《QUIRKY! (MHA x Reader)》S2 Part 4 - Frenemies


The girls locker room was buzzing with gossip from last night's party. You had to chuckle at how they reacted to kissing the boys - it was like they robbed a store by how devious they made it sound.

Now I know how you all really feel about me!

"Sero wasn't so bad, you guys," Mina said, "I didn't really think he was cute before but I don't know!"

"I don't want to talk about it anymore..." Jiro cowered in a corner.

"Oh stop! You and Denki have always been adorable together - I ship it," Mina giggled.

"Ochaco?" Tsu asked, "Have you really not kissed anyone before?"

Uraraka almost tripped while stepping into her hero costume, "Yeah, kind of embarrassing huh... I didn't realize how obvious it was."

"Only because you looked like you were going to get eaten," Mina teased.

"I just want it to be with... someone I really like," she said.

"That's fair, but you missed out!" Toru and her floating gloves hugged Uraraka from behind, "Shinso is pretty cute in a brooding, dark prince kinda way."

You felt a wave of heat burn the nerves in your body.

"I have to know," Mina turned to you, "What was Kirishima like? I'd be afraid of his teeth!"

You laughed, "Well he kept his mouth shut for the most part."

"Unlike Bakugo," Momo was just about ready and tightened the belt around her waist, "I don't know how you didn't freak out."

Because I've had his tongue assault my mouth before...

"He was just being an ass," you muttered.

"You still don't think he has real feelings?" Uraraka asked.

"No - well - probably not normal feelings. But I don't think he's one to let relationships get in his way, anyway."

"He is competitive, though," Momo warned, "Poor Midoriya always gets the brunt of his angry fits."

"I wonder about that too," Uraraka sighed, "Apparently, they used to be friends, that's hard to see now."

You opened your suitcase and pulled out your costume. Since the USJ incident you hadn't had a suit, and you made some changes - pretty dramatic ones.

Finishing your internship with Monarch and training the way you did made you reconsider your fighting style. You needed something light and flexible, and to expose more skin in the right places.


As you finished putting it on, it turned out better than you hoped! You had your doubts about the support up top, but the body wrap strapped the girls down nice and snug.

The black sleeves and stockings were made to attract more light-heat energy, white your shoulders, fingers, and stomach remained uncovered for skin to skin contact.

You went this route as opposed to your previous armor because your movements changed so much. And with your quirk, you were already a tank, so the heavy material didn't seem necessary.

Today would be your first test drive in the new outfit.

"It's so different!" Uraraka gasped, "But I love it!"

"I think it really suits you," Tsu said.


"Yeah, I think you did need more skin showing, kind of like Momo with her quirk," Mina agreed.

"We'll see how well I perform today," you said, "but thanks, guys!"

You missed the costume Aizawa helped put together for you, but at the same time, you felt like the change was appropriate. It felt natural on you, like a second skin. The lack of shiny material was sure to make Aoyama sad.

The girls met up with the boys from your class and the lot of you made your way to the training grounds. This area was more industrial and looked like a complex maze even from the outside. Buildings looked half finished, exposing brick walls, wood beams, and metal pipes.

What did they have in store for you?

"Hello, students," Aizawa stood at the gates next to the broad giant, Vlad, "Today we're pitting our two classes against each other in a game of capture the flag. We'll mainly be grading you on your ability to communicate with your team and strategize. If you were to run into a group like The League of Villains, don't expect to defeat them on your own. There will be opponents that can best you - and in those moments, it's not shameful to call for backup. In fact, I expect you all to set your egos aside, and put the task at hand at the upmost importance."

Vlad nodded, "There's being heroic and there's being an idiot. We aren't discouraging strategy, just know what your limits are and when you need help. If you are too proud to seek out other heroes, many lives could be lost that could've been spared if you hadn't been self-absorbed. Do you understand?"

"Yes, sir!"

You took a deep breath. In your short time at UA you hadn't really gotten to know class 1-B too well. The sports festival was the most time you spent with any of them, and other than that it was just between classes.

"Looks like it's finally our time to shine, class 1-A!" You heard someone from the other team call.

That blond kid - you met him before. You frowned when you noticed he was looking right at you. He had some theatrical tuxedo going on that reminded you of the Phantom of the Opera.

"Tough break, huh?" Monoma sauntered towards you, "Having to go up against your boyfriend. Oh wait, you have a few of those. You'll be fine losing one or two."

You spotted Shinso with some of the other students. His outfit looked similar to his gym clothes except they were all black. He had the scarf again and his face mask - making him look pretty scary. And hot?

He glanced up when he overheard your conversation.

"Hmph," you rolled your eyes, "Shinso won't hold back and neither will I."

"Really," Monoma grinned, his pale eyes looked a little too insane for your comfort, "That's good to hear. I kinda like the guy. I'd even like him to stick with our class."

"Sorry to disappoint you, but I think he's straight."

Monoma shook his head, "You and I should get along, you know. We have such similar quirks."


