《QUIRKY! (MHA x Reader)》Part 35 - Attack On Hosu


At first, Monarch wasn't fond of your idea to go to Hosu. "Why would you need to go there?"

"I just have an awful feeling..." you explained, "I think my friend is in trouble."

"A classmate of yours?"

"Yes, sir."

He then received a phone call of his own. You couldn't hear what was being said, but Monarch's eyes widened as he looked at you, "I'll be there." He hung up and immediately got into serious-mode. "You might've been right about Hosu," he said.

"What happened?" You asked.

"A villain attack. Pretty bad too."

You grabbed his sleeve to stop him from leaving the room, "The hero killer? Who?"

"They don't really know. I'm going to check it out."

"I'm coming, right?"

Monarch sighed, "I would love for you to stay behind... but the look on your face says you won't obey me anyway," he paused, "You can come, IF you don't leave my side. You'll also need a substitute hero suit."

You hugged around his torso, "Whatever you say!"

When you looked up, the man's eyes were glistening and his lip trembled, "I'm weak..."

He came out of his room with a couple options. One was a polka dot suit - instant "no." The other was a similar suit except in all black and shorts instead of full-leg. It was like a jumper for kicking-ass, zipper down the front, utility pockets and everything.

"That works," you shrugged.

You looked like Monarch's little sidekick. His own costume being all black with some white along the sides. He offered to fly the both of you, which sounded terrifying but the sooner you got to Hosu the better.

"Hold on tight!" he grinned. You let him scoop you up and you hid your face in his shoulder. Your stomach did all sorts of flips and turns as you soared higher into the air.

"Not going to peek?" He chuckled.

"I'm good!" You just shook your head and dug your nails deeper into his back. The cool air was biting against your bare legs.

His humor died down, "Hm. What do we have here..."

Now you had to look. The city below was on fire - at least in some pockets. You could hear the screams and panic from below.

"What is... -Look out!" You weren't expecting anything to be in the air with you. Monarch was able to dodge at the last minute, but what hurtled towards you was a winged beast with his brains exposed.

Another Nomu?

"Good eye," Monarch said. He quickly made a descent, probably knowing he couldn't fight the thing with you hanging on him.

He put you down when you were "safely" on the street. But the ground wasn't any safer than the air. There were more Nomus, bulldozing their way through buildings and heroes trying to keep them at bay. None of them looked like the one you faced at the USJ.

Shigaraki must be making an army...

"Well," Monarch huffed, "I guess you'll get a little hero experience after all. Stay close, unless things get messy then stay out of the other hero's way - alright?"

You nodded. Staying close to Monarch was a joke, though, considering he spent most of the time flying around. The Nomus seemed to be attacking at random. How did Tomura even control these things?

One of the Nomus came towards you, throwing a parked car out of its way. You planted your feet, but it never made it close enough.


"Step aside, trainee," the giant frame of the number two hero stood before you. His hair was literal fire and his eyes blue and deadly. He grabbed the Nomu by the skull and set it on fire. You could feel the intense heat from where you were standing.

"Endeavor? ..Sir!" you quickly added.

The Nomu fell, a burnt stump sat upon its neck. Endeavor passively looked your way, "(Y/N), isn't it."

"Yes, sir. How did-"

"You're in the same class as Shoto," he said, "You too could've shared an internship with me. I'm disappointed in your decision making, however, now isn't the time for this conversation."

"Wait! Is Shoto not with you?"

Endeavor was walking away, but hesitated, "No. We separated earlier."

"He's not with you..." you muttered. You thought about the text and the location Izuku sent you. You checked your maps on your phone - if Todoroki made his way to Izuku, they weren't too far. Just a few streets away.

Monarch was still busy with the flying Nomu. You were only in the way here, so you decided to find your friends instead. I hope they're okay...

You took off, following the sidewalk to the next street sign. Endeavor shouted something behind you but he gave up. All your training was helping with your natural endurance. You didn't even need someone else's energy to keep a steady, quick pace.

