《QUIRKY! (MHA x Reader)》Part 28 - Surprise Party


How did this even happen?

You were on the third tier at the award ceremonies. All Might handed out medals to you, Todoroki, and Bakugo. It still seemed so surreal to be standing up there. You traced the design on your medal with your thumb. Bakugo seemed to have a huge problem with coming in first. He was so physically angry, that All Might could hardly get the medal placed on him.

In the end, Bakugo was the champion. You were surprised that Todoroki didn't use his fire against him in the match, though... Especially after his whole epiphany before the match with you.

With that, the ceremony was over, and so was the sports festival. Once you noticed the waves of people in the audience dispersing, you crumpled to the ground. "I'm so done," you mumbled.

"(Y/N)? Do you need to go back to Recovery Girl?" Todoroki asked. You got goosebumps in response to his voice.

"Nope, I'm just gonna take a nap right here..." It was so awkward around him now! Not for him, he seemed... himself. You were the one struggling.

The voice of your class rep sounded from a distance, "Please have some decency, (Y/N)!"

You groaned loudly and forced yourself back up. Your aunt looked a little worn out herself, but she couldn't hide her joy. She struts over to your tier, "Not bad, niece of mine! How do you feel?"

"Good," you thought, "It's still unbelievable."

"Believe it!" Midnight gushed, "And tonight, you will become a star - the next sensation! Just like I was at your age."

You debated questioning the credibility of that, "What do you mean? There's more?"

"Of course, but it's just the fluffy stuff. You dress up all nice, get photos taken, and network with the pros! I have the perfect debut dress for you!"

"I have a feeling we're going to disagree on the dress, aunty..."

Todoroki approached the two of you after overhearing, "Is there some sort of afterparty?" He looked to you even though the question was addressed to Midnight.

"Oh yes, dear boy," Midnight said, "Everyone who participated is welcome, but the three of you will have special introductions."

You sighed, "So it's not over. I don't know how the pros handle the spotlight all the time."

"Get used to it if it's the life you want!" Midnight winked.

What do I want...

For some reason, you thought you'd be able to go home after the festival. Shower, sleep, snack, or maybe see a lame zombie movie with Shinso - just something normal and relaxing. You didn't realize just how much things were going to change now.

Even getting out of the stadium was a hassle. Everyone had to take pictures of you on their phones - not just you. The fans were obsessed with your entire class. One group of excited girls bumped into you and started bombarding you left and right -

"Is Midoriya your boyfriend? Power couple!"

"I think Bakugo is super hot. You'd make an adorable match - like opposites attracting!"

"No way he's scary! She'd be better with Midoriya."

"I've seen you with the purple-haired guy I think - gasp - were they like, dueling over you?! Eeeeep! That makes this all so much cooler."

"He's scary too!"

"You guys are all wrong, the real prince is Todoroki. If she doesn't take him then I will!"

They spoke over each other so it was hard to make out the nonsense, but Bakugo was quick to save the day.



"H-he won't sign any autographs!" You stopped him. He was going to have a harder time in the spotlight than you were...

"I told you he was scary!" One of the girls squealed and they all ran off.

"Tch. How annoying," he grumbled.

You knew the boys would be popular with the younger crowd. But you? You were swarmed by women, younger girls, students your age - all wanting to know more about you. That was just the first wave.

The next wave was full of dudes. Bakugo and Todoroki got lots of "You're awesome, man!"s, but as soon as it got to you, they turned into a pack of puppy-dogs.

"Can I get a picture with you..." one kid asked, looking terrified but extremely hopeful. You were a sucker for those pleading eyes. Bakugo watched with a growing scowl in his face, so you quickly smiled for the selfie and moved along before anyone else could ask for photos.

"This is weird, huh?" You asked Todoroki and Bakugo. The rest of your class was ahead but you three kept getting held back.

"It's stupid!" Bakugo fumed, "I have better things to do... like plotting your death!" He pointed at a bored Todoroki.

"It's just a glimpse into All Might's life," the ice king shrugged.

That seemed to tick Bakugo off even more, "Don't ignore me! You and I aren't finished!"

