《Pinky Promise Kisses (Jevon)》Wft


(Jakes POV)

"I love you" I say as I lean in, pressing my lips onto his. I cup his checks with my hand as he deepens the kiss. He soon pulls away, "I love you too Jake" he whispers before leaning in again.

I wake from my dream too the sound of the alarm on my phone. I quickly turn it of before I drop it to my side. I wish I could have stayed in that dream forever rather then be awake in my shit life. I wish that could be my life. What I would give for Devon to notice me. I quickly snap out of my day dreaming as I hear foot steps coming closer to my door. But as if the door dosen't mean anything he barges in.

"Jake why the hell aren't you up?!" He asks yelling. I haven't even been up for five minutes and he's already yelling at me. I can tell that this is going to be an amazing day.

"I'm sorry I just woke up" I say hoping I won't get in that much trouble.

"We'll get up I don't want you missing the bus like that week." He says in a slightly quicker tone. He looks around the room then back to me "and clean your damn room" he says as he turns around and slams the door.

I wait for the door to close all the way before getting out of bed. I pull the blankets off my body and stand up. I walk over to my closet and get dressed. I throw on some jeans, then take off the shirt I was wearing to replace it with a normal, plain gray one. I trow on a black sweater over it and tie a flannel around my waist. I sit down on my bed to put shoes on. I bend over to tie the laces of my black converse then get up, get my bag, and leave my room, shutting the door behind me. I make my way down the stairs to find my dad and already left for work. I liked the days he leaves early cause it leaves me to get ready in peace.

After I finish eating my wonderful breakfast that consists of an amazing granola bar, I go back up stairs to brush my teeth. After, I look at mg phone to check the time to see the bold numbers "7:57". 'Shit' I think as I run back down stairs, grab my bag, and run out the door. My keys decided that they hate me and get lost in my bag. It took me a good few seconds to find them. Once I find those damn things, I lock the door and run the the bus stop which takes about five minutes to walk to. Not wanting to be yelled at for being late, I run to the stop. I get there in three minutes, giving me two too stand there away from all the other people.

The bus finally pulls up to the stop and the doors open. Everyone forms a crowed in front of me, blocking me from getting in. Once everyone in front of me is in, I climb the steps and make my way to the only fully empty seat, which just so happened to be behind him, Devon Evans. He had his back pushed up against the window and was reading a magazine, probably about crime. For some reason crime interested him. So much so that he even had a podcast about true crime. One that I listen to from time to time. And by time to time I mean almost every day. I think it's cute that he likes it, obviously not that he likes murder and theft, but that he's passionate about something. Even if it is a bit disturbing.


I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't even notice that somebody sat next to him. But it wasn't just somebody that sat next to him, it was my cousin, Junior, that sat next to him. I absolutely hate Junior, and he despises me. I wish we weren't related, but I also wish we were friends so he could introduce me to Devon. The only reason I would talk to him voluntarily is so I could get a chance to talk to Devon. I see Devon puts down the magazine and begins to talk to him.

The bus drops every off in the front of the school, then leaves. I walk into the school building and head to my locker. On the way I bump into somebody I don't know and he asks me if I could introduce him to Junior. I say I can't cause he's not gay and would probably hate crime both me and him as I walk to my locker. He tells me thanks and walks away upset. I kinda feel bad for him but I so don't want him to get his hopes up and get even more disappointed. I open my locker to put my books into my bag. I zip up my bad then slam the door to my locker. I then walk to my first class of the day, biology.

I take my seat in the front of the class and wait for Ms Fairchild to start. Today was the day I was dreading. The day we dissect frogs. Just learning about it and seeing the pictures made me want to throw up so I don't know how I'm gonna be able to do this. And to nobody's surprise, the moment I make the first incision I need to stop cause I knew I was gonna be sick. But remembering if I don't do it I will fail, I push through it until the end of class. When the bell rings it's like a gift sent from god. I immediately get my things and leave.

The rest of the school day went by quickly and before I knew it, it was time to leave. I head back to my locker to put my things. When walking back I get a notification on my phone and pull it out of my pocket to see what it is. As I'm walking I'm looking down at my phone when I bump into somebody and fall. I could see that the person I pushed dropped all their things and trying to be nice and make up for us I try to help them pick it up.

