《QUIRKY! (MHA x Reader)》Part 12 - Everything's Changin'


Your sniffles could be heard from beneath your blanket cocoon.

It was 2 am when you were finally released from the police station. Midnight brought both you and Shinso back to the house and made some hot tea. You couldn't hear a word anyone said, but you could feel Shinso's arm resting on top of you.

During your depressed trance, you and Shinso ended up on the couch with your head in his lap. You were completely encased in a fluffy blanket, shrouded in darkness and the smell of lavender detergent. When Shinso's hand rubbed your back, you let out a tiny sob.

"(Y/N)," Midnight's voice cooed, "Let me see your pretty face."

"Not right now..." you muttered.

You heard your aunt sigh, "Are you sure your parents don't mind, Shinso dear?"

"Yeah, they're good..." he said, "They know (Y/N) is shaken up."

"Well, if you need anything, let me know. I probably won't be sleeping tonight either. I'm glad you're both alright. I'm so sorry you had to see that..."

"Thank you, Miss Midnight."

"You can call me Nemuri Kayama," she said. Her heels clicked across the room, "Thank you for looking after my girl," she added.

As soon as Midnight was in her room, you let the tears fall even harder. The flood gates were open. You didn't want to be the hero who cried - the hero who couldn't save someone from a brutal death. But there you were.

"(Y/N)..." Shinso's deep voice soothed your eardrums, "Talk to me."

"I can't..." you whispered.

"But I miss your voice," you could hear a smile.

You were starting to sweat under the blanket, so you at least let your face free. You knew you looked like a blubbering baby, but Shinso didn't flinch. There was a little sadness in his eyes, but his smile was the same.

"There she is," he said, "You don't have to be okay right now... But I'm going to check on you anyway."



"We didn't save him," you clutched at your blanket, "We had him, he was so close to the ambulance and he died anyway. And... they didn't even catch Stain."

His eyelids lowered.

"How can I ever be a hero? I can't handle this. I'm responsible-"

"No," his stern tone shocked you, "No. It is not your fault. The only reason he lived any longer than he did is because of you. I shouldn't have..."

He stopped himself, but you pestered him, "What?"

"I just shouldn't have let you see him."

"You would've left him there?" you asked.


"I don't know," Shinso rubbed his eyes, "I could've avoided putting ourselves in danger and inconveniencing the pros. I know we're enrolled in UA but..." his hand grabbed your shoulder a little too tight, "I thought I was going to lose you. In an instant."

"That would be a shame," you said, "Considering I'm your only friend..."

He turned, "Making jokes again? This is good."

You scoffed, but got more serious again, "We got out of there because of you. You were a hero tonight."

You could tell he was pleased with your flattery, but he leaned his head back and closed his eyes, "Is that so?"


"Hm. Then..."

He scooped your burrito body up and into his lap. Your screams were muffled by the blanket, and soon your limbs were trapped between his strong arms.

"Stay like this and let me protect you," he huffed.

"I can't breath!" you protested, "Hitoshi!"

He just hummed and pulled you closer to his chest. You were a giant beanie baby at this point. You yelled at him a couple more times, but eventually, you gave in.

"Be a good baby larva..." he said, sleepily.

School the next week was just what you expected. Luckily, you and Shinso had the rest of the weekend to hide from the public, but come Monday you were bombarded with worried questions and comments.

Shinso walked with you to school, but you split up so he could go to the generals class. He squeezed your hand once, before walking away. You hadn't made anything official between each other, but part of you wanted to. Something about this goodbye felt long-term. You both had the sports festival to worry about, now.

"(Y/N)!" Midoriya was the first to spot you. He stood outside of class 1-A, "I wanted to visit you but I didn't want to be weird or creepy or anything. I did call you but I understand if you were feeling overwhelmed, I mean, how could you not after facing off with a villain like the Hero Killer? I'm so glad you're okay-"

"Izuku," you grimaced.

"Right! Sorry!" he paled, "I'm sure you're still not feeling well. Just, let us know if you need anything..."

"Thank you," You forced a smile and followed him into class. That was a mistake. As soon as you were through the threshold, everyone was up in arms and throwing themselves at you, some of them in tears.

Okay, only Mineta and Denki were in tears. And maybe Ochaco.

