《QUIRKY! (MHA x Reader)》🎃 Happy Halloween! 🎃





"(Y/N)! I'm so glad you came!"

Uraraka embraced you, smothering you with her bulbous, pink costume, "Being around so many rich people kind of freaks me out... Especially when I'm dressed up as a Smash Brothers character."

Momo invited all of class 1A to her annual Halloween party. You almost didn't come because Midnight was still hesitant about you going out at night, but eventually she caved.

"But you didn't dress up?!" Uraraka pulled away and examined you, "Now I feel even more ridiculous!"


Iida appeared on the scene and karate chopped the air between the two of you, "If anyone were to feel ridiculous it would be (Y/N) - as she is the only one not in a costume."

"I'm sorry, okay!" You laughed, "I didn't really have time to put one together... What exactly are you, Iida? Is this a new hero costume?"

"No - I am a Transformer. See the wheels?" He pointed towards his ankles.

"It does look similar to your hero costume, now that you mention it," Uraraka giggled.

"And you're, let me guess," you grinned, "Kirby?"

"It makes sense, right? Since I can float!"

And your pink cheeks...

"It totally does," you agreed, "Now I do feel lame for not dressing up. I didn't realize how into it everyone would be."

Everyone had an amazing costume on, even the people you wouldn't have suspected - like Tokoyami. Although, he didn't look too comfortable or pleased in his space, cowboy/pilot getup.

"Don't tell me..." you said aloud.

"A few of us are sticking with the Smash Bro's theme," Uraraka explained, "We had to beg Tokoyami to be Falco..."

More than just your class was present, but when you spotted your fellow students you noticed most of them did keep to the Nintendo theme. Kirishima was Bowser, Mina was Princess Peach, and Jiro looked like an epic Fire Emblem swordsman.

"Wow - how did any of you have time to make such intricate costumes?" You whined.

"Momo helped with the extra pizazz," Uraraka said, "I bet she wouldn't mind hooking you up!"

Iida nodded, "It's true. Even my ensemble needed a woman's touch."

"I'd feel bad asking for her to make an entire costume!"

But Uraraka had already gone to get Momo. You sighed and Iida just shrugged at you, "She wants you to feel included. Now - to the snack table! I mean... roll out!"

Iida took his costume very seriously. You chuckled to yourself and admired the festive decorations while you waited for Uraraka to return. When she finally waddled back over she had a very striking Momo alongside her. She was, quite possibly, the most perfect Cruella de Vil impersonator. Her fur coat and chic dress were stunning on their own, but her two-toned hair and fake cigarette made her the envy of all cosplayers.

"Thanks for coming, (Y/N)," Momo greeted, "You're in need of a costume?"

"Oh, yeah, but this is your party don't worry about me!" You said.

"Exactly," she smiled, "Its my party, and I want everyone dressed up! So, come on."

You didn't protest further. Momo led you away from everyone, up a grand staircase, and into one of the many glamorous bedrooms.

Once inside, she guided you towards a closet - one filled solely with Halloween paraphernalia.

"Pick any one of these! If you need a different size I can recreate something."


"Wow... thank you!"

You were a bit overwhelmed by the options. At this rate, it was going to take you an hour just to pick something. So you closed your eyes and quickly grabbed...


Red Riding Hood

... off of the hanger.

"Great choice!" Momo said, "I made it for myself last year."

You changed out of your boring normal clothes and slipped into the short black dress. The tulle underneath made your hips poof out. A red corset strapped your boobs into place, and knee high white stockings kept your legs from freezing in the skimpy dress. You topped it off with a silk, red cloak and threw your hood on.

"Not bad," Momo said, "Now you can get back to the party!"

Feeling a little better not being so underdressed for the occasion, you rejoined Uraraka and the others in typical Halloween festivities.

Tsu killed it at bobbing for apples - no surprise there. You danced to The Time Warp and Monster Mash at least twice. Each. Everything was ghoulish and grand.


