《QUIRKY! (MHA x Reader)》Part 37 - Safe?


"So... he wants you to join The League."

All Might stood with you in the hallway of the hospital.

As soon as you were stitched up, you wanted to visit your other friends to see how they were doing. You were intercepted however, by your disgruntled nurse first, and then All Might himself.

"That's what he said," you sighed.

"We'll come back to that," All Might said, "There's something we need to talk about first. Are you sure you don't need more rest?"

"I don't think I can even if I wanted to."

He seemed to understand and let it go, "You understand that the four of you broke the law tonight?"

Those words were like daggers to the chest.

"The deed itself wasn't necessarily bad, but without a license, using your quirk to inflict damage on someone is illegal. Stain was in bad shape by the time he was arrested."

"What does that mean for us?" you asked, "I-It was my fault. I landed the last hit and he-!"

"Calm down," he said, "It wasn't just you, alright? Unfortunately, Iida already admitted to me how he hunted down the killer on his own... it was thanks to you, Midoriya, and Todoroki that he's even alive. However..."

You gulped.

"There are rules for a reason. You're going to have to face the police chief and hear what he has to say. Since you're not quite 18 the punishment might not be as severe... I'll see what we can do to persuade them."

You shook your head, "I'm so sorry, All Might. I was just doing what I felt was right at the time."

"Of course. That's what heroes do..." his large hand pat your head, "You're all alive. Be proud of that much. But even heroes have to follow rules. Otherwise, we walk the dangerous line towards villainy..."

"You're one to talk you great, big idiot," a short older man in a yellow cape came stomping towards you, "It's no wonder your students are as disobedient and reckless as you are!"

The great All Might lost his composure, like a cat falling into a tub of water, "Gran Torino, sir!"

"And you!" the old man pointed to me, "Your aunt and uncle have done nothing but bicker since I brought them here."

"Uncle?" You frowned, "Do you mean the butterfly?"

"Oh. Thought they were a thing..." he muttered, "but as soon as you're done here with the chief - deal with them! And you! I'm going to rip your protege a new one unless you do first!"

You and All Might were rigid as boards. This was the guy Midoriya interned with? He entered the room where Izuku was recovering and left you two alone.

"What did he mean by protege? Was he talking about Izuku?" you asked.


"Oh! Uh! Not to worry, (Y/N)! Come find me after your talk with the chief and we'll discuss the business with Shigaraki."

You scowled. I'll find out your secret one day!

With trembling fingers, you opened the door to see not just Izuku but Iida and Todoroki as well. They all had defeated expressions on their faces, but some relief was shared.

"You're okay," you smiled.

"Sort of," Izuku sighed, "Iida damaged his arm pretty bad."

"It'll be okay," Iida declared, "I deserve consequences for my actions."

"Good to know," Gran Torino snorted, "You're all lucky to be alive, you know that right?"

"We were able to stop the hero killer," Todoroki said. He was the only one out of his bed and walking around.

"You're alive because Stain let you live," Torino rolled his eyes, "I know some of you missed his speech about his convictions, but none of you were ever a target to him. Young Iida, maybe. May I remind you, he killed the Nomu carrying (Y/N) and Midoriya."

"He did?" You turned to the old man.

"As soon as Monarch had trouble with the thing, Stain broke free and stabbed it in the head. He was... unconscious not long after that."

"I'm glad it wasn't anyone else but... why the Nomu?" you scratched your head.

"If you're unlucky enough, you'll get to hear his speech about his hatred towards certain heroes. Apparently, you and Izuku didn't fit the bill."

You shared a glance with Izuku before looking up at Todoroki, who was now next to you.

"How are you?" He startled you by brushing your hair out of your eyes. His hand remained next to your cheek for a second too long.

You couldn't stop yourself from looking at his lips. Dammit... don't think about that now. "Oh - fine! I'm fine. Nervous, though."

He nodded. When the door opened and revealed a very tall man with a dog's face, Todoroki slipped his hand into yours and pulled you protectively to his side.

Apparently the dog-man was actually the chief of police. He spent a good hour with you all discussing the issue of you engaging with Stain.

For a while, you thought for sure that you were all in deep trouble. However, the chief explained a plan he arranged with Todoroki's father.

Endeavor would take the credit for everything that happened tonight. Considering you had no actual witnesses except for yourselves - and Stain had burn marks from Shoto - they were able to fabricate the story to keep you all from expulsion.

Or worse.

You knew it was the best thing to do, although, you were surprised how easy it was for the authorities to make up a story like that. Sure, if was for your benefit, but it made you wonder what else they lied about.


