《Free Bird - Morgan Wallen》Thirteen


The two best friends lay side by side, naked and panting, laughing quietly. "You have no idea how long I've waited to do that with you, darlin'." Hardy smiles. "You are so beautiful."

"Thanks." She mumbles, pulling her clothes back on, he isn't as good as Morgan is but he's still good. "I gotta know if he's cheatin' on me, Michael." She stands as she tugs her jeans on.

"You're on a break right?"

"But I think we're still engaged? I don't know anymore." She sits back down as she pulls her bra back on, biting her lip when she feels a kiss against her shoulder tattoo. "Things used to be so simple when it was just me and you here at school. Hell, some guy named Ernest flirted with me last semester!"


"Ernest. He said he knew me from somewhere." Hardy laughs. "What?"

"He's a buddy of mine. He was over when you had a date or whatever and saw that picture of us in the livin' room and thought you were the prettiest thing he's ever seen." She rolls her eyes. "He's datin' some Delaney girl now."

"I gotta see Morgan." She grabs her keys and purse. "Thank you for lettin' me stay with you." She smiles.

"You're welcome back anytime, darlin'." He kisses her forehead. "Let me know what's goin' on, okay?"

"I will. See ya later, Michael." He winks at her from his bed as she leaves, sighing heavily when he's alone again.


"Morgan!?" She shouts when she swings the door open, looking around at the mess in the kitchen and living room. "Hello?"

There's rustling from upstairs. "Dani?" He rushes down the steps and gives her a tight hug. "Hey." She scrunches her nose up at him. "I missed you." She hums in response as she drops her keys on the table next to the door. "Ella I-"

"Did you have another girl here?" She cuts him off as she walks around the kitchen. "And don't lie to me." He's silent as he runs his hand through his hair. "You did, didn't you?" She scoffs loudly. "What the hell?"

"Hey! You hooked up with someone too!"

Her face falls. "No I- how did you-"

"I didn't know 'til now." He spits. "Who was it? Was he as good as me?"

"Morgan, it doesn't matter!" Her face is pink. "No." He smirks. "I can't believe this."

"What happened to us?" He whispers. "Things used to be so much easier." He takes a deep breath. "Tour kicks back on next week."

"Good for you."

"I want you to come to the Nashville date, bring Hardy." He states. "I had to do a lotta beggin' but I got two tickets with backstage passes and all that shit." He says, pulling an envelope out of a drawer. "It's three weeks, the last date."

"Okay." She sighs. "Yeah, we'll be there."

"Great." He goes to give her a kiss on the cheek before stopping. "What's this?" He runs his thumb over a hickey on her neck. His eyes go down to her chest. "What the hell, Daniella? These look fresh." He says as he pulls down the collar of her shirt, exposing more marks and her bra.


She smacks his hands away. "Stop it."

"Who was it?" He asks, crossing his arms. "Hardy?" She doesn't look at him. "Seriously?"

"You had another girl in our bed!" She yells.

He's silent for several long seconds. "Call it even!?"

"Okay." She high fives him before starting to clean up the counters.

Morgan sighs as he takes his dip can out to put a pinch in his lip. "It's nice to have you back, Ella." He grabs his keys.

"Where're you goin'?"

"Outta beer." He shrugs before he leaves.


Daniella sits quietly on the plaid couch next to Morgan, nursing a bottle of Coors Light. "You alright?" He asks.

"Yeah." She mumbles back.

"You sure?"

"Yeah." Morgan leans over and kisses her neck making her giggle quietly. "Stop it." She pushes him away. He goes right back to kissing her neck, laughing as she elbows him away. "Morgan!" She laughs loudly as he pins her against the couch. "C'mon now, you're gonna make me spill my beer!" Morgan slides his hand from her hip up to her arm to take the beer out of her hand to set it on the coffee table.

"Hey." He whispers, cupping her cheek. "I'm sorry for everythin'."

"Me too." She says back. "For everythin'." They share a gentle kiss before he starts kissing her neck again to make her laugh. "Stop!"

"So, how was Hardy?" He asks, wiggling his eyebrows.

She rolls her eyes. "Is that really somethin you wanna know?" He wiggles his eyebrows again. "It was fine, y'know, he- uh- just wasn't you." Morgan giggles, kicking his feet up behind him. "God, you're such a girl."

"I mean it's my girl and my buddy. Have you guys hooked up when you were livin' with him?"

She shakes her head. "I was just missin' you and my hormones were outta whack with losin' the baby and the fightin'-"

"I want you to know that I'm not mad at you for losin' the baby." He says, all silliness gone. "I need you to know that." She nods and look at him. "Okay?"


"And don't be mad at yourself either, darlin." She nods again. "Things happen, I know that."

"I just wish I could've had better timin', but we are not ready to be parents." They chuckle. "So tourin' again huh?"

"Yeah, it's gonna be for a few of weeks though." Dani finds herself playing with the ends of his hair. "I hope it goes smoother."

"No stress this time 'round." He sighs as he puts his head on her chest.

"Don't get arrested again." She says, poking him in the side with each word. "I fuckin' mean it."

"You got it baby, promise."


"Hey Morgan, how's Asheville?" Dani chirps into the phone.

"It's great baby." He sighs. "Tourin' is so exhaustin', but we got a hotel room for the night since we're here tomorrow night too." He says as he drops himself on the bed. "Do you want to FaceTime?"

