《Free Bird - Morgan Wallen》Eleven


Several weeks later, Daniella wakes up sick to her stomach. She rushes to the bathroom and kneels in front of the toilet, vomiting into it. "You okay?" Morgan calls in a sleepy voice from the bed.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine. Must've been somethin' I ate." She coughs, throwing up again.

"Let me get you some water." He yawns, standing to go to the kitchen.

Dani leans back against the wall, breathing heavily, her face is flushed. "Shit." She reaches over and grabs a pregnancy test out of the back of the bottom drawer. She takes it and lets it sit out flat on the counter.

Those couple minutes feel like hours.

Morgan knocks on the door before opening it. Dani slides the test behind the box of tissues on the counter. "Here." He hands her the glass. "You okay?" She nods, her face falling when her phone timer goes off. "What's that for?"

"Don't get mad." She says quietly. "I took a pregnancy test." Dani reaches over and grabs it, looking down at the two pink lines. "It's positive." She has tears in her eyes.

"What?" He takes it from her, looking at it. "Oh my..."

"I'm sorry, Morgan." She whispers, tears sliding down her red cheeks.

"I can't go on tour now, not when you're pregnant." He sits next to her.

"No. I'm not gonna to let you do that." She takes his hand. "It's just for a couple of months. You have to go." She will not be the reason why his music career ends. "You're going."

He sighs heavily, his eyes still trained on the test in his hands. "We're gonna be parents."

"But don't tell anyone yet, okay?" He nods. "Just to make sure nothin' bad happens to it." He nods again, leaning his head against the wall. "Are you okay?"

"Oh yeah, no, I'm fine. I'm not the one with somethin' growin' inside me." She chuckles, wiping her face. "I love you, okay?"

"I love you too."


"Alrighty, I'm all packed up." Morgan sighs heavily. "Ready to drive me to the airport?"

"Yeah I guess." She grabs her purse and keys. "Let's go, then."

The drive to the airport is silent, almost awkward. "I have an appointment with my doctor tomorrow." He's kind of hurt that he can't go with her. "I'll let you know what happens." Morgan nods as he looks out the window.

They make it to the Knoxville airport, she pulls over off to the side to let him out. "Call me when you land, okay?" She whispers as he pulls his bags out of the back hatch. He nods in response, turning to walk away. "Hey." She snaps. "I know things are weird but do not ignore me. It takes two to tango, darlin."

"I know." He sighs. "Just a lot on my mind."

"I get that, I really do. But you can't just ignore me, I mean this is your baby-" he cuts her off with a soft kiss.

"I love you, I'll call you when I land. I gotta get going, okay?"

"I love you, too." Her voice shakes. He starts to walk into the building, waving back to her as the doors close behind him. She looks down as she walks back to her car and starts to drive home, calling Hardy on the way. "Hey."

"Hey what's up?"


"I dropped Morgan off at the airport for his first tour."

"He went without you?"

"Yeah, there wasn't room for me."

"I'm sorry, baby." He sighs. "Hey, now you can redecorate the house like you've been talking about."

"Yeah, there is that. Hey, I gotta go before I get pulled over."

"Okay, drive safe." He hangs up and she sighs, putting a hand to her belly, driving home.


Dani sighs as she drops her purse on the floor as she enters her house the following day. She did not sleep all, she misses Morgan and she's crazy stressed about this pregnancy. She just got back from the doctors and she said that she's ten weeks along.

Daniella plops herself on the couch with a can of Pringle's, kicking her feet up on the coffee table, turning on the TV. "Hello?" She answers her ringing phone.

"Hey baby. How was your appointment? How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine, I'm about ten weeks." She yawns. "How's Washington?"

"We were sold out last night!" He chuckles. "Then I went out for drinks with everyone afterwards!"

"Congrats!" She smiles. "Where are you going next?"

"Either Portland or Las Vegas- What? Las Vegas is next." There's laughing in the background. "Shut up!"

"What are you guys up to now?"

"We're on our way to Nevada right now- I gotta go, baby. Bye love you!"