"I'm so sorry" I say. I had my head down as I pick up the papers, not knowing who I was helping. While scavenging through the papers picking them up I freeze when I see in important thing. I pick up a magazine about true crime. Who would have guessed.

"It's fine. Stuff happens" I hear a familiar voice say. It was the voice of Devon himself. He notices what looked like me cosplaying a statue. "You ok? You look like you've seen a living doll." He jokingly asks. God I wish that's what I saw.


"Oh um yeah, Uh I'm fine" I says looking up handing him papers.

"Your Junior's cousin, Jake right?" He asks. To be honest I'm surprised that he knew my name. I'm also flattered by it.

"Uh yeah" i say back.

"Cool" he says. After that there's silence, but it's not awkward. He just stay there on the floor, looking at each other.

"Well I should probably get going" he says getting up.

"Oh here's you thing" i say reaching out my arm to give him a magazine.

"Keep it, it'll give me an excuse to talk to you tomorrow" he says as he smiles and walks away "it was nice talking to you"

"Same" is all I said back. If it were up to me I would have told him I loved him, but i can't for obvious reasons. So instead I stand in the hallway with the magazine in hand. I walk out of the hell that is the school building, then wait at the bus stop for the bus to come. Once the thing finally comes I step into it and find a seat.


When the bus comes to my stop I stand up and walk down the aisle, but because my life can't be an ounce of good I fall. And to make it better it was in front of Devon.

"Oh my god are you ok?" He says reaching out his hand.

"Yeah I'm ok" I say as I grab his hand. He helps me up and I continue to walk. As I step out the doors close behind me. I hear the engine start and the bus drives away. And now for the task of walking home.

On the way I see a neighbor was having a garage sale and thinking I could find something for my sculpture I stop by and look around. Sadly nothing besides some dresses for a child and those romance novels you find at the gas station with the hot guy on the cover so I continue to walk home.

When I reach my house I see my dads car in the drive way which means two things for me. I can either go in there and go straight up into my room, or have him yell at me for god knows what reason. For some odd reason I chose the first one. I open the door then closes and lock it just as fast, then I bolt up the stairs into my room. Once in there I close the door, throw my bag down and jump onto my bed.

Just as I lay down I hear scratching on my door which could only mean my cat Binx, who just happens to be the only member of the family that I like. I get up to let him in when I hear a crash downstairs. 'What the fuck?' I think to myself before I go to see what caused the noise and get greeted by my father picking up glass shards from what looked like a broken cup.

"When the hell did you get here?" He asks

"Like five minutes ago" I answer. I'm the corner of my eye I see a half empty bottle of whisky. Now I know why he had dropped the glass cup. But hey I have to give it too him, I don't think I've ever seen him drink this early. Not even on weekends. It's not even 4:30.

"Hey can you go get me the dust pan? It's in the kitchen." He says pointing over his shoulder.

"Yeah" I say walking down the stairs and going into the kitchen. I look around looking for it quickly so he dosent-

"What the hell is taking you so long?!" He yells. That's exactly why. I try to hurry but I still can't find it. I look around the house some more until I find it tucked behind the trash bin and the wall. I don't know how it got there or how he expected me to find it that quickly behind there. I hear him get up and walk into the kitchen. God damn it.

I turn around and hand him the dust pan. The expression on his face changed from angry to just annoyed. Thank god. I walk past him and go back up stairs. I close the door and start to work on the sculpture. I behead Barbies, take apart limbs from baby dolls, just normal things. I hear a noise coming from behind me and thinking it's my father I turn around quickly. It just turned out to be Binxie scratching my bag. I go over to it to see what it is he wanted. Turns out it was Devon's magazine. I pick it up from my bag and put it on my desk. I smile looking at it, knowing it's from Devon.


Before knew it the time had changed to 9:50. So I stop working on the sculpture and start to get ready for bed. I first take a shower cause im not a greasy bitch😘. When I get out, I get dressed which consists of an old tee shirt and some boxer briefs. Once dressed I go back to my room and left Binx out of my room then close the door.

I can finally go to sleep. I close my eyes and exhale, falling asleep not long after.


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