《QUIRKY! (MHA x Reader)》S2 Part 9 - Four Letter Word


You sat quietly in Midnight's office.

The teachers were having a discussion earlier, but due to a crowd that formed outside of the school, they had to deal with that quickly. Most of the crowd consisted of more reporters, begging for information on you and the irresponsible nature of UA.

It isn't fair... The only reason UA got so much heat was because villains kept attacking its students, and it's a top name school. No one was inviting villains here - (hopefully...)

Present Mic threw out the idea of there being a spy in the school, but President Nezu was quick to turn the idea away.

Everything was falling apart... and now, UA was getting crushed because of you.

Midnight and Aizawa encouraged you to stay away from your phone, but you couldn't help it. You were going to find out eventually, right?

In hero news, your article popped up first. It's just because it's new, you told yourself. The headline was "Butcher Reborn?"

The reporter had minimal facts about your ties to Butcher and Hellia, but it didn't take much, really. And the relationship between you and Miss Midnight, about her being your guardian. However, the article gets disturbing as it claims UA as a whole was hiding this dark secret.

"UA needs to be held accountable for the chaos they're breeding. They claim to be raising the next top heroes of our society, and yet they are allowing one of the darkest villains of our time to be reincarnated within their very walls.

Her powers have already been demonstrated during the sports festival that took place recently - normally an entertaining challenge to help young students network for their futures as heroes.

(Y/N) not only attracted the attention from the public, no doubt due to her mother's charming looks and abilities, but also the League of Villains."

"How the hell do they know that?" You growled.

The article continued to destroy UA, and you. Comparing your quirk to your parent's - as best as the reporter's facts would allow. It also brought up Monarch, and how it was irresponsible and toxic to allow you to internship with an ex-friend to Hellia.

Poor Monarch, you sighed, knowing his agency might take a hit from this.

The words were riddled with doubt in your character. You were painted as a villain already, even though you hadn't a crime to your name. Except maybe the incident with Stain...

The worst was yet to come. In your mind, anyway. It was bad enough you were being ripped to shreds, but Shinso...

Halfway through the article were several photos of you and Shinso. One of you kissing him in the parking lot on your birthday. Another walking with him, probably from school? The one of him carrying you out of the press party. And some you had no idea how the photographer possibly could've gotten them.

The overall story was - you and Shinso were the next villain couple.

You broke down after that, not caring if anyone heard you. Salty tears passed your lips and rolled down your cheeks. It could've been anyone but Shinso... he already had a villain complex following him around like a shadow. At least that was limited to his judgmental classmates.


It's everyone.

"How can we not address this issue? A brainwashing quirk and the daughter of the Butcher is asking for trouble. UA has always kept a bright reputation, but lately, with All Might's contribution to the staff, it is far too dangerous to lure villains to these students. Either UA needs to fire All Might, or they need to reconsider their current student body and weed out those potential risks."


"This asshole..." you scoffed. Who was to say it wasn't some punk kid with a camera and some fancy opinions? And yet, the news ran the article anyway...

You checked the name, even though you know the writer had an alias: Valentini.

Odd. You searched his alias for more articles and you groaned, noticing he actually had some impact on the public. He wasn't just some rando.

What was his beef with you? This attack just felt so out of the blue. Why spread more fear - after everything that happened with Stain?

His videos were a viral sensation. It seemed villains and citizens alike were fascinated by Stain and his hate for hero society.

Maybe the whole world was out to end heroes...

You couldn't wait any longer. You had to talk to someone - or go home. Sitting in this room alone with your phone was driving you mad.

When the tears stopped, you left the office and returned to the lockers. You were surprised to see some of your classmates still there. You hesitated, unsure if they felt the same way about you now.

Mina was near tears herself when she saw your face, "(Y/N)... come here!"

She threw her arms around your neck, catching you off guard.

"I can't believe they released that article. It's disgusting that they would attack you like this! You're just a student!" She said.

"Mina?" You hugged her back, careful not to let her horn poke your eye.

Izuku of course was there, not phased by the news, and Shoto. Bakugo too, but he stood facing the entrance of the school, glowering at whatever was outside.

You were surprised to see people like Tokoyami present and even Ojiro. The boy with the bird's head nodded reverently at you, "It's true. Their actions are despicable."

"It shouldn't matter who your parents are," Shoto said, "The reporter doesn't know you. You're not like them."

"This could really damage their future careers..." Uraraka muttered, "It's awful how much power someone's opinion can have."

"Do you know where Shinso is?" You asked them.

They all paused, looking to each other for direction.

"If he's still here, I mean," you swallowed, "I just want to check on him..."

"Go to the nurse's office," Bakugo grunted, "and don't you dare go outside on your own!"

"Bakugo..." Mina said.

"What? They'll eat her alive. Just wait until the teachers get rid of those pathetic buzzards."

"Thank you..." you meant that to everyone. In all honesty, you thought that they might reject you after knowing about Butcher. Maybe they didn't believe it yet.

You didn't want to blow them off, but all you could think about was Shinso. What were you going to do? How could you fix this for him? What would save his name and make this all go away.

After walking a ways through the quiet building, the nurse's office came into view. Your hand gripped the door handle but you couldn't move. What were you going to do..?

With a bit of courage, you slowly opened the door. No one was at the desk, so went to the back where the beds were.

Shinso stood in the corner of the room. Not even resting in a bed, but his injuries seemed to be tended to. He had a black tank top on and sweat pants. His purple hair stood up, unruly, just how you liked it.

