《QUIRKY! (MHA x Reader)》S2 Part 7 - Disaster


Shinso had Bakugo in knots. The blond boy looked like an angry cat caught in a yarn ball - if the cat also had sticks of dynamite. That left Shinso open, however, to Izuku, who landed a hard punch to his jaw, sending him rolling and dragging Bakugo along with him.

"Dammit - stupid nerd!" Bakugo grunted, scrambling to free himself.

"S-Sorry!" Izuku said.

You pulled at your hair. This was a disaster! How were you all going to recover points from this circus? You and Kirishima tried intervening a few times only to get frost walled or blasted.

Now, you, Kirishima, and Toru were at a safe distance while planning your next move. The other team that accompanied Shinso hadn't been able to escape, thanks to Todoroki freezing them in place, but you weren't sure how long that would last.

"Toru," you said, "while everyone's distracted, see if you can get to Jiro."

She nodded - you think - "What are you going to do?"

"We should be going after their flag... but we can't leave Jiro in Shinso's mind control. So," you huffed, "Kiri and I will try to save our team from further embarrassment... and keep your way clear."

"That sounds fun," Kirishima said, "What's the plan?"

I need to get to Deku... You frowned at the battlefield that would certainly bring you death.

Kirishima noticed the worry on your face, "Hey... uh, if you need to, like, charge-up or something? I can help. If you want!"

You turned, stunned by his offer. He didn't look very sure of himself, as he dropped his gaze, "If it'll help us stop them, why not? We've kissed already so it's not that weird - right?" He flashed you a bright smile, even though you could tell he was nervous as hell.

"Oh, um," you checked the distance between you and Izuku again.

So far... and he was jumping around like a spazz. It might be dangerous to interrupt him.

"Are you sure?" You asked.

"Yeah, unless you're afraid of my cooties," he laughed.

You smiled. Kirishima was a sweetheart, kind of like Izuku - but it was easier to kiss guys like Bakugo. With him, you knew you wouldn't be toying with his feelings - or, at least, he could handle it...

You needed to make the choice now.

"Alright, thanks, Kiri."

He blushed at the nickname you adopted, "Let's do this!"

Kirishima was always so loud and confident on the surface, seeing him actually be shy threw you off. It was mostly in his eyes - the nerves and curiosity brewing in his red orbs.

You hoped the invisible girl had left on her quest already...

His kiss was a little more forceful this time, and you giggled involuntarily - it was like he wanted to make sure it was going to work.

You helped ease him into it by holding his face in your hands. He relaxed instantly and his solid arms hugged you into him. You were impressed by his abs, but it felt like cuddling a bag of rocks.

His sharp teeth barely grazed your bottom lip. The sensation was surprisingly pleasant, like a tickle, but you kindly resisted his mouth's request to go further. You weren't looking to get your tongue pierced anytime soon.

The energy from Kirishima was powerful, but again, so different! It felt like your body was turning to stone. Your joints were starting to get stiff, and he had to take a little control.


He's trying so hard to be gentle, it's kinda cute.

When you broke the kiss, he was all smiles, "Not bad, huh!"

"Thank you," you said, and immediately tried out your quirk.

Strange, you thought, usually when you turned red it was when you were using the more deadly side of your quirk. This red had a lightness to it, though - more apple than blood-red.

Kirishima grinned, looking proud of himself. You rolled your eyes but couldn't hide your own smile. What a dork.

"I'm going after Todoroki, think you stop Bakugo?" You asked, as you noticed the exploding hedgehog's focus had turned to Izuku, totally leaving Shinso be.

Although, your purple-haired friend was struggling to stand, now.

"You got it," Kirishima used harden (lol...)

You ran into the danger zone, watching Todoroki's empty gaze locking on Shinso. He's already down, Shoto, leave him be! We have other things to worry about!

You regretted making Kirishima handle Bakugo alone, even if he was plenty capable. The blond boy had a murderous look in his eyes.

"Kacchan, wait!" Izuku pleaded.

One of Bakugo's explosions narrowly missed Deku and hit a very unstable structure made entirely of metal pipes and beams.

Shit... You stopped dead in your tracks. The other team, frozen in ice, were about to get crushed. You couldn't remember them well, or their quirks - could they handle themselves?

There was a boy with black hair and a headband and a familiar looking girl with him - Kendo was it? But considering the distressed looks on their faces, it didn't seem like they had an escape plan.

Shinso noticed as well, and tried to restrain a few of the pipes that came crashing down with his scarf. The weight yanked him forward but he was able to move them out of the way just enough.

You on the other hand went straight towards the other team. No plan, really. Your legs just decided to move on their own. Could you even catch the pipes - all of them - in time? Or break the others out of the ice?

You caught the first pipe to nearly hit your opponents, and then the next. It was almost too wide for your arm span. The metal was heavier than it looked too, but you could manage.

"(Y/N)?" Kendo gasped.

"Hi," you grunted, a third pipe landing on you, "hang tight."

Jiro stood by them, still motionless but not trapped in the ice. Until you saw her shoulders moving back and forth violently, waking her up.

"Jiro! Wake up, girl!" You heard Toru shriek.

"Wh-what? Huh!" Jiro whirled around, "What the hell happened to me?"

"You were... brainwashed," you said, "Careful, it's dangerous here."

Jiro saw the giant structure you were supporting, "How can I help?!"

You grimaced, "I might need Midoriya or Todoroki... but everyone is too busy being idiots-"

A fourth pipe fell and your knees buckled, "Shit, Jiro - think you can free them?"

