《My fiance /Vkook(Taekook) ✔️》Chapter twenty six


Jungkook's family was sitting across side the table with taehyung's family ,the table was served with various kind of dishes but mostly Asian dishes with wines and water .

The dinner was went smoothly and they are now sitting down at the sitting room with glasses of Hennessy while jungkook's mom and taehyung's other father (Jin) drank wine ,the men were discussing business related matter till jungkook's mother decided to bring up the topic of why they are here tonight .

Mrs Jeon - Kim taehyung ,what do you think of my son now that you guys finally met? .

Taehyung - I can say I really like him a lot and am happy he will be my husband soon .

He talked looking at jungkook who was already red like tomatoes.

Mrs Jeon - that's good then cause am thinking of you guys probably getting married in at most 1month from now .

Mr Kim(Jin) - don't you think 1month is too sudden for the boys Mrs Jeon ,I think we should give them enough time to get acquainted to each other physically .

Mr Jeon - I was hoping they could get married next weekend ,there is nothing to wait months for ,moreover we learn new things about our partners everyday ,while married they can still get closer .

Mr Kim (namjoon) - I support what Mr Jeon is saying ,no time to waste on childish courting you guys should get married next weekend ..

What do you say son ?.

Taehyung - whatever you want dad .

Jungkook looked at taehyung's face to read his Expression but nothing was visible ,as much as he liked the idea of getting married to taehyung he wanted everything to go mutual between them and not forced .

He would have loved to speak up but he knew better not to ,he decided if he couldn't talk about this here they would discuss later at their little get together ..


His thought were interrupted by his mom tapping him ..

Jungkook - yes Mom ?.

Mrs Jeon - Mr Kim (Jin) has been talking to you but you seem lost ,what's going on in that sick head of yours .

Jungkook - am really sorry Mr Kim .

Mr Kim (Jin) - it's okay jungkook ,drop the formalities ,you can call me eomma or mom just like my son here calls me ,we are now family .

Jungkook smiled and bowed to him .

Jungkook - sure eomma .

Jin smiled at jungkook's shy gesture ,he thought to himself that they would really be close ,considering now jungkook is getting married to his son .

The kims were already gone by now and taehyung changed into something casual for their little hangout .

After the dinner they both decided to go back to their houses and get dressed for the hangout ,they didn't want to look weird wearing suit to a bar.

taehyung was supposed to pick jungkook up so he quickly changed and is now heading to Jungkook's house to pick him up after receiving a text from him saying he was ready ..

Taehyung had already sent the location of the hangout to his friends which he has received text from them saying that they were already at the place waiting for about 30mins ago ..

Taehyung arrived at jungkook's gate texting him he was already there ,he didn't want to drive into his parking lot and also drive out so he waited at the gate sitting on his car, when jungkook walked out taehyung's mouth agaped from his stares ,jungkook dry cleared his throat to get taehyung's attention cause he seemed lost , taehyung got back to his senses .

He opened the car for jungkook to get in which he did and taehyung sat on the drivers side belted up and looked at jungkook "you look good " ,jungkook blushed and replied"you don't look bad yourself " taehyung's eyes not leaving him .

Jungkook - can we go now .

Taehyung nodded and they drove off to the meet out ..

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