《My fiance /Vkook(Taekook) ✔️》Chapter twenty


I will be totally honest with you ,love is a strong word and it can't be said carelessly .

I like you a lot baby but I don't think we have known each other enough to actually be in love .

That's true ,thanks for being honest ,if you had told me you were in love with me, you could have failed your first test ,you passed your first honest test ..

You were really testing me ,what if I failed .

I would Know this is just a game and I will join you In Playing it ..


When was your last sex?

What ? Jungkook put is face down biting his fingers

We are being honest here baby ,I promise I won't judge you ..

Am still a virgin ,though have had boyfriend's before but we haven't gone beyond kissing and few smooching .

Wow,am proud of you baby , and I am happy that am going to be your first .

Look at me and stop being embarrassed,you should be proud of your self instead ..

Honey I feel sleepy ..

Okay I know you are shy ,but I will let you pass for today ,take care baby ..

Goodnight ..

Jungkook ended the video call before tae could say anything more he was so embarrassed he felt weird being a virgin at this stage of his life seem weird but it's not his fault,he hasn't been so lucky with men and could only hope taehyung is the right one .

He dropped the phone beside him and covered his face with the blanket, a beep from his phone made him bring his head out of the blanket only to see it was a text from taehyung

My tiger ❣️:

Baby goodnight ,I was unable to say that before you ended the call .sweet dreams .

Jungkook couldn't stop blushing he read the message over and over again before his eyes got heavy and he slept off ...


After texting my baby I went downstairs to get water with my phone in hand hoping to get a reply ,after few minutes of no reply but the message was read,I guessed he was probably too shy to reply.

so I placed my phone at the bed stand and laid in bed thinking about jungkook's shy face and blush damn it he looked so perfect especially those lips of his ,they looked pinkish and soft ,I can't get him out of my head I snugged into my blanket and minutes later I drifted into sleep ..

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