《Free Bird - Morgan Wallen》Ten


"Hey Hardy." Morgan says quietly into his phone. "I need you to get Dani outta town for a few hours, I have somethin' planned for her."

"Yeah sure. What's up?"

"Just go do somethin' so I get get this place cleaned up. I'm gonna ask her to marry me, man."

"Holy shit!" Hardy chokes on his drink. "Seriously?"

"Yeah, seriously." He grins as he looks at the small box while Daniella is taking a shower. "Call 'er and invite 'er out!" He whispers when he hears the water shut off.

"Fine!" He hangs up and then calls Dani.

"Hey, darlin', your phone's ringin'." Morgan says as he hands her her cell phone.

"Thanks." She says as she wraps a towel around herself. "Hey Michael." She answers, holding the phone between her ear and shoulder. "What's up?"

"I am taking you out today."

"Why?" She asks, scrunching her face up. "We haven't hung out in months."

"I know. That's why I'm takin' you out, ma'am. I miss you."

She chuckles. "Fine."

"I'll pick up in a few."

"Sounds good, Michael." She says then hangs up. "Hey Morgan." She calls.

"Yeah?" He makes his way up the squeaky stairs from the kitchen.

"Hardy and I are goin' out."

"Oh, okay. What're you guys gonna do?" He asks, leaning against the door frame, crossing his arms over his chest.

"I dunno." She shrugs as she filters through her clothes before deciding on a white long sleeve t-shirt, dark blue jeans and her hooded flannel jacket. "But I'm sure it'll be nice." She says as she steps into a pair of underwear and hooks on a bra.

"Or you could stay here with me." He bites his lip, scratching his growing facial hair.

"I'm booked today." She shrugs again, hopping as she pulls her jeans on. "Maybe tomorrow." Morgan makes his way to her. He leans down and kisses her, his hand against her cheek.

"I love you." He whispers.

"I love you too." She smiles, pulling her shirt on over her head, tucking it in before tugging her jacket on. "How do I look?"



She rolls her eyes. "You're full of shit, Wallen." She pushes his shoulder playfully, going to grab her ankle height rain boots.

The front door opens, the bell on the doorknob jingles, "Morgan, Daniella?"

"Be right down, baby." She shouts back, turning to Morgan. "I love you."

"I love you too." He smiles. "Go have fun but, y'know, not too much fun."

"You got it, baby." She responds as she goes down the steps. "Ready?"

"Sure am." He winks. "Go on out to the car, I'll be right out." She nods and heads outside, stopping on the porch to light a cigarette. Hardy closes the door before turning to Morgan. "You really gonna do this?"

"I am. The other night we were moving the bed frame in and started yellin' at each other so I went outside to, y'know, cool off before I said anything I'd regret and she came out and handed me a beer and that's when I realized I want to marry that girl." He smiles. "So you gotta get her outta here for a while so I can decorate and shit."

"How cute." He teases. "Where should we go then?"

"I dunno. Take her to Rogersville, they're having that vintage car show. She loves that."

"How much are tickets?"

"Free, I think."

"Perfect." He nods, adjusting his hat. "Hey, good luck man." He gives him a hug.

"Thank you, man." He exhales shakily. "I'm real nervous."

"It'll be fine. Just don't mess up." He gives him a shit eating grin. "'Kay bye!" He joins Dani, leading her to his Jeep. "Ready?"

"Yep." She nods, flicking her cigarette away.


After a few hours, Dani finally gets back home. She sighs heavily as she steps up to the front door, kicking her boots off. "I'm back..." she trails off when she sees the back door open. She looks up and sees light coming from the back, following it, ending up at the shed in the backyard. She slides the door open to see Morgan standing in a pair of nice jeans, a black long sleeve t-shirt and a red flannel. "Hey."


"Hey." He smiles, holding his hand out for her. "How are you?"

"Real good but I think I'm 'bout to get better." Morgan chuckles as he kneels in front of her. He knows he could do better than this but it was totally spur of the moment with a limited budget.

"Dani," he looks up at her. "Daniella Hunt."

"Morgan," She responds, copying his tone to make him less nervous. "Morgan Wallen."

"We've spent twenty somethin' years together and I guess what I'm tryna say is will you spend the rest of our years with me?" He asks, she's chuckles quietly. "What?" He's not one for speeches, he always rushes it and she knows it. She knows he's trying hard to make this romantic, that's never been his strongest suit but hell, he's trying real hard.

"Hell yeah, I'll marry you." She smiles, holding her hand out. He slides the simple band on her left ring finger, trying to stand but he's knocked to the ground by Dani kissing him hard. "You're so cute."

"Thanks." He laughs, rubbing her back. "Let's head back to the house, its startin' to get chilly." She nods and stands, helping him up before the newly engaged couple heads to their house. "So are you gonna take my name?" Morgan asks as he digs for some alcohol.

"Did you ask my dad for permission?" She shoots back as she hops up on the counter, he nods. "Then yeah, I will, plus Hunt-Wallen don't sound good." He laughs as he pulls a bottle of Jack off the top of the fridge. "Ah, perfect." She grins as he takes it from him, taking a big gulp before passing it back. "Hey, you're engaged!"

"You're engaged to me!" They share a laugh as they pass the bottle back and forth. "When did you realize?"

"I wanted to marry you? When we were movin' the frame in."

"Really? Not when we were lookin' through old memories?"

"I mean yeah but I didn't realize realize 'til then." He smiles. "I went out and got that ring that night."

"That's what took you so long? I was here swearin' up a storm at you while you were buying me a ring."

"Then the day after I talked to your dad and he gave me the permission. He said I was lucky to have bought this house and started a career, he said he would've said no if I was the same as back in high school." She stifles a yawn, hiding it with her hand. "Why don't we get you in bed?" He suggests, standing in front of her with his hands on either side of her hips.

"Yes please." She grins, sliding her hand over his chest. "You look so handsome, Morgan." She says as she follows his cross necklace down to his belt, biting her lip. Dani pulls him close as she kisses him softly, hands roaming around each other as he lifts her to take her upstairs to their bedroom.


"Tour starts in a few months." Morgan whispers to Dani as they lay in their bed. "I asked if you could go with but they said they didn't have enough room, I'm sorry."

"No sweat, somebody's gotta stay here for the house." She smiles up at him, her hand resting against his neck and jaw. "I just hope you have fun."

"I will but I'll miss you." Morgan sighs, rubbing her back.

"Hey, if you get the chance to explore any towns make sure to bring me back somethin'."

"Of course, baby."

"Do you know when you leave?"

"I fly to Seattle on the 5th, next month."

"How long is the tour?"

"I think a few months, just the big city's 'round the states. I'll send you lots of pictures, okay?" She nods, smiling at him. "Wow I'm gonna miss you." He tucks some of her hair behind her ear.

"Who's gonna cook for you when you're gone?" He laughs, pushing some hair out of his face. "You're gonna starve!"

"I'll be fine, baby." He giggles. "I gotta go through my clothes and see what fits and stuff."

"I'll help you with that, darlin'."

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