《QUIRKY! (MHA x Reader)》S2 Part 16 - As Your Teacher


"Look alive, (Y/N)!"


You felt something coil around your ankle. A split second later, you were hurled into the air until you were stuck upside down in a tree. The bright afternoon sun greeted your alarmed eyes until a shadow blocked it from your view.

Aizawa's drowsy face glared. His disappointment was apparent even at this angle...

"Everyone is giving their all today, but you seem distracted," he said, "Do I need to keep you for extra lessons instead of letting you enjoy your evening?"

That entire morning felt like a fog. You almost forgot summer camp was to train and earn steps towards provisional hero licenses. The tension from yesterday's dinner didn't seem to dissipate, and you couldn't help but feel at fault that everyone was hesitant around you.

Shinso still sent your sly grins whenever he could, while in harsh contrast Uraraka and a few others gave you a pity smile whenever you met eyes. Shoto and Bakugo crowded you in a protective, animalistic way if class 1B ever got too close - like mama bears next to their cub.

Speaking of Bakugo...

Other than being extra pissy towards Shinso, he wasn't acting strangely at all - like the incident last night didn't happen between you two, or at least, it didn't enter his mind while training. You felt envious of his focus - and a little annoyed?

Clearly, you were distracted, as training with your classmates began hours ago and you couldn't remember how your feet got from the breakfast hall to the outdoors.

"I'm sorry, sir," you muttered, "I'll do better." It felt like a lie, but you hoped he would buy it.

"Hmph," Aizawa continued to leer, but he released your foot from the hold of his scarf and let you hit the ground.

"Oof..." the air left your lungs on impact, "Thanks..."

Your teacher crouched down to your level as you worked your way back up to your knees. Unbeknownst to you, you hadn't been able to make eye contact with Aizawa, but he certainly noticed.

"Look," he sighed, "I get it. The media is having a field day running your name into the ground. They're a bunch of nosy, biased bastards."

You nodded. Of course, that was still something that bothered you. But he wasn't aware you'd overheard him and Mandalay discussing your father.

"You have to separate yourself from them," he continued, "Their opinion of you is only as valid as you make it. I know what's in your heart - I've seen it shine many times during training. But do you?"

You lifted your eyes from drilling holes in the dirt to look around you. Your classmates were all sweating, near tears or near puking - fighting their hardest to improve their quirks. Bakugo was launching explosions into the air and it looked like Sato and Momo were enjoying a Thanksgiving feast..?!

"Because if not..." he said, "Then there's really no point in you being here."

You gasped. It should've have shocked you so much - Aizawa has always been incredibly blunt.

"I..." you felt pathetic. He was right. All these obstacles in your way were there because you allowed them.

Shinso. Bakugo. Shoto... Worrying about who to love - or understanding what love was to you.

Shigaraki and his obsession with what you were not.

Your father. Mother. Two people who didn't deserve your time and energy thinking about.

The media and who they wanted you to be at the time to fit their agendas.


You scoffed to yourself. When you first entered the grounds of UA you were timid but certain of a goal. You even set aside your desires for Shinso so that you both could focus on becoming heroes.


"You're right," you said, "I lost focus. I'm sorry."

You thought you caught a slight grin on the gloomy man's face, "Good. You can earn your forgiveness by running a five mile warmup."


"If you're planning on getting close to your enemies you need to be quick and be able to get away just as quick. Want to make it ten?"

You shook your head, "No, sir! Bye, sir!" Before he could torture you further you ran into the woods, trying to map out how far five miles would be.

The run ended up not being so bad. In fact, it was oddly therapeutic. The scent of your sweat mixed with the warm sun and dirt essence your shoes kicked up soothed you. It felt as though your thoughts were slowly organizing themselves in rhythm with your moving legs.

Aizawa was a genius.

You hadn't been brave enough to ask him about Kota's parents and your father. It didn't feel like the right time anyway. But when? When was it appropriate to ask about your father's murderous escapades?

Up ahead through the thick forest you spotted something else green and bushy.

"Izuku?" You called out.

He was stopped, leaning against a tree with beads of sweat running down his face. His green eyes shot up at the sound of your voice, "(Y/N)? Hey!"

You slowed your run to a stop, "Did Aizawa send your off to run a marathon too?"

