《QUIRKY! (MHA x Reader)》S2 Part 12 - Tricks and Pricks


You spent a good chunk of your morning returning calls to your classmates. They all finally heard about the fire at Monarch's. Luckily, Iida had the idea to make it a joint call during class so you didn't have to repeat the story twenty more times.

Doing class work online, thinking about everyone else improving without you, was aggravating to say the least. You had so much to prove, now. In your mind, everyone had the same opinion of you as those nurses from the ambulance.

It brought you back to moments in your childhood... kids saying things like:

"Don't touch her! She's diseased!"

"Get away from us! You can't play with us - you're a freak!"

"My mom says you'll grow up to be a slut."

It didn't improve much before UA. Boys would bully you, secretly curious about your kissing quirk but belittled you out of their own insecurities. Girls were the same, only worse. To this day it was hard for you to connect with female friends, which is why you felt both blessed and intimidated by your classmates.

You could feel Uraraka and Momo's discomfort for a while now. While they were both a lot nicer about it than most girls probably would be, you knew they didn't like you spending so much time with Izuku or Shoto.

If you didn't have this quirk, would guys even notice you? Did it have anything to do with you at all? Or did your stupid pheromones trick everyone?

In truth, that was half the reason you couldn't decide how you felt about anyone. Especially Shinso...

If I never kissed him back then, would he love me now?

Maybe it would be easier for everyone if you were just a monster-slut. Hating you could be easier than trying to accept you.

"Ugh!" You felt so emo you could die, "I need out of here..."

You opened your motel door and greeted Lenny, the particularly box-shaped security man. He gave you a slight nod, but looked weary of what your business would be, "Need something, Miss?"

"Yes. Can I go to a store, or something?" you asked.

"I can get you anything you need," he smiled.

"I don't really need anything, except to go outside..."

"I see. Well," he sighed, "Do you have anything that can help make you look less obvious? Then we can get... ice cream?"

"Yes! Anything!"

You quickly grabbed some some sunglasses and a hoodie, feeling like a celebrity or something, and revealed your disguise to Lenny. He shrugged, "Good enough, I suppose."

It was the early afternoon, a good time to be out and about since most people were still working. It had only been a few days but it felt like weeks since you tasted fresh air.


Lenny stood close, and you didn't realize why until you caught a glimpse at a magazine stand. It looked like a new article, revisiting the sports festival. You didn't want to know what bullshit the writers were creating now, but the little, morbid part of you did.

"It'll pass," was all he said. And you nodded, pushing your sunglasses further into your face.

Lenny knew this part of town it seemed, as he knew exactly where to go. You followed silently, trying to enjoy being normal. When you got to the ice cream stand they had a bit of a line, and Lenny insisted on waiting for him at a nearby bench.

It was a nice day out. Kind of sunny, and warm enough that you felt your felt slight perspiration on the back of your neck. Summertime was here which meant summer camp, but you had no idea if you were still going.

It would be nice to see your friends again. Phone calls were nice but being alone made you feel more and more crazy.

You rubbed your temples and relaxed your eyes. When you opened them again, you saw something that made your back stiffen. You were still under the protection of your glasses, but someone was still looking at you from across the road.

"Shinso..?" You cocked your head to the side. There was something off about this - about him.

He was leaning against the nearest building, hiding his wild hair beneath a baseball cap - which he never did. His lazy eyes were watching you and he had a cocky smirk on his face.

Why does this not feel more... friendly?

You got up from the bench and looked both ways before crossing the street. Shinso kept his eyes on you but slowly disappearing around the corner of the building.

Okay, creepy... But maybe he was just trying to be sneaky since you were also hiding in public.

"Shinso?" You called to him once you reached the building, but you didn't see him right away.

You started getting a sinking feeling in your gut. This was your friend, your best friend - probably. More than that... He made you nervous but never whatever this feeling was.

"Hitoshi?" You circled the building, losing sight of the street and ice cream stand.

You sighed when you found nothing. Now, you were convinced it hadn't been Shinso at all.

Until his deep voice caressed your ear.

"You lost, little kitty?"

"The fuck, Hitoshi-" you whirled, a little excited to see him in person again, but your smile fell short.

His smile seemed odd, so did the look in his eyes. He sure sounded like the same ol' Shinso.

"What is it?" He asked, "Not happy to see me?"