"Hey, Princess."

You twirled around, taking advantage of your frilly outfit, to come face to face with a very hairy looking Bakugo.

"Hey, Katsuki," you said, "Oh, looks like I ran into the big bad wolf after all. Dammit."

Bakugo wore a werewolf costume, or at least half of one. He had fake canine teeth, black claws, and a fur hoodie with pointed ears attached.

He grinned, his brow furrowed, "Tch. Did you come dressed as a snack just for me?"

"Long story... and boo. That was lame," you snorted.

"I mean it," he did a quick circle around you, like a vulture, "You look good enough to eat."

You laughed, blushing slightly, but turned away so he wouldn't see, "Quit it. The wolf dies in the story, remember?"

"After he eats Little Red whole," Bakugo's crimson eyes narrowed.

"I'll be sure to properly season myself then," you scurried off to the refreshment table, "Hope you enjoy pumpkin spice!"

"Hey!!! Get away from that basic crap!"

The evening was dying down. A full moon shone brightly over Momo's guests leaving the parking lot. You felt sick from a sugar overdose, but also so happy that you decided to come.

Eventually, it was only a few of you from class still there. You all congregated outside to enjoy the weather and sip on apple ciders. The small talk was interrupted when Uraraka appeared.

"Have any of you seen Deku?" She asked.

Sero and Kirishima shook their heads.

"Wasn't he with you?" You asked, "I thought you'd already gone home?"

"We were going to - he takes the same train as me," she said, "But when I went to look for him I couldn't find him."

"Maybe the loser ditched you," Bakugo scoffed.

"I don't know... his phone is still here, Uraraka looked worried, "He wouldn't have left this behind - right?"

Sero scratched his head, which was hidden by a giant Luigi hat, "I did see him earlier going through the hedge maze with Kaminari and Mineta, but that was a while ago."

"Maybe he got lost," you giggled, "Why don't we look there before getting worried?"

Uraraka nodded. You figured it would just be the two of you, but everyone followed along, including Bakugo.

"Just a heads up," Momo said, "If you haven't yet already gone through the maze, it's rigged with creepy sounds and booby traps."


"Traps?!" Mina squealed, "Why?"

"Not harmful traps just spooky ones! This way we could make the maze 'haunted' without actors."

You gulped. This wasn't going to be a casual garden stroll on your hunt for Izuku after all.

You all entered the maze together, but almost naturally, split off into smaller and smaller groups. Eventually, you were alone with Uraraka as she clung to you for dear life.

"Did you hear that!" She whined, "Why couldn't it be a cute hedge maze with like scarecrows or happy pumpkins instead..."

There wasn't much to see except the green walls of foliage that surrounded you. Your foot grazed something round and you almost tripped.

"EEEEEEEEEKKK!" Uraraka turned pale.

You'd set off one of Momo's traps, which was just a fuzzy spider animatronic hiding in the bushes. However, it was enough to scare Uraraka away... away, away.

Using her quirk, she'd already floated high above the hedges.

"Hey, don't leave me here!" You called up to her.

"I'm sorry! I couldn't control myself," she said.

"Well, I guess you can see through the maze easier from up there..." you shrugged, "Keep looking for Izuku."

"Are you sure?"

"I'll be fine."

With a heavy sigh you returned to your search on foot. You were careful to set off any more traps, but the creepy music and sound effects still got a jump out of you.

You could hear your friends screaming from somewhere else in the maze - probably having a good time, you thought. But here you were, alone and cold. You tightened your red hood around your ears.

Everything was still fine, until you spotted a thin trail of blood. You swallowed a lump in your throat. Chill... it's part of the decorations.

"Little Red..."

You squealed internally.

"Where do you think you're going?"

His gravely voice came from around a corner. Bakugo's tall frame and broad shoulders came into view. The yellow moon cast a shadow over his face but the outline of his wolfish costume was even more realistic.

