《QUIRKY! (MHA x Reader)》S2 Part 3 - Spin the Bottle


"What on earth?" Midnight's eyes widened at the sight of your house.

A truck was parked outside, delivering various gifts. Already crowding the doorstep was a giant fruit basket, several floral arrangements, an oversized teddy bear, and boxes of what you assumed (and hoped) was candy.

"Could you sign for this, ma'am?" The delivery man handed Midnight a clipboard.

"Ma'am?!" She fumed, "Do I look old to you?"

"No, no!!"

You quickly snagged the clipboard before Midnight killed the poor guy, "Thank you! Who is this from?" you asked.

"Uh - it says: From the greatest godfather, supreme, and most excellent dressed hero, Monarch. He also sent a page long apology as to why he couldn't be here in person today..."

"What a sweetheart..." Midnight said through her teeth.

You smiled, even though you were surprised and sad to not see him, he still remembered your birthday. I'm his own, over the top, fashion...

Your living room was filled with your crap. Midnight heaved the last of the gifts into the house and shut the door behind her, "Okay," she breathed, "Well. Dinner is in a couple hours. Feel free to relax and maybe sort through some of your... stuff."

"Thanks, Aunty."

You took your orchids and one of the boxes of chocolates to your room. It wasn't a bad day. Your friends were nice and Shinso was coming over later...

"Hmm..." you took a whiff of your clothing. It wasn't fowl, but you could be better.

You started a shower and got clean and shaved smooth - thank goodness you checked because your legs were looking prickly. Since it was special tonight, you used your (favorite smell) lotion to top it all off.

Now that you smelled nice and your hair was smooth and refreshed, you considered your outfit for tonight. But, since you were basically confined to your house, you grabbed a cozy white sweater and some soft pajama shorts.

Shinso wasn't the only tease. 😏

Satisfied, you helped organize the front room as best you could. Midnight was cooking (Fave-Food), which was both dangerous and a great gesture since she wasn't super confident in the kitchen. Neither of you were top chefs.

You were eager when she finished and it actually smelled amazing. She set the table and you enjoyed a meal together while chatting about the upcoming exams.

"Sorry about the mess," you sighed. Flowers and stuffed animals were the new decor of the house.

"Birthdays," Midnight shrugged, "You don't need to apologize. I'm just sorry that you aren't out on the town."

"The idea of going out and possibly running into The League again is exhausting. This is good," you laughed.

"You're sweet," she winked, "And a good sport. I have to thank you for that, you know. Not many kids your age enjoy being cooped up, but I promise it's going to get better."

"It's not so bad. I got a lot of studying done."

"Have you been practicing what Monarch taught you?"

"Yeah. I haven't tried the transferring again, but I'm sure I'll have chances tomorrow."

She nodded, "I might have a little surprise for you later, but we'll have to wait."

"A surprise? But why?" You protested.

"Patience missy!"

"Woah," Shinso took one step inside the house, "Your place looks like the set for a morning television program... for children."

"You don't mind watching movies with Mr. Bear do you?" you asked, pointing to the giant creature on the couch.


"As long as he's okay with cuddling. I brought the scary stuff."

It might seem ironic to watch movies about murderers after being attacked by villains, but scary movies were a guilty pleasure for you and Shinso. In a way, sticking to tradition was comforting.

He fanned out the selection of movies in his hands, "Pick your poison."

"Hmm... I haven't seen this one. Let's try it."

Midnight left out the means for a proper movie night, like blankets and popcorn bowls. She claimed to have some hero business elsewhere and would return, but really you wondered if she was just encouraging your alone time...

You loved her - but seriously?

Shinso popped the popcorn and you watched him from over on the couch. You were paying a little extra attention to his muscly arms. All he was doing was opening a popcorn bag, so how the hell did he look so good doing it?

I'm in trouble.

You sank back into the cushions and covered yourself in a blanket. When he sat down next to you, he glanced at your blanket fortress and smirked.

"Scared?" He asked.

Most of the lights were off. You were alone with Shinso. You had booty shorts on. And he looked like a snack. So yeah, you were terrified!

"Uh huh," you retreated until only your eyes could be seen from outside the blanket.

"Could you pass the sour candies?" He nodded to the stack of boxes on the side table.


You pulled out a packet of fruit gummies and turned back to give them to Shinso. Instead of just taking the bag, he took your whole hand and pulled you to him.

"You're acting funny," he said, "What's on your mind?"

Gods, don't ask!

"It's nothing!" You squirmed.

"Really? Your heart is beating like crazy."

"Yeah, it's a scary movie."

"You're not scared of me are ya?"

Yes, you thought, but in a different way...

You were scared by how much you wanted him right now. Right after your pledge to wait to kiss anyone. It was so hard to think about anything else.

He was sitting so close to you. He had that same annoying smirk that irritated and excited you. His cool eyes were slowly scanning every inch of your face.

