《Free Bird - Morgan Wallen》Seventeen


Morgan is out doing an interview while Hardy and Dani are at her house, he said he'd be back in a few hours so they're alone. "His birthday is comin' up." She says as she sits on the porch, looking at their view as it rains.

"I know. What're y'all gonna do?" Hardy asks, sitting next to her.

"His momma's settin' up a party for 'em. I got him a guitar, Joe Walsh from the Eagles signed it."

"How in the hell did you swing that?"

"Coffee can cash." She shrugs, looking down at her mug. "Luck too, I guess."

"Damn, I just got him a Wheeler Walker Jr shirt." He chuckles.

"I'm sure he'll love that like he does his other one."

"Seriously? He has one already?" She laughs as she shakes her head. "C'mon now, stop bein' mean." He elbows her playfully. "Hey, I'm sorry for sayin' all that stuff 'bout Morgan."

"Thanks." She pats his knee. "Sorry for smackin' you."

He puts his arm behind her and leans back. "But I'm not sorry for kissin' you." He states, she rolls her eyes. "I don't regret that one bit." He whispers, his breath hitting her neck, goosebumps show on her skin. He boldly starts kissing her neck and jaw, holding the side of her face and she lets him. "You're so addictin'." He says against her skin. He makes his way to her lips, his hand sliding to the back of her head as she runs her fingers over his chest tattoo. "Morgan won't be back for a couple of hours."

Speak of the devil. Her phone goes off, scaring them apart. "Hey- Hey, Morgan." She says, her hands shaking. "What's up?"

"I ain't gonna be home for supper, they're crazy behind." He grumbles into the phone.

"I'll save a plate for you then."

"Thank you, darlin." He sighs heavily. "Shit, I gotta go."

"Hey, call me when you're on your way back, alright?"

"Will do." He says before he hangs up.

She turns to Michael. "He's stuck in Knoxville until probably after supper." She says as she turns her phone in her hand. "Sounded pretty upset."

Hardy rolls his eyes as he tosses his arm behind her again, squeezing her shoulder. "He's fine, baby." She sighs as she leans against him with a clenched jaw and a bouncing knee. "You need to relax."

"I'm fine."

"C'mon, let me help ya out." He pulls her up to stand. "Let me make you somethin'."

She follows him to her kitchen and hops up on the counter. "It's been a long time since someone's cooked for me." She mumbles as she cracks open a long neck, tossing the cap into the sink. "I mean, Morgan did when my dad died but I'm usually cookin'."

"I'm not a chef like you are." He says back, crouching to pull a dish from a cabinet. "Nothin' beats your cookin'."

"Thanks." She sighs, looking down at the beer in her hand. "I don't even like Corona." Dani admits, grimacing at the taste. "It does nothing for me. I don't get that buzz I get when I pound down a few Busch Lights."


"I got a twenty four pack out in the Jeep." He says as he slaps together some bacon baked beans. "My keys are on the end table."

She hops down and grabs his keys, running out to his car in the rain. She returns, soaking wet with a half drank can in one hand and an open case in the other. "This is a party beer, baby." She breathes out after chugging a second one.

Michael laughs as he grabs one for himself, clinking their cans together before he drinks his own, sliding the mixture into a casserole dish before sliding it into the oven. "Gotta let it cook for an hour." He says, turning to look at Dani, who's working on her third beer. "You alright, baby?" He chuckles when he sees her laying on her back while she's on the counter, her feet dangling over the edge.

Dani hiccups, "I'm doin good." She laughs loudly, the sound coming from her toes. Hardy pulls her up by her hands, smiling at her as she still giggling. "Hand me another one." She says as she reaches her arm out, he opens it for her. "Thank you, baby."


It's been a few hours and Dani and Hardy are drunk, she more so than he. They're laying on the floor playing cards, there's a lot of laughing coming from the two friends. The door swings open, revealing a very upset Morgan. "Hey!" She says, struggling to stand up. "Oh I missed you!" She throws her arms around his neck.

"Hey- woah!" He looks into the kitchen and sees smoke. "Holy shit!" Morgan swings the door open to let some of the smoke out, turning the oven off, using a dish towel to clear the air. "What the hell is wrong with y'all!?" He shouts as he drops the bacon baked beans on the stove. "You could've burned down my fuckin' house!"

"So that's what that smell was. I forgot that was in there." Michael says, leaning against the doorframe, elbowing then snickering with Dani. "My bad."

"Y'all- How could you- I gotta get outta here."

"Where're you goin'?" Dani asks, following him up the stairs.

"I had a very shitty day and I was hopin' to have a relaxin' supper with my fiancé and not worry about my fuckin' kitchen burnin' down!" He snaps as he changes out of his nice button up and jeans into a t-shirt and a pair of shorts. "I just need to get outta here for the night."

"Where're you gonna go?" She asks, putting her hand on his bare chest. "Don't go."

He lets out a heavy breath, looking down at the small hand against his skin. "I need to before I do somethin' I regret." He whispers, holding her wrist, biting his lip.

