《Free Bird - Morgan Wallen》Twenty Three


A couple days later, Michael and Dani are on their way to Knoxville. She told Riley to meet at Susie Q's again to make it easier on them. She takes a deep breath as she lets herself into the building, smiling at Levi, the same bartender from the last time they were here. "Hey darlin'." She waves as she sits at the bar.

"Welcome on back, y'all." He nods to Hardy and smiles at Dani. "Y'all want the same?"

"Yes please." She smiles again, looking around the room after she gets her drink. Her eyes land on an guy in a cut off t-shirt and faded blue jeans with a dip can outline on the back left pocket of his cute butt, his hair is cut very short but cropped, not buzzed. He's bent over the pool table, a beer in his hand as he talks to a tall dark haired guy. She turns back to Levi. "Those boys at the pool table, put their next drinks on me."

"Sure thing."

Daniella smiles at Hardy. He looks back at her, matching her grin. "You look nice." He says, looking down at her plain button up and ripped jeans with a pair of sneakers.

"Thanks." She's startled by a hand on her back.

"Thanks for the drinks, darlin'." A very familiar voice says. She turns and her jaw drops when she sees Morgan with the short hair and cut off tee. "What're you doin' here?"

"I could ask you the same thing." She snaps back. Hardy puts a hand on Morgan's shoulder and pulls him back. "Why are you here?"

"I've never been to Susie Q's." He shrugs innocently. "So I'm here for the refreshments."

"Where's your hair?"

"Needed a cut, got tired it." She reaches up and runs her fingers through it, smiling slightly. "What do you think?"

"It's weird seein' you with short hair after all these years." She bites her lip. "It looks real good."

"Daniella?" She turns and sees Riley standing there in a nice shirt and jeans with boots and a black cowboy hat. "What's up?"

"You're Riley?" Morgan asks, obviously tipsy as he leans against the bar. "I thought Riley was a girls name."

"Morgan, chill." Dani says, pinching the back of his arm. He smacks her hand away.

"I thought Morgan was a girls name." Riley shoots back, looking down at him. He clenches his jaw. "I'm gonna take lovely Miss. Daniella out on a date." He says as he holds his hand out for her to take.

"No you're not." Morgan puffs his chest out, wedging himself between them.

"Why the hell not?" Riley leans down, getting his face. Dani rolls her eyes as she sighs, knowing this isn't going to end well. "She's here to see me."

"She's my girl."

"That's not what she told me when I hooked up with her down by the lake." Morgan winds up his arm then punches the smirk right off Riley's face. Hardy immediately grabs his arm and pulls him back. "What the fuck!?"

"Morgan!" Dani scolds, grabbing a bunch of napkins and ice for Riley, kneeling down next to him. "You okay?" She asks, holding ice against his nose.

"He's a fuckin' asshole." He groans, pushing himself off the floor. "You wanna fight? Let's fuckin' fight." Riley spits out some blood, standing at his full six-foot-four height. Levi sighs as he calls the cops, not even flinching as fists fly and blows land.


Dani shakes her head as she orders another drink. "Mind if I smoke?" Levi shakes his head and slides an ashtray to her. She lights a cigarette as she watches the two men fight each other. The cops show up and arrest both of them. "Where are y'all goin'?"

"Knoxville police station." An officer responds. "These yours?" She nods and stands with Hardy.

"Both are." Hardy sighs. "We'll meet y'all there." They pay for their drinks then go to the station. Dani hops Morgan into truck and drives separate from Hardy took make it easier for her (ex?) fiancé to go home.


"How fuckin' stupid are you!?" Daniella shouts at Morgan. "You promised me you wouldn't get arrested again!"

"You went out with Riley." He snaps back. "While you're engaged to me!"

"You said we were on a break." She says. "You told Michael you were single so I went the same way! I am not gonna be your fuckin' cum dumpster whenever you want to get your dick wet!" Morgan goes silent. "You need to get your head outta your ass and grow the fuck up!" He stands suddenly, swearing when his hands are handcuffed to the table in front of him. "You're gonna end up doin' time, Morgan."

