《QUIRKY! (MHA x Reader)》S2 Part 8 - Bittersweet Victory


This time, you and Todoroki used the rooftops for an aerial advantage, searching wildly for Iida. Shoto was able to keep up by making a bridge for himself out of ice - impressive really.

When you landed on the next rooftop, you made sure to put most of the weight on your good leg. The last thing you needed was to be out for the rest of the exam. Who makes capture the flag part of an exam, anyway...

"Shoto," you waved him over, "I think I see him... maybe?"

He crouched on the ledge you were peering off of, "What is that? A moving forest?"

Just bellow, an entire alley was filled with green vines and colorful sprouting mushrooms - clearly being used to clog up the exits. In the thick of it, you spotted a white uniform and heard the voices of your classmates.

"You're still shocking me, Kaminari! I don't think this is the best way to escape our current situation!"

"I'm sorry - that's like, all I do!"

"I can't even see you guys!" you heard Uraraka cry out, "I'm going to see if I can get above the vines."

Shoto stood up, "I can burn it down."

Not a bad plan, you thought, but you had a slightly better one - that might suit you, "Let me get in their first."

"Why?" He asked.

"You'll see!"

The vines were so dense, even if Uraraka was able to use her quirk, you weren't sure she could escape. BUT it did make for a nice landing. You took the metal fire escape halfway down the building before leaping into the fray.

This worked out nicely. You grinned as almost every inch of your body was touching the vines. It was as if your quirk knew that it didn't need to hold back, seeing as the vines weren't human, and you watched in amazement how quickly the green forest turned into a fickle briar patch.

"What's going on!" Uraraka cried out.

"I dunno, but I'm scared," Denki groaned.

"It's me!" You shouted, "Can you guys move at all?"

"(Y/N)? How did you find us?" Iida asked.

"When did you get here?! How?" Denki sounded frazzled, "We haven't been able to budge!"

"I can move a little now," Uraraka said, "(Y/N), help Iida first!"

"Shoto can clear an entrance but be sure you don't get burned," you instructed.

"Got it," Uraraka and Iida both said.

"What? You're going to light this dry plant on fire! Are you crazy!" Denki shrieked.

"Hm. I guess neither of us have the armor to withstand fire," you scratched your chin.

"You think?! Just don't kill us - please!"

You thought for a moment. After absorbing all that energy, you really didn't need fire to break everyone out. Maybe you could copy one of Izuku's moves? He could punch or kick so hard that he moved air. With a powerful enough blow, you could possibly take the forest down without burning anyone.

"New plan! Everyone stay close to the ground."

Before Denki could utter a confused "wha?" - you focused all of your strength forward with your fist. It didn't look as devastating as Izuku's, but the crispy vines shattered and spiraled into a vortex, evacuating the alley.

"(Y/N)... that was amazing!" Uraraka, now visible, smiled up at you, "It totally looked like something All Might can do."

"No way, if it had been All Might we would've gone flying!" Denki said, "Ah - splinters in my eyes!"


"Regardless, we are free to move about now, thank you," Iida brushed some stragglers off of his robo-suit.

That punch cost more energy than you predicted. It didn't matter, though, you had plenty to finish this exam. You waved to Shoto up on the roof and he made his way down the fire escape.

"You have the flag?" Shoto asked Iida.

"Yes. However..." Iida pointed to his legs, "I used a lot of strength to escape their base, we got stopped after that, and then again in the vines. I'm afraid I'm of little use for the moment."

"We can take it from here," Shoto suggested.

"We're racing against the other team, now," you said, "I can still run-"

The ground beneath you suddenly turned soft. You couldn't register what was happening exactly, but you knew it meant danger for your friends, "Get back!" You shoved Shoto out of the way as you sank further into the cement.

Someone has a quicksand quirk?

Uraraka squeaked, "No! I can't even float out of this!" She was already waist-deep.

"Hold on!" Iida hadn't been caught in the trap just yet. Shoto and Denki both found dumpsters to stand on.

"No, if you get caught we'll lose for sure," Uraraka said, "Go without us! Hurry!"

You turned your head and spotted a girl with green hair - no - vines for hair? Most likely the one responsible for the forest. Next to her was a boy in a full metal, orange suit and a black mask. You could barely make out was looked to be his teeth, but instead of lips, they were exposed on the outside, almost like a skeleton.

