《Hermaphrodite: Two Bodies (Lesbian Stories) [Major Editing]》Part Eighteen - Secrets Revealed



I wish I could be free, like no one is telling that I should go back. That I could feel my life being a teen. I feel so trapped.


* * *


I changed to my clean clothes and find some napkins and throw my bloody clothes to the trash.

Somehow, I'm not used to having this kind of thing in my body. Its irritating.

The thing that bothered me is that I'm turning back into woman again and blackmail of Chloe that doesn't even get off to my mind.

I dragged and plopped myself to my bed and rolled my legs and hugged them.

I feel so alone...


One lone tear escaped my right eye. I felt someone was patting my hair gently.

"Sorry Julian, if you experience too much pain..." I heard Shin said. I tried to respond by my cracky voice.

"W-why? Why do I have to suffer? Why do I have to experience so much pain?" I cried louder. I clutched my chest, it hurts like damn.

"Shh. Don't cry." She continued to pat my hair.

"It hurts here. It was like they always stab me in my heart and this heart never heals because it was always stab by them." I pointed my heart. I hiccup. I cried and cried.

"Love will heal that pain. Love will ease the surrow and love will set you free." She said.

"If love exists, why this happens?" I asked her.

"I... don't know." I looked up but Shin is nowhere to be seen. I sat up and dry my eyes using the back of my hand. I looked to my front mirror which was only whole body mirror.

I saw Shin who was also like she has been crying. She is also sitting in my bed like me with my same garments. I looked to her with confusion. My reflection was nowhere.


I tried to lift my right arm.

And she copied it.

I walk closer to the mirror and Shin just do the same.

I shook my head and frustration, I shouted.


* * *


"Chloe?" I looked to my left to see dad has been calling me from the living room.

"Yes?" I answered nonchalantly.

"You must see this." He angrily throw me a piece of old piece of news paper. I scanned it to see a bunch of letters and one picture of a child who was looking 4 to 6 years old.

"Dad? What's the meaning of this?" I shook the newspaper to him and he scoffed.

"You were crazy about that boy... but you never really knew him.. or shpuld I call her?" I shooked my head. Maybe dad doesn't want Julian. Oh no..

I grabbed my head using my hands and shouted.

"No! Julian is a boy! He is not what you are thinking of!" No, Julian? Julian can't lie to me!

"She is! Look at that paper! Look and read that piece of shit!"

I scanned the words and one paragraph caught my eye.

According to our studies, in this remote village, there is a girl with a genetically disturbance of her x and y genes, has gone to far. Making her a male in the future, but, with the help of her medicines, she will become a woman and especially with the help of surgery.

However, this kid is missing along with her parents. Last reported case is in last July 8, 2005. If you see this kid, please contact us immediately. ** ***

Tears sprung my eyes..

How could dad be so mean?

"Dad! Stop being angry! He... she didn't do wrong to us? Even though she lied, there is a possibility that she will become a man someday!" I crumpled the paper and tossed it to him. He reached me forward and hit me.



I cried and held my left, swollen cheek. I looked to him... he pointed his index finger to mine.

"Just, please, don't go again with her. She might--"


"Hurt you again." He finished...

"Dad.." I muttered.

He just shook his head. Crease forming his head.

"I will talk to him later. I'll go alone." He stood up and went to the room. I left smiling...

I won again..

I still love you Julian, even you were still a girl..

* * *

"You know why I am here, don't you?" I gulped.

I shook my head.

"No sir." I lied. I knew this was about Chloe.

"Here." He tossed me a paper. My eyes started to bulge. How can he get this newspaper for living ten years ago?

"H-how?" I asked him. It can't be.

"Some people just randomly thrpw some old newspaper to my mailbox. And, it was me who caught it."

Everything seems to stop..

I lowered my gaze and answered him bluntly.

"What do you really want?"

He stopped. He was in a deep trance until he look at me. Tears forming to his eyes.

"I want you to never ever leave Chloe. No one you shall ever loved besides Chloe. No one shall ever make you and Chloe separate or you'll know the consequence."

I stopped my breathing. I heard some clanging noise from the kitchen.

"What consequence do you mean?" I heard dad said. I clutch my head by my hands, fighting the urge to cry.

"I'll tell to all of them that she is a Hermaphrodite."

Dedicated to all awesome peeps who supported and here.



Patdkee ∩__∩





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