A life like All Might's... You always wanted to be a hero; a symbol of hope for anyone who needed it. This stuff, though - you were blinded by more cameras as you approached the paparazzi section - you could do without.

The teachers made sure that everyone got to their homes safely. You didn't even get to see Shinso since his match, but you sent him plenty of texts with confetti and balloon emojis.

Something seemed off, but you knew once everything settled down it would go back to normal. Although, what was normal now? Shinso wanted to get into the hero course, but had he managed to do that?

What did that mean for you two?

You weren't left with much time to stew about it, because Midnight barged into your room with a mountain of dresses to try on.

The first five you didn't even bother trying on - they wouldn't keep your boobs or ass covered. Another had a cleavage-dip that reached your navel, "How can you even function in something like this?" You asked.

"You don't, it's just for the look," Midnight smiled.

"Well, I like to look like I can bend over and not fall apart."

One dress left your aunt speechless. You were worried at first because the top half was mostly sheer, except for some lace and beading (and cups to hide your breasts...) The finish was a floor-length tulle skirt in sage green.


This was one you could at least both agree on.

"You're all grown up," Midnight hugged you from behind as you looked in the mirror, "Now, get out there and make them all melt!"

You stood outside the symphony hall - the posh location they decided to hold a party for young hero students... Midnight went ahead after you told her you were waiting for someone. You weren't really; you just weren't ready to go in. As much as you loved Midnight, you could only think of one person to calm you down in this situation.

But he probably isn't the type to even attend something like this, huh?


Before you forced yourself to go inside, you spotted familiar faces through the reflection in the glass doors. Iida, Uraraka, and Izuku!

"Wow, you guys look great!" you said, glad to see you weren't going to be the only fancy one.

"(Y/N)..." Izuku breathed.

"You look like a princess," Uraraka looked close to tears, "Aw, I should've gone with something more mature too!"

"No, I love your dress, Ochaco!" you complimented. She looked like the pink queen of Candy land. "I feel like I'm trying too hard..."

"Absolutely not!" Izuku blurted out. Uraraka glared at him before hooking her arm around his.

"Come on, let's get inside already!" she said.

Iida bowed deeply before you, making you chuckle. Uraraka dragged Izuku through the entrance and held the door for you two.

"Allow me to escort you, (Y/N)!" Iida declared.

You giggled, "Why, thank you, sir!"

It wasn't who you were expecting, but Iida made a good company. You definitely felt safe with him at your side. Maybe because people were afraid to approach him. It was kind of like having an older brother or dad on your arm.

You relaxed when the mood of the evening didn't feel too serious. Banners from UA hung from the ceilings. Pros were there just in their hero costumes - taking pictures and signing autographs. You spotted a few more of your classmates in nice shirts and ties, dresses and skirts. The majority of them were attacking the snack bar, while some were interviewing with reporters.

You nearly choked on the drink Iida brought you when you saw your teacher, Aizawa, clean-shaven and dressed like a Bond character. He had a nice new scar under his eye, but that just completed the look.

"Aizawa?" you asked.

"Yes," he sighed, "Hello."

"You look, uh, really nice, sir!" you said, "But shouldn't you still have the bandages on?"

"I'd prefer that, probably," was all he had to say before dragging his feet towards a very boisterous All Might.

Class 1-B was also present. That creepy blond kid, Monoma, was among them. You took note to avoid that mess. Really, you were keeping an eye out for the generals students, anyway. It shouldn't be hard to spot Shinso's giant head of hair.

"Hey, hot lips!"

You choked for a second time and gave up on drinking altogether. Bakugo pushed his way through the other student to you and Iida. When he got a better look at you, his permanent douche-face morphed into astonishment.

"Stop! That's so embarrassing..." you scowled.

"W-whatever," he shook his head, "Get over here, they want to take our fucking picture."

"That's no way to address a lady, Bakugo!" Iida chopped the air with his hand.

You gave Iida a look that said you agreed, then followed the angry boy. Bakugo seemed stiff and not as confident. The social pressure must've been getting to everyone. That or he didn't like having to wear a suit. Although, you thought he looked kind of handsome. Maroon was a good color on him.

