives to random places with random people. It was our thing and coming from a small town you learn to make something out of nothing. We've met a lot of cool people over the years though. Friends of friends and just old friends from around the county. But with Morgan and Luke it was different. We couldn't just call them up on a tuesday night and say we are picking them up for a drive. They were always somewhere new and meeting thousands of people a day. So the more I think about it, the more this seems so right.

"hey tit, you good? " kayla practically screamed at me

"yes jesus why?" All my thoughts quickly came to a halt.

"oh you weren't singing to CoJo with me I was getting concerned" ahh CoJo, or more famously known as Cody Johnson. Now that Morgan was literally in our life we have switched our 'car jam' playlist to Cody Johnson and Post Malone of course!

"shit bailey! Luke is facetiming me" she screamed throwing her phone on her lap

"well answer it! he doesn't know where we are"

"hey sunshine" she laughed as she finally clicked accept

"oh nothing just got out of soundcheck for the show tonight. Figured I'd call and say hey"

"hey!" I chimed in

"oh hey Bailey, figured you girls were together! What're you all doing going on a lotto run?" he laughed.

I mean maybe we did play a lot of the Va lottery but it's all just fun. But he wasn't completely wrong either but it just wasn't Va lottery we were playing this time. "oh shut up Luke! Acting like you know something about us.. But hey thanks for calling Bailey and I are about to run in and see my grandma so I'll text ya later, bye babe" she sped up the ending before she clicked end, not even giving him a chance to say goodbye.

"damn, you sure ended that fast!" I laughed a little as I glanced her way.

"I didn't want him to see our bags in the back I was about to lose my shit" she fake fanned herself and turned the radio back up.

2 hours till Im sitting in front of Morgie. This could either be the best choice of my life or the worst. But I guess you never make good memories by staying home, and for that Im so thankful for Kayla.

As we crossed the border into North Carolina my phone went off ' hey bails, I'm about to head backstage to get ready for meet & greet. I'll text ya when I can' oh god if he only knew

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