《How I Got To You | Morgan Wallen》T W O


"Are they 18?" the one question I hadn't even thought about. But as all these young girls were coming in it suddenly was the only one of my mind.

"Well yeah Morgan! Look they graduated in '17, it's young but it'll work!" Jesus what has he gotten me into.

"I don't think they have vip man, the last girls are coming in now." Luke said looking around in a panic.

"Well in that case you have about 5 minutes to find them, and that's if they haven't already left the venue luke" Luke ran out the door as I took a few pictures with the last 3 girls to walk into our vip room.

This all still doesn't feel real, the fans, the music, the popularity. I really didn't wish Luke much luck, this venue held over a thousand people, and to find those girls out of all of them was a long shot. I guess that's the risk you take though. My managers always told us not to fall in love on the road, and I understand why. But the thrill and mystery of these girls just seemed thrilling. Luke and I always find random fans to chat with after the show, But they seemed like ones we could stand to be around for longer than 5 minutes, at least I hope.

Bailey's pov:

Kayla and I had stopped at the bathroom before we to our journey home. As I walked back outside she was gone. I grabbed my phone and dialed her number each ring that passed was making my heart beat faster. 4 calls in and still no answer. This wasn't like her and all I could l think about was how much I didn't want to have to call T and tell her I lost her daughter 2 hours away at a damn concert she told us not to go to. One by one the concert hall was becoming empty...


five minutes

10 minutes

15 minutes

As time passes no answer and still no sign of Kayla. I knew I shouldn't have left her alone, she tends to wander and I damn well know she's somewhere in this building. Her mom is going to kill me! As I pace the floor one more time I bumped into in lady with a pass around her neck. Hoping she works here since the box office is closed I follow her as I yell for her. "Ma'am do you work here? My friend has gone missing and I can't find her anywhere." Im sure she could hear the desperation in my voice at this point

" I don't work here, but my son does. I'm Lesli, follow me, we will find her no doubt!" and follow her I did. Something about her did seem motherly and in a empty concert hall by myself this was the closest thing I was going to find.

As Lesli and I walked back towards the stage my mind was wondering. How do the best nights always turn into the worst ones?

We were always so careful about where we were and what we were doing. Never in a million years did I think I could lose Kayla at a damn bathroom and for her to just up and leave me there pissed me off even more. The only thing I can think is maybe her phone is dead and she doesn't have my phone number memorized, but even then for her not to just wait.

"hey let me call my son real quick and see if maybe they have your friend. There's not too many people left here and if she was anywhere Im sure it would be there" I nodded slowly trusting whatever she had to say


As she talked and talked I was starting to pick up on small hints of what she was saying that didn't make sense, like bus, band members oh and the fact that she called him Morgan! I swear this can not be happening, but if it is... thank god it was me. "sweetie, he's coming for you now! I have to get going but I promise they have your friend with them and you don't need to worry anymore." she gave me a small hug before she turned and started walking towards the backstage area of the venue.

With that I was alone again, but this time I had a sense of peace with me. I slide down the wall and began to cry a bit. Not because I was sad, but because the stress of this night had finally got to me and I was so ready just to take a damn nap. Before I knew it I heard someone coming from around the corner... well here we go

"Bailey?" I looked up quick

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