《THE DEMON KINGS SURROGATE : The Witches Hour》★ CHAPTER 12: Contract Signing


November 5th 2019

"You two come with me."

We followed him to the throne room.

"Show me these shadow creatures."

He looked at me.

Looking at Nat then back at him.

"Am I suppose to draw them?"

Damon rolled his eyes "come here."

"You could leave to ask nicely." I mumbled to myself while walking towards him.

Damon stared into mine as his eyes began to glow a deep red color.He placed his hand over my forehead and took a deep breath while closing his eyes.

We stood there until he finally let go.

He gave off this dominant energy. Rather powerful than anything else.

Did I him?

"Shadow demons."

His voice breaking me from my thoughts.


"Demons of your kingdom?" Nat questioned

He shook his head "These demons were band when my father rained. Their outside demons,all they know is destruction and chaos."

Nay leaned on the table."So what I thought they were locked up in Tartarus."

"Tartarus?" Once again my confused self asked.

"Prison for the supernatural." Nat replied.

"They are I made sure of that half a century ago. It's prison that plays with the mind tapping into their deep most sensitive moments or they just have physical punishments."

Damon seemed to have this powerful tone when he spoke .It easily turned me on. I won't lie about that. He was handsome as hell. If only we didn't have to meet under these circumstances.

I forgot how close we stood to each other. His lips were full and pink,his hair was up in a man bun. He wore a black shirt and dark jeans.

You wouldn't even think this man was a king he dressed like any other bad boy back home.


How could Someone be grinding up on a man in a club one night to having his child the next day?

I broke out my train of thought when I heard Nat voice. I looked over to Nat holding her head.

"It's actually a good thing your here, I wanted to sign the contract today."

I was to busy starting in his calm brown eyes.

When did they change back normal?

Nodding he led me down the hall to god knows where.

These four years won't be easy.


"On this page are the rules of what not to do if you or I break any of these rules the star will burn like a bitch. I love pain so I might break a few, but you being new to this I doubt you could handle it."

I read the finally page of the contract.

•No defying Damon Lowe

'I will break this one.'

•Keep mind link open at all times.

•Where abouts are mandatory

•Must live together doesn't matter where but have to live with each other until the children are born.

'This one as well'

•No sex or relationships with others while pregnant. (As soon as the contract is signed.)

'.........Will definitely be breaking this one.'

• Nahara Walker must not go anywhere alone without Damon or a body guard.

I looked up to a calm Damon.

"No sex , are you serious?"

"I don't want anyone's dick that close to my child."

"But I have needs."

"Not my problem ."

'These rules were basically targeted at me.'

"I'm definitely not living with you."

"Yes you are."

"No I'm not"


"No I have school."

"Don't care I want kids."


"If we live together it won't be here in this castle it'll be in my world. That way I can finish school."


"That's fine I have lots of businesses in the human world. Im sure I could get a house of your liking."

"Fine when will I get the money?"

"You'll get half when you sign the contract then the rest once the BOTH children are born."

I'm really signing my life away

to a Demon.

'More like a devil'

I'm doing this for my family,for this bastard Damon , for my future. I'm sure I could handle this. Everyone's happy at the end right?

This is my life now.

I picked up the red pen and signed my name under Damon's.

Damon lifted his sleeve a bit and reviled a line circling the star. I looked between my chest to see the same happen to my star.

"It means the contract is finished.

We're connected."

I blushed at were 'connected'.

"And nahara I ask you to try and keep your mind link open to only me."

"O-okay."He got up and walked outside where nat was talking to some guards.

"Junkie you done?"

I nodded.

"Alright let's head home."

Damon was heading back inside until I grabbed his forearm.

That was the first time I touched him since that night on the club.

"When will-

"I'll send for you. I'll give you a few weeks to get prepared." He snatched his arm from me.

I looked him in his eyes before turning back to Nat. I nodded meaning I'm ready.


Next I know I was back in my childhood bedroom but Nat wasn't here. A paper floated above me.

I grabbed it

'Hope today cheered you up I'll come by more often to help out. But I hate crowed places anyway the real shit is about to begin i suggest you unseal your powers for protection. I got this feeling things will only take a turn from here. If your really gonna be pregnant then it's important you have your power's to protect the future kings. Don't thinks to much of it. Look at it as a blessing.

Your a powerful witch I feel it. Good luck junkie.'


November 6th 2019 4:30pm

Reading that letter made me realize I had to boss up and stop mopping around this shit was getting real. I need my powers to protect Damon's children, My Children.

I open my door and headed down to the kitchen where my parents were.

"I'm ready."


Two chapters in one day 🥵.

2,409 words, god if only I could write like this for my essays I'd be straight.

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