Once everything was settled, you waited with Todoroki. Izuku's mom picked him up as soon as he was released, same went for Iida and his family.

You were just avoiding your aunt, honestly.

"Are you waiting for your father?" You asked Shoto. You each sat on a hospital bed and faced each other.

"Not really," he said, "What about you? Is Midnight here?"

"Uh, yeah... I'm worried she's going to make me quit my internship with Monarch. She already doesn't like him."

"You've been learning a lot then?"

"Actually, yeah. I still don't know much about him, but I feel like he's the only one who can help me with my quirk."

"How do you mean?" Shoto leaned forward.

"How do I explain it... it's like I've always been a good runner? Yeah, but I've been running without the right shoes! Monarch is kind of like the guy with the shoes I need..."

"That's a weird example," Shoto chuckled, "But that's good. I think all of our internships are supposed to feel that way. Improve our skills but also introduce new ways to use them."

"What about you and your dad? How is that going?"

"It's... going. I hate him, but I can still learn from him. I have to swallow my pride to make it through the day."

You grinned, "I'm kind of proud of you. The Todoroki I knew would never ask his dad for advice."

He scoffed, "Thanks, I think."

"I feel like Monarch and I just started, but this will be the last straw for Midnight," you sighed.

"I'm sure she'll understand, but maybe give her a day to calm down," he suggested.

"I guess I shouldn't keep her waiting... Do you want a ride home at least?"

He stood up as soon as you did, "No. Thanks, though. I'm sure my father will make a scene if I leave without him."

He smiled suddenly, "Are you comfortable around me, (Y/N)?"


"Well, yeah! Why?" you laughed.

"I feel like I make you nervous, sometimes? But you're alone with me now and seem just fine. I'm glad."

You had too many other things on your mind. When you looked at the situation now, you were surprised how calm you were. Last time you were alone on a hospital bed with a boy was...

Well. An experience.

But that was Shinso! This was Todoroki. He wasn't thinking about doing something like that - right?

"Of course, I'm comfortable with you," you said.

"Good. I was worried it had to do with the sports festival..."

He snaked his arms around your waist and pulled you to him. Your arms were awkwardly forced up in the air until you let them rest on his shoulders.

"I'm glad nothing happened to you," he breathed into your ear.

Gods! You shivered all over. It didn't help he was so damn attractive. Even with his scar, it just completed his look.


"What is it?" your voice cracked.

His voice was soft and seductive, "Can I kiss you?"

"Y-you want - like right now?!"

He smirked, "Yeah."


He looked confused, "What do you mean? I want to."

He wants to.

Like how Shinso wants to? This wasn't for your quirk? You bit your bottom lip and looked anywhere but in his eyes.

"I..." you hated how pathetic you sounded right now, "I mean, I guess, if you want to..."

His lips were on yours in a heartbeat. Your eyes, wide in shock, fluttered and closed. You did your best not to take his strength from him, even if it was tempting. This was supposed to be different. He wanted a normal kiss...

Is that what this was then? Normal? The warm feeling in your chest that simmered like a hot tea kettle? He felt so good, close to you like this. You felt safe in his arms with their bipolar temperatures.


Before he could take things any further you pulled away. He looked a little disappointed but still smiled at you.

"I will... um... see you?!" You tried running out the door, but didn't realize it was pull instead of push, "Dammit all!"

You heard Shoto chuckle to himself once you finally made it to the hallway.

Why did I let him do that?

You had a heated debate with yourself on the elevator ride to the lobby. Did you like Todoroki? Yeah - he's nice, and cute. What about Shinso? I like him too, that's obvious.

But both?!

"This sucks!" You groaned. Shinso always did his best to be understanding of your quirk, but even he lost it after the incident with Izuku. You didn't want to keep hurting him.

Your curiosity took over when Todoroki asked to kiss you. Maybe you wanted to see if it was the same feeling you had with Shinso. It wasn't, but it wasn't bad either. So, what did that mean?

You wanted to forget about everything for tonight. Everything hurt. Your arms were still throbbing. Now your chest was in pain. The last thing you wanted to do was deal with Midnight and Monarch fighting or talking about Shigaraki.

When the elevator doors opened, you were shocked to see Midnight and Monarch sitting peacefully - only a chairs space between them. They looked how you felt.

Good, maybe they were able to work something out on their own?

All Might was also there, along with one of the young cops whom you've met before. You forgot his name, but he was involved in the investigation with The League of Villains.

One last pair of eyes caught you by surprise. He had messy, indigo hair, and a tired grin on his face.

Well, shit.

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