She sighs as he hangs up, tossing her chips onto the coffee table. "Few more months."


Dani has been home by herself for a little less than a month. It's nearly three in the morning when her phone rings, waking her. "Hello?"

"Daniella?" It's Morgan and he's trashed. "I need you to come get me."

"What? Why?" She sits up quickly, ignoring the stabbing pain in her side and back. She forces herself to stand and gets dressed. "Where are you?"

"I don't know. Alabama, I think? ... hey where am I?" He asks someone on the other end. "Tuscaloosa?"

"Why are you in Tuscaloosa- Ouch!" She gasps, gritting her teeth as she drops back down on the bed.

"What's wrong?" Morgan asks, gripping the cord of the pay phone. "Daniella?"

"Just bad cramps." She brushes it off. "Where in Tuscaloosa?"

"Tuscaloosa County Jail. It's off 26th avenue."

"I'm on my way." She answers, sliding her rain boots on as she heads to her car.

"Thank you." He practically whimpers, hanging up. She groans, holding her hand against her gut.

She hops into her car and drives six hours straight to Tuscaloosa.


"Morgan Wallen?" She asks, slightly hunched over. An officer guides her to the holding cell. "Morgan? What the-" he has a black eye and a busted lip. "What the hell happened?"

"I dunno." He sighs, standing, gripping the bars of the cell. "You gotta get me outta here."

She turns to the officer. "What's the problem? What happened?"

"Public intoxication and disorderly conduct, it's his first offense so we just want 'em outta here." The man says, looking down at his report. "We can either hold him overnight or you can bail him out for $3500."

"If you hold him, will that give him a record?" He shakes his head. "And he can leave tomorrow?" He nods. "He'll have to stay here overnight then, is that alright?" She winces and leans back against the wall, he gently holds onto her upper arm. "Sorry, just bad cramps."


"If you want to leave him overnight, you can. No bail needed, he'll leave at 8 a.m. tomorrow." He helps her sit on a nearby bench in Morgan's view.

"Hey! What's goin' on? Is she alright?" He shouts, his face pressing against the bars. "Dani?"

"I'm fine Morgan. Just cramps." She stands and goes toward him. "They're havin' you stay overnight. I'll be here tomorrow mornin' to take you home, okay?"

"Go see a doctor." He orders. "You don't look good."

"You're overnightin' it here." He nods. "I love you." He grabs her hand and gives it a kiss.

"I love you too. See you in a few hours." She gives her name and number to the officer. "Where's the nearest Urgent Care?"

"It's a couple lights down behind that Walmart." He says. "I can take you if you don't think you can drive."

"No I'm fine." She grabs her keys. "Left?" He nods. "Thank you."


"You had a miscarriage." The nurse says nonchalantly. "You lost your baby."

"What!? How!?"

"Stress most likely." She shrugs. "It's pretty common for miscarriages to happen at this time. I'm sorry baby." She sighs, placing her hand on her shoulder.

"Good thing I didn't tell people, huh?" She chuckles sadly. "My fiancé is going to be crushed." Dani wipes her eyes. "I drove five hours like this to bail his dumbass outta jail."

"You are a trooper, baby." She smiles. "You okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine. Thank you." The nurse hands her a pad. "Thanks."

"Get on outta here." She helps her stand. "You are a woman warrior, baby."


Dani makes her way to the front counter to pay then goes out to her car. She climbs into the back and tries to sleep.


Dani pulls into the police station at 7 and waits, sitting on the front steps with her pack of cigarettes in her hand. Once eight rolls around she stands at the door. "Hey." Morgan gives her a tired smile.

"Hey." She gives him a hug before smacking him in the chest. "The hell is wrong with you!"

"I'm sorry." He sighs, running his hand through his hair. "Thank you so much for pickin' me up." She hugs him again, her face against his chest. "The tour got canceled, Luke has somethin' wrong with his throat."

"Sorry baby." She sighs as she walks back to her car. "Let's just get home."


