《Free Bird - Morgan Wallen》Eight


Hardy and Morgan are hanging around in the booth while Dani sits on the floor in front of the couch, messing around with Morgan's notes. She was given the okay to organize everything for him. She has them broken up into categories according to tone; love, drinking, and Tennessee. She has her binders and her dividers ready to be used and she's pumped. Morgan exits the booth and leans down to give her a kiss on the head. "Guess what, darlin."


"We need a couple more songs for an album." She looks up at her smiling boyfriend. "We almost have a full album."

"Hey!" She stands and hugs him. "That's so cool. And with your new organized binder, you can make a new song quicker!" He rolls his eyes. "I don't know how you were able to focus with that mess. I'm not even done but I feel great." He shakes his head and pulls her against his side.

"Hey girly!" Hardy says, Dani gives him a huge hug. He motions to her scuffed ankle height rain boots, ripped jeans and a flannel jacket with a hood. "No more city girl, huh?"

"I'm the same girl. It's just be a couple of weeks."

"It's not the same."

Morgan excuses himself to get a drink from the vending machine, leaving Hardy and Dani alone. "Y'all just need a few more songs huh?"

"Yep, I already got some ideas." He smiles, looking her over. "Are we gonna act like nothing happened?"

"Nothing did happen, Michael." She huffs as she sits on the couch.

"I kissed you. You kissed me back." He stays standing.

"C'mon now, Michael." She rolls her eyes. "It was nothing!"

"Not to me, darlin'." She groans as she shakes her head.

Morgan returns with a few waters, handing one to Dani and Hardy, keeping one for himself. "Sounds like we're done for the day. Y'all wanna go back to my house and bang out a few more tracks?"

"Why certainly, Morgan." Hardy says, giving Dani a smug look. They gather their things and head back to his house.


Dani is sitting at the eight seat dining room table, still organizing Morgan's notes. She tosses her hair into a messy bun and slides her jacket off, standing in her infamous black tank top as she organizes. There's a pair of lips against her inked shoulder and she sighs, freezing. "Whatcha need?"

Morgan chuckles. "I need a break, my head's hurtin from thinkin so hard." He sits down across from her at the table. She holds up a piece of cardboard from a six pack of Bud Light and looks at him. "Needed it in the moment." He shrugs.

She puts it in a pile, stopping when she sees an old picture of them from when they were in high school. "Wow." She says as she sits in the chair behind her. "I don't even remember takin this picture."

"I do." He smiles. "One of the best moments of summer." It was their first time camping out under the stars, swimming and kissing in the fireflies.

"I look so weird." She says, squinting at the fuzzy picture. "I, uh, actually found one of these too." She disappears around the corner to the front door, grabbing her wallet out of her purse before returning to Morgan. She takes the Polaroid out and hands it to him. "I think you'll remember this moment." As soon as he looks at the picture, his face turns red.


"Oh wow." He giggles at it. "Wow. I can't believe you found this sexy." She laughs with him.

"Can't believe I still do." She fires back, he rolls his eyes. "You were wearing the same belt buckle when we hooked up the other day."

"I was so skinny in this." He mutters. "You can see my ribs."

"But now you look so good." She bites her lip as she looks at him. "Mullet and all."

"Hey! I am extremely proud of my mullet." She laughs loudly, her head falling back as she holds her hand against her belly.

"Are you almost done with my papers?"

"Yeah." She says, stacking some up before sliding them into the rings. "Ta-da." She slides the full binder back to him, pulling her jacket back on.

"Y'know, I really like that tattoo on your shoulder." He whispers to her.

"Really? The memory with it makes me sad." She got it for her grandmother, the woman practically raised her while her dad was at work when her mom left. She had grown very sick towards the end and one day passed while Dani was at school. She didn't hear about it until she got home that weekend. It was finals of her freshman year of college, she really struggled with going back. "I don't like showing it because people ask 'bout it and I don't want to talk 'bout it."

"Yeah I get that." He says softly, kissing her temple.

"Wallen, are we still goin?" Hardy shouts from the porch.

"Sorry, I got sidetracked." He winks at Dani as he picks up his binder and heads back outside. She smiles to herself as she stands, grabs a few beers then heads outside to join them.

Dani sits next to Hardy after handing the guys a beer. "What're you guys working on?"

"A song about rainy days." Hardy answers, popping the tab on the can.

She looks up at Morgan who's already smirking at her. "Is this about what I think it is?"

"Stayin in bed all day to make love while it rains?" Hardy mumbles. "That it is."

"I could use a little rain." Morgan smiles. "Beatin' on the window pane."

"While we listen to the tin roof sing our love song." She continues.

"What do you think then?" Hardy asks.

"Makes me want to spend the whole day in bed with my darlin'." She says, looking straight at Morgan. "I could use a little rain."

Morgan bites his lip. "Hardy- he's spending the rest of the week here with us."

"How fun."

"You betcha baby." Hardy smirks at her, she gives him a weird look back.

Morgan looks between them. "Y'all okay?"

"Yep." She forces, standing. "I'm gonna take a shower." She grabs the sides of his face and kisses him, pulling away as she runs her fingers through his hair. "Then I'm goin' to bed." He nods, watching her disappear back into their house.

"Did I show you your room?" Morgan asks, clearing his throat, Hardy shakes his head. "Follow me." He leads him to a room on the bottom floor, it's under their room but it's the only room Dani has made into a guest room, the other two are filled with random boxes and furniture. "And there is a bathroom here." He hitches a thumb down the hall behind him. "So, see you tomorrow morning then, huh?" He pats his shoulder then leaves to clean up the porch, moving the guitars inside along with his binder before heading up the creaky stairs to their bedroom and attached bathroom, joining Dani in the shower.


