《QUIRKY! (MHA x Reader)》S2 Part 1




The song played in your head - all around you - over and over.

No words. Just the soothing rhythm from the music box. Charming and haunting. You could see a woman's face. She was gorgeous, (y/h/c) that reached her shoulders. She gazed at you with a sad longing, as if you were out of reach while in her arms.

"La, la, la-la..." the woman's voice matched the music, "La, la..."

Her trembling arms set you down. You have no idea where you are, but it's familiar. The woman is crying now.

Why are you crying - you want to ask, but your vision fades away.

You rubbed the sleep from your eyes. The dawn was brilliant and blinding. Waking up extra early with Izuku didn't help your case.

"Morning, (Y/N)!"

"Hey," you smiled at the boy in green, "You ready?"

"Uh- yeah! I might need to warm up first. By the way, is it your birthday today?"

The two of you met every morning now, an hour before school so that you could train together. By train, it meant leaping from rooftop to rooftop through the city, until you were both exhausted and had to continue on foot.

"Yup," you yawned.

Izuku smiled, "Happy birthday! D-Do you maybe have plans later..?"


"I do, but nothing fancy. I hardly have time for anything these days. Plus, Midnight doesn't really let me go out anymore. Just school and training."

"Oh. That's too bad," he said, "But I understand. My mom has been skeptical of me going to UA since the villain attacks..."

"It makes me want our licenses faster," you said, "So we can actually help instead of just get attacked all the time..."

You both stood on the edge of a building, staring down at the streets below. Good thing heights didn't freak you out... at all.

"You know, it's not your fault you were targeted," Izuku tightened the straps on his backpack, "You didn't ask for it. And no one blames you."

"I don't know if that's true," you muttered.

"Come on," he smiled, "You should be happy on your birthday. Let's race to the pastry place, I'll even buy!"

You took a deep breath, "You're on."

His body lit up with green sparks. You took his hand and waited for the energy surge.

"You know, Izuku," you said, "I think you know about my quirk more than I do about yours."

"Oh! Y-you think so? It's just power - But my body can't use it at one hundred percent yet... It's interesting that you can sense it."

After learning that Izuku's power had a dramatic scale, you were able to sap energy from him while he was at full capacity. It saved him from exploding while also giving you enough power without having to kiss the guy.

Very convenient.

"One day," you smiled, "In the meantime, I appreciate your contributions!"

The green sparks traveled around your body now. Your veins lit up and your skin tingled. His strength rapidly worked to enhance your own.


The first time you experienced his full power, it was a little scary. You had no idea someone so sweet like Izuku had such a beastly quirk inside him.

He could honestly be the next All Might if he ever gets this figured out.

You withdrew your hand and took a few steps back. Izuku counted down from three, and then you both ran to the ledge and threw yourselves up and over.

Flying still wasn't your favorite thing, but it was exhilarating to feel yourself falling through the air. The first time you guys tried, Izuku almost fell to his death. Somehow, that didn't stop you from trying again.

You were improving, though. After dance lessons and ballet exercises with Monarch, you didn't pull the muscles in your legs when you overexerted yourself. Your bounds and leaps were clean and strong, from liftoff to landing.

When you reached buildings of different heights, Izuku taught you how to jump and kick off the walls to climb your way to the top. (Basically, how you do it in Super Mario - you thought.)

You prepared to jump again, with a big smile on your face. The world and its problems felt so small from above. The wind blew your hair back - making you feel like a model in a shampoo commercial. Izuku caught your little show of excitement and blushed slightly.

"GOOD MORNING, STUDENTS! Up bright and early I see!"

Midair, a booming voice interrupted your jump. It was so jarring that you lost your senses. Izuku screamed in alarm.

Before you both ate it against the brick wall, two strong arms looped around your torsos and carried you further into the air.

"HAHAHA! This seems a bit dangerous, wouldn't you agree?" the triumphant voice of the number one hero exclaimed.

"All Might!" you gasped.

"What are you doing here?!" Izuku asked.

All Might landed safely on the nearest building and set you down. "I'm a teacher - I have to be at school early too! I didn't know the two of you took the scenic route."

"Uh, yeah, it just sort of became our thing - you know, for extra training," Izuku explained.

All Might leaned in close to his ear, but his voice didn't exactly have the volume for whispering, "Is this a date?"

Izuku turned red - almost purple.

"All Might," you groaned, "Don't make it weird..."

"AHAH! I never make things weird - only awesome!" He struck a pose, "And it's nothing to be embarrassed about. You're at that healthy age of exploring courtship-"

"ALL MIGHT!!" You and Izuku shrieked.

You ended up laughing it off, which was easy to do when All Might was being a goof. He did, however, cut your fun short and insisted that you walk from here.

Slightly disappointed, your spirits were lifted when you made it to your new, traditional breakfast spot. It was simple, just donuts and coffee, but the bittersweet deliciousness was amazing every single time.

