《Foster Brothers | COMPLETED》Ch. 23 - Wolves vs Bears


Since the whole football team, cheerleading, and band are traveling two away from here, the school let us out early.

And next week is the finally week of school before winter break. But it's all exams, so yay.

We were in my bedroom, getting ready for the game. We invited Hailey to come over and get ready with us, and she agreed.

I'm looking on my closet for an outfit. I picked up a black bralette, a gray with white strips sweater, and a pair of black jeans with rips at the knees.

I changed into the outfit, tucking in part of the sweater in the front. I walked into my bedroom where everybody was either doing their makeup or hair.

"You look cute," Anna said, looking at my outfit.

"Thanks. So do you, all of you," I said, putting some black socks on my feet.

I slipped on my black and white Adidas. Then I walked over to the curling iron, and I started to do my hair.

The girls, including Hailey, had the boys' letterman jackets. I had Brent's jacket laying on my bed.

Forty minutes later, Lisa can upstairs to tell us that we would be leaving in a few minutes.

I slipped on Brent's jacket, and I put my phone in one of it's pockets.

"Let's go, girls," Ross said, appearing at my door frame.

We nodded, making our way our of the room. I felt my phone buzzed in my pocket, but I ignored it. It was probably Rachel.

"Hey, Madison, can I talk to you for a minute?" I asked Madison while everybody as making their way into the vehicle.

"Sure," she replied.

I made sure nobody was listening before I asked,"Are you really moving?"

She looked shocked that I knew about her secret. But then she nodded slowly.

"My father got a promotion in Utah," Madison said, looking down at her feet.

"When are you leaving?" I asked her quietly.

"June." I could see a few tears rolling down her cheeks.

I gave her a hug, and she wiped away her tears.

"I don't how I'm suppose to tell everybody," she cried.

"It's going to be okay, Madison," I said.

"Girls, let's go, or we'll be late!" Lisa yelled, getting out attention.

"Coming!" I yelled back.

"We are resuming this conversation soon," I whispered to Madison before jumping into the car.

She nodded, following me. I climbed in beside Anna who was texting Elliot. Madison sat beside her, while Nichole, Michael, and Hailey sat in the back.

Two hour road trip, here we come....


By the time we reached the football field, it was around six thirty, and the game started at seven. We walked up and down the stands to find a nice seat.


We decided to sit in the middle, where it was less crowded. There was people on the opposite side of us, waiting for the game. I saw a lot of people from school, ready to cheer on their team.

"I'll go get some hot chocolate," Lisa volunteered, standing up from her seat.

"I'll come with you," Ross said with a smile.

They walked down the bleachers, and towards the small little stand at the end of the field.

"I really hope we win this tonight," Hailey said.

"Me too," I replied.

Thirty minutes and two cups of hot chocolate, the game began. We were playing the Bears. Their colors were black and yellow which were on their football uniform.

Our side started to cheer when our teams came out of the tunnel. I easily spotted the boys, and Brent, making me cheer even louder.

"Welcome to The State Match!! Tonight we have the Wolves vs the Bears!! Who will take the trophy tonight?! Nobody knows!!" The announcer yelled.

The only thing that scared me about this game is that the Bears look like giants since everybody was tall and huge. Yeah, we have tall and huge people, but these people looked like they came out of WWE.

Those boys look like they could crush a lion! This is going to be a stressful game.

"Let the game begin!" The announcer yelled, again.


It was fourth quarter, and the score was 31-36. We were winning barely. The clock in the scoreboard read 1:15 minutes until the end of the game.

As long as the boys can keep the opponent team from scoring another touchdown, we will win.

"With 1:15 on the scoreboard, the Wolves called a timeout!" The announcer yelled.

"We can clearly see that," Nichole mumbled, making me laugh.

The boys on our team made their way back onto the field, waiting on the other team. Brent, Nick, and Gavin were in the back while Gaberial and Elliot were in the front.

Everybody was ready for the ball to be passed to the quarterback. When one of the guys on the other team threw the ball to the quarterback, all hell broke loose.

All of the players went to block and tackle to keep the quarterback away from the end of the field. It worked, but the quarterback was running towards the end zone. Nobody seemed to try to get him.

"Get him!" Lisa yelled, along with everybody else.

Then out of nowhere, Gaberial tackled the quarterback. They both went down to the ground, and the clock hit zero. Our team won!

I looked over to see where the rest of the boys were at when I saw two paramedics standing over a guy on our team.


