《QUIRKY! (MHA x Reader)》Part 38 - Welcome Home


You couldn't believe what you were hearing. Midnight's lips moved, but the words didn't process right away.

"You can continue your internship, but I'm going to supervise," Midnight smirked, earning a scowl from Monarch.

"Really?" you couldn't hold back a smile.

"I know," Midnight sighed, "But you started this journey and I'd rather you finish the week than have regrets or resentment towards me."

You giggled and hugged your aunt, which took her by surprise, "But don't think you're off the hook for what happened tonight," she added.

"I'm sorry I worried you..."

Monarch dragged his hand down his face, "Worry? You aged me ten years! If you'd told me from the beginning you were planning some great rescue-"

"I didn't know if Izuku was actually in trouble or not until it was too late!" You tried, but Monarch gave you a warning finger.

"We'll discuss this during your training tomorrow. Now, finish up with the nice policeman so we can actually get some sleep tonight!"

Shinso waited patiently while you finished your report. He and Midnight were having a pleasant conversation that you couldn't hear, but you kept glancing at them to check. Monarch looked like a pouting child, not taking a similar liking to Shinso.

It made you laugh.

"Did he say anything that could give away where they're located?" The cop, True Man, asked you.

"No... I just know I was about to be taken there through Kurogiri's portal."

He then turned to the silent, brooding All Might, "Why do you guys think Shigaraki is after you, specifically?"

"My guess is that it has to do with (Y/N)'s quirk," All Might said, "It has a strong resemblance to The Butcher's. Shigaraki seems obsessed by the idea... probably wants to use her to create fear and panic - who knows what else."

True Man nodded, "I see. I don't like thinking about the possibilities. Especially since his target is one of your young, aspiring students. How are you holding up, kiddo?"

"I'm alright. Just getting tired of this happening. I want my license as soon as possible..."

"I understand where you're coming from," he nodded, "I think we're all going to have to make some changes as The League continues to target UA... Alright, I'll let you go now, but I'll be in touch if that's alright with you?"

"Yes, sir."

All Might gave you a sad pat on the back, "It'll be okay, young (Y/N)... AS LONG-"

"As long as you're here," you snickered, "Got it."

Another police report wrapped up. As annoying as it was that you had to do this so often, this would more than likely be your future. A pro hero worked closely with the police, even the big guys like All Might.

Might as well get used to it.

Midnight said goodbye to All Might, and returned to your side, "Say hello to your boyfriend, but no fun business tonight," she said.

"Don't you mean funny business?"

"It's that serious?" She gasped.

"N-no?! Nevermind," you gave up.

Everyone left the hospital. Midnight got in her car and waited for you while Monarch took to the skies. It was nice they allowed you a moment with Shinso, except...

I'm drowning in guilt just looking at his face!!!

"Hey, Trouble," he smirked.

"Oh. I was expecting you to be kinda pissed that I almost got myself kidnapped and/or killed - again."

His smirk grew into a toothy grin. He cupped your face in his hands but it was not gentle, "Oh, I am."


He pinched your cheeks, making you yelp in pain, "Ow, ow! Knock it off!"



He sighed, but reluctantly released your face, "It kills me that it keeps happening and I can't do anything."

"What are you talking about? You're there for me... more than I deserve," you grumbled.

"I want to rip that creep to pieces."

His tone dropped and his already baggy eyes grew darker. You knew Shinso had this side to him, but you had to admit, even you were a little intimidated right now.

"Hey..." you wanted to snap him out of his thoughts. You took his hand, even though you felt like a traitor in some way, and didn't deserve to.

He knew that you two weren't a "couple" - yet (if that was still a plan...) And he knew that you kissed other people before. Should you tell him, though?

No, at least, not tonight.

"Let's just focus on what we can do - right?" you smiled, "We can keep training and eventually you and I will be able to put away people like Shigaraki..."

