《QUIRKY! (MHA x Reader)》Part 33 - Double Trouble


The song played over and over in your head. You left the greenhouse and Monarch, who escorted you to the train station. You put the music box in your backpack, but the melody wouldn't leave your ears.

The train slowed at one of its many stops. You had six more to go before you were home. So you sat in a daze, trying to make sense of the snippets of memories forming just from hearing the music box.

You saw a woman's face. She was kind, but how could that be? Your mother was a villain... The song came from her lips as she sang you to sleep. It was almost putting you to sleep right now just thinking about it.

When the train started back up again, you were jolted awake. It was so confusing to see someone like Hellia looking so motherly in your mind. If only you could talk to her yourself... But what good would that do now? You had a life and a family. If you ever did meet your parents your expectations would probably be demolished and you'd be left heartbroken.

"Hey, you were from the sports festival right?" You heard someone ask. You looked up from where you sat at a group standing in the middle of the aisle, "You were so awesome!"

"I think you should've won, personally. That Bakugo kid is nuts!"

"Could we get an autograph?"

Bakugo is nuts, but he deserved the win, you thought bitterly. He didn't focus on anything else - all of his energy went into these challenges. And, as you knew from personal experience, his energy was nothing to joke about.

"Sure," you smiled, still not confident in this whole celebrity thing. You hadn't even practiced a proper signature yet.

"What are you doing all the way out this way?" one of them asked, "You're probably already interning with a pro, right?!"

"That has to be it!"

You nodded, "Yeah, we all are."

Their stop arrived and they had to leave, which allowed you to relax again. Maybe your hero costume needed to come with a mask. Speaking of, you still needed to replace yours after half of it was destroyed at the USJ. Stupid Tomura...

Like a demon being summoned, you spotted a black hoodie with blue hair diagonal from you on the train. It couldn't be him, you thought. No way he knew where you were and no way was this a mere coincidence. But you couldn't stop yourself from shaking.

Why did it have to be him - the only one you couldn't use your quirk on? You dared to look again, hoping to see his face more clearly, but he had it angled away. He wore the same black pants that you remembered, but that was pretty common attire.

Your heart stopped when you noticed his red shoes. Now, you were starting to sweat. How many more stops did you have - five? You looked around for any other suspicious figures. The purple-warp dude would've been hard to miss, and thankfully wasn't here. If there were any other villains they weren't dressed up so it would be hard to tell.

Should you call someone? You didn't want to draw any attention either. You quickly sent a text from your phone, while checking on the fake-Tomura every few seconds.

You froze when he slowly turned his head. It was agonizing waiting - almost like he knew he was about to reveal himself...

This was torture. You couldn't sit still any longer. You left your seat before you could even see if it was Tomura's face. The next stop was still a few minutes away, so you made your way to the next car.


It was like walking into The Twilight Zone. There was another guy sitting in this part of the train who also looked exactly like Tomura. How was that possible?

"Miss? Are you okay?" An older gentleman eyed you nervously.

The clone Tomura looked up at the commotion. It was him. He had the same red eyes. No... you staggered back, then who was the other guy?

You retreated back to your original car and closed the door behind you. Your heart was beating faster than this train. Maybe you were losing your mind?

"You don't look well. Maybe you should sit down?"

Ice flooded your veins when you heard his voice. How? How could he be in two places at once? He'd moved to an empty row closest to the door. His hand tapped on the seat beside him, "I don't bite," he insisted.

The train stopped again and the doors opened. Now was your chance. You met Tomura's eyes, wondering if he would do anything to stop you if you decided to bolt. You still hadn't figured out how he made two of himself, but the main concern now was that there were two and you needed backup.

"You sure you want to do that?" Tomura laughed hoarsely. He had the same sick-mask hiding his mouth, but his dry skin and chilling voice were undeniable.

If you stayed, you would be captured for sure. If you ran away, would you be risking the lives of people on this train? Was there anything you could do anyway? You clenched your fists, feeling like such a coward.

But you weren't going to fall for his bluff again.

You shot him a glare before storming off, just barely making it through the train doors. You made sure you were alone as they shut and he hadn't followed you. However, that Tomura wasn't the one to worry about.

The second Tomura from the other car had also left the train. His figure turned to you with his hands in his pockets.


You didn't know this part of town but ran out of the station. Nothing was familiar and you ended up out in the streets with no idea what to do next. You got your phone again and dialed your aunt, but got sent to voicemail - "Aunty - I had to get off the train early I'm still a few stops from home. Shigaraki is here, I'm going to call the police but let All Might know-"

A gloved hand pulled your wrist back, forcing you to drop your phone. Another clamped around your mouth and you were dragged out of sight.

"Stop wiggling! "

What the - you couldn't see who grabbed you yet, but it almost sounded like two different people speaking.

You turned your head roughly and were able to get your teeth around his hand. You bit down, tasting the bitter fabric. It was tough and you couldn't break through to his skin but you definitely left some bruising.

"Ow, what was that for?! "

You were free, temporarily, but now in the depths of a dark alley with this creep. He had a full-body suit, all black except for some gray around his eyes and some line work.

Just one guy, you thought. You could handle that...

Except, he wasn't actually alone. Your spirits dropped when you discovered just what this guy's quirk was. He made duplicates of himself right before your eyes.

Wait, did this explain Tomura's clone too? Then, that meant...

This guy was in league with him?


