《Free Bird - Morgan Wallen》Twenty Five


Two More Years Later

Morgan and Daniella have decided to give their relationship another try after a few months of hanging out and, as it turns out, they're extremely content with each other and are set to be married next month. The two have grown closer to Hardy and Caleigh, her being her maid of honor and him being the best man while also walking Dani down the aisle like originally planned.

Dani made the brave decision to sell her house and move closer to Nashville, next door neighbors with Hardy and Caleigh, separated by lush woods. The two couples hang out almost every Friday with a bonfire and guitars. Dani has been teaching Caleigh how to cook the right way, none of that west coast crap, real down home southern cooking and Hardy is absolutely loving it.

Daniella caved and let Morgan design the den, wood paneling and Volunteer merchandise and her fathers 30 point buck on the wall, Hardy let Morgan have it in exchange for the vintage poles he has on the walls at his house.

Every morning, Morgan and Dani wake side by side. Every night, they say some prayers and fall asleep side by side. She finally feels like she's loved, she has family. And she knows that her father is smiling down at her, no doubt about that. She never really patched things up with her mother, she felt better without it. She didn't see her for ten years so why change that all of a sudden.

Daniella is about to drop exciting news on Morgan; she's pregnant. She wanted to wait until now to tell him because of what happened last time. She has something planned for him, she can't wait.

Morgan finally gets back from running errands with Hardy and sighs heavily as he sits on the couch, kicking his boots off before lounging back against the cushions. "Babe?" He calls, noticing the house is silent, void of music. "Dani?" He stands and heads to their bedroom. "Daniella?" He opens the door and sees her smiling on the bed. "What?"

"I got you something." She says, a box in her hand. "C'mere." She pats the space next to her, swinging her bare legs over the side of the bed, the big sweatshirt she's wearing hides the slight bump.

He shakes the box slightly, "what is it?"

"Just open it." He sighs as he pulls at the tape on the side, peeling it off. He finally gets it open and looks at his fiancé with a confused look. It's an orange Volunteers onesie.

"What?" It finally clicks in his brain. "Are you- are you pregnant?" She nods, tears in her eyes. "Really?" He laughs, pulling her in for a tight hug, kissing her face over and over again. "How far along are you?"

"Far enough along." He slides his hand to her belly and smiles wide. "Twelve weeks." He laughs with tears in his eyes.

"Is it a boy or a girl?"

"We can find that out in a couple weeks."

"Oh my god I can't fuckin' wait."


Morgan and Dani sit quietly side by side in the waiting room, his hand right around hers as his knee bounces. "Daniella Hunt?" They stand and head back to a room where she's instructed to lay down on a table. "This might be a little cold." Dani gasps slightly when the gel hits her skin, Morgan holds onto her hand. "There's a foot and a hand..."


"What is it?" Morgan asks, squinting at the screen. "Boy or girl?"

"It's a boy."

"Yes!" Morgan laughs, leaning down to kiss his fiancé. "Oh my god!" The nurse hands Dani a paper towel for her to clean herself up with before walking the couple out of the room. "Wow."

"Can't believe we're gonna be parents." She sighs as she buckles, laughing as Morgan slides his hand over her belly.

"Good thing we get married next month. Mamaw is very old fashion so we gotta wait a little bit after to tell my family."

"Good idea but I wanna tell Michael and Caleigh soon."

"Oh yeah for sure." He nods as he turns down their road. "Is this why you haven't been drinkin'?"

"You noticed?"

"Did I notice that my fiancé didn't drink at the last couple of bonfires like usual? Yeah."

"Wow." She shakes her head as they pull up to their home. She hops out and heads inside, changing her jeans for sweats and her shoes for slippers. "That's so much better."

Morgan chuckles as he heads into the kitchen, grabbing a couple of waters before joining his pregnant fiancé on the couch, his arm behind her as she flips through tv shows, stopping on Seinfeld.

After an episode or two, Dani is asleep with her head against Morgan's chest, her feet kicked up behind her as he rubs her back. The front door swings open, revealing their neighbors. "Hey y'all!" Hardy says loudly, holding a twenty four pack of Busch Light cans. "What's up?" Caleigh shuts the door behind her, politely taking her shoes off.