"A little," you admitted, "right now..."

"I'm not going to brainwash you," he chuckled.

"You don't have to," you muttered quietly. I've had you in my head for a long time...

His expression lost it's cockiness. He let out a deep breath through his nose, and you could hear a slight growl in his throat.

You dropped the candies in his lap, but he didn't flinch. Now you weren't really sure if he put you under a spell or not.

"Hmm," Shinso closed his eyes, "I think you overestimate my level of restraint."

"What do you-"

"Just be careful, unless you're prepared for the consequences," his eyelids raised.

It was frustrating. But you knew he was right. You still had to sort out your feelings. Talk to Todoroki... Not to mention, you and Shinso had to focus on school.

But what was the point if you couldn't focus anyway!

"I don't have much of a leash. I want to indulge in every part of you," he said, "You would feel desired in every way... I don't blame the others for noticing you - how could they not? But I won't make it easy for them, or for you..."


He cupped the back of your head and your heart skipped a beat. You wanted to kiss him, even if you were a confused mess. Right now, all you knew was Shinso was here and you wanted him.

He skipped your lips, and went for your neck instead. His lips were smooth and warm and they slowly made their way down. He occasionally stopped to lick or suck a certain spot, sending your body into overdrive.

Shinso bit down on the crook of your neck and you jolted, "Hitoshi..."

"What is it," he whispered against your skin.

"It's not fair you can tease and I can't," you pouted.

He laughed, "I think it's plenty fair. You are a constant tease."

You couldn't stand it anymore. You grabbed a handful of his hair and lifted him away from your shoulder. It wasn't like either of you had telepathy for a quirk, but there was a connection between you in that second, and you both knew what to do.

You leaned in the remaining halfway to kiss him, just as loud banging sounded from the front door.

You groaned, "I'll get it."

Now that the moment was ruined, you felt a little embarrassed. I didn't think it would be this hard to kiss people..!

You opened the door and was surprised to see not one visitor but many. Several faces from class 1-A... and your aunt?

"Sorry - they really wanted to do something special," Midnight shrugged, "I thought it was a cute idea!"

She carried in tubs of ice cream while the others followed her in.

"Hey, birthday girl!" Kirishima hugged you and lifted you off the floor, "Hope you don't mind us crashing."

"I'm... just surprised you all came," you laughed nervously. You were still in short-shorts, and being lifted up didn't exactly help keep them down.

"Get off her, idiot," Bakugo smacked the back of his head.

"Ow! Jealous much," Kirishima set you down, "You'll never win her over that way."

"Shut up!"

"H-hey," Izuku walked in with Uraraka, Jiro, and Denki.

"Wow, hey guys!" You smiled, "Welcome to my house?"

"Finally..." Mineta stepped out from behind Uraraka, "The home of the R-rated hero and the hottest girl in our class. There's bound to be a sex dungeon somewhere... or a drawer of unmentionables."

You gave Uraraka crazy eyes. She shrugged and mouthed, "sorry!"

Mina danced through the door next, carrying a little stereo with her, "I totally brought Karaoke!"

Shinso's favorite activity. You snorted, but it was really cute they were all excited to celebrate with you.

When you came back into the room, Shinso leaned against the wall with a lazy smile on his face, "Sorry, I was sort of supposed to be the distraction, but that backfired."

"You knew!" You gasped, "Jerk."

"You disappointed it's not just you and me?" He grinned.

You were a bit, but you didn't want to admit it. Not when he was being so smug about it.

"Hmph," you flipped your hair, "I'm getting ice cream." You made sure your ass was looking good as you stomped away.

The rest of the night was actually pretty enjoyable. Midnight retreated to bed after ice cream. Everyone kept a close eye on Mineta after that.

You were glad Denki came, because he seemed able to hold conversations with Shinso more than anyone else. With Izuku here you were a little worried, just because you weren't sure how Shinso would react. Since the sports festival, Shinso had a bit of a chip on his shoulder.

You laughed until you cried when Kirishima sang his heart out on the karaoke machine. He was such a good energy to be around, especially at a party.

When Denki and Mineta suddenly approached you holding an empty soda bottle, your heart sank.

"Please!!" They begged, "It's a silly game and we're all mature - right?"

"Spin the bottle?" Uraraka asked, "I dunno guys..."

"Actually," you thought, "this might be hilarious. Then I won't be the only one kissing our class."

"Really?" Denki beamed.

"We're going to get away with it!" Mineta cried.

You just wanted revenge. We'll see how everyone else likes kissing Mineta!

The circle consisted of Momo, Mina, Ochaco, Tsu, Jiro, Toru and you for the girls, and Izuku, Shinso, Bakugo, Kirishima, Denki, Mineta, Sero, and Sato.

"Iida really wanted to make it," Uraraka explained, "But he had some family stuff, with his brother and all... so I let him be."

