《QUIRKY! (MHA x Reader)》Part 30 - Bliss


You were 99% sure you were dreaming...

Shinso's baggy eyes peered down at you. The two of you were in your room, cuddling on your bed. You didn't question it, however - even with his heavy body pressed against yours. It felt just like that day in the hospital.

His smile was contagious. You knew he was having some rather impure thoughts, but you didn't mind. You craved his attention, his touch, and the feelings he gave you with each kiss. It was obvious - you'd fallen for him too...

"What's with that face, hot lips?" Shinso's voice completely morphed, "You shouldn't look at me like that unless you're asking for it."

His purple hair was suddenly blond. You flinched and pressed yourself further into the mattress, "Katsuki!"

He licked his lips with burning-red eyes, "Quit! You're too damn cute for your own good..."

Bakugo lowered his face to yours, but when his lips met yours, they were cold. No, that wasn't right. He always felt like a furnace. When he pulled away after a single peck, you were staring into the heterochromatic eyes of Todoroki.

"Is this okay?" his soothing voice was like velvet against your eardrums, "Tell me to stop, otherwise..."


You rolled off the bed, causing Todoroki to topple sideways. This didn't make a lick of sense! You were just having some kind of perverted dream - that's all! You backed into your bookshelf, but the impact wasn't enough to wake you.

"(Y/N)?" The boy on the bed now had green, unkempt hair. Izuku's normal timidness was nowhere to be seen. He looked happy, but determined, a similar expression he had during training. He kicked off the bed and landed right in front of you. You let out a startled gasp and covered your mouth with your hands.

You already kissed enough people for one dream...

Izuku laughed, and lightly held your wrists, "It's okay. I just wanted you to know how I feel..." He blushed slightly as he kissed your knuckles.

Oh, gods...

WAKE UP you dirty birdie!

You woke in a sweat, throwing your blankets onto the floor. Thankfully, your ringtone shook you from whatever the hell that was...

You thought about what Tsu said in class a while back. Having someone - a boyfriend - would be nice. Not just for your quirk but for your mental health at this point! Was it possible to like more than one person at a time?

They're all so different...

"Ugh..." you rolled over and grabbed your phone from you dresser, "Holy hell!"

You had about ten notifications each from everyone in your class. Even Shinso had called a few times. Why was everyone up so early?

The clock read noon - oh...

Good thing you didn't have class today. You were hardly awake when Shinso walked you the rest of the way home last night. He did give you a goodbye kiss but nothing to trigger that freakish dream of yours.


Midnight didn't say anything when you got home, and she hadn't bothered to wake you up. You weren't even sure she was home. You sighed, and decided to see what your friends had to say before you hashed things out with your aunt.

There were so many messages. You skimmed the bottom few but opened the ones from Izuku. At first, he sounded worried about Iida - something about him being off at the party last night. Then, it turned into a scrapbook of photos he'd taken from the internet.

"Woahhh..." your eyes scanned the articles at lightning speed.

The articles were all about the sports festival highlights - and you, the "new girl to watch." Unfortunately, it didn't seem to be only about your abilities.

A poster was made of you, Todoroki, and Bakugo. The crowd loved the trio so much that they used the photos from the party to share their enthusiasm.


One article read. The group photo they used for the header looked like the cover of a teen romance novel.

The rest of the article had the couples shots that you took with the boys separately. Your heart sank, reading the absurd comments from writers who didn't even interview you properly.

Your temper specifically shot at the suggestive language used to describe yours and Bakugo's relationship. The photo made him look dangerous and... decent, you guessed. He rarely smiled but when he did it was like a hungry predator ready to kill something. Then there was you, looking like a shy little pixie in his arms. That was only because the photographer was confusing me!!

The photo of you and Todoroki made you double-take. Maybe you hadn't been paying attention during the photo-shoot, but Shoto looked so at peace. His smile was tender and endearing. It made you blush how he was looking at the you in the picture.

"No wonder people got these ideas..." you snorted.

It wasn't the end of the drama. You and Izuku had an article all to yourselves, not excluding the details from the sports festival and your "kissing quirk."

"My loose morals!?" you fumed, but then remembered your dream,"Okay... whatever."

Your eyes stopped on the last article Izuku sent. It was a poor photo, but one of you and Shinso. He definitely looked heroic, carrying you away in his arms. You knew he didn't like suits but you liked his choice of all black...

To your relief, the article only wanted to raise meaningless speculation. "Who was this mysterious, fourth suitor?"

