《QUIRKY! (MHA x Reader)》S2 Part 6 - Ultimate Showdown


"You didn't come alone did you?" Shinso asked.

Did you? You grabbed his scarf with your other hand. He might have new equipment, but he didn't have your strength.

You pulled him towards you, twirling around in his web to increase his speed. As soon as he was close enough, you kneed him in the gut. You cringed, feeling his insides pop.

It surprised you when he didn't cave in after that. Instead. He used the scarf already wrapped once around your body to throw you into the forest of pillars. You bounced off of one and into another.

You bit your tongue and tasted metal mixing in with your saliva. Damn. That hurt.

Shinso had talent, but there was something else that gave him an edge. Desperation. He had more on the line in this challenge than any of you.

"It's unfortunate this will be such a silent dance," he said while panting, "You aren't going to humor me with some crafty insults?"

Ohhh, I'll save some for later.

You grinned and shook your head like a defiant toddler. For now, your middle finger would suffice.

His scarf reached for you again. After watching Aizawa's fighting style, you knew Shinso learned a lot after working with him.

Maybe too much...

You used the pillars to your advantage. He couldn't get a clear shot so long as you kept moving. The downside was not being able to get close to him either.

At one point, only a single pillar stood between you. So, you powered up and kicked the entire pillar down and into him. He was able to protect his face in time, but his body hit the ground and bounced like a spring.

It took him a second to recover this time. His breathing was broken and hoarse.

Yikes, I hope I didn't kill him.

You crept towards him, waiting to see if he needed medical attention. When his clenched eyes shot open you realized the trap you'd fallen in.

The scarf wound tightly around you, pinning your arms to your sides. You let your guard down. The special material woven into the scarf made it difficult to move.

Time to up the charm.

Shinso's eyes softened as soon as your spell was released. You hadn't really tested it, but you wondered if the effects were stronger on people already attracted to you...

"Hey..." his deep voice sounded sleepy, "Are you - is this a new trick or something?"

Jokes on him, you've used it on him before. On accident.

You gulped - and it made him quite the little pervert. Maybe this was a bad idea.

"Who's in who's head now?" He chuckled.

One small flaw in your plan; you couldn't speak to him. You couldn't take full advantage of wooing yourself out of this mess. Not while he kept asking the questions around here.

This could backfire if he ended up mind controlling you while he was stuffed with pheromones.

You felt your energy going to waste trying to break the scarf. Shinso was on his feet now but hadn't made any swift movements to attack.

Your foot slid back as you attempted to reel him in again. It didn't work as well since you lost use of your arms, but he still moved forward enough to reach.

You delivered a sidekick to his chest. While he was hunched over you did your best to unravel yourself. Only a one loop remained, and you quickly jumped out of it, only to have it snag your wrists together.

"Going somewhere?"

Shinso leapt passed you, which you thought was odd, until your body was pulled back into another pillar. Stars swarmed your vision when you hit your head. The capture scarf holding your wrists wrapped around your face. Your mouth was sealed, and your head was stuck against the pillar.


You heard him tying from behind you. (AN: Don't know how but I know Aizawa either had two scarves or split his scarf to tie Todoroki that one time? 🤷‍♀️)

I can't move!

Your hands were pulled to the side of your head. So, you could still move your lower body, but you were bound and gagged to this pillar until... well, until you could wiggle out or someone cut you down.

Your head wouldn't budge. Your bonds were so tight you worried about circulation to your hands. Luckily, your nose was still free so you weren't going to suffocate to death, but you weren't calling for help anytime soon.

"Sorry, (Y/N). Nothing personal - or kinky - I promise," he shrugged, but his eyes traveled up and down your new costume.

You attempted to kick him, but he was ready with his scarf and caught it an inch from his stomach. He waved his index finger in a discouraging manner.

His unsteady breathing told you he was hurting from the beating you gave him, but it didn't really matter now. You were the one who got caught...

From back at the entrance of the building, you could hear Jiro and Izuku arriving. You tried making noise, any noise, like stomping, to alert them to what was happening. Shinso wrapped both of your legs together and held them close to his chest.

