《QUIRKY! (MHA x Reader)》Part 29 - Fairly Oddparent


Neither you nor Midnight moved a muscle. You were waiting for the "haha - jokes!" moment to come, but it didn't. Was this guy serious?

You leaned just slightly towards Midnight and whispered, "Who the hell is this guy?"

He didn't seem to notice. His focus remained on your aunt, "Shut your mouth dearie, you look like a trout." The man chortled and straightened up from his bow. He towered over the both of you.

Midnight scoffed at his remark, but your teacher stepped in front of her. Aizawa's extended his arm out to block you.

"Stand down, Monarch," he said, "This isn't the time or place."

"Eraser?" the stranger's eyes brightened, "Look who finally combed the mop on his head... Tell me, handsome, when was the best time, then? Hm? Anyone?" His long, slender fingers made dramatic gestures in the air, "Is fifteen years too early for you?"

Aizawa kept his cool, but you noticed his eyes were glowing red.

"There's no need for that," the man he called Monarch said, "I'm a bold man, yes - not a monster."

You were still trying to find something comical about this, because of how ridiculous and random it seemed. But you knew Aizawa didn't involve himself if anything if it wasn't important or serious.

"I'm sorry," you interjected, "Can someone tell me what's going on?"

Monarch instantly had hearts in his eyes as soon as you spoke up, "Come to daddy, my little princess!"

Aizawa pushed you back, but you didn't exactly need his help in retreating. Monarch made to embrace you and was met his Aizawa's fist and your foot. You had heels too, so it probably hurt having it pushed into his gut.

"Daddy?!" You were wide-eyed and terrified, "What kind of sick, pervert-!"

"Pervert?!" Monarch's beautiful face sunk, "Your words... they sting. But I will endure because that's what families do!"

"I said stand down, you skinny creep," Aizawa grunted.

Monarch composed himself. His thick brows pulled together like caterpillars kissing, "You know, I could make this harder than it needs to be. I know all about how you, Midnight, and the others orchestrated this whole life for her."

You were intrigued by his words, but your eyes kept shifting around you, hoping no one was paying too close attention.

"I hope she at least knows you aren't her actual mother - sorry, aunt," Monarch rolled his smokey-colored eyes.

You didn't like the idea of Midnight keeping more secrets from you, but you didn't like this butterfly-man attacking her either. "I do, actually." you glared, "I know all about my parents."

"All? That I doubt," Monarch cooed, "But I suppose I can be your source of information once we become involved in each other's lives again."

"That's not going to happen," Midnight finally spoke. Her dominant persona returned, "I raised her so she's mine. Until she's an adult, I say who comes into her life and mucks it all up."


"You..." Monarch cracked, "Should really watch that tongue of yours. You know I didn't come here without a plan. So, why don't you listen to my proposal? It would be best for all of you."

You shivered. He's pretty but he's freaky!

Aizawa didn't back down, but he let his eyes rest, "Don't make a scene, and I'll consider it."

"Splendid," Monarch clapped his hands together, "I propose that (Y/N) take her internship with me!"

"What?" The three of you said in unison.

"During that time, she'll also stay at my residence - for the whole week. After the internship is over, she can decide if she wants anything to do with her godfather."

"Live with-" Midnight spat, "You can't be serious."

"Oh, but I am. Unless," his sinister tone resurfaced, "You want me to turn this into a scandal. I'd rather not, for my godchild's sake, but I have many years of rage under my belt. I can't be trusted, can I?"

He's threatening them?

"I know all about your cover-ups," Monarch sang casually, "Hardly anyone knows about Hayami's child, and the rest assumed that the child died. But let's not go down the rabbit hole... unless that's the route you wish to take."

"She isn't going anywhere with you," Midnight seethed, "You are heartless to come in here like this and put her in this position."

"Heartless... Heartless? Really, Midnight, how hypocritical can you people get. Hayami entrusted the child to me. If anything, you are breaking the law. You are the villains and kidnappers. Of course, I suppose it's a matter of opinion, isn't it? As long as you have All Might backing you up, then everything you do is good..."

"Hayami," you said, mostly to break the tension, "Do you mean my mother, then?"

He nodded, "She was my dearest friend. For a while. I still remember you as a babe..."

This was creepy. You kept wondering if he was a villain or something, considering how Aizawa was prepared to attack. However, Monarch didn't hide who he was in the slightest. He was quite loud with his appearance, and you could only imagine security or somebody would recognize him and detain him if he were evil.

Aizawa stayed silent for a moment, then sighed, "Give (Y/N) time to decide for herself."

"Shouta!" Midnight gasped, looking betrayed.

Monarch pouted, but nodded his head, "I would do anything for my princess."

"And stop with the weird nicknames or I'll report you as a pedophile..."

"You can't be serious," Midnight said, "I thought we were in an agreement on this!"

"We are, but (Y/N) isn't so young anymore... She can handle real shit. Besides, we knew the risk we were taking when exposing her in the sports festival. It didn't help that she excelled and is now every teen's obsession..." Aizawa turned to you, "Whatever you decide, understand that there were reasons why we kept so much from you."