You weren't surprised Ojiro didn't show. You still weren't sure if he liked you very much, especially now that Shinso was in your class.

"No Todoroki either?" Momo asked.

"I couldn't get ahold of him," Uraraka said.

"It's okay, we would have too many dudes here anyway," Denki said, "Alright everyone split up and sit down. Who wants to spin first?"

"This is stupid and you're all going to get herpes," Bakugo grunted.

Before Mineta could grab the bottle, Mina did, "Sorry, ladies first!"

She spun the bottle in the middle of the circle and you all watched in anticipation. Except Uraraka who had to cover her eyes in fear.

"... Sero!" Denki announced.

"Oh boy," the tape hero looked like he was sweating bullets. But Mina was simple and sweet and gave him a quick peck.

"Thanks, Sero!" she giggled.

"Yeah... sure," he blushed.

Up next was Mineta, which no one was thrilled for, but it landed on Sato, "What that doesn't count!!" Mineta shrieked.

"Then it's a pass!" Denki snatched the bottle. His spin came to a slow right in front of Jiro. She swallowed.

"Come on, you know me, I won't bite," Denki played it off cool. He gave her a sweet little kiss, but she looked like she turned to stone.

"This was a terrible idea..." she sank to the floor.

Tsu went and it landed on Izuku. You were surprised he even agreed to play! Especially after you ninja-stole his first kiss...

He tried appearing brave, but Tsu just reached her long tongue across the circle and smacked his mouth, "It works," she said.

After that, everyone lightened up a bit and made the game more fun. You had to kiss Sato, who was such a nice boy and made you cake so you didn't mind.

No one landed on Mineta, still, to his dismay. When Kirishima took his spin landed on Bakugo first;

"You kiss me and I'll fucking murder you!"

"Eh," Kirishima shook his head, "Can I spin again?"

His second spin landed on you. The boy grinned, and you were suddenly very aware of his shark teeth.

"Come 'ere, (Y/N)," he was more bold than you thought. Or maybe he was just pretending. He was slightly shaking when he held your face in his hands.

His kiss was slightly longer than most. Enough that you got a taste of his energy. That was weird. Your whole body felt like it was flexing.

"Times up, already!" Mineta complained, "Why haven't I gotten a single girl yet!"

"The gods protect this home," Momo hummed. Probably content she hadn't been chosen yet.

Kirishima flashed you a smile, "Not bad, I can see why it's part of your quirk!"

Bakugo grabbed the collar of his shirt and dragged him back to his seat, "Someone else go already!"

Denki handed the bottle to Shinso, who looked either bored or indifferent. You hoped it landed on you, and if not you then someone cool like Tsu who wouldn't be afraid of him.

It landed on Uraraka. Perfect... the most terrified one here!

"Oh," she squeaked.

Shinso studied her briefly. What a sucky position to be in, you thought. For them, but you hated it too. You felt extra guilty for the times he had to watch you kiss people...

Uraraka closed her eyes and waited for her doom. You could almost hear her heartbeat from where you were sitting.

She blinked when Shinso gave her a peck on the cheek, "I'm not stealing anyone's virgin lips," he sighed.

Her eyes widened, "Huh?!"

You smiled. He was acting all tough, but you knew he felt bad for Ochaco. You were a little relieved. She was pretty and awesome and had a great attitude... Anyone could fall in love with her.

Toru was next, and she actually got Shinso too.

"No virgin lips here!" She... well... you think she kissed him. All you could really see was her sweater and pants floating in front of him.

"Is she secretly super promiscuous?" Mineta whispered, "I'm usually a visual person but..."

Shinso has his eyes open the whole time, probably confused by what he was or wasn't looking at.

"(Y/N) now you go!" Toru sounded very animated.

You watched the bottle spin endlessly. Who else could it land on without making things awkward..?

It slowed next to Mineta and you felt your ghost leave your body. Not again!!! Everyone else was supposed to get him!

Bakugo slammed his foot against the ground, causing the bottle to shift slightly towards him instead.

"No fair!!!" Mineta was in tears, "That's cheating!"

"Tch," Bakugo shot him a death glare, "You kiss like a bunch of pussies!"

Now you weren't really sure what could be worse. Lord Explosion Murder or the creepy grape kid. At least Bakugo was decent looking...

He pulled you roughly towards him, even though you were more than willing to get it over with. His eyes were focused on you until the last minute, he glanced to your left.

His thumb pulled your chin down and his tongue slid right in. He was quick too - you didn't even have a second to process. Your surprise was muffled and he wasn't making it easy to separate.

He's not really the romantic type, you thought, he's doing this to piss someone off...

You were able to escape and you quickly kicked the bottle away, "Okay, new game!"

The girls sighed in relief, but there was a thick, heavy tension brewing from the male portion of your class. Except Bakugo, who smirked for the first time the entire evening.



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