Hardy lays in the bed, staring up at the ceiling, knowing that his buddy is able to see Dani naked and love on her in the room above him. He's jealous, he shouldn't be because those two have such a history. He rolls his eyes when he hears laughing followed by thumping and moaning. He holds a pillow over his ears, squeezing his eyes shut.


The next morning, Dani slides out from under Morgan's heavy arm, grabbing her long flannel and a pair of fluffy socks before heading downstairs to make some breakfast.

The creaky steps wake Hardy. He huffs as he sits up, sliding his glasses over his nose as he heads to the bathroom to piss. He yawns as he makes his way to the kitchen, his nose following the smell of French toast and bacon. "Mornin' darlin'." He says, standing next to her.

Usually this wouldn't make her uncomfortable but since he kissed her she's been feeling on edge. "Mornin' Michael." She replies, flipping the bread. "How'd you sleep at Hotel Wallen?"

"My neighbors were real noisy, the floors are thin." She blushes. "Sounded like someone was getting what they wanted though." He whispers against her neck, making goosebumps show.

"Here's some breakfast." She says, tossing some bacon on a plate with French toast, handing him syrup and a fork. "You can sit at the table."

"Alright, darlin'." He says, his long hair falling in his face, she bites her lip. She's not usually attracted to Hardy but recently there's something about him that makes her stomach tighten.

She shakes her head as she gets a plate ready for Morgan along with a cup of black coffee. "I'll be right back." She whispers, heading upstairs to their bedroom where she sets the plate and mug on the nightstand and kneels next to him, kissing his cheek. "Mornin' baby." She tucks his hair behind his ear, rubbing his shoulder.

He stirs, turning on his back. "Hey." He smiles sleepily, pulling her down for a half-assed hug. "Mornin'." She giggles and cuddles against him, sighing contently.

"I brought you some breakfast. It's on the nightstand."

He moans in response. "Thank you, baby girl." He breathes against her neck, playfully kissing and biting and sucking her skin. She squeals and tries to pull away but he keeps her tight in his arms, laughing loudly.

Hardy rolls his eyes as he sits by himself in the dining room. He stands and goes out to the porch with his guitar, starting to write a song.


The couple returns to the kitchen after a few minutes of messing around to find the room empty. "Hardy?" Morgan asks as he looks around, pulling a jacket on before his eyes land on his buddy outside on the bench through the window. "Hey, whatcha doin' out here?"

"Writin'." He answers, writing words down. "What's up?"

"Just checkin' in. How'd you sleep?"

"Your house has very thin floors and very squeaky stairs." Morgan furrows his eyebrows. "I heard you and Dani hookin' up last night."

"Sorry, man." He rubs the back of his neck.

"Sounds like she loves you a helluva lot more than she loves me."

"Excuse me?" He asks, his eyes get wide. "What the hell did you just say?"

"I kissed her." He finally admits. "It was just a spur of the moment type deal."

"You kissed her!?" Morgan stands and starts pacing. "What the hell, man?"

"She told me it would never happen."

"Damn right it won't happen!" Dani's head snaps up at the sound of yelling coming from outside. She drops the dishes in the sink and heads outside, standing behind Morgan. "Why would you think that was okay!?"

"Woah." She grabs his arm. "Calm down." He pulls away. "When we're you going to tell me!?" He shouts at Dani.

"Tell you what?"

"You two kissed!"

"It meant nothing-"

"Ouch." Hardy mutters.

"Shut up." She snaps back. "Y'know you're my best friend, Michael. Nothin' more, nothin' less." She turns to Morgan. "And you, you have to calm down." He's breathing hard as his nostrils are flared with clenched fists. "Take a deep breath." Her hands are on his chest, trying to ground him. She hasn't seen him this mad since he lost a baseball tournament by a single run and he struck out, costing them the game.

Hardy stands and sighs. "I really should get going." He picks up his guitar. "See y'all around."

"I'll walk you out." Dani says, having Morgan sit in a chair to calm down. "How could you tell him that? It meant nothin', okay?"

"It meant nothin' to you, Daniella, but it meant somethin' to me." He sighs as he looks down at a folded sheet of paper in his hands. "This is how I feel 'bout it. Give it to him for me."

"You're just gonna abandon him on this project?"

"No, not at all. I'm just going to give him some space so he won't kill me with a fucking buck knife the next time he sees me." They share a light chuckle. "I'm sorry it had to come to this, I really am but he just needed to know."

"You're right. He's probably going to kick me out now."

"Hey, you can just come back home with me." He says as he packs his bag up. "Are we cool?"

"Oh yeah." She nods. "For sure." He leans down and presses his lips to her again, she immediately pushes him back. "Not this, I'm with Morgan."

"I know and that really sucks." He says as he puts a ball cap on his head. "But when things go south, you know where to find me." He clicks his tongue at her, winking before leaving the room. "I'm headin' out, Morgan. See ya buddy." He receives a glare from him. "Okay."

"Drive safe, Michael." He nods as he packs up his car then drives off.

Dani closes the door, gasping as she's pressed against it suddenly. "What the-"

Morgan's lips are against her ear. "Did you hook up with him?"

"Never." She states, sliding her hands to his chest to push him away. He pins her wrists above her head against the door. "What're you-"

She's cut off with a hard kiss, the kind of kiss that makes her heart beat in her head as she tries to keep up with the lips against hers. Morgan grabs her waist and picks her up, moving to the couch. He rips her shirt open, ruining the buttons on his flannel. He starts leaving bruising kisses against her chest and breasts, down her stomach, she exhales loudly as she twists her fingers in his hair, moaning quietly. "Fuck, I love you." She breathes out.

"I fuckin love you too." He says back, untying his sweatpants as she pulls the flannel off.

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