Morgan's passed out in the passenger seat with his arms crossed against his chest as she pulls up to their house. "Wake up." Dani whispers. He groans as he opens his eyes. "Go on upstairs and take a shower, I'll make you some lunch and then you can take a nap."

"Yes ma'am." He nods, carrying his jacket under his arm.

"Where's all your stuff?"

"They're sending it back to me. It'll be here this week or next week." He mutters back, heading upstairs to their bathroom. She sighs heavily as she starts making him some lunch, she decides on some oatmeal and a cup of hot tea to help him relax.

He joins her in the kitchen after about half an hour, wearing a pair of camo shorts and a black and white baseball tee with a pair of socks. He slumps down at the bar and puts his head in his hands. "How're you feelin'?" She asks him quietly, sliding the bowl in front of him.

He chuckles sarcastically, looking at the food. "Thank you." He smiles slightly as he digs in. "How're you feelin'?"

"I'm feelin' okay." She says as she sits next to him.

"How's the baby?" He asks, his hand on her belly. She doesn't answer. "Dani?"

"I lost it." She whispers, her voice shaking. "Miscarriage."

"Oh my- how?"

"She said it was from stress."

"What're you stressed about?"

"Well for starters, you on tour, me pregnant while you're gone-"

"You told me to go!" He suddenly snaps. "You fuckin' told me to go!" She shrinks in on herself. "Don't fuckin' tell me that you were stressed about being pregnant while I was gone. I said I'd stay home."

"Don't talk to me like that." She whispers back, standing.

"How else am I supposed to talk when I'm pissed that you lost our baby!?" He shoves his chair back as he stands too, making it fall on the floor. She shakes her head, tears in her eyes, as she starts to walk to the stairs before she's whipped around by a hand tight around her upper arm.

She spins and smacks him hard across his cheek. The two stand there in silence as they glare at each other. Morgan drops his hand before clenching his jaw, heading outside to sit on the porch bench.

Dani wipes away some tears as she picks up her phone to call Hardy. He answers on the first ring. "Hey baby." She responds with quiet sniffling. "Hey, what's wrong?"

"Are you still in Knoxville?"

"You know it, same place, c'mon over."

"Okay." She hands up and peaks her head out to the porch. "I'm headin' out, might be going to my dads for a little bit."

"Fine." He spits as he pulls a pinch out of his dip can and packs it behind his lip.

"Probably for the rest of the week, clear my head."

"Drive safe." He hisses, refusing to look up from his can.

"Love you." She whispers before she heads up to the bedroom to pack up some clothes.


"Hey baby." Hardy says, pulling her in for a tight hug. "You okay?"

"No." She admits. "Morgan was arrested in Alabama and I drove six hours to get him in the worst pain I've ever felt in my life, turns out I had a miscarriage, I told Morgan and he started yellin' at me and he grabbed my arm so I smacked him." She says through tears.

"You were pregnant?"

"The nurse I saw said it was from stress. I told Morgan and he blamed me." Hardy sits her down on the couch, holding her close, rubbing her back as she cries. "I'm so sorry, Michael, I shouldn't have bothered you with this."

"No it's totally fine, baby." He rests his cheek on the top of her head. "C'mere." He pulls her onto his lap to hold her even closer as she cries.

"I'm so tired to keepin' a brave face, y'know?" She whimpers into his neck, pulling back to wipe her cheeks. He looks down at her, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, she looks stunning. Dani's eyes flutter from his lips to his eyes as she leans in a little closer, a hand holding the side of his face.

He takes a deep breath as his cheeks heat up, holding her wrist gently. "Do you want to take a nap?" She nods and stands. "You can use my bed since you don't have one here anymore, it'll be more comfortable than the couch." She nods again as she goes to his bedroom and lays down, cuddling into his black sheets. She misses when things were this simple where it was just her and Michael. She sighs loudly, running her fingers through her hair before heading back into the living room. "You okay?"

"Will you, uh, come lay with me in a totally friendly, best friend, way?" She asks quietly, he nods and stands, following her.

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