《Bangtan 1- Jimin and Me ✓》Positive


I was afraid that the morning after Jimin made love to me would be awkward. There was a noticeable shift in our relationship that night. I was terrified that he would wake up to regret it. Instead, I woke up to a sexy smile and the most beautiful voice as Jimin sang Serendipity to me. I started to learn that once Jimin opened up and let his guard down, he was the most romantic, most thoughtful man. Combine that with his sexy voice and the way he commanded attention everywhere he went, not to mention his hot body, and he was the epitome of perfection.

We spent a lot of time on the beach over the next few weeks. We had several late night dinners out, after most of the world was asleep. We laughed. We fought once. We made up. We had some dangerously amazing makeup sex. It almost made me want to fight with him all the time just so we could continuously make up.

A full month had passed since the second time without a condom. I was two weeks late. I sat in the bathroom, holding the pregnancy test, scared of what this could mean. I hadn't told Jimin yet. Jess thought I should but I didn't want to cause trouble if there was another reason for my period being late.

"You really need to just get it over with," She reprimanded me, "You'll feel better once you know."

I breathed out a deep sigh. I wasn't so sure that knowing was going to be any better. I already knew and that is why I was so scared. I couldn't explain it other than to say it was simply a gut feeling but I knew that I was pregnant with Jimin's baby.

"Dia." Jess snapped me out of my daze, "Seriously. Before they get back." She turned around and walked out of the room, leaving me to my thoughts.

The boys had another meeting with the rest of the guys. This time, they left yesterday afternoon and would be home sometime today. Knowing that I has been avoiding this, Jess woke me up early this morning with the pregnancy test in hand.


I opened the box and removed the wrapper. My hand was shaking from nerves. I used the bathroom, following the directions explicitly, and placed the test face up on the counter. I was washing my hands when Jess burst into the door.

"What's it say?" She exclaimed

"Geez. Glad you waited until my pants were up."

"Whatever. I heard you flush the toilet." She peered over at the test as she watched the liquid move from one side of the test to the other. As the minutes passed by, her eyes got very round and her face went pale. She looked up to me.

I didn't have to look. I knew the result. I picked up the test anyway and stared at the two pink lines in torture. After a minute, I shoved the test and everything in the box and handed it to Jess.

"Can you get rid of this for me? I'm gonna go for a walk." I moved past her in silence, the shocked look still on her face and headed downstairs and out the back door towards the beach.

Walking along the beach brought me a sense of peace and contentment. I had no idea what I was going to do. I thought back to only a week ago.

It had been several weeks since the first time we made love and Jimin and I were laying on the beach in the sun. I kept sneaking little peeks of him. He was truly sexy with his shirt off. His abs and chest were toned to just the right amount. He wasn't too hard or too soft. And his perfectly round nipples stood out. The warmth of their color contrasted perfectly with his rich tan. He was a walking work of art. I laid there thinking about the night before and the way he slid in and out of me.

"I love you"

He said it so easily like it hadn't been the very first fucking time. I was caught off guard and found myself speechless. We continued to lay there in the sun for a while longer and when the sun was starting to set and we were picking up our towels to go inside, I finally found my voice.


"I love you."

I caught him off guard as well. He paused and let the towel in his hands drop into the sand as he wrapped me up in his arms and kissed me. Like everything else that Jimin does, it was utterly perfect and romantic.

I wiped away the tears pooling in my eyes as I continued to walk along the beach feeling utterly alone. I had been waiting for the other shoe to drop, so to speak. Things were going too well.

I knew that at some point I would have to tell him. But I wasn't sure how I would. I didn't want him to simply have a baby with me because "something happened and we had to figure it out." I knew I could go back home. I knew my mom would support me. I didn't know if I could stay in college. I knew this baby was going to change my life. It didn't have to change his.

What was I saying? This baby was part his too. I couldn't make this decision for him. But simply knowing that this was happening kinda made the decision for him. I knew the kind of man he was. He would step up to the plate without hesitation. I wasn't sure I could do that to him.

I continued to walk for another hour until my body was numb, my eyes were dry, and every scenario and thought had passed through my mind. I was approaching the stretch of beach in front of the house when I saw Jimin running towards me on the beach.

God, the man was sexy.

"Dia!" He shouted, waving at me as he approached. He scooped me up into his arms and as he set me down, I masked my features, not ready for that discussion, and he leaned down to kiss me. "I missed you so damn much."

I smiled up at him, "I missed you too"

"Are you hungry?" He asked, laying a kiss on my temple, "Tae is treating everyone to steaks. Oh! And you get to meet the rest of the guys! They all came back with us for the night."

Shit. My emotions were on high alert and I was going to have to play it cool while meeting the rest of the members for the first time. I should have been giddy and excited. This was my favorite group of all time. Instead, I felt numb.

"Okay" I tried to sound excited and happy. It was all I could really manage. Luckily, Jimin didn't notice. He was too wrapped up in the excitement of being with the rest of the members.

We walked back towards the house and I saw everyone hanging out around a bonfire, Taehyung was standing at a metal grill a little ways off. We stopped in front of the circle as Jimin introduced me to the four remaining members, Yoongi, Jin, Jungkook, and Namjoon. Everyone was nice and welcoming. You could tell that there was a little bit of hesitation. But I chalked that up to them wanting to protect Jimin. I wasn't sure how often a female infiltrated this exclusive group. I had a feeling it was rare.

We hung out on the beach for a while, talking and laughing. I finally got to a point where I couldn't keep up the facade and I was afraid that someone would be able to see through me. I told Jimin I was tired and going to bed. He wanted to come with me but I insisted he stay and hang out with the guys. My eyes met Jess's as I got up to leave the group. She was wrapped up in JHope's arms. I gave her an encouraging smile to let her know I was okay. Even if I wasn't, I didn't want to ruin her night with him. I know she had missed him while he was gone. She smiled back and I kissed Jimin chastely before heading inside.

I decided to take a shower before climbing in bed. As I stood under the hot spray of water, I felt my emotions crack and the tears started again. What the hell was I going to do? I wasn't ready to be a mother. I reached down and placed my hands on my stomach, thinking about how much my life was about to change.

I wasn't ready for this.

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