"You don't have a say either, Aizawa!" Midnight snapped, "Neither of you raised her - I did!" She went to grab your hand, probably to storm off and take you home, but you had vanished.

If it had been any other day - literally, any other day - this still would've been bullshit. But you would've been able to process it better. You were exhausted, in heels that gave you blisters, forced to smile at everyone who crossed your path - and then your long-lost godfather shows up out of the blue.

He was friends with Hellia... Close enough friends, that she wanted her baby to live with him?

I don't know anything about myself, do I...

Had you even heard of a hero agency run by Monarch? Or ever heard of Monarch at all? Izuku would be the one to ask.

Right now, you just wanted to go home.

You stopped. Not home with Midnight, though. You felt yourself unraveling, watching your sanity get pulled apart like loose yarn. The voices around you were too loud. You felt sick to your stomach.

"(Y/N)? What's wrong?" You felt someone holding your shoulders. It took you a moment to register who it was, but you finally saw Todoroki's face.

"I can't do anymore photos," you begged.

"That's not why I'm here," his eyes narrowed, "You look you're going to fall over any moment. Have you eaten anything?"

"I just want out of here..." you mumbled.

Todoroki was hesitant, "Alright... I'm sure we can arrange that."

Just then, your knees buckled and he had to hold you up, "(Y/N)!"

You didn't want to be dramatic and draw attention to yourselves, but your brain wasn't working anymore. A few of the guests already noticed you and Todoroki, and you could only imagine what they were thinking.

"Let's get you somewhere you can sit down at least?" He offered.

That meant you had to stay... you didn't want that. You didn't have the energy to press on so you just shook your head pathetically.

"I'll take her."

A shadow cast across Todoroki's face. You couldn't see behind you but you knew exactly who it was.

You felt a pair of strong arms scoop you up from the floor. His chest felt warm and comfortable. You recognized his scent and it soothed you into nearly loosing consciousness.

"Thanks," Shinso said plainly to Todoroki, "If anyone asks, I took her home."

"You're Shinso? The one from Midoriya's March," Todoroki sounded suspicious.

"That's me. A pleasure, Shoto Todoroki."

Shinso didn't stick around for more pleasantries. He carried you bridal style through the party and out the doors. Many people saw you, but you didn't care. You would apologize for bailing on the party later.

"You don't look well," Shinso's gruff voice made you smile.

"I just need to sleep," you said. Your own voice was rather weak, like a child about to cry over a broken toy.

"That's it?"


Almost instantly, your mind went blank, and you entered a peaceful world of swirling darkness.

When you awoke, your back was against something cool and smooth. It smelled like a field. Your eyes fluttered open and you were gazing up at a starry sky, and Shinso's smirking face.

Your head was in his lap - hair cascading over his legs. He'd removed all the pins Midnight put in so he could run his fingers through it. His suit-jacket layed across your like a blanket.

"Hey, kitten."

"Hitoshi..." your voice cracked, "Where are we?"

"Just a park," he reached around him and dropped a paper bag on your stomach, "I got you an extra one because you look like you need it."

You caught the whiff of hamburgers and grinned, "So, this was your big kidnapping plan?"

"Yes. I don't have a secret lair yet, so this is what you get."

"It's peaceful out..."

"After that party, anywhere is cozy," he snorted.

You slowly sat yourself up. It felt like your head was swimming, "I feel terrible."

"Eat the food, dammit," Shinso sighed.

You giggled, "Geez, yes sir."

You tossed a burger at him. The two of you sat in the grassy field, in the fanciest clothes either of you had ever worn, and snacked on your greasy meal. It was dark and the air was brisk, just enough to give you goosebumps.

"You're right, I feel better," you undid your heels and chucked them away from you, "Who invented shoes like this..."

"Masochists," he shrugged.

Now that you were feeling normal again, you dreaded the aftermath of your departure from the party. "How bad was I?" you asked.

"You were just spacing out but when you fell on Todoroki, I figured you were in trouble."

"So embarrassing."

"I'm sure the public loved it."

"What they're going to love is you carrying me away into the night," you said, "I can't wait to hear about that one from my new fans..."

It was hard to believe the sports festival was on the same day. You gasped, "Shin! You... I thought you did great in your match. It sucks to lose, but I lost too. You got to showcase yourself a bit, and not everyone got that chance. I think good things will come of it."

"Thanks. I'm still amazed Midoriya was able to escape me like that. That's never happened before."

You nodded, "I don't know how either. Maybe it was a fluke?"

"Maybe. I'll get him next time."

"Next time I want to see you in the hero course," you snickered.

He smiled, "Aizawa said some pretty hopeful things so... We'll see."

You leaned your head against his shoulder and took another bite out of your burger. The chaos was over - for now. You felt yourself dozing off again.

"Oh yeah," you jumped, "Apparently I have a godfather."

"Like... Corleone?"

You scoffed, "Well, he did make me an offer I can't refuse... Sorta."

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