He scoffed, "Well, alright. It is kind of cute when you try to cheer me up."

"Is it working?"

"Not really."

You crossed your arms and stuck out your bottom lip.

"I know what'll help, though," he said.

Oh no - your mind exploded. He couldn't kiss you now. You were contaminated with another boy's cooties still?!

You opened your mouth to say something but his mischievous eyes suddenly lifted up from your face. Instead, he gave an indifferent stare at whomever just left the hospital doors.

The heavy steps gave you a good enough guess. Followed by an intense warmth that reached the back of your neck.

You peered over your shoulder to see the Todorokis. Endeavor gave you and Shinso a passive nod. Shoto only met your eyes for a brief second before glowering at Shinso.

You were shocked to hear Shinso laughing to himself. He rolled his eyes, "You are a troublesome kitten, aren't you?"

Did he already know? Could he guess just from looking at Shoto?

"I..." you heart sank.

Shinso's index finger lifted your chin, "(Y/N)."

You felt his other hand at the base of your spine. He leaned in close, but kept his eye on Shoto.

"I have to admit, the ice brat has bigger balls than I thought. But I can play dirty too," he kept speaking rhetorically.

"Shin?" you whispered.

His face softened, and his eyes returned to yours, "I said I would come for you - my plans haven't changed. I didn't consider that I wouldn't be the only one. That was arrogant of me. But you know..."

His words were putting you in some trance. Was this a new development with his quirk? Or something else.

"Nice guys finish last - don't they?" He grinned, "Being the bad guy might finally pay off for me."

He swooped in, making you flinch - not in disgust, he just surprised you! But his lips touched your cheek instead.

"S-Shin," you were suddenly shy, "I still don't really understand..."

His breath hit your neck, making you shiver, "Have a goodnight, (Y/N)."

He kept smiling as he walked away, leaving you with no explanation. It wasn't like him to be so vague. What was he up to...

Midnight honked her horn, forcing you to move your feet that had been planted into the cement.

You finished your internship. The days went by without incident this time. That kept your aunt and Monarch in good spirits, except that they were relentless with their training.


Having one of them was scary enough - but together they were monsters!

You ended up taking more dance classes than you predicted. Midnight was also surprisingly supportive of it and even joined you on occasion.

It didn't make sense to you at first, but the more you practiced the more fluid your movements became, even in combat. Plus, it was fun watching Midnight dance and having Monarch critique.

The last day finally arrived. You sat at the edge of your bed, in Monarch's home, and played with the tiny music box in your lap. It felt like ages ago that you first got here.

So much happened this semester...

You examined your toned body, proud of the effort you put into your training. Next time class 1-A saw you, you were ready to show them what you learned.

"May I intrude?"

Monarch stood at your doorway. His eyes sparkled with burnt-orange eyeshadow, but it couldn't mask his sulking. "I can't believe you're already going back to school. I knew my kidnapping plot had an expiration date..."

You snorted, "I really appreciate everything you did, Monarch. And I didn't hate living with you either."

Hearts formed in the man's eyes, along with a waterfall of tears. He sniffled, "You were an excellent student! Most of the time, anyway."

"I think," you closed the music box, "I'd like to visit you, sometimes. As long as Midnight is cool with it."

"Don't you worry about the how - I will make it happen," Monarch smirked, "It was a treasure having you back in my life, even for a week."

"I still have so many questions."

"And I might answer them," he shrugged, "but it'll cost you some visitations."

"Deal," you said, "Hey, before I go, I sort of destroyed my hero costume a while ago and haven't had a new one made yet. But I'm thinking I need to change the design. I love Midnight, but her ideas are - um - not exactly my style?"

"You want my help...?" He froze.

You nodded. The winged-man looked like he was about to explode with joy. He cackled, probably because you favored him over Midnight over something...

"It would be my greatest pleasure!"

