《QUIRKY! (MHA x Reader)》S2 Part 14 - Better or Worse





As predicted... Aizawa had plans to make this trip as painful as possible.

When the bus came to a stop, you had a sneaking suspicion, considering the second bus hadn't stopped with yours. Aizawa had you all exit, even though it looked like you were standing on a cliff and not by a cabin.

You had a moment of relief when he introduced you to some members of The Pussycats, a pretty famous hero squad, but that was quickly diminished as soon as the same cats sent your entire class flying off the edge of the cliff for a "pre-training" mission.

"I just need to peeeeeee!" Mineta howled.

You had some energy (thanks to Bakugo...) which helped you land on your feet, but you practiced a bit of your acrobatics using tree branches to slow your fall. It earned you an enthusiastic "whoop" from Mina after the fell flat on her face.

"Guys... what the hell is that?!" Denki whined.

You looked in the direction Denki pointed. Apparently, due to one of the Pussycat's quirks, the forest was crawling with sand-beasts. Not little woodland critters - like, Godzilla made of kitty litter. Clearly not welcoming a casual stroll through the forest...

And like a holy hero task force, Izuku, Shoto, Katsuki, and Tenya all assembled and destroyed the monster; pumping up the morale of the other students in your class.

"You showed that thing who's boss!" Kirishima said.

Bakugo glowered, "We're not done."

While everyone ran around in a panic as more monsters rose from the dirt, (not wanting to be late for lunch or to get eaten), you took your time through the forest. Alone.

You'd been isolated enough already, but it was clear that the vibe with your friends was a bit different. You wanted to avoid special treatment or any treatment. They didn't need to waste their focus on you, just because you had tons of drama going on.

Aizawa didn't exactly give you a map before tossing you all off the cliff, but as long as you kept moving forward and could still hear everyone's screams, you were good - right? More beasts lurked deeper into the woods, but you felt strangely confident, or just eager to get your hands dirty.

When one of them emerged from behind a pair of tall, intertwined trees, you brushed your fingers against all the foliage you could. The organic energy shot through your fingertips as you mercilessly sapped the life of each plant. All your frustrations and confusions were building up into this one, solid punch.

"AAHHHHHH!!" your hair stood on end as an invisible force blew air around you. The beast exploded into small particles, turning into a tiny dust storm.

"You're getting better."

A chill ran down your spine. Not one of fear or dread. Just literal cold. You peered over your shoulder at your icy-hot audience member.

"Hey, Shoto..." you said warily.

Involuntarily, your face started to blush. It seemed to be the case whenever he was around - he was just too cute for his own good! You hid your cheeks with your hands, hoping somehow THAT would draw attention away from them...


He didn't say anything as he drew closer. For some reason it was making you more uncomfortable, but why? Oh... probably because the last few times you'd seen him he either kissed you or tried, and you hadn't had an adult conversation about it yet...

Panic seized you when you felt his strong arms hug you from behind. His rock-hard chest pressed against your shoulders.

"Uh, S-Shoto?" you cringed.

The warmer side of his face brushed yours, not helping with the whole blushing situation. He still didn't say anything but didn't let you go either. Because your arms were up protecting your face, his hands were comfortably around your ribcage, just out of reach of your breasts. Still too close!!

"I've been worried about you," he said, "You've been quiet."

"Well... I was in social lockdown for a while..."

"I called."

"I-I answered!" you retorted, flustered.

He chuckled, "Yeah. I guess you did."

You sighed, "I'm sorry. I want things to go back to normal, but with how things are right now, maybe it's better if I keep my distance from everyone."

You couldn't help but think about Shinso and Monarch. That whole situation was so screwy, the idea of the media, or stalker, targeting anyone else would break you. You already felt selfish with your quirk, but now you felt selfish trying to still be a hero at all. If you just quit now, would that be better for everyone else?

After a long moment, Shoto slowly released you, "If it makes you feel any better, only a real hero would consider putting the safety of others before their own desires."


"What I'm saying is, you're more of a hero than you think you are."

You gave him a sad smile, "That's nice of you to say... I just don't know how that can be with all the inconvenience I've caused."

His blank expression hinted he wanted to say more, but you were interrupted by the ground moving beneath you. The dirt collected to form another vicious-looking creature that roared in your direction.

"Let's see what else you got, hero," Shoto said, already freezing the monster's legs to the ground.

You scoffed, "Right!"

Covered in dirt and bruises, you and Shoto entered the clearing where everyone else had congregated, just in time to witness Izuku getting punched in the junk by a small child. You halted in surprise, wanting to rush to his aid but also laugh.

"You fiend of a child!" Bless Tenya, he went to Izuku's aid right away, "A punch to the scrotum is unforgivable!"

"That kids got spunk," Bakugo snickered.

You giggled slightly but caught the little boy's intense glare now shifting to you. Woah... you haven't seen a child so angry before. Did he ever smile? What did Izuku say to piss him off so much?

"Heroes are nothing but a bunch of idiot show-offs! You're all wasting your time," the boy grumbled. His cold eyes suddenly lit up, as if realizing something. A burning hatred flared as he kept his focus on you. After another painful second, he ran off, not looking back.


"I'm sorry about Kota..." the brunette Pussycat, Mandalay, said, "Eraser, could we talk for a second?"

