《QUIRKY! (MHA x Reader)》Part 32 - Butterfly Effect


You weren't in the comforting hallways of UA anymore. The air stuck to your skin and your hair instantly began to curl. Just breathing felt like you were drinking the sweet, perfumed air.

Monarch strut along beside you, his hair still flawless and his makeup invincible.

"I can't tell you how pleased I am that you decided to join me," he said.

You hardly knew the guy, so you didn't want to be rude, but at the same time... "I mean, I kind of had to. You sort of threatened my aunt."

He snickered, "Look at you, cheeky. I know, I know. I can be just atrocious sometimes."

"Why did you go through all that trouble, anyway?"

"I thought it was obvious! I wanted to see my godchild."

You studied his features. He certainly looked sincere, but how could you really be sure? The goal was to learn what you could from him and keep your guard up.

"Is that really true?" your hands went to your hips, "I have a hard time believing someone like you was friends with the Butcher."

"Hellia," he corrected, "Butcher was just a horrific part of the package deal. Your mother did have a weak spot for the tortured types..."

"And my mother was blameless?"

He stopped, causing you to stop as well. The foliage in the greenhouse was lush and reached into your path attempting to touch you.

"Of course not, but who's perfect?" Monarch asked, "I'm not saying she didn't deserve her end but was she a good friend to me? Yes."

"Did she..." you trailed off. Now wasn't the time for that question. You weren't ready for it, rather.

"Love you?"

You felt a horrible sting in your chest, "It doesn't matter."

He stepped in front of you. Since he was so tall he had to lower himself, bending his spine in half, to look into your eyes, "She did. If it matters."

He suddenly pinched your cheeks, "And so do I!"

You grunted and swat his hands away, "You can't be casual about that! I hardly know you!"

His charcoal eyes glistened, "Trust me, I mourn about our years apart all the time. If I'd known you were so close we would've met sooner."

"About that," you said, "Did you really not know where I was? Or are you just jumping on the fame-train while I'm conducting?"

His eyes widened, and then he doubled over in laughter, "Oh, my dear. I don't need you to be more fabulous. Remember, this week is about you... And me a little bit."

He continued forward into the green forest. You could feel your clothes sticking to your skin. Something fluttered next to your face and you almost smacked it - thank goodness you didn't! A blue butterfly landed on your shoulder. You held your breath as you watched its wings lazily open and close.

Another landed on your arm, and you extended it forward to create a better perch. A yellow joined the party, and a clear - almost glass-like - butterfly as well. You giggled as their tiny legs tickled you.

"Charming," Monarch cooed, "They'll stay on you forever, so feel free to keep moving. Just mind your step."

You felt like a character in Alice In Wonderland, walking about with a posse of butterflies on your body. It was difficult to be weary with such cuteness abound. But, this was your internship, you reminded yourself. You knew everyone from your class was taking their experience seriously, so you would as well.


Monarch stopped by a metal table covered in pots and plants. He motioned you over and you made your way while trying to shoo your winged friends away. When the blue one finally left your shoulder, you followed it with your eyes as it escaped towards the ceiling. Your jaw dropped when you saw the cloud of color fluttering above you.

They're everywhere!

"Lovely, aren't they?" he smirked.

"There are so many of them!"

"One is pretty enough, but you can't beat that," he said, "Come. If we finish with some basic lessons I want to teach you today, I'd like to have dinner later. If you approve."

"I'll consider it," you stepped up to the table, "Are we gardening?"

"In a sense. Tell me, how do you use your quirk?"

You looked down at your hands and flexed your fingers, "Well, I'm sure you saw a little from the sports festival... If I touch people I can take their energy. I can be a powerhouse for a short time."

He nodded, "Have you ever wondered why touch? Or, specifically, why through a kiss?"

"Obviously!" you squirmed, "This is awkward..."

"Nonsense! We're professionals after all. Your father's quirk is pretty easy to understand. Stealing life makes him powerful. Your mother, Hayami, however - her quirk had layers." He moved one of the pots in front of you, "She needed human touch to use her quirk, but that wasn't all. She explored her powers, refusing to be limited in her sorcery."

"You think I could too?"

"It wouldn't hurt to try! Especially, if you want to keep those lips to yourself more often," he winked, "The reason you gain the most power from your victim's lips is that it's a submissive gesture. Regardless if they're... aggressive... they're still making themselves vulnerable to your quirk. So, a touch on the arm won't do as much - especially in battle - because there's no willingness and the barrier is thicker. If that makes sense?"

