《Free Bird - Morgan Wallen》Twenty Seven


Daniella is in bed when Hardy comes over around eleven, she can't sleep on her side as comfortably so she's been sitting up all night.

"How's it goin' with her?" Hardy asks quietly as to not wake her from his spot in the living room. Morgan gives him a look with tired eyes, Hardy chuckles. "That bad?"

"No not bad..." he scratches his growing facial hair. "Just tough. It's hard to tell what's gonna set her off." He rubs his face. "I'm tryin' so hard to be patient with her but it just..." Dani's eavesdropping, her heart aching from the words her husband is saying.

"That's the best thing you can do for her," Hardy says. "Be patient." Morgan exhales heavily. "What's this song you got?"

"Right. It's this." He hands him the notepad. "I was laying in bed with her and it just hit me."

"Morning boys." Dani says casually as she walks past the living room. "What're y'all up to?"

"Jam sesh." Hardy smiles. "How're you feelin'?"

"I'm great." That's not the answer Morgan was expecting. "Real good." He's confused and nervous now.

"That's good." Hardy nods. "We're just workin' on a song Morgan thought of last night."

"Then I'll leave y'all to it." She goes into the kitchen to fix herself some lunch.

"Weird." Hardy mutters, looking back at Morgan who's sitting back against the couch with his blue eyes fixed on the floor. "You okay?"

"I need to go for a drive." He stands and hands Hardy his guitar before picking up his keys. "Do you need anything while I'm out, darlin'?"

"Can you get chocolate milk?"

"Sure." He presses a kiss to her temple before leaving.

She watches him drive off. "What's wrong with him?"

"I dunno." He shrugs. "You okay?"

"Not really." She admits as she sits next to him. "I feel bad for Morgan."


"Because I keep snapping at him and I try to stop it but it just comes out." She sighs loudly as she pushes her hair back. "I feel so bad." Tears for in her eyes. "God, I am so sick of these mood swings." Hardy wraps his arm around her shoulder comfortingly. "I've got like three months left of this and I'm worried that it's..."



"I'm scared it's gonna break things between us." She admits, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand. "And I'm scared that we're gonna take another break and it'll turn into separating and then a divorce and I'll be a single mother-"

"Hey, calm down." He says, a hand on her knee. "He's not gonna leave you, you're not gonna be a single mom, and things are gonna be fine." She takes a deep breath.

The door opens and Morgan walks in with a suitcase of Bud Light and a gallon of chocolate milk. "Hey baby." He gives her a soft smile which fades when he sees tear tracks down her cheeks. "What's wrong?" She nods toward the kitchen, he follows.

"I'm sorry for all the emotions-"

"How many times do I have to tell you, you don't need to apologize." He's holding the sides of her face. "I know this is hard on you, okay?" She lets out a shaky breath. "Hey, I brought you back some of those Amish candies you like." He pulls a packet of Claeys Old Fashioned Hard Candies, the peppermint and the cherry ones, out of a paper bag.

Her bottom lip juts out as she tries to stop tears, holding the packets of candies to her chest. "Thank you." She suddenly laughs, shaking her head. "This damn kid. What do you think about godparents?"

"I mean whatever works." He shrugs, sliding the suitcase into the fridge. "We don't even need to have 'em if you want."

"Well, we'll think 'bout it." She nods. "Thank you." She holds her arms out for a hug, he holds her tight, kissing her head. Hardy peeks around the corner and smiles at the sight.

"I love you." Morgan smiles at his wife. "Can't wait for this boy to be born." His hand is against her big bump.

"Can't wait to be outnumbered." She giggles, her hand over his. "Hey, I have a surprise for you for the baby's room."

"What is it?"

"C'mon." She pulls his hand to the nursery. "It's in the closet." He pulls a big box out and opens it. It's a big wood cut out with a W and the baby's name over it.


"Woah." He giggles. "You got this for me?" He traces the name that's in cursive. "So we're going with Johnathan Thomas?"

"Seems so." She nods at the art. "Hope that's alright."

"It's awesome." He grins as he sets it down o the bench seat. "Let me go get my tools."

"Morgan, man, are we still goin'?" Hardy asks.

"Aw shit, there's some lunch in the kitchen, help yourself." Hardy sighs as he fixes a plate for himself.

"Hey, Morgan?" She calls from her spot on the bench seat.

"What?" He says as he joins her with his tools in his hand.

"What're we gonna call him when he's a baby? We can't go around callin' him John that sounds funny."

"Jack? Just until he grows into John."

She nods with him as she watches him use a drill to put a couple of screws in the wall for the sign. Her body burns as she curls her toes and bites her lip. "How much long is uh, Hardy, gonna be here?" She whispers, playing with the ends of her hair.

"I dunno, why?"

"Take a rain check." He turns to her with a confused look. "Just go."

"Hey, Hardy. Can we hold off until tomorrow?"

"Oh yeah man, that's fine." Then Hardy leaves.

As soon as she hears the front door close, Dani grabs her husbands hand and pulls him to their bedroom. He can't help but laugh when she pushes him down against their bed, trying to strip her clothes off in a sexy manner but it's a struggle with her big belly. Morgan sits up and slides his hands under her shirt, pulling it off for her, untying the bow on her sweats next since she really can't see past the bump anymore. "You're still so beautiful." He whispers to her, running his fingers over the small stretch marks over her stomach.

"You're full of shit, Wallen." She says as she kicks her underwear off. She stopped wearing bras when she found out she was pregnant. "Are you just gonna gawk or are you gonna make love to your wife?" Morgan chuckles as he lays her back on the bed.

"Is that, y'know, safe?" She rolls her eyes. "What? I just don't want to hurt the baby."

"Morgan, I am incredibly horny right now." Dani whispers, her hands running over his chest. "C'mon baby." Morgan leans down and starts kissing her neck and chest, trusting her judgement.


"My back is killing me." Dani says as she sits against the headboard. "I just want this boy outta me."

"I can't wait." Her husband grins. "We're gonna get in so much trouble." He giggles, his hand on her belly. "How many more days?"

"Less than ten." She sighs. "Wow. We're gonna be parents." Her heart starts racing. "We're not ready to be parents." She says suddenly. "What the hell are we thinking?" She would get up to pace but she really can't without Morgan's help.

"Hey." He holds the sides of her face. "We're gonna be fine."

"What if we're not- what if I'm my mother-"

He puts his hand over her mouth. "You are not and will never be your mother. You know what it's like to not be loved by your mother and I know you would never do that to our child. I know in your heart you're gonna give this little boy everything you can and then some." She pushes his hand away, wiping tears. "That alone means we're going to be good parents and you aren't your mom." She sighs and nods.

"Thanks." She mumbles, looking down at the bedsheets. "We need to make sure we have everything ready for the kid when the time comes." He nods and stands, helping her up. "We still need to get something Vols themed."

"Really?" Morgan looks up with a slight smile.

"I mean it's a boy and I want him to be like his daddy." She whispers as she runs her hands across his back then chest. Morgan giggles his goofy laugh, his eyes wrinkling up as he turns to look at Dani. "Tonka Trucks and shit." He laughs again, hugging her tightly, his hand on their child.

"Ten days, baby."

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