Rules be damned, you thought. This was self-defense. You readied yourself for a fight with the plant energy you had from earlier.

"This'll be easier if you just come quietly. "

This guy is nuts. You were against a wall and he just made himself into a pack of wolves. His clones came one at a time at first, which was fine at first. You were able to punch a hole through them, and they turned into a pile of mud.

"Gross," you shook your hand free of the dirt-guts.

When more clones came in twos you struggling. He was just wearing you down! You had to find the real villain and stop this.

Your fist finished off the last clone, and you were sloshing in a mud puddle. To your dismay, he simply made another of himself. You couldn't replenish as quickly, but this was your chance - you saw the original villain. You had to take him out now!

Even without great strength, you ran towards him. You were caught around the waste just inches from your target. It was a pretty hopeless mission, but you had to try.

"Not bad. "

The clone trapped you against his body while the original made some crazy hand gestures, "We did it! Let's find the boss and get outa here. "

His suit made sure you weren't getting any energy from him. Your struggling was useless. You were panting and clawing at his arms, but he used his forearm to pin your wrists to your chest.

You could cry you were so disappointed in yourself. He was going to drag you off to gods knows where - most likely with Tomura. Who knew if you'd ever see the light of day again.

I have to keep fighting...

You brought your knees to your chest, and drove your feet into the original's chest, forcing you and the clone back against the wall. The clone grunted and part of his body turned to the same wet dirt as his comrades.

"What a cheap shot! "

The man pulled something from his wrists. It looked like measuring tape. More tricks? You forced yourself to stand. At least if you went out you weren't going to look like a silly damsel...

A tall, dark figure fell from the sky and landed between you and the villain. You were blinded by a curtain of orange that expanded beyond your vision.

"You dare touch her with your filthy hands," Monarch said in a demanding tone.

You smiled. The person you text on the train happened to be Monarch. You knew he could get to you the fastest if things went south.

"A butterfly? " the duplicator danced in place, "This wasn't in the plan."

Monarch looked over his shoulder, "You still standing, sweetling?"

You nodded, "Thanks for coming..."

"What kind of mentor would I be," he scoffed, "Is he the only one?"

"Yes and no. He can multiply," you explained, "And he might have friends nearby..." You didn't know if Tomura planned on joining in the fun.

"Right then," he sang, "Good thing we have friends, too."

You weren't sure what he meant by that, but more heroes meant you were golden. It felt so hopeless before, but now you had renewed vigor.

Two more shadowy figures fell from the rooftops and into the battle. You gasped, noticing your teacher, Aizawa straight away. His company looked almost exactly like him. Down to the scarf around his neck.


Sure enough, Shinso was kneeling beside you, looking like a mini-Aizawa. Except instead of goggles, he had a metal contraption across his mouth. He peered up at you and winked.

"Well, aren't you all so heroic. " The villain made another double before taking off down the alley. Aizawa quickly went after him, while you, Monarch and Shinso finished off the last clone.

When the coast was clear, you instantly jumped on your friend, "Shinso? How? Why?"

He chuckled, the metal on his face making him sound echoed, "It was supposed to be a secret, but I've been doing a little internship of my own."

"What's this about?" You poked on his face mask and scarf.

"A gift from Aizawa. And a little something to help my quirk."

You watched as the mask moved tiny pieces from inside itself, "Now, I can sound like different people." He said it, but your own voice came out.

"Holy hell," you jumped back, "that's freaky!"

He chuckled, "Suits me, no?"


Monarch teetered in his heels behind you, looking both interested and annoyed, "This your friend?"

"Oh, yes. Shinso, this is Monarch. He's who I'm interning with this week. Monarch this is Hitoshi Shinso..."

"Pleasure, sir," Shinso stuck his hand out to shake, "I'm glad we were close by to help."

Monarch's face was sharp and stern. He shook his hand but didn't release right away, "An apprentice to Eraser Head? Impressive, I suppose."

You raised a brow at the giant butterfly-man. What was his damage?

"I can't believe it," you smiled, "Do you think this means you'll be in the hero course soon?"

"Maybe," Shinso said, "And about time too. Someone needs to keep an eye on you. You reckless girl."

"You'll have to tell us what went on here, (Y/N)," Monarch agreed, and went to wipe his forehead, "Oi, I knew you were a popular little minx, but I think I have my work cut out for me."

"I'm really sorry," you mumbled, "I didn't think anything would happen. I can't even take a damn train home."

"Midnight will never let you come back, now!" Monarch had tears in his eyes. He looked like a dejected puppy.

You couldn't argue, though. Convincing your aunt was going to be one hell of an obstacle.

"Could you two stick together while I find Aizawa?" Monarch sighed.

You and Shinso both nodded. Satisfied, Monarch spread his wings and took off into the air. Wind blew your hair in circles, and you had to hold your shirt down. You hoped everything was alright and that Aizawa was able to catch the man...

Your worries steadied when you felt a warm hand take yours. Shinso's lips were obviously off limits at the moment, but he still held the side of your face and pressed his forehead against yours.

"You're so annoying," he could hear his smirk, "I should be used to this by now."

"I'm sorry. I'm a popular girl."

He grumbled, "I know it..."

You could sense he was about to say something else, something that would make your heart race, but he changed his mind last second.

"Have you ever seen that guy before, (Y/N)?" Shinso asked.

"No," your smile drooped, "But I think I know who he works for..."

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