《QUIRKY! (MHA x Reader)》S2 Part 2 - Click


Aizawa was less than thrilled by the mess left in his classroom. Even you were a bit overwhelmed by all the attention. Mina and Momo brought all the balloons and cute little gifts to engulf your desk.

You didn't even expect them to remember.

"(Y/N)!" Iida approached your desk and bowed deeply, "I hope my cold demeanor didn't upset you earlier. As your class rep, I was well aware of your date of birth. However, our female classmates insisted that it should be a surprise and I shouldn't raise awareness until their arrival."

"Thanks, Tenya," you laughed.

The cake Sato made was well worth the slightly embarrassing day of class. Someone gave him the slip on your favorite flavor.

You all know too much about me... somehow... *suspicious glare.*

"Happy birthday, (Y/N)..." Aizawa said, "Enjoy the cake everyone, because tomorrow is your first step to - hopefully - passing your exams. We'll meet outside the gym with class 1-B."

"Hero training!" Uraraka cheered.

"Alright! It feels like it's been forever!" Kirishima beamed.

"Yes," Aizawa sighed, "You're going to be facing off with Vlad's class. Shinso, you'll be with class 1-B for this - we're switching off again."

You perked up and glanced at Shinso from across the room.

"Yes, sir," Shinso shrugged. His eyes met yours and he raised his brow.

"It's kind of cool you get to spy on other classes," Denki said, "And it's twice the girls..."

"Bastard..." Mineta shook in his seat.

Aizawa rolled his eyes, "Focus. I'm expecting you all to pass with flying colors this week. Summer camp is important and you should all be working your hardest. Understand?"

"Yes, sir!"

You all had about ten minutes left in class to do nothing. So you dished out more of Sato's cake to anyone wanting seconds. The only person you couldn't tempt so far was the ever-so-charming Bakugo.

"I said I was fine!" He growled.

"That's impossible," You insisted, "You're saying no to a very yummy cake!"


You frowned, "Hmph. Guess you're stomach is too weak for sweet things..."

You saw the hair on his head stand up higher than normal. Sato and a few others snickered quietly, while Sero rest his giant elbows on his desk, "You did it now," he whispered to you.

Bakugo took heavy steps towards you. His eyes were white flames. You checked his hands periodically just to make sure he wasn't about to send an explosion your way.

"GIVE ME THE DAMN CAKE," he took the piece in one bite. It was not exactly impressive to behold, but he made his point.

You giggled.

"What's so funny?" He challenged, "Don't think that because it's your birthday that you get off easy!"

"I think that's exactly what it means," you were feeling extra sassy today. Or brave.

"Oh yeah? I'll give you something to laugh about..."

"No fighting!" Iida waved his arms, "Not in the classroom, especially! Bakugo!"

"Butt out, four-eyes," Bakugo zoned in on you.

Uh oh. You were still grinning, but you ran from your desk in an effort to escape. Something heavy hit your back and sent you to the ground.

Bakugo flipped you over and sat on top of you. His body was heavy and you felt your thighs turning into pancakes. This looked... horribly suggestive! Especially in front of the entire class. Where the f*ck is Aizawa?!

"Beg for mercy..." he sneered.

And then...

His started tickling you.


Tears instantly formed in your eyes, and you laughed uncontrollably. Your stomach muscles tightened, making it almost painful. "No! Please, s-stop! Katsuki!" You couldn't breathe and talk at the same time.

"I can't hear you," he tickling only increased in speed.

Oh gods - I'm about to pass out from a tickle fight and piss myself!

"Kiri-" you couldn't finish his name, "Help me! Please!"

"To the rescue!" Kirishima lifted Bakugo up from under his arms.

"Why are you helping her!" Bakugo demanded.

"Look at her," Kirishima said, "She was going to die!"

You sat up but felt phantom tickles all over your sides, "Ugh..."

"Here," you heard a calm, smooth voice from above you. You smiled up at your second rescuer, but instantly froze.