She frantically danced around the ice, "Uh, yeah, yeah of course!"

She plugged her ear jacks into their frozen shackles around their feet and legs. The vibrations cracked the ice until they were able to pull themselves out.

Instead of running and taking advantage of the situation, Kendo came to your aid. Her hands became gigantic, and she helped lift some of the weight off you.


"Thanks, Kendo," you said.

"No problem, you saved us first," she said, "If we had Tetsutetsu..."

You met eyes with Shinso, finally on his feet again, but battered and bruised. The look on his face haunted you - like he was about to watch you die.

It seemed like he was going to run to you but you stopped him, "Don't! Stay back, Hitoshi."

You heard Kirishima shouting from a ways, "Knock it off, Bakugo! You're not even attacking the right people - and now (Y/N) is in trouble because of you! Come on guys!"

At the mention of your name, you saw a flash of green and felt a chilling wind rush towards you.

"Hang on!" Izuku appeared next to Kendo. His strength alone helped you lift the pipes above your head.

Ice began forming from beneath you until their was a solid foundation supporting the pipes. You tested it, by slowly relaxing your muscles, until it was clear it was secure.

You let out a sigh of relief, "Thank the gods. My arms..."

"Way to go, guys," Kendo beamed.

Izuku's large, innocent eyes were glued to his feet, "I'm really sorry, (Y/N). You almost got hurt because of us - you all did."

"What pissed Bakugo off?" You asked, "I mean - more than usual."

"Uh, well," Izuku scratched his head.

Kendo joined in, "Seriously, he's on your team."

"It's complicated..." Izuku said.

Shoto was out of breath when he reached you. His white and red hair sticking to his damp forehead, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," you frowned, "but what the hell is up with all of you? Did you forget the objective or what!"

He grimaced, but didn't argue with you, "You're right. Let's get back-"

"Kendo!" The boy in the headband called to his friend, "Look!"

You all saw it. A bright beam shooting towards the sky. Your heart did a free-fall to your toes.


"They found it," you muttered.

"We don't have time, then," Shoto said, and he grabbed your hand, "Let's go!"

Izuku shot ahead like a dazzling green bullet. You weren't entirely sure where Kirishima and Bakugo went, but you had to focus on getting your flag.

"(Y/N)!" Shinso's weak voice shouted. It was even harder to hear behind his mask.

You looked back but Shoto wasn't allowing either of you to stop. Shinso was worked up. You've seen that look before, during your fight with Stain or after finding you in the alley with one of the League members.

Don't worry about me - you tried to communicate and gave him a thumbs up.

"Midoriya is going to intercept the other team," Shoto explained, "You and I can head to their base."


"What's wrong?"

You felt his hand tightening around yours. He was worried, but you were still annoyed with him.

"It looked like you were going a little overkill with Shinso - for no reason," you said.

You only heard his steady breathing for a minute. He didn't even look at you, just continued to run.

"Why?" you pressed, "I know you're a hard-ass, but you used to do things with purpose."

"Why?" He said sharply. Shoto suddenly stopped and pulled you both into an open, empty building that looked like a garage. The room was a bit dark, but one of his eyes lit up like like a blue flame.

Your back was pressed against cold metal as Shoto trapped you against himself and the wall. A faint whimper escaped your throat - it was surprising to see him act like this.

His glare was intimidating but not deadly. You tried to slow your breathing but your heart was acting like you were still running.

"Seeing you with him... It takes so much effort not to kill him whenever he touches you," Shoto cast his gaze to the side, but kept his body close to yours.

You forgot how much taller than you he was. Not as tall as Shinso, but you still felt small next to him. His arms were on either side of you with his thumbs pressing against your shoulders.

"Shinso?" You asked, nervously, "But... we're in an exam, Shoto, I don't-"

"I'm not proud," he said, "But I can't help it. I don't like any of them touching you."

You knew he was being serious, but you had to make the joke, "That's literally my quirk, Shoto."

"I know," he sighed, "But you can ask me, can't you? You don't need him..."

He started the lean in, his face getting dangerously close to yours. You could feel his hot and cool lips before they ever touched you.

You slipped your hand over your mouth. His droopy eyelids slightly raised when his lips hit your knuckles.

"I'm sorry, b-but you don't need to waste your energy on me, I'm okay!" you said.

Shoto smirked, and you nearly melted. He closed his eyes and continued to pepper your hand with small kisses, "No, I'm sorry," he mumbled against your skin, "I was acting... selfishly."

You thought that maybe he would back away now and focus on the task at hand. But his tiny, taunting kisses continued, tempting you to remove your hand, or eventually turn you into a puddle on the floor.

It wasn't until you heard random voices from just outside that you were spared from the stupidly attractive ice king. You both went silent and tried to listen in what was being said.

"... so fast! I couldn't... robot guy..."

Were they talking about Iida? You strained to listen, and Shoto did the same. No one had seen you two hiding in the garage, so you continued to spy.

"It's a race now... whoever gets to base... go!"

Your eyes lit up. Did they mean Iida had their flag? Both flags were live!

Shoto looked just as alarmed, "It is a race," he whispered, "If Iida used his jets to secure the flag, he'll no doubt need some help getting back to our base."

You weren't positive how Iida's quirk functioned - if he needed to drink gasoline or lube his calves... no clue. You did know that after he exerted himself his jets would stall. If that happened he was a sitting duck.

"Right," the two of you separated and you could breath again, "Let's get our boy."



(I'm just trying to scare ya, don't listen to me 💁‍♀️)

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