You spotted a few pro heroes on your route. They were helping citizens escape the collapsed buildings. It seemed that the worst was over in this part of town.

But you were dead wrong.

Your GPS stopped at a dark alleyway. When you heard Izuku roaring in frustration you felt your worst fears had come true.

"Deku?!" You entered a war zone. Blood was everywhere - on both walls and the ground. Izuku was against the wall, unable to move. Flat on the dirty ground was Iida; blood trickled from various wounds in his arms and shoulder. A man you didn't recognize was also paralyzed and slumped over.

"(Y/N)?" Izuku's green eyes were wide, "Be careful!"

You felt the ice before it hit you - or rather - hit behind you. Todoroki was still mobile, but he looked pretty beat up. Who was he aiming for?

A knife fell by your side, and you realized that Todoroki had just saved you from being stabbed. Your eyes met with the familiar serial killer's face... He was annoyed he'd been caught but still wore a curious grin, "More friends, huh?"

"Stain," you breathed.

You backed off, just as he burst through his ice trap. This was worse than you feared. But there were so many of you and only one of him.

"You seem familiar," Stain shrugged some ice cubes from his shoulder, "I don't usually make acquaintances."

"We're not," you glared, "Trust me."

His red scarf danced in the wind, "I don't want to hurt you girl, if I can help it."

"Get back, (Y/N)!" Shoto sent more ice your way.

You leapt out of the way and ran to Izuku's side. He was struggling to move, and you noticed the various small cuts on his body.

"He got you didn't he?" You remembered too well how Stain's quirk worked, "Let me get you guys out of here."

"Take Native," Izuku said, "He's the only one Stain is after. We can hold him off."

You didn't want to leave him like that, but the other hero (that you had a name for now) looked in worse shape. It's just like last time... You remembered the pro hero you had failed to save. The knife that broke through his neck meat...


While Stain was distracted, you scrambled to Native's side. Todoroki was shouting something to Iida, but your focus was on the dying man in front of you.

"You should leave me, kid," Native said, "He's not after you."

"I know," you politely ignored his demands and threw his arm over your shoulder. He was still paralyzed as well, so his legs couldn't help him move. You'd have to drag him.

You did your best to run with the deadweight. If you could get out of this alley then one of the pros might see you. Stain noticed your escape and tore away from the fight with Shoto.

A knife came flying towards you. With some crazy Matrix maneuvers you were able to dodge it, but with Native on your back you came down on one knee.

You placed the pro behind you, blocking him from Stain's reach. As he approached, you forgot just how quick he was - and massive!

"Don't get in my way, heroes..." he had a busted looking katana in one hand. As he brought the sword down, you caught him by the forearm. Which was all good, except that both your hands were occupied while he still had a spare.

You didn't supply yourself before coming here, which was stupid on your part. But you had other tricks now...

He didn't seem the type to fall for a charming spell, but it was worth the try. You attempted to allure him with your quirk, and while you noticed a slight change in his face, it didn't stop his free hand from grabbing your neck.

Stain shook his head aggressively, as if trying to shake dust from his hair, "Ugh, is this your doing?"

It's working, you thought. Too bad you were losing oxygen. He didn't release you, but held you out so he could get a clear shot above the crippled Native.

"Stop!" You grunted.

He flinched, "Gh... shut your mouth, sweetheart."

Did he... actually consider listening to you?

"STOP!" you weren't even sure if your charms were working, but you kept releasing them into the air, "Don't kill him!"

Stain growled, tightening his grip on your throat. Now, you could barely make out a word. His sword shakily rose above his head as he prepared to end Native. He hesitated a moment too long, and Todoroki already froze his arm.

"Release her!" The two-toned boy threatened.

When Stain glanced in your direction, he grit his teeth in alarm. He didn't see a girl in distress, but a creature cornered and ready to bite back.