Our group went silent when we realized who it was. It was Elliot. Gaberial, Nick, Gavin, and Brent rushed over to his side to help.

Lisa and Ross made their way to the field, quickly, to see what's wrong with him. I saw Brent and Nick help Elliot stand up, and slowly walked him to the locker rooms.

The girls, Michael, and I ran to the locker rooms. I heard people talking, especially Lisa's voice.

"Elliot, are you okay?" Anna asked, running to Elliot's side.

"My leg is on fire," he said through his gritted teeth.

Ross and two other people were examining his leg, and by the signs of it, it didn't look good.

"You are going to be okay, Elliot, I promise" Lisa promised, pushing his blonde hair out of his face.

He was laying on an emergency bed some schools have in case of this. He looked exhausted; they all do.

"Elliot, we have to rush you over to the hospital," Ross said, standing up.

"Is it bad?" Nick asked.

Ross nodded slowly,"I'm pretty sure you have a broken leg. And it doesn't help that it's your bad leg. The muscle is swelled like last time, but worse."

"So, I can't play lacrosse?" Elliot asked, looking at his father with sadness in his eyes.


Elliot nodded, clearly upset about this. I saw Brent out of the corner of my eye, walking out of the room.

I quickly excused myself before following him outside. Majority of people have left, so it was quiet.

Brent was leaning against the wall, closing his eyes. He looked upset, tired, and maybe even guilty?

"Brent, are you okay?" I asked him.

He opened his bright blue eyes. I stopped breathing for a second before looking down.

"No. Elliot is injured and can't play lacrosse because of me."

I gave him a confused look,"What do you mean? You weren't the one who tackled him."

He sighed, running a hand through his hair. "The play was that I was supposed to be in the front, and Elliot in the back. I switched the play because I felt like Elliot could do what I was suppose to do better."

"It's not your fault, Brent. You could have gotten tackled, and have no broken bones. It just happens," I told him.

"Guys, Lisa and Ross are taking Elliot to the hospital. Brent, you, the twins, and Nick will be riding back on the bus," Nichole said, running out of the room.

"Okay, I'll be there in just a second," I said, looking at her.

"Alright. See you tomorrow, Brent," she said before walking towards the car.

"Looks like you have to go," he said, making me snap my head back to him.

"Well, don't sound so happy about it, why don't you," I joked.

"You rememeber our plans tomorrow, right?" He asked, referring to our date.

I nodded,"Yeah."

"I think we should reschedule it."

"Yeah, how about Sunday?"

He nodded,"That is fine with me."


"Goodnight, princess."

I rolled my eyes, playful before saying, "Night, Brent."

I started to walk away until he called out,"And you look very beautiful in my jacket."

I totally forgot that I was still wearing his jacket. I blushed at his comment, but I didn't let him see of course.

"I'll get it Sunday," he called out when he saw my expression.

I nodded,"Yes you will."

I walked to the car where they were putting Elliot in the passenger seat. I sat in the very back with Micheal and Nichole while Lisa, Anna, and Madison sat in the second row.

We made our way to the nearest hospital where doctors took Elliot away in a different room.

Michael was sitting next to me, tapping his foot, anxiously. He looked tired and nervous about something.

"Michael, you okay?" I asked him, making him snap his head up.

"Yep, totally fine. Just worried about Elliot," he said, biting his upper lip.

He's lying. Michael only bites his lip when he is lying which is what he is doing right now.

"You're lying, Michael. Tell me what's wrong."

He sighed,"Elliot's leg was hurt last year, and he got help for it. It worked, but Thanksgiving morning when I want upstairs to check on him, he was in pain."

I nodded, so he would know that I was listening.

He continued,"I couldn't find any medicine in his bathroom, so I went into your bathroom where I found your medicine."

My eyes widen. When I went in there that night, I knew I had enough for two weeks, but there was only seven in the bottle.

"Michael, is that why you lied about being in my room?" I asked him.

"Yes. Elliot asked me to find some pain relief medicine, and I saw that it said pain killers so I thought it would help him," he explained.

"Why didn't you tell anybody?"

"Elliot didn't want anybody worrying about him. He's stubborn like that. I just wanted to help him so I didn't tell anybody."

"Michael, those painkillers are very strong. The first time I took them that made me sleep for hours during the day."

"I'm sorry," he apologized.

"It's okay, but from now on, please tell somebody if somebody is hurt," I told him.

He nodded, and I gave him a hug.

I really hope Elliot will be okay.



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