"I'll be fine, baby." He says through clenched teeth. The door opens and she's ushered out of the room, the door shutting behind her. Morgan smacks his forehead against the table and groans loudly.

Dani is pacing in front of the counter, this is all her fault. "You gotta sit down, baby. You're makin' me dizzy." Hardy says, titling his head against the wall as he watches her. She huffs and drops herself on the bench, her head in her hands. "You're alright."

"Riley- how's Riley?"

"Broken nose." He shrugs. "He's fine, he's not gonna press charges."

"Thank god." She breathes a sigh of relief. "What's goin' on with Morgan?"

"I have no idea." Michael rubs her back. "Probably nothin' too extreme since he's not bein charged."

"I think I need to end things officially with him, with Morgan."

"Bout time." He mutters. "Good for you."

"I told him how I felt about this whole thing." She runs her hand through her hair. "And he just left. He just left." Michael's silent as Riley comes around the corner with a bandage over his bleeding nose and ice against it. "Oh my god, Riley, I am so sorry." Dani says, standing, putting a hand on his chest. "I had no idea-"

"Don't worry 'bout it darlin'." He smiles. "If anythin' I got some song inspiration." She chuckles, walking out to sit on a bench with him. "So that's Morgan, huh?"

"Yeah." She sighs. "My complicated beau."

"So are y'all together or?"

"That's where it gets complicated."

"Try me."

"Well we started dating in high school then broke up when I moved then we got back together when we met again at a party then I guess broke up again when I moved back to Knoxville but got back together again when I dropped out and moved back home. We got engaged then some personal shit happened and we went on a break and I moved back in with Michael and things happened. I went back home and we got back together again then put the wedding off and now we're on a 'break' again." She spills, looking down at her sneakers. "That was a lot, sorry."


"That was a lot." Riley nods, wiping his still bleeding nose. "So are you with him now or not?"

"I don't think so? I mean I'm not wearin' my engagement ring and I moved out so-" Riley cuts her off with a kiss, his cold hand holding her chin. She smiles as she pulls away, using her sleeve to wipe any blood off her face. "Sorry." She whispers.

"Why are you sorry? It's my blood." He chuckles, using his thumb to swipe some blood off her face. "That boy sure can throw a punch." He laughs again.

The door opens and out walks Morgan and Hardy. "Hey." She says, standing. "You okay?" Morgan's hand is wrapped up in a bandage as he looks down, hiding his busted lip.

"They're lettin' him off the hook, again." Hardy answers for him, giving him a dirty look. "So now he's gonna go home and try to fix himself."

Morgan scoffs and rolls his eyes. "Fuck you." He turns to Riley and Dani. "And fuck y'all." Riley rolls his eyes as he sits back on the bench. "I can't believe you."

"Me? You can't believe me!?" She shouts. "How is any of this my fault!?"


"I'm done. I'm done with whatever we are. I'm done with this 'on a break' thing. I'm done with your mood swings. I'm done with your drinkin'-"

"I get it." He snaps. "Just get your shit outta my house and leave."

"Fine. Here are your fucking keys. I'll be there later today." She spits back, throwing his keys at him hard. She heads to Hardy's Jeep and hops into the passenger seat. "Let's go!"

"C'mon man, I'll give you a ride back to the bar." Hardy says to Riley, nodding to his car. The two join Dani who is seething with anger. She's never in this kind of mood, never been this angry, and Hardy is kind of scared to get in the car with her but hops in anyway.


"Hey." Dani calls out to Riley as Hardy parks his car. She jumps out and stops him, grabbing his hand. "I'm so sorry about everythin'."

"Don't worry 'bout it, darlin'." He smiles back, tucking a lose piece of hair behind her ear. "I'll call you, alright?"