His mask made faint clicking sounds, "Deku! Help me!"

Your eyes burned holes in Shinso's skull. He was going to use you as bait, huh? How lame... You still weren't used to hearing your voice come out of someone else's mouth.

"(Y/N)?" Jiro gasped.

"Where is she?" you heard Izuku ask.

"Is Jiro with you too?" Shinso asked, still sounding like a distressed version of you.

"I'm here-" Jiro went silent.

You thrashed around in Shinso's hold, hoping it would somehow save Jiro. When he pinched the back of your thighs, you froze in horror. Pinch my ass and die, Hitoshi!

"What's wrong?" Izuku asked his teammate, no doubt because Jiro had just turned into a mindless zombie.

You couldn't see anything since you were facing opposite the entrance, but you watched Shinso's eyes closely. He had his sights on both of them.

"Deku?" He fake-whimpered, "Where are you guys?"

"We're here, I'm coming!"

No, Deku!

"Well, that was easy," Shinso sighed, "We're going to need you two to point us in the direction of your base."

Who was he talking about now?

Your question was answered when a couple of class 1-B students appeared. You had an audience this whole time?

"Woah, that's a freaky quirk you got there, Shinso. They'll just lead us to it now?"

"They should. If we're lucky they might even grab the flag for us," he released your legs, being annoyingly slow about it.

He raised a brow and the intense glare you were giving him, "Don't be too mad. I'll come back if no one else finds you first."

He was just going to leave you here?!

"I'd stick around and play body guard, but I have a personal score I wanna settle with Midoriya," his gaze got deadly before walked away.


He broke out of Shinso's spell once before. Could he do it again?

After that, you were abandoned. Still tied up, and had to listen to Izuku and Jiro silently escort the other team directly to your base.

Hopefully someone sees them before that happens...

Dammit! You pulled at your restraints but it only seemed to make it worse. It felt pointless to have such a powerful quirk when you could pull yourself out of something this simple.


You stopped. How much energy did you have left anyway? Maybe you couldn't pull the fabric apart, but you had been able to knock an entire pillar down already...

Trying to aim while facing the wrong direction, you kicked your heel into the pillar. You accidentally used the same leg that kicked Monoma earlier, and the pain resurfaced like white hot needles jabbing your bones.

You made a dent in the pillar, but without more energy, another kick like that you might break your leg.

You relaxed. Accepting defeat felt so wrong. There had to be a way out of this. How could you become a pro hero at this rate? I thought I had gotten better...


Toru? It couldn't be Shinso this time, he knew you couldn't respond. A weight lifted from your chest.

"I'm so sorry!" You felt Toru embracing you. Oh shit, she's naked. Your face was burning up feeling her invisible but very much bare body next to yours.

"I saw them when I got here and snuck out as quick as I could," she said, "but then I heard you guys fighting! I came back and he had you all tied up - which was weirdly hot by the way? Anyway, I didn't think I could save you with the others watching so I waited - I'm a coward I'm so sorry!"

You moved your lips but remembered they were trapped.

"Oh! Yeah, I'll get you out of this! Leave it to me!"

She moved to the other side of the pillar, "I kept wondering why he didn't have the others helping him. He probably thought he could brainwash you pretty quick... Arghhh! What is this even made of?!"

What kind of knot did Shinso make? You sighed, really wishing you could talk or move your face. When you heard voices approaching, you worried they had come back for whatever reason. You tried getting Toru's attention.

"What is it? Am I hurting you?" She asked, "Oh - oh! It's Kirishima! Kiri!!"

"Huh? You see anything Bakugo?" You heard Kirishima ask, "I thought I heard someone."

"Probably the idiot with the mask! So. shut up!" Bakugo huffed.

Why is everyone smarter than me...

"Kirishima! It's me, Toru! We're over here! (Y/N) needs help!"

No, tell them where Shinso went with Jiro and Izuku!

Footsteps ran towards you. One of them should be able to untie you, you thought. Then you could stop the other team before it was too late!