"What's this about?" Dani mumbles, pulling her baggy t-shirt down further.

"I am makin' my second album." Hardy responds from the kitchen. "Y'all got somethin' to eat?"

"There's beef stew in the fridge." She yawns back. "I can make some biscuits-"

"Oh please, make biscuits, baby." Morgan says, poking her in the side. "I love your biscuits." He winks at her and she rolls her eyes. Morgan helps her up from the couch so she can make some dinner.

"You aren't drinking'?" Caleigh asks Dani quietly.

"Oh no, not really in the mood." She brushes it off, looking down at her Gatorade.

"Are you sure it's not something else?" Dani looks up at her, raising her eyebrows. "It is, isn't it." A grin breaks out on her face. "Are you pregnant?"

"Yeah but act surprised when we tell Hardy." She whispers back. "We're waiting until after the weddin' to tell his family 'cause of his very old fashioned mamaw."

"Good thinkin'." She wraps her arms around her. "Congratulations girly."


"Do you know if it's a boy or a girl?"

"I'm not tellin' you that just yet." Caleigh huffs playfully, laughing. "You'll find that out when Michael does."

"Find what out?" Hardy asks.

"You'll find out when it's time to find out." Caleigh shoots back. Michael rolls his eyes before leaning down to give his two favorite girls a kiss on the forehead. "I'm just so excited for you guys."

The timer goes off and Dani heads into the kitchen, pulling the biscuits out. She cooks up some chicken and slaps together garlic fried chicken sandwiches. "C'mon now." She calls, setting everything out for them. "Come eat."

"Thank you baby." Morgan presses a kiss to her temple, his hand going to her belly which she quickly pushes away. "Looks great."


Hardy glances between the couple and his girlfriend with a concerned look. Caleigh shrugs and hands Michael a plate before getting one for herself. "You guys okay?"

"Yeah, I'm just having cramps." She says, knowing that would end the conversation immediately.


"Dani's been actin' weird." Hardy tells Morgan as he sits on his bed. "Is she okay?"

"Yeah." He says, digging through his closet for his wedding button up. "I mean I think so. She seems fine to me, she's probably just stressed from the wedding." He turns to him. "Is that what you're wearing? I mean you're walkin' her down the aisle."

"What? It's a nice shirt." He looks down at his Mississippi State quarter zip up. "Should I change?"

"For sure. Daniella set this out for you." Morgan hands him a nice shirt before he goes into their bathroom to huff at his hair. "We don't have enough time to cut my hair do we?"

"I can shave the sides shorter, make it look more like a mohawk instead of a weird half-assed mullet." Morgan flips him off before handing him the clippers. "Looks even enough." Hardy shrugs as he sets the clippers down. "I'm sure it'll look fine."

Morgan sighs as he pulls his shirt on, buttoning it up before tucking it into his belted slacks. "We're gonna be late to my own weddin'." He steps into his boots and sighs at his reflection. "Shit! My tie!" He spins to the dresser and goes through the top drawer, pulling out a bolo tie. "How do I look?"

"Awesome, man. Are you nervous?" Morgan gives him a look that makes him laugh. "Take a deep breath, things are gonna be fine."

"We gotta get goin' soon." Morgan breathes out, pulling a pinch out of his dip can to tuck in lip before letting out a nervous laugh. "I'm gettin' married today, holy shit."


While the guys are panicking around at Morgan's house, Caleigh and Dani are vibing. They have George Strait's It Just Comes Natural record playing as they get dressed. "I hope this fits." Dani says, looking at her wedding dress. She had to get another one since she returned the one from the first engagement and sold the one that was for her and Riley. It's a long flowy off white dress with long loose sleeves, the fabric crosses over her breasts then drapes around her figure, perfectly hiding her growing bump. "I got lucky." She breathes a sigh of relief. "Is it noticeable?" She asks, her hand over her bump.

"Not at all. It'll be better hidden with your bouquet." Caleigh says, pointing to her huge arraignment. "You look beautiful, Dani."

"Thanks." She wipes under her eyes, trying not to smear her makeup. "I feel like a princess from those books I used to read when I was a kid." She chuckles softly. "I'm gettin' married today, holy shit." Caleigh smiles at her, standing to give her a hug. "Man I wish my daddy was here." She dabs more tears away.