"I love you, Morgan." She mutters, wrapping her arms around his middle.

"I love you too, Daniella." He responds, grabbing a few more things before he heads back downstairs.

"Hey man, where're you goin'? The party just started." Hardy says with a beer in his hand.


"Shut up, Hardy." He pushes past him to step into a pair of sneakers. "See ya soon, baby." She nods and kisses him before he leaves.

Dani sighs heavily as she goes to Michael for a hug after she watches Morgan drive off. "I made him upset." She mumbles into his chest. "I made him leave."

"That boy is stupid." He says, picking up a beer off the coffee table. He goes into the kitchen, sets the burnt beans outside on the porch then shuts the door and oven. "C'mere." He nods her over. She's does as she's told, smiling as he reaches over and turns the radio on, dancing to whatever comes on, pulling her to move with him. He spins her around, that half dimpled smile never leaving her face. He lifts her up to sit on the counter and starts to kiss her again, and she lets him.

He pulls her hair to the side to get better access to her neck, she leans back on her elbows against the counter, her head falling to the side, breathing hard. "I'm gonna need another beer if I'm gonna fuck you."

Hardy pulls away and grabs four more random beers, two in each hand, and hands her a couple. "Bottoms up, baby." He winks, chugging one of his, she follows quickly. They slam the now empty cans on the counter before reconnecting their lips, it's sloppy and messy and wet but they don't care. She pulls away to crack open the next beer, twisting the cap off to toss it in the sink with the others. She chugs that one too before grabbing Hardy's shirt to pull him closer to her, wrapping her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck, his hands holding her up by her ass.

He carries her to the guest room, dropping her on his bed. She pulls her jeans down and her shirt off as he undresses himself then get right back to kissing. There's drunken giggles and moans that come from the two friends as they hook up for the second time, Morgan so far out of their minds.


The following morning, Dani wakes up next to Hardy. She yawns as she sits up, gasping when she realizes that she's naked. She gathers her clothes from the floor then leaves him alone in his room, her heart feeling heavy as she steps into the shower.

After her shower, she goes back down to the kitchen to clean up their mess from the night before, throwing the empty cans and bottles into the recycling bin, scraping the burnt meal into the trash, wiping down the countertops and cleaning the dishes. Dani goes into the living room, finding more empty bottles and a mess of cards on the floor, and cleans them up before returning to the kitchen to make some breakfast.

Her phone starts buzzing on the counter, she puts it to her ear without looking at who's calling, "hello?"

"Daniella." It's Morgan.

"Hey." She breathes, dropping her opposite hand to the counter. "Hey, how are you?"

"I'm fine, I'm good." He sighs. "I couldn't sleep last night, I was missin' you."

"I missed you too. C'mon home, I got some breakfast cookin'." He chuckles. "C'mon back."

"I'm on my way now." He says, turning onto their road. "Couple minutes away, actually."

"Oh good, I got some French Toast and eggs with bacon."

"Y'know your way to your mans heart, baby."

"Through his stomach." She chuckles as she flips a piece of bread. "I'll set a place for you at the table."

"Sounds good, darlin'." He says as he parks his truck next to her Bronco in the gravel spot and turns it off. "I'm home, by the way."

"I heard you pull up." She smiles as she hangs up. "Morgan!" She says, running up to him to give him a hug, he drops his bag to hug her back. "I missed you."

"I know darlin'." He takes a deep breath as his nose is buried in the crook of her neck. "I'm starvin'."

"Well, c'mon now and sit." She pulls his hand to the table and pushes him down into his chair, picking up his plate to serve him. "Here ya go." She kisses his cheek before serving herself, like always she leaves herself for last. Her momma always told her take care of the guys first after cooking for them. She makes her plate and sits across from him, reaching out to hold his hand.

"What happened to your wrist?" He asks, looking at the red marks Michael made from pinning her hands over her head last night.

"Oh I don't know, it's been super itchy. Probably just from using that hot water to wash dishes." She shrugs. "It'll go away soon."

He nods, running his hand through his shorter hair. "How was the rest of your night?"

"It was pretty uneventful." She tries to push the memory of Michael fucking her over and over again out of her mind. "I mean I think it was, I was kinda drunk."

"Where's Hardy?"

"Probably still asleep." She picks up his empty plate with hers and takes it to the sink. She turns and starts making a plate for Hardy, pouring him a cup of coffee to take to him.

She knocks on the door before letting herself in. Hardy yawns loudly, turning on his back. "Mornin' darlin'." He smirks at her.

"Here's some breakfast and Morgan is home."

"Oh." He says, kind of disappointed. "That's-That's good." He nods, looking down at his plate. "Thanks."

"How're you feelin'?"

"Fine." He lies. His heart is aching for her, for her to be his and only his. "Mornin' after, y'know?"

She nods as she sighs. "Feel free to join us whenever." She pats his leg before leaving him by himself again. He sets the plate and cup on the nightstand before flopping back on his bed, running his hands through his hair as he sighs loudly.

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