His droopy eyes looked hallow, but when he saw you come in, some color returned, "Hey, kitten..."


Now that you found him, your mind went blank. You couldn't think of what to do or say. So, instead, you cried.

"I'm so sorry, Hitoshi," you hung your head in shame, "I had no idea any of this would happen. Now look what I did to you..."

You felt his big arms crushing you into his chest. "It's not your fault," his husky voice tickled your ear.

"It is. Maybe not intentionally, but still. You shouldn't have become friends with me - you would've been fine."

"Shut up."

"Just look!" You sounded a bit hysterical, "It's exactly what you didn't want to happen - and it did! Everyone will only see you as a villain now... so long as you're with me."

"That could've happened if I was with you or not," he said, "It doesn't... matter."

"Don't say that," you shook your head, "I know you don't mean it. You're just protecting my feelings. I know you're hurting and I know I'm responsible."

Your tears were soaking his shirt now, but he didn't budge. This hurt. Your chest wanted to explode and weren't sure if you wanted to be angry, sad, or embarrassed.

There had to be something you could do to fix this.

"Who cares," Shinso said.


"Who cares what they think. If they want us to be villains - fine. You and I know the truth."

"Shin..." you shook your head, "I can't... I can't be the reason your dreams don't come true. I won't be what gets in the way."

You felt his body stiffen, "The hell does that mean?"

"Just listen... If no one sees us together, the rumors about you could fizzle out."

His hold around you tightened, "Don't... I know what you're thinking. But you don't have to."

"I don't know what else to do. I don't want to push you away..."


"But, Shin, you just got into the hero course - you did something that seemed impossible. I couldn't live with myself if it was suddenly taken away because of something stupid like this."

"This? This isn't stupid to me," he growled.

"I meant-"

He slammed his lips against yours. It wasn't gentle. It was hot, heavy, and desperate. Part of you desperately wanted to rip his clothes, let him have you in every way possible. You would miss the feeling of his body against yours...

"Hitoshi," you breathed.

"You're serious about this..." his voice cracked. He kept his forehead pressed against yours.

"Just for a while," you said, "It's all I can think to do unless they allow me to defend myself, which I highly doubt."

"So I can't see you?"

"I mean, we can just, not outside school... for now."

"Fuck." He let his arms fall to his sides. You were left standing there while he sat himself down in a chair. One hand covered his face as he stewed.

You were both like this for a good five minutes. It was unclear if he was going to say anything else. Maybe you pissed him off for good- he was done...

"I... I'm going to see if the reporters are gone. I'll call you later? Unless you don't want me to. That's okay, too..." you stopped at the door, feeling more tears coming on, "I'm sorry. I really care about you, Shin. I promise that's the only reason..."

"I love you."

Your legs turned into led.

He hadn't moved from his spot, but he said it again. "I love you, (Y/N)."

"Woah, (Y/N) are you okay?" Denki asked.

You returned to the lockers to grab your things. Fewer students were there, but you noticed most of them collected themselves outside. It seemed that the press hadn't been completely scared off yet.

"Did you get dumped or something?" Mineta asked hopefully.

"Shh! Leave her be, guys, are you kidding me!" Mina scolded.

Your pink friend escorted them outside while you packed your bag. You locker seemed to already be ajar. At first, it didn't seem odd, because your mind was literally a pile of mush.

"I love you, (Y/N)."

Why did he have to say that now? Why not before? Why did you ever wait in the first place?

It's cruel, you clenched your teeth.

When your locker didn't require your code, you frowned. Did you open it earlier and forget? But your blood went cold when you noticed something familiar sitting inside that wasn't there before.

A rose with many thorns.

You pulled the flower out, and a photo slid from inside and fell to the floor. A picture this time too? How did this mystery person open your locker anyway?

Upon closer examination, it was another photo of you and Shinso. This one was even more personal than the ones in the article.

This was taken... outside of Midnight's house?

Whoever used the camera was pressed up against the window, watching you and Shinso cuddling on the couch, his lips touching your neck.

Except, in this printed photo, Shinso's face was scratched out.

"Why..." you were trembling now. Mostly out of anger. Your privacy was being treated like a joke. Not only yours, but Shinso's.

You crushed the rose beneath your foot. Stomping on it until there was no beauty left. This wasn't left by a secret admirer.

More like a stalker.

You did keep the photo. It shouldn't be left lying around. But whoever gave it to you had a digital file, and probably more just like it. Was it a threat? Was someone playing a sick joke?

The last time you thought you had a stalker it turned out to be Shigaraki of all people. The thought made you shiver. Thinking about him watching you wherever you went...

You stepped outside after mentally recovering and considered telling the teachers about your discovery, but they were already helping you with the press. It looked like some of your classmates were being escorted out one at a time, getting picked up by their parents.

You could hear the reporter's demeaning voices attacking All Might. Attacking Nezu. The whole school.

Midnight stood in the line of fire as well. This could last forever, making you feel all the more guilty. You decided you might as well wait inside, but someone stood at the doors, looking around expectantly, in a dazzling black suit and orange tie.

Monarch's done-up eyes landed on you and he delivered a warm smile. Black lipstick never looked so welcoming, "My darling..." he extended his long arms to you.

It might've been because you hadn't seen him in a while, or that your emotions were a wreck, but you jumped into the man's arms and buried your face into his shoulder, hiding from the rest of the world.

"Let's get you out of here, hm?" he pat your head and unfurled his wings.



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