Things hadn't been the same with you and Shoto. At least, not on your end. You could tell he wanted to talk, and it was most likely about how you left things at the hospital.

You just weren't ready for that conversation...

He offered his hand to you. You took it because you didn't want to be weird, but you couldn't look him in the eye.

"Thank you," you said, and quickly turned around.

But he didn't let go. Everyone else was too distracted with Bakugo flailing in Kirishima's grasp to notice. Now you were caught...

His hand was cold and his grip was desperate. You almost felt bad. It wasn't his fault you felt awkward around him. Not really.

"Can we talk?" He asked, quietly enough that you thought no one else heard.

"Um... look, Shoto," you grimaced. If he held your hand any longer you were going to get those stupid butterflies in your chest.

"Class is dismissed!" Iida announced.

He still didn't release your hand. Now your face was bright red. When you finally looked into his eyes you bit hard on your bottom lip.

You had to do something. Ignoring him wasn't fair or very nice...

"Okay," you said.

"Right now?"

"(Y/N)!" You felt someone's arms wrapping around you. Mina squeezed you, not seeming to notice Todoroki still holding your hand.

"Do you have plans today? We should have a girls night again! Momo said we could visit her place again for a study party or something," she said.

"I'm busy today, sadly," you said, "But maybe tomorrow? I do need to study..."

Tsu hopped over next. Her wide eyes seemed to catch what was going on, "Oh. Did we interrupt a confession?"

You shook your head, "N-nothing like that!" You prayed that Momo was hadn't heard her. It was still in question if she liked Todoroki or not.

"Not today," Shoto said.

Mina withdrew her arms and pressed her hands to her cheeks. She looked like a giddy fangirl. Uraraka and a few others nonchalantly made their way over. Great, now you had an audience.

You caught the faintest smirk on Todoroki's face. He then lifted your fingers to his lips and lightly kissed them. You weren't breathing at this point, but the girls behind you were a choir of squeals.

"Next time, then," he said.

When he walked away, Mina gasped suddenly, "W-wait! Did I ruin the moment? Noooooo. Come back!!"

"(Y/N)?" Uraraka appeared right in front of your face, "I had no idea! I thought you and Shinso..?"

"Nothings going on," you tried to put out the flames.

"You really expect us to believe that was nothing? Ribbit," Tsu asked.

You sighed, "He was just messing around because you were all watching."


Tsu didn't look convinced, "Todoroki doesn't seem like the type to mess around."

Uraraka nodded, "He's as serious as they come. Have you and him, like, kissed..?"

"Guys..." you moaned, "Thank you for my birthday gifts!"

"Don't change the subject!" Mina snapped, "But you are welcome!"

"I'm guessing the rose was from Todoroki then?" Uraraka asked.

"I actually don't know," you said, "I forgot to ask."

"I bet it was - are you kidding?" Mina grinned, "Aww... I want all the cute boys to like me. Just pick one already so we can steal the extras!"

Tsu ushered you towards the door, "We have exams this week, so I'm sure (Y/N) doesn't want to think about that right now."

Thank you, Tsu!

"Fiiiiine," Mina sighed, "The media is still talking about you, Todoroki, and Bakugo. You guys are going to get a lot of attention - you'll be pros in no time."

Did that really make a hero? You didn't like the idea of winning fame and fortune through entertaining others with your love affairs...

"I just hope no one forgets why they won," you said, "Bakugo and Todoroki are amazing. I don't want anyone taking them less seriously."

"I forgot!" Mina said, "you kissed Bakugo too, huh?"

She's not even listening, you thought. You blamed in on teenager hormones and tried understanding. Maybe if you weren't in the center of it all it would be exciting for you too.

"Hey," Uraraka nudged you, "let's all meet up this weekend after the exams are over?"

"That sounds like a great idea," Mina said, "I like the boys and all but it's no secret we're seriously outnumbered. Us girls have to stick together!"

"Sure," you nodded, "I should have time this weekend."

"Yay! It's settled. See you all tomorrow! Happy birthday, (Y/N)!"