You thought of the Nomu you nearly destroyed. It was only through his arms that you stole his life, but you were also not yourself. You'd unlocked some darker, powerful entity inside of you. It was something to bring up later, perhaps, you thought.

"Can you sing?" he asked.

"Uh, no? I mean, I haven't really tried..."


"... Not really. Why?"

Monarch sighed, pushing his long hair out of his eyes, "Midnight really failed you as a female role model. No practice in the arts?!"

"When I was little - sure! But I didn't keep up with any of it."

"Hmm, well, we'll see if you carried on any natural talent I suppose... For now, I want you to focus on this plant," he pointed to the pot, "It too is living and can sustain you. Consider it a vegetarian diet as opposed to the man-meat you're used to."


Monarch shrugged his shoulders, "Are you actually dating any of them?"

You rolled your eyes, "Just tell me what to do."

"Focus. Feel it with your fingertips - right here on the leaf."

You looked at the sad little plant. Even if it could give you power, it'd be nothing. A waste of a promising sprout.

But it's better than hurting people I guess...

As soon as you felt the smooth coolness of the leaf, you focused on finding the light, the warmth, from inside. With a person, it came so naturally, but this leaf was stubborn.


"You got it," Monarch watched closely, "It's like working a different muscle. Once you find it - it'll click."

You had to think differently. A person had the most light coming from their chest - the heart. Plants took their own energy from the sun. So would their strongest point be the outside of the plant or... the roots?

Can a plant live without its roots? You smiled.

You imagined each veiny-looking root buried beneath the soil, and in an instant, the plant shriveled and died in your had.

"Wonderful!" Monarch clapped his hands.

"That was different," you said.

"Think witchy," he said, "Does blood magic provide the most power, yes. But we don't want to get into the habit of sacrificing mortals, do we? So, we use the earth to conduct our spells."

When all you did was look horrified, he clarified, "Using people will always, always, be the best source of your power. But you do have choices, is all I'm saying."

"I see. I don't know why I never thought of this. Taking energy from quirks like fire or electricity just hurts."

"Not reliable," he agreed, "And not worth the risk, in my opinion. I'd make that a last resort option."

He had you dry up more plants until you could do it on command. It was easier now that you knew what to look for. The table was covered in brown, crispy piles, and Monarch looked rather pleased with himself, "You picked that up in no time! Now, I want to toy with you..."

"What do you mean," you tensed up.

"Did you know, some people have quirks or aspects of their quirk they have no idea about? They live their entire lives not knowing their full potential. Sometimes the answers aren't as obvious as exploding hands or a frog's tongue. What I want to do, is see if you have some secrets of your own that we can discover."

You didn't mind the sound of that, "Yeah, okay!"

"I'm mostly referring to the knowledge that your mother had. If you have as much of her power as I think you do, you should be able to learn it all too. In time. We may even discover something she didn't have, but you do."

Monarch was an odd character, but you had to admit, you liked his teaching. He was fun and quick - no lulls or dull moments. The next few hours went by so fast, even with the ridiculous activities he had you do - like dancing, for one... You almost forgot he claimed to be your estranged godparent and not just a pro hero and sensei.

By the time the sun went down, you were sweating and soaking through your clothes. The humidity in the room didn't help at all. You glared at your teacher as he was still flawless and hardly glittering, "How can you breath in here?" you asked.

"You get used to it," he said, "Why don't you clean up and change. I'll feed you before you have to head home."

"Oh, I didn't bring any extra clothes. This is fine..."

He snorted, "You thought I didn't come prepared? Silly, girl."

To your surprise, there was more to this greenhouse than you thought. He took you to another exit which led to a very classy, upscale looking apartment. Everything was black and white with striking artwork on the walls and organic sculptures on display. Not kid-friendly, you thought. And this guy wanted to adopt you as a baby?

"Your room is upstairs," he said, "You'll find a bathroom and clothes. I had everything ready, anyway in case you did stay."

"Oh, thanks," you got knots in your stomach. This was too weird...

Was he just really nice? Is it because he looks villainous in a weird, pretty way? Were you just being judgemental?