"C'mon." She says, picking up her purse and keys. "Let's get you married."


Daniella can barely hold in tears as Hardy walks her down the aisle, Morgan can't stop his own either. His dad reaches over and gives his shoulder a squeeze as his son looks down at his black boots, wiping his eyes. Caleigh holds her hand out for her to step up onto the platform, taking her bouquet from her.

Morgan's dad says the most beautiful speech about love, some prayers and Bible verses and the two in front of him, blessed that they're officially welcoming Daniella into their family. She can't stop giggling to herself as Morgan makes faces at her during the ceremony.

The ceremony ends and everyone cheers as Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Wallen exit the church, grinning widely as they hop into his truck and head back to their house.


"We just got fuckin' married!" Morgan laughs, parking his truck. "And we got a couple of hours to kill while they set up the reception at my folks house." He looks over at his wife with a look that makes her blush. He whisks her out of the truck making her laugh loudly as she kicks her heels off, tossing her veil on the couch. "Shit, wait." He drops her on the bed. "You can't drink." She shakes her head. "But I can." He heads to the kitchen and picks up a bottle of tequila and knocks it back, coughing loudly as he inhales. "Okay baby!"

"What Morgan?" She giggles, laying back against the pillows.

"We've got two hours to party, baby."

"No, you've got two hours to party." She laughs, taking her hair out of the braid, massaging her scalp. "I'll hang out with you." Morgan huffs as he kicks his boots off, his jacket following shortly along with his big silver belt buckle and bolo tie. "Yeah baby! Gimme a show!" She laughs as she claps.

He flops next to her, his hand going to her belly. "Can't wait for this guy to be born." He's so giddy, it's adorable. "Someone to go huntin' with, Tonka Trucks and shit."

"I'm sure I have some kid stuff in the storage unit. Some stuff from when my dad was a kid. We can go look at it later." He nods and lays against her, his head against his chest, she starts playing with his hair. "I love you so much."

"I love you too." He yawns, his eyes closing. "They'll call when things are all set up."

"Sounds good." She whispers, letting her husband fall asleep against her.


"There they are! Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Wallen!" Hardy shouts, clapping loudly. Everyone cheers as beer is passed around. Dani has changed into a pair of jeans and a baggy t-shirt with Morgan's flannel to help hide her slight bump and her husband has changed into blue jeans and a white long sleeve Tennessee Vols t-shirt. "Congrats y'all!"

"Thanks y'all." She smiles back, resting her hand on Morgan's chest. "Thanks for doin' all this." The newlyweds make their way through the group, thanking each person with a hug. "Can I say somethin really quick?" She raises her voice, standing on a step stool. "Hey, I just wanted to say that I feel so blessed to have a family again. I know that most of you know 'bout my daddy passin' a few years ago and to be honest, I did not want to plan a weddin' without him. The idea of walkin' by myself just hurt but my best friend, Michael," he raises his hand, "he offered to walk me down to aisle to marry the absolute love of my life." She chuckles as she wipes under her eyes. "And I can't wait to start our own family." She looks at Morgan, her cheeks pink. "Thanks y'all." She nods as she steps down and kisses Morgan, smiling wide.

The spend some time tossing bags with Hardy and Caleigh, Dani wishes she could have some alcohol in her system, it would be that much more enjoyable, but because she's pregnant, Morgan said he wouldn't drink to make her feel better, that lasted about ten minutes. "C'mon now, baby!" Morgan laughs as he throws a white bag at the board, it slides and lands in the grass off to the side. "No!" He groans, adjusting his ball cap.

"Get fucked!"

"Michael!" Lesli scolds from the porch.

"Sorry ma'am!" Caleigh giggles at her boyfriends red face. "Shut up." He rolls his eyes, elbowing her playfully. "You guys suck!"

"C'mon now, Dani." He says, smacking her ass. "Just make it in the hole."

"That's what she said." She mumbles as she tosses it, landing it in in the circle. "Yes!" Morgan grabs her in a hug, spinning her around before setting her on feet, his hand starting to go to her belly but he's stopped by a weird high five.

The only people who know about baby Wallen are Daniella, Morgan and Caleigh, this time next month, everyone else will know.

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