You were forced to carry 8 small stuffed animals, the pointy rose, and the balloons as you navigated through the halls. When you got to your locker, you were sad by how small it was.

You were stuck with these things all day!


"Hey," you responded, even though you couldn't see him through your forest of inflated latex.

Shinso chuckled, "Do you feel eighteen yet?"

"Most definitely," you shook your arms with the animals, "A real life adult."

"Welcome to the club."

"Oh, you're a real adult. I don't know what I was worried about then."

"Cute," he moved a few of the balloons out of your face. Your hair was a static mess, and for the first time in maybe ever, Shinso couldn't control his laughter.

"Shut up," you glared.

"I need a picture of this," he took out his phone.

"You will do no such thing!

It was too late. You heard the snap before you could even get your arms free, "Damn you, Hitoshi."

He smiled, "So, when am I allowed over?"

"Seven? My aunt wants to do dinner with me, but then we're free to do whatever. At my house that is."

"We could suck on these."

"... Excuse me?"

He flicked one of the balloons, making it boop your nose, "You know, helium?"

When you didn't respond, he gave you a wicked grin, "(Y/N), don't tell me one day into adulthood and your already corrupted."

You flinched, "No! You just said it weird!"

"What? Suck?"

You turned hot on your heel, trying your best to be dignified in your birthday cloud, "Bye, Hitoshi!"

"Wait," he chuckled, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

The day finally ended. Your hair was a mess but you did find a way to condense your load. You ended up tying the balloons to the stuffed animals, relieving some stress on your arms and vision.

You had fun at lunch with everyone, but you still hadn't found out who the rose was from. It could've just been a kind gesture - maybe it wasn't romantic at all? Still, you wanted to know who it was from.

At the end of the day, while you waited for Midnight by the car, you asked Shinso, since you were both finally alone. He was holding onto half of your plushies for you, and looked a little put off, "Hm. No, sorry."

"It's okay, I'm just trying to solve the mystery."

"These were from me."

You weren't sure how he got it there without you knowing, but you were partially blind most of the day with your gifts. He pulled out a ceramic pot with an orchid stem growing from it.

"Hitoshi?" You gazed at the gorgeous exotic shaped flowers. The petals even held a slight shimmer in the sunshine.

"I wasn't sure what you liked, but they made me think of you," his cheeks were turning pink, "I didn't want to make you carry it all day, but I also didn't want you thinking I forgot."

"They're so pretty," you gushed, "I haven't seen ones in this color before."

(Pick your favorite color - orchids are dope!)

"Thank you," you smiled.

"Just remember how nice I am during your beat down tomorrow."

"Oh - you think your teams going to win?" you laughed.

"No hard feelings, kitten."

As you joked, you knew he was being serious too. You never had to fight him before, besides basic training. Now, he had a new set of gear that made him even stronger. His mask that changed his voice... communicating with the others would be a challenge.

Midnight arrived shortly after. She waved and gave you some sympathy, "Aizawa told me you had a parade following you today."

"Just lucky, I guess," you said.

Shinso helped you shoved everything into the backseat. Except his flowers. You took those greedily and insisted on holding them in your lap.

"They're perfect, Shin," you said, "I want them to live forever."

He smiled, but looked slightly embarrassed, "I'm glad. I'll see you later, then."

It felt wrong having him just leave, so you did something bold. Before he could turn away, you got on your tiptoes and kissed him on the cheek. It almost failed since he was much taller than you, but considering his blushing face, it was a success.

Why was he being so shy? You two kissed all the time. Then, you realized that those moments together were always in private, and never in the presence of your aunt.


Midnight was in the driver seat, wiggling away, no doubt waiting to tease you. You sighed.

Just before you got in the car, you could've sworn you heard a clicking noise. It was similar to the sound on Shinso's phone, but he was already walking back to campus with his hands in his pockets.

When you looked around, all you could see was the empty lot, the school - nothing really suspicious.

Strange. You shrugged.

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