"Yeah okay." She bites her lip, hiding her smile. "Sounds good." He leans down and gives her a deep kiss, her hand goes to his chest. "Drive safe."

"I will." He waves to her as he gets into his truck then drives away.

"Do you you want me to go with you to Morgan's?" Hardy asks as he starts toward Sneedville.

"No. I can handle it. Just take me home so I can get my car."


Dani slams her car door shut when she makes it to Morgan's. "I'm here to get my shit." She shouts as she swings the door open.

"It's about goddamn time." He spits back. She shoves him out of her way as she heads upstairs to their bedroom, gasping when she's pushed down against the bed.

"What the fuck!?" She yells, trying to free herself from under him. "Get the fuck offa me!" He pins her arms against the mattress, the two glaring at each other for a few long seconds before they start to rip each other's clothes off. They're so pissed at each other that it just turns them on, the look in her eyes makes his belly burn. He's never seen her this angry before but she looks so fucking good.

"You're such an asshole." She breathes as he grips her thighs, his hand going around her throat, not squeezing too hard. "Fuck you." He smirks in response as things start to get hot and heavy.


"You got all your shit yet!?" Morgan shouts from the plaid couch, a beer in his hand.

"Fuck off!" She yells back, stuffing her bag full of the rest of her clothes. She puts the engagement ring on his nightstand before picking up her bag then goes downstairs. "Pretty sure I got everythin'." She pans over the room.

"See ya, darlin'." He grumbles, his eyes stuck to the football game.

"I hope Texas wins this game. I hope the Vols fucking lose."

She smirks as his head whips around. "What the fuck did you just say!?"

"I said I hope your team loses." He clenches his jaw. "What're you gonna do about it, boy?" She's teasing him. She knows he'll get worked up and fuck her again.

And he does just that.

He stalks towards her and throws her bag to the floor, grabbing her by the waist to toss her over his shoulder. She grins to herself as he takes her to the bedroom again.

Half way through their second round, Dani's phone starts ringing, they ignore it and let voicemail take the call. Shortly after, it starts ringing again. She groans as they stop for her to answer. "What?" She snaps at Michael.

"Woah, just checkin' in on you, you haven't been back in a couple of hours." Morgan starts moving his hips again earning a dirty look from the blonde below him, making her bite her finger. "I just thought you'd be back by now."

"Yeah I-I uh just h...have a lotta stuff." He smirks against her neck, his hand creeping up around her throat again then starts pressing wet kisses to her chest then down to her breasts. "Shit." She lets out a breathy moan.

"What? You okay?" Hardy asks, slightly worried.

"I'm great. I gotta go bye." She rushes out, hanging up quickly before smacking Morgan in the chest as they get right back to it.


"Are you gonna sit there and watch or are you gonna help me?" Dani shouts to Morgan as she's shoving things into the back end of her car with a lit cigarette between her lips. Morgan's sitting in a fold up lawn chair, his legs spread as he lounges back with a beer in his hand, his ball cap set comfortably on his head.

"I'm enjoyin' the show. The view is great." She rolls her eyes as he checks her ass out. "Ugh, fine." He sets his beer down before standing to help her, pushing in a heavy box. "What the hell is in this?" He strains.

"The Joe Walsh guitar I bought and a couple other things."

"What!? No way, uh uh, you are not taking that."

"Why not? I bought it."

"Yeah for me." He jumps into the back, using his pocket knife to open the box, snatching this guitar out. "Thanks darlin'." He says sarcastically as he hops out of her car to run the guitar back into his house. "Guess I'll see you 'round." He holds his hand out to help her out of her car.

"Guess so." She says back, stuffing her hands in her back pockets. "Good luck with everything, Morgan." She smiles at him. "I know you'll do great."

"Thanks." He sighs back. "And you better get that law degree, missy." She wraps her arms around him for a final hug. He opens her door for her then closes it after she climbs into the drivers side. "See ya 'round."

"Yep." She nods, driving off, not even looking back.

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