Mineta was suddenly yanked off of you and you were met with fiery red eyes, "What the hell were you thinking! Taking on someone as high level as that, with your weak ass! Do you have a death wish? If you want to die so badly I'd be more than happy-"


"Ease up, Bakugo!" Kirishima pulled his wild friend back, "Sorry, (Y/N)..."

The angry blond actually seemed to obey. His fire was gone and replaced with something else, but you ignored it.

"Classmates!" Iida's authoritative voice boomed, "It's rude to crowd her! Let's all sit in our assigned seats and let (Y/N) come to us when she feels ready."

Everyone groaned but listened. You silently thanked Iida with your eyes and he nodded, sharply before returning to his own desk. Aizawa was next to enter the class and he stopped just behind you, "(Y/N)? Midnight said you might not show today."

"Yeah. I wanted to be here..."

"You know you can take today off if you really need to."

You were surprised at how concerned he seemed. Or maybe he just didn't want to deal with a potential meltdown later. "I'm okay," you said, "I just want to keep training."

He nodded but didn't seem convinced. "Okay, everyone. We're going on a field trip today."

You quickly sat down while the rest of the class showed their excitement in Aizawa's news. They really weren't holding back at this school, you thought. However, after what you saw the other night, you knew that the pain and labor were necessary.

You were all required to change into your hero costumes again, but yours was missing from the cubby. Aizawa motioned for you to approach his desk once everyone filed outside.

"I put in a few orders for your suit," he said, "Now, some of it you aren't going to get until after your internship. I don't want to spoil you or anything. This is just to help with your replenishing, so we don't cause too much confusion for the hormonal idiots in our class..."

"You... did that?" You opened the case holding your costume.

The one-piece now had sharp shoulders, like a thin suit of armor. You only had boots before, but now you had a slip down the side of your legs to hold more metal panels. A pair of matching gauntlets were a shiny new addition as well.

Your favorite part had to be the design along the edges. You snorted, feeling flattered Aizawa thought about the cute details.

"It's-" you were fresh out of tears, but you would've cried if you could, "Thank you."

"Don't mention it. Seriously, don't," he scoffed, "The metal can help you absorb more light energy - more than you're used to. The gloves also from physical touch."

"I really appreciate it, Aizawa."

"Just put it to good use," he said, "I'll still be training you without the costume, but I'm hoping it'll help you. We've seen you try. Now give it your all - I won't tell you again."

"Yes sir," you smiled.

After changing into your new outfit, you stared at yourself in the crappy, lockerroom mirror. You looked like a different woman. A white knight (an extremely feminine/anime version.) Midnight still seemed to have a say in how it hugged your breasts, but whatever.

Looks alone weren't going to make you a hero. But it was a new look for a new you. Starting over. No one else was going to die on your watch.

"Let's not miss the bus, (Y/N!)" Uraraka called.

You ran outside to meet your friends. Where could Aizawa be taking you that was off-campus? The school provided so many city simulators already.

You took a seat next to Midoriya, who sat just behind Uraraka. The three of you went over some ideas as to what the field trip would entail. Uraraka was just excited to learn cool new tricks in your costumes.

"By the way, did you get an upgrade, (Y/N)?" she asked.

"I did, sort of. It'll just help me get energy from other sources easier," you rubbed your neck, feeling awkward.

"Oh, I see!" Uraraka beamed, "That probably makes you feel relieved!"

"What?" Denki's yellow head suddenly appeared from across you guys, "But I moisturized all weekend."

A growl came from the seat behind him. Normally, you wouldn't put up with Denki or Mineta and their general perviness, but you were in a better mood and wanted to test out your gloves. You sighed and held your hand out to him.

"You can hold my hand until we get there, how about that?"

Denki froze. You almost laughed at the face he was making. He didn't expect you to actually give him a bone.

"A little spark would be nice too?" you teased, causing Denki to melt to the floor.

He quickly composed himself before snatching your hand, "A little spark, huh? How's this?"

Electricity coursed through his hand and up yours. You were pleasantly surprised by how well your new outfit was working. You took a sigh of relief. Hopefully, you would never have to kiss Mineta out of desperation again.

The growling from behind Denki seemed to increase. A dark aura was fogging their window and causing the person next to it, Kirishima, to lean into the aisle.

"So, does this mean you'll date me, (Y/N)?" Kaminari beamed.

"Yeah right," Bakugo interrupted, "Like that'll ever happen!"

"Settle down," Aizawa's bored voice announced, "We're here. -

Welcome to the USJ."

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