Pagi pagi jongki yang ngungsi ke kamar owi memutuskan balik ke kamar orangtuanya. Sesampainya di kamar, jongki memutuskan untuk keluar lagi dan berfikir untuk renang saja dengan ginting,jonathan dan ihsan.
"Ngak jadi ke kamar ?,"kata jo
"Ah males dikamar liatnya papa sama mama pelukan mulu,"kata jongki
"Ahh dasar cici, mereka lagi kejar setoran kali,"kata ginting
"Astaga,"kata ihsan
"Apaan ?,"kata jo
"ehh curut, mereka berduakan belum nikah udah maen peluk peluk aja,"kata ihsan
"Ahh,, ya udah biarin, semua bakal aman kalau kamu ngak bawel kok,"kata jo
Sedangkan dikamar, liliyana sudah bangun dan mencoba untuk melepaskan tangan lee youngdae tapi si empunya malah makin kuat memeluknya.
"Young, ayolah bangun udah siang ini,"kata liliyana
"Bentar lagi, ngantuk,"kata youngdae
"Ya udah kamu tidur aja dulu, aku mau beres beres dulu,"kata liliyana
"Ntar aja,"kata youngdae
"Ngak bisa young, ini aku mau beres beres buat pulang ke manado,"kata liliyana
"Kapan ?,"kata youngdae
"Sore ini,"kata liliyana
"Aku ikut,"kata youngdae
"Iya udah aku pesenin tiket kok, nanti kita imlek di manado, oh ya sama minta restu ke opung,"kata liliyana
"Opung bukannya sudah meninggal ?,"kata youngdae
"Iya nanti kita ziarah, ya kan tetep harus hormatin,"kata liliyana
"Kalau minta restu ke upong bisa dapet uang tambahan modal nikah ngak ?,"kata youngdae jail
"Bisa aja, kamu bongkar aja itu makam upong,"kata liliyana
"Ahh ide yang bagus, bantuin ya ci, kan kamu cucunya,"kata youngdae
"Ahh matilah kau,"kata liliyana
"Beneran ? Ntar jadi janda sebelum nikah lho,"kata youngdae
"Apa apaan itu, udah sana mandi,"kata liliyana
"Maunya dimandiin,"kata youngdae
"LEE YOUNGDAE,"teriak liliyana
Sedangkan diluar kamar beberapa tamnya mendengar teriakan itu.
"Astaga itu teriakan cici,"kata owi
"Pagi pagi udah teriak teriak aja,"kata vita
"Ahh bakal seru nih rumah tangga mereka,"kata debby
"Pindah rumah deket mereka aja,"kata praven
"Terus liat adegan mereka tiap hari, haduh baper baper deh,"kata greys
Transdimensional Marketing
I am merely a reviewer, albeit the products I review are slightly different. For example, I review quantum computers, artificial intelligence, anti-gravity mech armor, planetary engines, sublight colonial ships, stellar detonators, etc… Chen Yu: “The technological product I bring to everyone for today’s episode is—a dual-vector foil! W-Wait! Everyone, please calm down! Let me explain…”
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The sword shapes the soul. The soul directs and gives the sword purpose. A traveling sword master goes between many worlds with great wanderlust.
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In the year 2019, Joshua Alo, a college drop-out, has been living the depressing dream, going from place to place around Greece, looking for booze, money, women, and most especially, trouble. However within this seemingly never-ending cycle, a strange man appeared in his life and gives him a second chance to regain back his good life, not knowing the consequences that may happen later on.
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If anyone were to take my actions, my feats, my influence on the world, and write them down as a story, there would be one point that needs to be raised before all else. This is not a song of redemption. This is not a tale of hope. This is not a parable of goodness. No. Mine is a warning of destruction. Slaughter. Death. For death brought me into this world...and death I shall bring to it. This will be my second attempt at writing a novel. For the fans of my first work, I'm sorry for disappearing for so long...life happened. I will continue that one at some point, but for now I want to try to get back into the groove of writing. Thank you for giving me a chance.
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Once the rings have been exchanged and the vows have been said, Sherlock and John are ready to settle down and get their fill of the domestic bliss that so often comes with marriage. Unfortunately, nothing is ever that simple for them... and they know the honeymoon period can't last forever. They'd promised each other "for better or for worse", but John had no idea just how bad 'worse' could be.
8 210Online Lovers • Treegan
@keeganallen started following you @keeganallen liked your post @keeganallen commented on your post- "You're so pretty, be mine - @keeganallen"D i s c l a i m e r: This is my own idea. I'm writing this for entertainment. I hope you enjoy. :)
8 197