"Oh, no. I was actually sparring with Tiger... I think he went to yell - ah - encourage some of the other students."

"Very nice."

"Say. I-I didn't see you after dinner last night. Um. A lot of us didn't. I was just wondering if you were okay?"

You sighed. I really wish people would stop asking. It's starting to sound like a broken record.

You shrugged, "All things considered."

Izuku's innocent faces suddenly darkened, "Shinso shouldn't have said what he did."

You frowned, "I don't know what Shinso's problem is, but I can't afford to figure it out right now. Aizawa already wants to send me home."

"He said that?!" He asked.

"Well, not exactly. It's just," you swallowed, "I overheard him and one of the cats. They may have said something along the lines of my father being responsible for the death of Kota's parents. So... I'm pretty sure I'm unwelcome here."

"That's terrible! He- but that can't be true," Izuku shook his head, "I mean, it doesn't make sense that they would make that up either but, considering the timeline, it doesn't add up."

"What do you mean?"

He quickly wiped sweat from his eyes, "Think about it. You were rescued from your parents when you were little, right? If you're eighteen now, it's been maybe sixteen-seventeen years? Kota's only five..."

"That's..." Holy gigantic crap. Duh!!

"(Y/N), if that's true then Butcher is, or at least was, out of prison. And for some reason Aizawa knew but the public didn't make a huge announcement about it."

"Why didn't I put that together? Why would any of the pros keep that a secret..." your head felt dizzy again. Just when you were beginning to calm down too, "He could be out there - ANYWHERE? Why didn't Monarch tell me. If anyone I thought he would."


Izuku could see the hurt in your eyes. Hesitant, like you were a skittish squirrel he was trying not to scare, he slowly placed a hand on your shoulder.

"I'm sure there's an explanation for all of this," his voice was calm.

"I just thought the secrets were over," you said, "But... it's also my fault for not asking more questions. I never asked what happened to them. I just assumed they were locked up for life."

"We all did," he nodded, "I even studied the Butcher and didn't consider his alternative whereabouts." He seemed genuinely upset about it and frowned deeply, "Is he just great at hiding? Does he have friends? What about your mom? What connections do they have with other villains? They usually worked alone. They're probably keeping a low profile, but why would he kill Kota's parents then? Why wasn't that reported at a higher volume?"

"Deku," you snapped.

"Sorry! I'm sure you have a million of your own questions..."

"Yeah," you didn't even know where to begin.

"Y-you know," Izuku said, "I wouldn't take Kota's coldness too personally. I think he has an issue with ALL villains and heroes. He's very untrusting of any of us."

"Thanks," you gave him a weak smile, "But your dad didn't kill his dad. There might be some room for extra hate there."

"O-oh. Yeah... I guess I don't know how I would feel either. Anyway, I just want you to get back to your normal self again. If I can help, let me know what I can do."

You smiled, but with no humor behind it, "Izuku, when have I ever been normal?"

"Not normal, normal," you felt his other hand gripping your shoulder now, as if he was ready to shake you, "Just your normal. When you're happy. When we're jumping off rooftops together to get to school. When we team up during training. I miss your - um - your -uh..."

He looked like he realized he spoke too much and couldn't swallow his words.

"My?" You snickered.

"I-I-It's hard to explain!" He panicked, "It's like a warmth. There's a light in your eyes when you believe in yourself. It's really stunning."

He spoke the last words as if he were daydreaming and not still in front of you. Your eyes widened in surprise and you waited for him to notice his own boldness. It didn't take long, and his ears turned dark red from embarrassment.

"Ah!! I mean..! Um!" He trembled.

You tried to suppress a giggle, "Thanks, Deku. I know you're trying to make me feel better."

"Y-yeah! Sure..."

"Well," you pat his hand before pulling away, "I should probably get going before Aizawa thinks I'm walking my five miles."

"Right," he said, "Do your best!"

You did exactly that. The last miles of your run went by in a blink. You were fueled by this new adrenaline. It wasn't quite anger that gave you energy, but something close to it.

It was time to quit being the ignorant damsel in your story and get to the bottom of all this bullshit.

When you returned to camp, Aizawa was ready to train you. Personally. At first, you were terrified having to go head to head with your teacher, but then you realized this could be a great time to find some answers.

And take your aggression out on him.