You watched his foot take another step closer.

"We're both thieves. I think we could really understand each other," he said.

He knew about you, but you weren't so sure you knew his quirk. What did he mean by thieves? What did his quirk allow him to steal?

"Beat me in the challenge and we'll see," you said.

"Your class really is cocky!" He laughed, "Very well, I can't wait until we finally crush all of you!"

A cute girl with orange hair appeared from behind him. Her hand suddenly grew until it was almost as big as her body. She grabbed Monoma with ease and carried him off.

"Sorry about him," she winced, "He can be the worst. I'm Kendo by the way."

Oh good - not everyone from this class hated you guys.

"I'm (Y/N), nice to meet you, officially."

Damn - you regretted not studying the other team more closely at the festival. You were at a pretty big disadvantage.

Trapped in your own sulking thoughts, you didn't notice Shinso right in front of you.

"He's annoying, but believe it or not, he's okay - so long as you aren't in your class."

You blinked, "Ah - Hey. Y-yeah, he's something."

"I hope you're ready," there was a wicked glint in his eye.

"Pfft. I've been waiting for the chance to kick your ass."

"Think you can still take me on without this?" he pressed two fingers against your mouth.

His mask served as protection - you guessed. But you didn't need to kiss him to win. You leered and swat his hand away, "Worry about yourself, Hitoshi, and stay outa my head."

You suddenly felt numb. The world was a blank canvas. All you had control over was your breathing.

No... seriously?!

How could you have been be so careless? Shinso's smile was hidden, but you new it was there, in all its triumph.

"I'm in your head now, kitten," he leaned in towards your ear, "If you all thought I was going to play nice, you're wrong. I have a feeling you kind of like it when I'm a bastard, anyway..."

Help! Anyone! Please notice that I'm a zombie!

If you walked into this challenge already mind-controlled...

"I do feel a little bad," Shinso said, "But we did promise to do our best."

You couldn't even look around to get anyone's attention. You were stuck staring forward. Hitoshi leaned back, and you couldn't help but be a little proud. And pissed. Mostly pissed.

His eyes shifted to a spot behind you, and you felt the sweet release from your mind-prison. Someone gripped your hand and literally pulled you out of the trance.

"Time to go," a calm voice said. You shook the remaining haziness from your head, and recognized Todoroki.

"You should be careful who you get close to," Shoto said, but it didn't sound like it was only directed to you.

You wanted to laugh because he looked so serious, but even Shinso didn't appear to be amused.

"You're not actually worried, right, Todoroki?" Shinso asked.

Shoto only glanced in his direction but didn't respond. Smart, you thought, smarter than you were...

That was the thing. You had to treat Shinso like a villain right now. Even if you said it out loud, it's possible you weren't actually capable of fighting him like you should.

Shoto escorted you inside the walls where the rest of your team had been assigned. Aizawa explained the rules; each team had a base with a flag and the winning team had to return the flag to their own base in order to end the challenge.

Simple - in theory.

"This won't be easy," Aizawa said, "We'll stay as long as it takes. Depending on how well you work together it could end swiftly. It's not necessary to fight everyone you encounter, but sometimes it'll be unavoidable. Use discretion. Lastly, you are allowed to contain the other team as well. Feel free to be creative, so long as no ones dying. Any last questions..."

Iida had a few, but most of you tuned him out. The rest of your class seemed really excited about the challenge. Izuku was already coming up with strategies and splitting up into teams.

Todoroki and Bakugo were the only silent ones. They were both incredibly independent - that was going to be hard to work with. Even if they were some of the strongest players.

"Sorry," Shoto said out of the blue, "I wasn't able to make your birthday party."

You grinned, "I'm not worried about that. Besides, you only missed out on a few awkward games."

"I heard."

"Oooh..." you nodded.

"What are you feelings for Shinso?"

You gulped. He wanted to discuss this now? The exam was about to start.

"Can we talk about this later?" You asked.

His eyes turned cold, "I just need to know where your heads at. So I can rely on you as my teammate."

You sighed, "Regardless of what I feel for who, I'm focused on this challenge right now. You should too."

"I see," he scoffed, "You really trust that guy. How do you know your feelings are even real?"

"What are you saying?"

"How do you know he's not influencing your thoughts?"

You stepped away, taken aback.

He pursued, "It never crossed your mind?"

"No," you snapped, "It hasn't! Because he's not like that."

He wore a humorless grin, "Can any of us prove that?"

"You don't like him that's fine," you felt yourself getting angry, "But you shouldn't make assumptions like that."

"I'm sorry," he said, "I'm just protecting you."

You huffed, "Sure you are..."

Izuku's circle was looking a little more friendly - and productive - so you left Shoto's side. You weren't sure if you were right to blow him off, but what he said really bothered you.

"Hey, (Y/N)!" Izuku waved, "You should join my group? We could use you." He gave you a knowing nod.

Brilliant. You could work together with your quirks. Just like your morning "strolls."

"I'm in," you said.

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