You were half expecting some horrifying collage of photos of you on the wall with a shrine and candles. Or maybe a dollhouse with frilly dresses for little girls he wanted to dress you in. But it was surprisingly simple. Like most of the home, it had a clean, modern vibe.

You tested the bed and let out a low moan. Your body craved sleep and this bed sucked you right in. The bedding was all white with a plush comforter and magenta throw pillows. Not bad at all, you smiled.

The shower was also heavenly. It looked like one of those bathrooms in magazines for home renovating. The water pressure was the perfect medium and the soap selection was like rubbing watermelon candies under your pits.

You dried yourself quickly with one of the oversized towels on the hanger. Now, you had to face the closet. This made you the most nervous, because how creepy would it be if he knew your exact size?

Am I being kidnapped...?

Probably, but you opened the closet anyway. You prayed that nothing disturbing would be inside. No weird kinky costumes or torture devices...

Just clothes. Pretty basic looking teenage clothing. You grabbed a graphic tee that looked like it would fit and some red leggings. This would be fine to go home in, actually. Not too different from your weekend-wear.

You descended the steps feeling refreshed. Something smelled really good. Since you two didn't have much of a lunch - just fruits from the trees in the greenhouse - your stomach was dancing in excitement at the smell of meat.

"Feeling better?" Monarch asked. He was in a white apron in his kitchen, cooking over the stove, "I hope you like beef. I don't, but I had some for you."

"You don't eat meat?" you asked.

"Liquid diet," he explained, "Some quirks are no fun."

"It's part of your quirk?"

"Well, have you seen a butterfly eat a cow before? Nooooo. Go ahead, have a seat."

You didn't want to sit at the table. It looked too pristine. A vase of flowers sat in the center like you were at a fancy wedding or something. When he brought you your food, it looked like a dinner for three, but he sat across from you with a tall glass and straw.

"I probably starved you, I apologize," he chuckled, "Please, eat. I'm so used to only taking care of myself. I don't need much."

"Thank you," you stopped yourself from drooling, "So, you really only have smoothies? You have teeth, though, shouldn't that let you eat more things?"

"I can nibble, but it's my digestive system that rejects it," he said, "Very rarely will I eat solids. But it's no matter!"

For someone who didn't eat his cooking, his food was delicious. The meat was savory and still juicy. Why did it feel like you hadn't eaten in weeks? You were ashamed when most of the food was gone... the food that was meant for three people.

"Thank you, Monarch, for... everything," you cleared your throat, "But I'm still, how do I say it..."

"Not trusting?"

"Yeaaahhh... The whole bedroom and dinner and magic butterfly room thing all seems too good to be true. Do you really just want time with me or is it something else?"

Monarch sighed, "I don't blame you. Sure, it's frustrating knowing my gestures are questioned. You're a smart cookie. It's true what I said before. If it feels like I'm going overboard, it's because I have years of guilt from not catering to you, that I feel I have to make up for."

"That still confuses me. Midnight didn't really explain my adoption. First, it was that my parents died, then it was my parents were actually villains and she rescued me. I never heard about you, though."

"She is lucky to have your trust so easily," he smiled weakly, "Being a villain, I guess Hayami couldn't technically give you to me, not legally. It was her wish, and a promise I made, but when the system got hold of you, they worried what you would grow up to be, and decided to keep you away from anything related to your parents. Including me."

"You never got in trouble for affiliating with my parents?"

"There was no proof, really. Just he said she said. At least, as far as criminal activity goes."

"So you never helped them with anything... bad?" you asked.

Monarch, elbows on the table, entwined his fingers together and rest his chin on them, "Perspective, darling."

You snorted, "This is why my aunt doesn't like you..."


"You're shady."

"I don't see how her lying is any better," he pursed his lips.


"If it makes you feel any better, the school keeps tabs on us while you intern with us. Also, I have a business and a professional image to uphold. As much as I'd love to keep you here, I wouldn't. So trust in that much, yes? Let's just get to know each other."

You nodded, "I can do that."

"Great! I have plenty more to teach you this week. Oh, there was something I wanted you to take before you left today."

He got up from the table and disappeared into another room. When he returned, he had a small box in his hand, "It was your mother's. Well, a gift from her to you."

It seemed so simple a thing. The box was wooden and had floral designs carved into it. When you opened it, a tune began to play. There was nothing else in it, just a haunting song that made your head spin. You let it play until it stopped and you slowly shut the lid.

"I think I remember this song..."

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