"Sure." She says as she taps around for the app. "Hey." She smiles.

"Hi." He looks exhausted, dark bags are under his eyes and his hair is limp.


"How long has it been since you've gotten some good sleep?"

"How long have I been gone?"

"Two weeks."

"Then two weeks." He yawns. "I gotta get a shower."

"Then go take a shower. I'll still be here when you're done." He nods and hangs up. Dani frowns. He looks awful like he's stuck in a week long hangover. Luckily, his last date is Nashville and he can just go home with her afterwards. Her phone lights up again. "Long time no see." He gives her a soft smile. "Do you feel better?"

"Yeah I do." He yawns again. He won't tell her that he wants to go to bed, he's stubborn like that.

"I'm gonna let you go so you can sleep, okay baby?" He nods, half asleep. "I love you and I'll talk to you later."

"I love you too, darlin'."


It's the following Friday, Morgan's concert in Nashville and the last day of his tour. She's spent the last week cleaning their house, changing the sheets, and restocking the fridge of drinks and such. She grins to herself as she calls Hardy while she gets dressed. "Hey Michael!"

"Hey baby, what's up?"

"I'm leavin' in half an hour to pick you up to take you to Nashville." She says as she jumps to pull her jeans on. "Morgan's concert is tonight and I figured we have some time to walk 'round the city. I've never been to Nashville."

"Well I'll give you a tour then, baby." She can hear the smirk in his voice.

"We got backstage passes, the VIP shit, top notch treatment, darlin'." She's excited. "I'll drive to Nashville, okay?"

"Sounds good, baby." He hangs up and she finishes getting ready, pulling on one of Morgan's flannels over a tight, low cut t-shirt, adding a long cross necklace that stops between her breasts. She steps into a pair of boots before grabbing her purse and eyes to head to Knoxville.


Daniella texted Hardy to let him know he's here, leaning against the side of her Bronco as she smokes a cigarette. "I thought you quit when you were pregnant?" Hardy says as he exits the building.

"Yeah then I wasn't so I figured it was fine." She shoots back. "First smoke in two- three? Two weeks."

She takes a deep drag before blowing the smoke in his direction. "Asshole." He smiles. "Let's go!" She flicks her cigarette away before climbing into her car. "Nashville here we come."


After they walk around the city, it's finally time for the show. The two get a spot right in the front as people start filling in behind them. "I can't wait to see him." She giggles as she cranes her neck to look in the wings.

Morgan sees her and waves wildly. "That girl in the front is my fiancé!" She hears him say to a stagehand. "I'll be right back." He leaps off the stage and hugs her tightly. "Babygirl!" He pulls her over the barricade, she jumps and wraps her limbs around him. Hardy takes a quick picture of them. "Oh my god, I missed you."

"I missed you too." She laughs as she's set back on her feet. "We'll be here until the show it over, okay?" He nods and hugs her again.

"Wallen! Let's fucking go!" Someone shouts to him from the stage.

"Shit." He sighs. "You'll be here all night?" She nods. "I love you, baby." He kisses her hard before racing back to the stage.

"Good luck!" She shouts after him as Hardy helps her back over the barricade. "I missed him so much." She smiles as she gives her best friend a side hug.

The lights go down as people fill the stage and start to play the intro of one of the songs Hardy and Dani helped write. Morgan soon springs on stage with a blue solo cup in one hand and a flannel matching mic in the other. "Dude!" She shouts as she bounces with the beat. Morgan's happy eyes never leave her.

"Alrighty y'all, we've got very special guests here tonight, my best buddy and my fiancé!" Morgan shouts, using the plastic cup in his hand to point the lighting director to the couple in the crowd. "These two wrote most of these songs with me and I'm insanely proud of 'em." He winks at Dani as the band kicks into the next song. Morgan smiles as he watches Dani dance with Hardy. He spins her around as he sings If I Know Me, his grin getting bigger as she sings along.

There's a guy that comes up to Hardy and whispers to him. Michael gives Dani a hug before he hops over the barricade and disappears into the side of the stage. She furrows her eyebrows as Morgan goes back stage too but just for a second before winking at Dani. "This next one is for my darlin'." He points at her again. "For you, baby." She blushes as she nods. Hardy joins him on stage holding a black microphone, also winking at Dani. "This is a song my best bud wrote and it's called Redneck Love Song." They start singing it together, their voices complement each other perfectly, his rough voice with his smooth one, ugh.

When the song ends, Morgan's set is over. Someone gets her from the crowd and invites her backstage with the two. "Hey!" Morgan runs up to her and hugs her, spinning her around. "What did you think?" He shouts over Luke Bryan's set.

"You guys wrote that for me?" She shouts back. "It was beautiful! I had no idea you guys would be doin' this tonight."

"Think of it as an early birthday present, darlin'." Morgan smiles down at her, she hugs him tightly.

"So today's your last day on tour right?" Morgan nods. "Are you free to go when it's over?"

"I gotta get my shit together then I think I can leave, why?"

"We're taking you out for drinks!" Hardy shouts back, squeezing his shoulder.

"Hell yeah!" They high five each other as Luke Bryan's set ends. "Stay here, I'll be back." He runs to the other side of the stage and talks to a few people. "Apparently, I just gotta get my stuff from the bus and I'm good to go."

"Well let's go get it then so we can celebrate!"

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