"You scared me," you chuckled nervously, "and I'm looking for Izuku like everyone else."

He stalked closer to you, being cautious and even crouching slightly, "Leave that damn nerd behind. You have me."

"Yeah, but you aren't lost," you said, "Now, c'mon, or out of my way so I can keep looking..."

From only the light of the moon, you saw a wet, shining reflection coming off of Bakugo's chest. It looked like a dark blob, or splash of paint.

"Katsuki," you hurried towards him, "are you hurt?"

Without thinking you started feeling his shirt and chest for any wounds. He growled seductively at your touch, which you tried to ignore.

"I'm fine - I'm not a fucking baby," he suddenly nipped your ear.

You gasped and felt your face turning red, "I'm being serious - you have blood on you!"

"Who says it's mine."

You remembered the trail of blood on the ground. What - did he roll in some fake blood by accident? Or on purpose to scare you.

"Knock it off, Katsuki," you grumbled, "I was actually worried for a second."

You pushed off his chest and walked around him, towards the direction of the maze he'd come from. It didn't take long before you stopped again.

The trail of blood had an end.

At the dead end in front of you, a body lay in a bloodied, lifeless heap. Your brain struggled to compute - fake or real? Fake or real?

"K-Katsuki?" your fingers trembled, "... are you and Kirishima messing with me or something?"

His footsteps were so silent you never heard him approaching. You were alerted of his presence when his breath tickled the nape of your neck, "Shitty-hair isn't here."

Real or not, it freaked you out. You shoved passed Bakugo and ran back the way you came. It was impossible to remember the exact route out of there but your feet kept moving.

You reached another dead end. It must've been a wrong turn - you were completely backwards.

"Uraraka? Mina?" You called out, "Sero?"

"Stop running, little bunny..."

You gulped and slowly turned your head to your right. Bakugo's voice came from the hedge. When you got a good look, a pair of glowing red eyes were staring right at you through the leaves.

Then, he vanished. The eyes darted away, accompanied by the sounds of leaves brushing together.

Where did he go? Why did he have blood on him? Who was the "dead" guy? Why was Bakugo pranking you?

Your heart was pounding and breaking your eardrums. Something wasn't right. Even your body knew something was up. Your stomach was in knots and you hadn't been able to stop yourself from shaking.

"If this is a prank it's not very nice..." you muttered.

Bakugo's voice came from the only exit you had, "How does it go, (Y/N)? What big eyes you have? What big hands you have..."

"Leave me alone, Katsuki. It's not funny anymore," you glared.

There was silence. And then...

Something pounced on you, knocking you to the ground. His heavy body loomed over you as he pinned you to the dirt. You struggled at first until you exhausted yourself and gazed helplessly up at him.

"Say it, Little Red," Bakugo growled.

You were about to use some choice language, but the words got caught in your throat when Bakugo started making himself too comfortable on top of you. He pressed his face against your hair first, then your cheek, neck, until he was dragging his lips against your corset.

He chuckled, "I can smell the fear on you. It's driving me crazy, (Y/N)..."

"Katsuki..." you fidgeted, "Hasn't the joke gone far enough?"

"I'm just getting started!" he tightened his grip on your wrists, "Deku said the same thing before I ripped him to shreds. I bet you taste better than that useless nerd."

"Now you're scaring me," the voice became high-pitched.

His wicked grin didn't make you feel any better, "Good. It's no fun otherwise..."

"MINA! URARA-" your yell-fest was cut short when he forced his lips against yours.

You relaxed only because it felt familiar. You two had kissed before. It was just Bakugo - right? Not an actual monster... not a-

When he deepened the kiss, getting you to part your lips, your tongue grazed something sharp. What was once familiar felt very wrong. You twisted away and caught your breath.

"Katsuki..." you shivered, "What... big t-teeth you have."

A growl shook his entire body. His face came close to yours again, but this time your turned away and shut your eyes tight.

"The better to eat you with, princess."





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