Shoto created an ice wall to block them off. At the same time, the ground turned solid again. Which would've been great, if you and Uraraka weren't still trapped. Now, you couldn't move anything below your hips. You wiggled but only ended up hurting yourself.

"Now it's worse," Uraraka whined.

"She's right," you said, "It'll take too long to free us and you'll risk getting trapped again. But... there's something I can do."

The girl with vines bypassed the ice, her quirk sprouting more greens from underground. The ice wall itself started to waver, making strange sloshing sound, like it was melting but not in its usual liquid form.

"Tenya, take my hand," you reached forward as far as you possibly could, "You have to remove your glove."

"I'm confused by your instructions as they seem contradictory, (Y/N)?"

"Quick!" You begged.

"Okay, okay!" Iida reached for your fingers. As soon as you felt his skin, you shut your eyes.

Please work, please work...

Give him the energy...

If Iida could take your strength, like Izuku had before, he could definitely make it back to your base before the other team. He was speed. Even if you spent energy digging yourself out of this hole, he would be the one to make the most of your power.

Iida gasped. You felt your muscles softening as you transferred your strength to him. You grinned, giving him a knowing nod, "You should be able to run just fine now - go!"

"How did-"

"I'll explain later!"

"Right!" He nodded. With the other team's flag tightly in his other hand, Iida used his jets, creating fire and heat behind his calves. "Ha! It's working!"

You blinked once, and he vanished, leaking a trail of dust. His victorious cries could be heard in the distance. You beamed at Uraraka who looked at you questioningly.


"I learned a new trick or two," you shrugged.

You both looked pretty pathetic, half eaten by the ground, while Denki and Shoto continued deflecting the vines that kept coming.

"We'll hold them back," Shoto said, "But I doubt they can catch up to Iida, anyway." He lit up half his body and scorched the new vines that attacked his ankles.

"Sorry we're no help," Uraraka pouted, "We look like a couple of damsels right now..."

"Ah yeah, gotta rescue my ladies!" Denki shot her with finger guns.

"That's not... never mind."

"You were plenty helpful," Shoto peered down at you, "Uraraka, I'm sure you were there to help Iida get the flag in the first place. And (Y/N), he's going to win this because of your sacrifice."

He smirked as their opponents came into view. His ice wall had been completely destroyed.

"I'm sorry, I was an idiot before," Shoto muttered, that bit was mostly for you to hear, "This exam was always about supporting each other. I'll try to do that..."

He and Denki shared a glance, making the spark-boy grin, "Yeah, I got Todoroki! Let's do this!"

The rest of the exam was fairly uneventful for you. You got to relax - in the cement that is - and watch bolts and fire dance above you, shielding you and Uraraka from the other team.

A loud horn blew, blasting your eardrums and stopping your heart. It was followed quickly by Present Mic's voice, "Students, pleeaaaaase return to your teachers! Your exam is complete!"

"But who won?" Uraraka asked.

Luckily, the other team helped you two out of the ground. Their names were Honenuki and Shiozaki. Honenuki, reminded you of a few competitive friends of yours... and Shiozaki was like a celestial goddess!

Not only was she gorgeous, but she had an angelic voice and white robes to finish the look. However, her judgmental tone and leering eyes rubbed you the wrong way.

You all made your way back to the entrance, collecting other students along the way. Everyone looked beat up and exhausted. You were shocked by how many there were total, granted you only ran into a few - too bad, you wanted to see more quirks.

You spotted Shinso sitting on the ground next to Monoma. How did he befriend that slimy bastard? He had removed his mask and you could see he was grimacing in pain.

Someone else spotted you gravitating towards them, and nudged your towards your own class, "He's fine." The grumpy voice grumbled. You stumbled back, being pushed by ridiculous biceps, and glared up at Bakugo's face.

"Don't look at me like that," he scoffed, "He doesn't need you to fawn over him right now."

He was... right? How was it that the one with the most explosive temper made the most sense? It might make Shinso look weak to have a girl all over him while he's injured, especially in front of the other class.

You silently complied, wishing it didn't have to be so complicated to comfort a friend. Maybe Bakugo understood something about Shinso that even you didn't? He wouldn't have stopped you from comforting Izuku - although, he would've teased you both relentlessly.