"It's weird seeing you in a tie, Bakugo," you said.

He grimaced, "Shut up. You're one to talk... dressed like that."

"Like everyone else?" you snickered.

He glared, "Like hell, you look like everyone else!" When you looked confused by his comment he just growled.

Bakugo led the two of you over to a photo-friendly area with a white backdrop. Several photographers were there on standby. As soon as they saw you they erupted in banter and flashing lights.

"Over here! Let's get a photo of you two!"

You were not used to people demanding your photograph, but neither was Bakugo so the two of you were in the same boat at least. At first, all you two did was stand there awkwardly until one of the photographers stepped in, "Hold her like this, smile a little... actually you can keep that glower going. But maybe a smirk from you (Y/N)?"

Bakugo was surprisingly composed when he was asked to hold your waist. While you were burning up and wanting to die. He peered down at you between shots, "Relax. Just be normal."

"What's normal?" you snorted.

He grinned, "We've done more than this, and you weren't so skittish then."

"GREAT shot, guys!" the photographer exclaimed, "More of that!"

More of what!? - you wanted to ask.

"Oh, yes! Get Todoroki in here!" Another photographer cheered. You watched as the second-place winner appeared on your set. He had a classic black suit and looked too hot for his own good. How were you supposed to look natural standing next to these two?

"Wow!" onlookers passed by, taking some photos of their own, "Heroes are getting more good looking I swear!"

You were stuck taking photo after photo. Some you were by yourself, which you found a lot harder to do. A few photographers wanted some of only you and Todoroki. The boys continued to impress you with how professional they could be under pressure. The group photos were interesting, and the only shots Bakugo would cave because he had to glare at Todoroki.

"WAIT!" someone shouted, "We need one of (Y/N) and Midoriya!"

The very startled green-haired teen was practically dragged towards you. He looked at you with giant, petrified eyes. "G-guess we're going to do this?" Izuku shook so terribly that you could see his legs wobbling.

You sighed and took one of his hands, "Just pretend they aren't here. We're just at school or something. Except we look a lot nicer." You giggled at your horrible example. But it seemed to work. Izuku's trembling mellowed and he was able to at least smile.

A few photos later and you were exhausted from smiling. You relaxed your jaw and looked around for a sign that they were done. They could've gone on forever! Every minute you were there, new people would walk by with their phones.

Your heart skipped a beat when you finally spotted purple hair. Without giving an explanation (you already gave them enough of your time) you chased after your friend. Shinso actually came to this dumb party? He might've made some connections then!

Curse your height, you lost him as soon as a tall couple blocked your path. Why did there need to be this many people, you thought. You heard your aunt's voice from nearby, "Oh, sweetie! Come, I need a photo with you too!"

You sulked, shoulders drooping, as you made your way towards her. She was dazzling a photographer in her skin-tight, red halter dress. Your face wasn't prepared for more smiling, but you convinced yourself it was your duty as a good niece.

Midnight put her arm around you, just as a blur of black and orange blocked the photographer. Your aunt froze. It was one of the only times in your life that you've ever seen her look frightened. Midnight's mouth hung open, stunned, while her eyes grew to the size of grapefruits.

A mystery man stood before you. He was quite tall, lanky, probably a few years older than Midnight. He had long, straight black hair, that looked so silky, you wanted to run your hand through it. His quirk must've had to do with butterflies, as he had wide monarch wings coming out of his back.

His makeup was so precise and looked professionally done. He had thick, painted brows and all the colors of Fall on his eyelids. His cheekbones were ridiculously sharp, or illusioned to be so. Something about him was too beautiful, you were beginning to feel self-conscious.

The man took an elegant bow as if you were about to waltz, "Oh, it is so good to finally see you... (Y/N). I suppose that's what we're calling you these days."

Something wasn't right. You glanced at Midnight, hoping for an explanation, but she was still a statue. The only difference was her hand on your shoulder tightening.

He lifted his head, but the suave demeanor vanished. His eyes shot daggers at Midnight and his voice came out like venom.

"Did you really think you could keep my own godchild from me?"

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