He has no reason to mind control me...

"Of course, a bit confused you knew where to find me is all..."

His toothy grin calmed you, but not enough.

"I may have asked someone where you were. And they might've told me, even if they don't remember doing so."

"Oh, great," you scoffed, "What are you doing here, anyway?"

He stepped closer and slid one of his hands around your waist, "I just missed you. It wasn't very nice of you to run away and hide from me like that."

Shinso got a little aggressive and pushed you against the wall. It wasn't like you hadn't gotten handsy with him before, but he wasn't usually rough.

"Not very nice at all..." he snickered.

"What are you doing?" you wiggled out from his arm, but he just pressed his body against you and the wall.

"Shhh..." he put a finger to your lips, "Just relax, my little kitty cat."

You suddenly felt something sharp poke your side. At first, you couldn't move or think - it didn't make sense to you. When the fear sunk in and you pushed him back, he laughed somewhat excitedly.

"What are you doing?" You yelped. You couldn't see what was stabbing you, you only knew that it hurt like a small sting or burn. "I'll scream, you asshole!"

Shinso rolled his eyes, and shoved his tongue into your mouth. Even his kissing wasn't right! This was wrong - all wrong! His mouth tasted like you were licking a dirty nickel.

Go ahead and kiss me you dick, you glowered, you'll regret it soon enough!

You bit down on his lip until it bled.

"Ouchie!" He hissed, "Wow... normally I'm the one making people bleed."

You leaned away to shout for Lenny, but Shinso covered your mouth and forced your head back into the wall, "No, no, kitty! I'm almost done."

You suddenly started feeling sleepy. No - is he drugging me?! Your kiss hadn't lasted very long, but you tried to channel any strength to get him away from you.

You managed to push him back, and you saw the needle in his hand. Why? Why is Hitoshi doing this? Your vision went splotchy, and your thoughts turned to mush.

"You know," you heard him say before falling asleep, "You were my first girl!"

You awoke with a start. Your head was flat against a wooden bench with the rest of your body slumped over. The sun was still out, but a shadow was cast over your figure.

"Did I take that long?" Lenny asked, "Sorry, I thought you had all this energy to play outside!"

"What?" You sat up. Lenny had an ice cream in his hand, and it looked hardly melted.

"Let's get on your feet before you sleep again."

Confused, you just nodded and took your ice cream.

The hell? Was that a bad dream?

No way. It felt real. You hesitated before lifting your shirt. There, by your hip, a small bruise.

Fear washed over you. Would Shinso really do that to you? The idea made you sick and violated. Except, if Shinso actually wanted to force you to do something, he would've used his quirk.

Not a needle.

Even then, what did he do besides put you to sleep? You were too afraid to call him and ask, or to tell anyone in case he got into trouble. Who cares! He stabbed me with a freakin' needle!

You just couldn't accept it was him.

You paced your motel room contemplating what to do next. Going outside was, apparently, the worst idea ever, but what could you do about this? Call Shinso? Call Midnight? Aizawa? Ask one of your classmates?

No... what if you were wrong? You had to be sure it had actually been Shinso. Maybe he was drunk or something... during the day.

That still didn't make it okay.

When your phone buzzed, you were instantly filled with dread. You had no idea what the outcome of today's events would bring.

You took a deep breath before answering, "Hello?"

"(Y/N), it's your teacher..." you heard Aizawa's sleepy voice.

"Sir? What is it?"

"Just letting your know your grades have been excellent this week. You won't have to worry about passing. Oh, and I convinced Nezu to allow you to come to summer camp. Interested?"

"Yes..! But, are you sure?" You asked.

"We'll be in the woods far away, not exactly a hot spot for any reporters to be. I don't need you falling behind the rest of your class, but I'll leave it up to you. We leave after this weekend."

"Thank you, sir! Um... sir?"

"What is it?"

You lifted your shirt again to study your bruise, "It's... nevermind. Um. How has everyone else been?"

"Do you mean Shinso?"

"Sure," damn I'm an open book.

"He will be with class 1-B for now. Otherwise, he seems to be doing fine. Don't worry, (Y/N). Get your mind focused on summer training."

"Right, thank you, sir."

You were relieved to rejoin your friends - and soon. But that meant you would most likely see Shinso again. What would you even say to him? Would he say anything to you?

All you could envision was his smile just before stabbing you.

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