Aizawa still looked bored, which had you worried at first, but the pissy expression from Vlad said it all.

Present Mic, the only animated one, threw his hand in he air, "Class 1-A! Tenya Iida was able to return the flag to your base! He moved like a bullet - I haven't seen anything like that from you!"

Your class cheered. Iida bowed his head, being humble as ever, "Thank you sir, but I must share this victory with my entire class for their hard work and giving me plenty of opportunities. I wouldn't have been the one to cross the finish line if not for (Y/N)."

Everyone turned to look at you, probably assuming that you and Iida had made-out or something.

"Wait, what exactly happened?" Kirishima asked hesitantly.

"I wasn't aware of this power before, but she was able to transfer her energy to me. Without it, I wouldn't have even been able to use my jets."

"Really?" Tsu asked, "Ribbit. Like, a quirk enhancer?"

Izuku gave you a thumbs up. The students from class 1-B were a little less enthused and grumbled to themselves.

"It's new for me too," you shrugged, "I'm just glad I can... Uh, help."

Give instead of take.

Kirishima's face turned green. When Tsu asked him what was up, he turned away, mortified.

"It's just..." he whimpered, "If (Y/N) got her power from me, but gave it to Iida... then... have I been in some kind of three-way?!"

Bakugo was the first to start howling in laughter. Iida tried to rectify the situation, but everyone was in too good of a mood to not keep giggling.

"This is how diseases are spread," Mineta inched towards you, "But if you ever want to make out with Momo or Mina and share some of that energy with me, I'm totally okay with that."

"Good to know..." you sighed.

"Do not turn our victory into one of your weird perversions!" Iida shouted.

You changed our of your costume slower than the rest of the ladies, leaving you the last in the locker room. Now that the adrenaline had worn off, your leg wasn't feeling too hot. Hopefully, Aizawa didn't have any intense training planned the rest of the week.

It didn't seem bad enough to see Recovery Girl yet - besides, she had plenty of students to tend to today. You made you way to the vanity and washed your face in the sink.

You hadn't put your school clothes back on yet. So, you were just hanging out in the empty bathroom in your underwear. Honestly, at this point, you kissed half your class - this was probably one of the least promiscuous things you could do.

You examined your reflection. On both shoulders, small, silver lines marked your skin. Recovery Girl was able to heal the awful wounds the Nomu left, but wasn't able to hide all the scaring.


"The hell," you hissed. What was that? What. Was. That.

Your heart was drumming a million miles an hour. You were certain you had been alone. If it hadn't been so quiet, you might not have heard what you heard.

On your tiptoes, you crept to the first stall and pushed the door open. Nothing. You did the same to the other stalls, following the line, and making sure no one was hidden anywhere.

Okay... you didn't find anyone, but it didn't feel safe anymore. You quickly threw your clothes and left in a hurry.

When you met the others by the lockers in the hallways, some of your friends were huddled together. The mood was heavy and not what you expected after your big success.

When Izuku saw you, his eyes widened and he hurried to your side.

"Izuku - what's going on? Why is everyone so stiff?" you asked.

"Uh, well, you see..." he frowned, "It's. Um..."

"C'mon," you said, "Spit it out."

"It's uh - the m-media, they..." he was cut off by your own teacher. Aizawa stepped in and ushered you away from the others.

"We should talk," he said.

"Aizawa, sir?"

Your other classmates looked in your direction. Some looked at you in pity, some looked upset or confused. Bakugo was the scariest of all. His face was stone. The anger burned in his eyes, but he remained stoic.

"I'm really sorry, (Y/N)... this shouldn't happen to our heroes on training. Damn vultures."

"Please, just tell me," you were so confused. They were acting like someone died!

He sighed. It was obvious whatever was on his mind aggravated him. Though, he was a man of few expressions.

"A reporter, under an alias - the coward - has taken it upon themselves to, more or less, obsess over you. The recent article has exposed almost everything... about you, the Butcher, and some of your more intimate relationships. However, parts of it are definitely skewed. They're jumping on anything to exploit you."

A reporter under an alias? Why would they do this? You knew it was just a suspicion, but you were even more worried about the strange clicking sound from the bathroom.

"Just now? But..." your ears were ringing and your lips felt numb, "Did they use anyone else's name? Is anyone else getting targeting?

Aizawa's eyes softened, "Yeah. Shinso."

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