Maybe he would get decent publicity from this? People seemed to like him...

You were too nervous to read any texts from Bakugo or Todoroki - and anyone else. The media outburst was intense, but maybe it was something that would blow over. People were just bored with the typical heroism - they needed drama to feed off of.


Besides, you had something else to worry about...

You left the safety of your room. The television from the living room was on with low volume. You followed the dull sound of voices until you saw Midnight on the couch in her bathrobe.

She looked up at you and sighed, "Glad you aren't dead. You slept the day away."

You rocked on your heels, "Can I ask you about Monarch? And can you not get mad about it?"

She huffed and crossed her legs, "I was surprised by his arrival and acted... Anyway. He was a friend of your mother's. When we - All Might, Aizawa and I, knew of you and knew of your situation, we thought it best to keep you from that life completely."

"Monarch, while not totally bad, isn't good either," she continued, "His work is dangerous business. I couldn't stand the idea of a small child growing up in that environment. I'm not perfect, but at least you had UA..."

"Aunty, you're crazy," you laughed, "but I love you. I don't care that you overly expose yourself or embarrass me in front of boys or... whatever. Monarch doesn't change anything. I'm just curious, that's all."

Midnight nodded, "It makes sense. It pains me to say it, but he would know how to train you and your quirk better than anyone... that's why, if you really want, I'll allow you intern with him. But I'm not on board with you living there for any amount of days."

"Train me... because he knew my parents, right?"

"He was probably the closest person to them, yes. That doesn't say much but, at the same time it does."

You plopped down on the couch with her. She kept her eyes on her polished fingers.

You poked her cheek, "I promise I'm not going to like him more than you."

"Of course you won't! That's not allowed to even be considered!"

At least you seemed to lighten the mood. You offered to make lunch while Midnight layered on the warnings about Monarch. When the news brought up the sports festival in the background. Midnight chuckled, "You are a hot topic now. I've never been more proud."

You flicked some rice in her hair, "I look like a slut."

"Not a slut!" she corrected, "You're interesting - exciting! Young people are relating to you. At this rate you'll have a million internship offers."

"Because I attract attention?" You asked.

"That's half the magic dear. If you want to be as popular as All Might."

You sighed, finishing up the curry you prepared. Midnight thanked you and you watched the news together with your feast.

"Do you think this will backfire?" You asked, "I can't seem to get what Tomura said out of my mind. Maybe I shouldn't have been in the sports festival so soon after USJ."

"It probably shouldn't have been held at all after that," Midnight shrugged, "But even if the media could link your quirk to The Butcher and Hellia, there are many people born with similar quirks who aren't related. I say it's safe to ignore Shigaraki's threat, in that regard... However, there's a chance he still has a twisted fixation for you. We still need to be careful. He hasn't reached out to you again?"

"No," but you hadn't looked at the other messages yet, "I haven't heard a peep since that night with Shinso."

"Speaking of..." her sultry eyes leered, "What were you two up to last night so late? Something good I hope."

This time, you weren't turned off by her prying. Maybe you actually needed a woman's opinion on the matter...

"Yeah. I actually feel like a mess about him and... everything."

"Tell me EVERYTHING. I've awaited this day!"

You almost regretted it, "Well, you know I like Shinso. He makes me feel safe and I could probably snuggle him forever..."


"But we're taking too long. We decided to wait to make anything serious because we had to focus on school. And my quirk makes things worse. I keep kissing people that make me feel things. They're all different things."

"Who are we talking about?" Midnight raised her slender brow.

"Um... well, Midoriya, obviously. Then, Todoroki... and Bakugo."

"Bakugo?" She smirked, "I can't say I'm not curious for the delicious details."

"Gross..." you frowned, "come on! I need actual help - girl stuff."

Midnight giggled and pulled you into a side hug, "Sweet girl. You were always going to have the boys fawning over you. Your quirk was bound to cause some heartache I suppose. But don't be in a rush. You have so much of your life left," she kissed your forehead, "Focus on yourself, and once you're confident in yourself the answer will be clear."

"The only man I'm wary of is that ridiculous butterfly," she glowered, "If you do intern with him, you tell me if he says or does something crude, I will have you a transferred in a heartbeat!"

"Yes, aunty."

Could you handle it? Interning with a man so close to the villainous part of your past? What did he know about you that you didn't?

You were curious - you couldn't fight that fact. Scared too. Were you willing to step into the dark to, ironically, shed light on your life?

Or continue as you are, and wonder the rest of your life. Ignorance is bliss?

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