With that, your time at the greenhouse ended. Midnight was happy to have you home and in school again, but she was even in agreement that Monarch hadn't been a terrible host. That was the only kind thing she said.

Going back to UA was bizarre in so many ways. Everyone grew so much in only a week's time. They had stories of the hero work they were allowed to witness or participate in.

The best had to be Bakugo's new hairstyle.

"I SAID SHUT UP! I can't get it to go back to normal!" He fumed as Kirishima and Sero rolled on the floor with laughter.

Bakugo interned with Best Jeanist, who, apparently, focused on refining his explosive qualities. One of which was his spiked hair that was now flat against his head.

You quickly came to his aid, trying your best not to laugh so that he wouldn't murder you, "Calm down, hold still," you smiled.

You ruffled his stiff hair, and for a moment, nothing happened. Then, it sprang back to life.

"Thanks," he growled, "But don't think this makes up for ignoring all my texts!"

Oh yeah - you cringed. You were still going to have to win over a few people in class.

Uraraka was ecstatic about her internship. The cute, bubbly girl looked tougher now, even in her gaze. Iida was returning to his normal self of trying to create order in class - which made you all happy. A quiet Iida just wasn't normal.

You could hardly look at Todoroki without blushing, but anytime you made eye contact, he just lightly smiled. Izuku sat next to you in class and you discussed anything except for the night with Stain.

You could tell that he wanted to, but you both knew it was a forbidden topic in public.

"This came for you," Aizawa sluggishly approached your desk and dropped a suitcase onto it, "Glad you finally got your costume figured out after your internship..."

"Thanks, sir," you rubbed the back of your head.

"A new suit?" Izuku asked.

"Is it pretty?" Uraraka joined the conversation, "Can we see it?"

"It's nothing special," you shrugged, "But you can all see it next time we're in hero training."

"Oh fine," Uraraka sighed.

"Class," Aizawa addressed everyone, "It seems the internships went well for most of you. We had good reviews from the pro heroes you worked with. I hope you were all able to make the most of your experiences and can take what you learned into our next exams. As summer comes around, you are all expected to attend the summer camp to receive your provisional licenses."

The class cheered, but Aizawa's hair and eyes lit up, "Easy," he warned, "It's expected but if you don't pass your exams then no camp. So, focus on your other studies as well."

"Oh man," Denki moaned, "I suck at math..."

"Another bit of news," he continued, "We're going to have a guest student visiting our class and class 1-B. He's here for the same reasons you are, so I wouldn't underestimate him in training."

"A guest student?"Uraraka asked.

Iida raised his hand, "Sir, are we to assume he will be a new addition to our class in the future?"

"If all goes to plan, then yes. Or class 1-B. He's transitioning into the hero course, so he has to work hard, just like all of you."

You held your breath. What? What? What? What? A smile appeared on your face, and Izuku looked at you questioningly.

"You might remember him from the sports festival," Aizawa opened the door to your class, "Introduce yourself."

A tall, broad figure entered the room. You hadn't seen him in his uniform in a while, but the shirt was quite snug on his biceps.

You could feel the unease from your fellow classmates. If they did remember him, they remembered how he brainwashed Izuku at the festival.

"Hitoshi Shinso. It's a pleasure, class 1-A..."

While a few students squirmed in their seats, you tried desperately to contain your excitement. Shinso smirked in your direction.

"W-we're glad you're here!"

You were startled to hear the timid voice of Midoriya. He looked plenty nervous, but genuinely impressed to see Shinso. That had to shock Shinso as well, but you were touched that he broke the ice first.

Thanks, Izuku.

"Yeah, look forward to working with ya," Denki chimed in.

"Let's do our best so you can continue your journey in the hero course," Iida said.

"Tch..." Bakugo grunted.

You were so proud of your friend, standing up there, ready for his new challenges. He was going to get his ass kicked for not telling you about this sooner!

Welcome to the hero course, Shinso!

- End Season 1 -

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