"Sure..." Aizawa nodded, "Everyone else, get your dinner."

"FOOD?!" Kirishima and Denki had tears in their eyes.

Like everyone else, you were ravenous. After hours spent in the forest and using your quirk, you were running on fumes. The meal provided was fancier than anything you or Midnight made at home! It was easy to down twice the amount of food you could normally consume.

Everyone's spirits were high with the prospect of more food and training. The girls even engaged in normal conversation with you again. No one brought up Monarch or the fire, or anything else the news felt like covering about you. You felt foolish, hoping the normalcy would last, and you were...

From another table across from yours, a pair of sleepy eyes glittered wickedly. Your breathing stopped but your pulse quickened. What happened to Shinso... He wasn't socializing with anyone from his table, but that wasn't all that surprising. He seemed happy about something, but you had a feeling it was nothing good.

"(Y/N)? Are you okay?" Tsu asked.

"Hm? Yeah... I'm fine!"

Uraraka paused before eating another helping of rice, "Is it Shinso? I know you're trying to give him space, but I didn't think that meant at camp too. Did you two have an argument?"

"Not exactly. It's nothing," you shook your head, "don't worry about it."

She and Tsu exchanged a confused glance. Izuku overheard as well, but kept any comments to himself.

Bakugo on the other hand...

"What'd he do?"

You looked up from your bowl of rice and meat, "Who? Nothing!"

Bakugo fumed, "Doesn't sound like nothing. What'd that asshole do - tell me!"

Luckily, almost everyone was used to Bakugo shouting, so only the people sitting closest to you took notice.

"I said nothing!" You said.

"Fine! I'll find out for myself!"

"What - no! Katsuki!" You tried to stop him but he was on the other side of the table.

"Kacchan, don't start a fight, we'll get in trouble!" Izuku pleaded.

"Step off! I've had it with that cocky shit," Bakugo stormed towards Shinso's table a slammed a hand down, jostling everyone's food.

"What's the deal, freak?" Katsuki growled, "Why is (Y/N) afraid to be around you, huh?"

You wanted to die of embarrassment. To your surprise, Shinso didn't appear concerned. If anything he looked entertained.

"Ever been in love, Kacchan?" He asked with a sneer, "It ain't real unless it scares you a little."

The way he talked made you shiver all over. Even Bakugo hesitated. His teeth were still clenched but his fire weakened.

"Maybe you don't like it," Bakugo said, "But she's doing this for your benefit. The least you can do is make it easier for her."

Shinso laughed, "My girl's as easy as they come. You should know."


Uraraka's mouth dropped. Izuku froze. The tension in the room had finally gotten uncomfortable for everyone else.

"Hey, cool it guys..." Kirishima said, "You shouldn't say stuff like that about (Y/N)."

Shinso stood up, giving Bakugo a quick smirk before turning to leave, "Sure I can. She's mine."

"That's it!" Bakugo lunged forward but was held back but Tenya, "Hey, get off me robo-cop!"

"Let him go, Bakugo," Tenya ordered, "He's not worth it."

Next to Tenya stood Izuku, Kirishima, Shoto, and even Denki and Mineta.

"What's your deal man?" Denki asked, "I thought you were cool."

Shinso shrugged, "Maybe I'm embracing who I really am. Like you should." He directed the comment to you, but you barely heard it over the roaring in your brain.

Was this really the same Shinso? My Shinso?

"You're her friend, Shinso!" Izuku said, "Why are you acting like this?"

"Because you're all so charming? This wild creature came up to me. Keep him on a leash next time."

Shinso left, leaving the banquet hall quiet and awkward.

"Man... that was weird, right?" Izuku asked.

"Strange," Shoto nodded, "Bakugo did provoke him, though."

"Shut up!" Bakugo wriggled out of Tenya's arms, "I always knew he was a creep."

"(Y/N)... it's okay, it- (Y/N)?" Uraraka turned to find that you had also disappeared.

What is going on!

Shinso always had a mouth and a bit of a dark side, but he never...

You walked in circles outside, losing count of your rounds.

Had he always been like this, and you were blind to it? No. You had such sweet moments with Shinso. But then what else could explain this? Did you finally push him too far?

That had to be it. You loved him, but you strung him along... He had every right to be angry with you.

"...n't know she was coming too?"

You paused, hearing Mandalay's voice from somewhere. You knew it was wrong to eavesdrop, but it wasn't really "eavesdropping" if you could hear perfectly fine from here!

"I'm sorry. I'm sure this causes some anxiety for Kota," Aizawa responded, "That wasn't my intention. I'm just trying to train my students."

"I know... and I don't blame you, or (Y/N), it's just..."

Now you had to listen.

"I don't know what to tell Kota. His parent's death already gives him a complex towards heroes. Having (Y/N) here... I'm worried he won't be able to handle it. It's just that he's so young and doesn't understand."

You crept along the side of the cabin. You knew she and Aizawa were on the other side, but you couldn't sneak a peek. Knowing Aizawa, he would spot you right away.

"I'll talk to him," Mandalay said, "I wouldn't make a big deal about it if I weren't his guardian."

"I understand," Aizawa said, "It's my fault for not keeping you informed."

"No, no, I didn't do my job in preparing Kota. My only hope is he can see (Y/N) as one of the students, and a friend, and not the daughter of the man who killed his parents..."


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