"Thanks for spotting me, Izuku," you said, licking a spot of chocolate that got on your hand.


"It's no problem - I wish I'd thought of something more for your birthday."

"This is perfect," you insisted, "Seriously. Oh dang, I hope we have enough time to change into our uniforms at least."

You tried to drink your coffee quickly but burned your tongue.

"Iida wouldn't let us into the classroom without them anyway," Izuku shrugged, "We'll be okay."

"Ugh, let's make it to the school grounds before he does."

Izuku got quiet all of the sudden. You could tell he was thinking too hard but luckily hasn't started muttering to himself yet.

"What's up?" You nudged him.

"Oh, I was wondering if you and Monarch were able to learn more about your quirk? After that night, I mean."

"A bit," you said, "He basically broke me down into three categories; Allure, Vitality, and Transference. The first two being from my parents - but he thinks the transferring is something that's entirely my own."

"Wow. That's pretty amazing, I think. Creating an ability out of what you already have..."

"He was really helpful... I kind of miss him."

Izuku frowned, "Have you not talked to him since?"

"We talk, but I think Midnight needed a break from that drama. Besides, I think she was a little jealous..."


You nodded, "Midnight is like the queen of seduction, or at least tries to be," you cringed, "So, I know I can learn from her too. But it's like asking your mom how to be a temptress... it's weird!"

"I can imagine," Izuku's voice went up an octave, "S-so she was offended, you think?"

"She won't say, but I think she was," you sighed, "She just doesn't get how awkward it is. I don't have it in me to be... like that! Not confidently, anyway. Sometimes, I feel like my quirk takes over me, instead of me manipulating it, and those times..."

You remembered Bakugo - the explosion murder monster - half naked and kissing you passionately while you rolled around on the gym floor.

"-are pretty dangerous!" you finished.

"I see... but I bet you'll get the hang of it. You've already grown a lot since the beginning of the year," Izuku said, "As - uh - weird as it was for you, it was inspiring to see you overcome your fears."

"You're the one who inspired me," you scoffed, "You used to nearly die just to prove yourself in training. Honestly, there was a time I thought about quitting. You helped me get my head on straight."

Soon, you were outside the gates of UA. Only a few students were trickling in, so you made it with plenty of time!

"I'll see you in class, Deku!" You waved as you ran to the locker rooms.

"Yeah, s-see you!"

You took a quick shower, just so you weren't sticky with sweat, and changed into your uniform. Birthdays weren't things that you went overboard for, but you wanted to be presentable at least.

Lately, you caught yourself caring a little more about how you looked. When you really thought about it, it started when Shinso joined your class.

It felt like a dream. You were both in the hero course - together. So far, you hadn't gotten to see him in action, but you knew intense hero training was coming up any day now.

You would enjoy it more if there was less hostility from your classmates... Well, just from a couple of them.

Bakugo hated everyone, so his aggression towards Shinso was expected. But what was almost worse was Todoroki's cold, piercing glares. You blamed yourself entirely for whatever was going on between him and Shinso.

On the one hand, you wanted to be like - "Girl power! No shame! Sensuality is me!" And on the other hand, you imagined an old nun smacking you for your whorish behavior.

My quirk sucks...

The plant-based diet Monarch taught you how to use was helpful, but the majority of the training areas had minimal foliage. You were still stuck improvising.

However, you were determined! Somehow, you were going to keep the kissing to a minimum until you could understand your feelings...

You left the locker room and made your way to class. It was still early, so only Izuku, Iida, and Tokoyami were in their seats.

When you got to your usual seat, you noticed a red rose waiting for you in your chair. You smirked and went to pick it up, but your finger was pricked by one of its many thorns.

"Ow," you whined, "Hey, do you guys know who left this?"

"Left what?" Izuku asked.

You lifted the rose, taking care to avoid the stickers this time. Tokoyami shook his head, while Iida studied it intently.

"It could be a declaration of love," Iida said, bluntly, "Which wouldn't be a surprise considering there are students in our class with those feelings for you."

To the point...

"Also considering they know where you sit," he continued, "I'd say-"

"We don't need to spoil anything!" Izuku interrupted, "If they wanted to be known they would've left a note!"

You had a spot of blood on your thumb, "Well, it is beautiful. Although, something a little less stabby would be nice."

"Are you okay?" Izuku asked.

"Yeah..." you sucked the blood off, "Bleh. It's just a prick."

A rose, huh? You tried to think who it could be from. Red roses didn't seem like Shinso's style. Gifts in general definitely didn't make you think of Bakugo. Shoto..? Denki was flirty, but that was just his personality.

Or - just your luck - it was from Mineta. You laughed to yourself and set the rose on your desk.

You settled in, ready to have a normal day of learning. Out of the corner of your eye, you spotted a cluster of colors floating from outside your classroom window. It was followed by the excited sounds of your classmates crowding the door.

"(Y/N)!" Mina burst through the door first, dragging a bouquet of balloons with her, "Happy birthday!"

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