"I'm not going to give you time to think. Use your instincts. Be quick on your feet," he warned.

He was true to his word. Being the ninja that he was, he used the trees to jump around you, just as you used them to hide and avoid his capturing scarf. Any chance you got, you touched the nearest patch of grass or tree branch to suck up energy.

Your luck finally ran out when the scarf tied around your wrist.

"Too slow, (Y/N)," Aizawa said.

Maybe. But I'm not weak.

You dug your heel into the ground and used your strength to pull Aizawa to you, instead of you to him. It took him by surprise for a second, but you weren't foolish enough to assume you had the upper hand just yet.

Once he was close enough, you prepared a devastating kick. Though, you noticed your energy was suddenly gone - likely due to Aizawa's quirk. He narrowly dodged you, but your foot grazed the side of his goggles, which caused him blink in surprise. As you saw his eyes shut, you powered up your elbow to hit him with all you had.

Aizawa was still able to deflect you hitting him in a more vulnerable spot, but he couldn't avoid you completely. So, your charged elbow-drive met his shoulder and still sent him flying backwards.

After his back collided with a nearby tree, silence took over the forest. At first, you thought it was just you, but then you realized your classmates and class 1B had paused from their own training to see what had happened.

"Woah, (Y/N)! You're so badass!" Kirishima shouted.

"Don't get cocky, yet," Aizawa grinned, "What else can you do, little hero?"

"I'll show you," you said, "After you tell me when exactly my father got out of prison."

If he was surprised by what you said, he didn't show it. But he was also eerily calm. What was he thinking?

"Who told you that?" He asked.

"I know what he did," you paused, lowering your voice, "to Kota's parents. Is it true... Mr. Aizawa?"

He studied you for a moment while he brushed himself off, "Butcher's whereabouts are unknown. This is true."

You knew, and yet it still felt like a punch to the gut.

"But we shouldn't discuss this here," he added.

"You're right," you frowned, "because we should've discussed this a long time ago."

"You're not wrong, but remember who your teacher is, (Y/N). I don't appreciate your tone."

"And I don't appreciate being lied to."

There was a chilling silence where the two of you just glared at each other. You knew better than to disrespect Aizawa, but your temper was pulling at its chains.

"Is this why you didn't stop me from going with Monarch on my internship?" You asked, "Were you hoping it could help expose Butcher somehow?"

Aizawa's aura and scarf settled, no longer in battle-mode. His hair flattened against his head.

"I'm not here to use my students as bait, (Y/N)."

"But it's not a bad plan - is it?" you sniffled, not realizing you'd started to cry a little, "Your idea or not, it was someone's, and you knew. Right?"

"You're making assumptions. I never approved of or know of any plans to use you to draw out your father."

"I don't know who to believe anymore," you said, "Why didn't you or Midnight say anything?"

"I agree that you deserve to know, but we had no reason to worry about the Butcher acting on the knowledge of your existence - not with All Might being so close. You have enough on your plate," he sighed, "And we didn't want you doing anything rash."


"My job as your teacher is to give you the tools to become a hero. It's not to purposefully put you in danger or encourage vigilantes. If I told you about your father, be honest, would you look for him?"

Good question.

"I don't know. But that decision should be up to me. Not you, or anyone else."

"Fair enough," he said, "You're allowed choices in life. But you're not free of the consequences. If you decide to pursue your father, I can't keep you in my class. Consider your options before making up your mind."

He turned his attention to the other students, who were pretending not to notice the tense conversation you were both were having.

"I'm sorry you keep having to find out this way. I'm a teacher but I'm not a parent. There are things you need that I won't know how to give. Just trust that I do want the best outcome for my students."

He approached you and stopped once he was close enough that you could hear his dry, quieter tone, "I understand if you need time to restore your faith in myself, and Midnight. But don't let this stand in the way of your goal. Don't let him win."

You looked up into your teacher's eyes. A single tear slid down your cheek. You probably looked weak, but he didn't show any sign of disdain.

"Okay," you nodded, "okay."

Aizawa placed a hand on your head before walking away. The gesture seemed so unlike him and it was enough to startle you.

"Five more miles, (Y/N)."

"Wait, what?!"

Looking at the back of his head now, you noticed his hair standing up straight at your defiance.

"Got it, sir..."





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