You clamped you're hands around his wrist, "You won't kill anyone this time..," you could feel heat radiating from your eyes.

"What the- argh!!" Stain panicked, and tried throwing you from him. But you were like a crab, pinching and digging into his skin. You could see the light from his veins - you're mine...

Stain fell to his knees while you sapped him of his energy. Your mind was traveling to that fuzzy, dark place. You couldn't see or feel anything except for the glow from his body and the desperate need to drain it.

"(Y/N)!" Todoroki was the first voice you heard. Then Iida...



Your hands fell to your side. Stain was sweating and shaking uncontrollably. His eyes looked bloodshot and his stare was difficult to read. Did he figure something out? Was he actually afraid?

"You..." he struggling to stand.

You didn't waste anymore time. Your exposed skin glowed red in the night, "You're done..." you hissed.

With one powerful punch, you sent him flying into the opposite wall. He was deep enough inside the structure that he didn't fall from the crater his body created. Todoroki iced it over to keep him trapped.

While Stains quirk wore off on everyone else, you took hundreds of steady breaths to cool yourself off. Any little thing - sign of danger - you worried you'd explode.

Once your vision returned to normal, you noticed Izuku standing next to you. Stain had been tied up. Iida and Todoroki saw to his capture. Native looked frazzled but grateful to be alive.

"Are you okay?" Izuku asked.

"Yeah... what about you guys?"

"Iida's pretty badly injured, but we're all going to be just fine," he hesitantly touched your shoulder, "Do you need a minute?"

"No, lets get everyone out of here," you forced a smile. His expression remained concerned but he agreed.

By the time you all evacuated the alley, the pro heroes had arrived. They all gasped when they saw Stain in restraints - "The hero killer?!"

"Iida," you approached the robotic hero.

"I'm so sorry for the trouble I caused," he said. His voice was broken like he'd been crying.

"What do you..." you slowly put the pieces together. Stain had nearly killed Iida's brother, recently. And by the look of things... Iida had come to get his revenge.

That was surprising, coming from Iida. He didn't seem like the vengeful type. He was a straight arrow and a rule follower!

"What's important is that everyone is safe, now," you said, "We need to get you patched up."

You were still in a daze when Monarch grabbed you by the shoulders.

"And just what the bloody hell were you thinking?!" He shook you mercilessly, "Do you want Midnight to kill me in my sleep!"

"I'm sorry..." you responded weakly. You didn't even meet his eyes.

You'd done it again. Granted, you had more control and weren't a complete rage monster. Still. The only reason you were able to snap out of it was because of your friends. If you hadn't heard them, who knows what would've become of Stain.

"I'm still mad," Monarch hugged you, "but tell me that you're okay."

"I am," you muttered.


Monarch released you so that you could respond to Todoroki. He did something kind of unexpected, and tilted you chin up with his thumb.

"Um!" you blushed, but he was looking below at your neck.

"It's slightly bruised. Can you speak without it hurting?"

"I'm a little hoarse is all - nothing to worry about," you insisted.

He sighed, "Thanks for coming when you did. Even if you gave us all a heart attack."

You frowned, "I know. It was dangerous to use that move on him, I just..."

"I meant making me worry about you," he said sternly.

"O-oh? Well, come on, I can handle myself too."

His eyes were unblinking for a moment, "You are plenty strong... I guess I'm letting my feelings label you unfairly."

Before you could ask what that meant, billowing winds reached your ears and blew your hair. The next instant, something powerful dug it's talons into your shoulders. You were whisked away from Todoroki and your toes no longer felt the ground.

You didn't even have a chance to scream. The world was moving so swiftly, you missed all the faces that stared at you in shock.


Izuku moved like a green vision. You felt weight attached to both of your legs. You felt hands grabbing your feet, desperately. The rest of the world was moving farther away, while you and Izuku were at the mercy of the flying Nomu.

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