"It really was Toru and (Y/N)!" Kirishima beamed, "What's up, ladies? You look like you've seen better days, (Y/N)."

If you could facepalm you would have.

"Huh?" Bakugo's heavy steps landed in front of you, "The hell is this? You got your weak ass captured? We should leave you here for being such an idiot!"

You produced the most depressing puppy-eyes you could muster.

"This'll be easy, I got you, girl," Kirishima hardened his forearm and went to town on the knot.

"It was Shinso, and a couple others," Toru explained, "They brainwashed Midoriya and Jiro and are headed to our base!"

"Your idiot boyfriend did this?" Bakugo fumed, "I'll kill him - after I kill you for being a damn pushover!"

Kirishima was able to cut through the scarf and you took a gulp of air and freedom. Your cheeks and wrists felt raw, the skin next to your palms had a pink shine.

"Thanks, guys," you said, "Okay, let's go, we can still catch them."

"Alright!" Kirishima pumped his fists.

"Tch," Bakugo bonked you with his hand cannon, "You really think you'll be any help right now?"

"Why wouldn't I?" you scowled.

"You can't hide your messed up leg from me, idiot," he glared, "You're not coming."

"Like hell I'm not!"

"You'll get in my way!" his red eyes looked like dancing fire, "So either sit out or pucker-up! Cuz you're not coming when you're fucking crippled!"

"Hey man," Kirishima said, "She's manly, she can handle herself."

Bakugo was right about one thing, you would be more useful with energy. Your safety net was getting away with Shinso.

"We're wasting time," you begged, "I won't get in the way, I promise."

Bakugo grit his teeth, "Fine! Die for all I care!"

"He doesn't mean it," Kirishima rubbed the back on his neck, "I think that's just him caring about you."

"Shut up, or I'm leaving you all behind!"

The four of you ran in the direction of the other team. Bakugo used his cannons to fly himself ahead. It was going to be an all-out brawl, but if you could shake Izuku and Jiro out of their trance, it would be no contest!

"How far did they get!" Toru whined.

"I don't know," you shared her concern, "but I think I hear something up ahead..."

It wasn't only the sound of people arguing that caught your attention, but a very familiar ice wall shooting out from behind one of the buildings.

You laughed aloud. No one was getting by Todoroki!

"Looks like someone beat us to it," Kirishima said.

"Like hell I'm letting that half and half bastard have all the fun!" Bakugo growled from above. He pushed himself through the sky even faster.

If there was going to be a huge street fight between teams, this might be the best time to steal their flag, you thought.

It looked like a scene out of a movie. The street already had some damage, new potholes and chunks of gravel everywhere. Fire residue from Todoroki's quirk fizzled out leaving a lovely smell of hot tar.

It looked like the other team still had Jiro captive, but Izuku was free. His hero-face, which happened every once in a while, looked serious. His fists were raised and sparks lit up from his eye sockets.

Todoroki had fire and ice surrounding his body. His glare focused on Shinso, standing in the middle of the other team. When Bakugo landed on the scene, you realized this looked more like four-square and not team A vs. B.


You frowned, "They're all going to attack the other team... right?"

You watched Bakugo's fierce gaze drilling into Izuku. Even the teammates with Shinso looked a bit confused.

Todoroki was the first to strike. His ice wall moved like a glacier on wheels towards the B team, but it was interrupted by a chaotic explosion. The ice shattered and his everyone like hail storm.

"Out of my way, dumbass!" Bakugo barked.

Izuku grimaced, dodging the remaining ice, "Kacchan, you have to work with us!"

"Shut up, stupid nerd!"

Toru leaned into your shoulder, "This doesn't look good for us, (Y/N)! What do we do?"

Kirishima groaned, "You guys aren't looking very manly right now! I mean - you look cool - but we're trying to beat the other team here!"

It didn't seem like any of the four boys heard. Todoroki, Izuku, Bakugo, all went for Shinso at the same time. You didn't need to worry about them murdering him though...

They were going to kill each other before they ever reached him.

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