《One Night; tk》✨26- I love you


Betrayal, an eight letter word wasn't enough to describe Jungkook's feelings. He took it in his heart to understand that maybe she needed personal space but she wasn't getting any better. As Jungkook sat in his room with his head on Taehyung's lap, he really wondered where it went all down.

was it because of me? that was the only answer to all his question. he cared for his sister more than anything, she was his only family. He knew many were going through problems, but he felt hurt at her hiding it.

on the other side, Taehyung was trying his best to keep calm. He brushed his hand through the velvety locks of jungkook's hair. was it true? is it because of our relationship? his thoughts were interrupted by the doorbell

they both glanced at each other and looked towards the door that opened

"HELLO GUYS! guess what, the nearby street opened a new donut shop and gave off many free donuts for sample and let me tell you they taste amazin--what happened?" her expression changed as she looked at the two boys who were currently surrounded by a sad aura

she focused her eyes on her brother as she noticed his red, puffy eyes

"Jungkook? did you cry?" she asked softly and gasped when she saw her prescription laying down

after a complete minute of silence taehyung felt it better to leave the room to let the siblings talk, as he left, Jungkook spoke up with his voice shaking


"heejin-ah" he then decided to straight get on to the point

"wh-why did you hide it?" Heejin then threw her bag behind as she walked towards her brother, he then continued talking

"we are family, Hee. I know, i may not understand you and your problems but let me know. talk to me love. I may not understand having lost my parents at my teenage years but let me know. we both are each others family, i am pretty sure eomma and appa would have wanted us to talk, right love?" he said now crying softly


she held herself back from crying at the fact that Jungkook blamed it on him, she never wanted this to happen.

"no Jungkook-ah, you've given me a childhood i'll remember forever, never once have i felt the loss of our parents. my problems aren't because of --"

"is it because i began dating Taehyung?" Jungkook interrupted

"what no! of course not" she said as she grasped him in a hug and she spoke

"Taehyung is still a part of my life like i always wanted, we broke up because i fell out of love and that's okay among us. he loves you like you deserve to be loved, you deserve everything. i would never understand working hard at the age of 19 just to take care of their sister. my problem is something personal and believe me, it will go away. I just need you and Tae with me. everything will be alright"

Jungkook began crying mostly sobbing at her words, as she held him tighter, she believed in herself, and that was everything she knew was needed. as her brother calmed down and pecked her forehead she asked

"where's Tae?" she asked after a minute helping her brother calm down

"he'll be in his room, i might have said a few harsh words to him earlier" Heejin hit his head and hugged him 

"i'll go check on him"

she left her brother and ran upstairs to the balcony to see Taehyung sitting on a chair, 

"hey" taehyung looked back at her and smiled waving

"hey there" they both sat next to each other, smiling and that was the cue for Heejin as she began crying and sobbing

Taehyung, who flinched at her loud sobbing, grabbed her and hugged her tightly

"you know you literally reek of sweat" Taehyung said to lighten up the mood and she hit his chest before smelling herself and nodding


"you wanna talk on why you got prescribed? the reason?"

Taehyung was always an understandable person, someone everyone felt comfortable with. Heejin's support pillar was and will always be Taehyung no matter how far they would be

"i just had some insecurities i dont know?"

"want to talk about this with me and Jungkook together, my beautiful girl?" she thought for a minute and nodded

"what did jungkook say to you?" she asked as they slowly got up

"some things he probably didn't mean, it's okay right now, let's just go down okay?" and as they reached down they saw Jungkook eating the donuts

"you know you weren't lying, these are amazing"

"and that's it, stop looking at me like that"

"you know heejin, the way i love you will always be different from the way i love jungkook. you are my comfort place and believe me, the reason we broke up was we treasured each other so much, we didn't want to lose each other. and for Seokjin, please believe me, he may fool around with girls but for you love, he got beatings from us boys. That's how much he and us all treasure you. clear your misunderstanding with Jin okay? and from now we'll together be learning how to love ourselves" Taehyung spoke and Heejin nodded smiling wiping her tears before pulling them both in a hug

"i love you both, my family" Heejin said and Jungkook smiled kissing her cheeks. They talked for a minute or two as they laughed. Jungkook was in peace, he was happy even though everything may not be okay, he was happy till everything was going to be.

he realized now, people have different paces, and it might be really hard to follow someone's pace. sometimes you'd feel restless, watching everyone you know go ahead of you but it takes time to realize that their pace isn't mine. and from now he promised to keep it slow and steady and cherish everything that he has with him.

Heejin now realized, just because others are having difficulties doesn't mean that hers are any less difficult. when you are having a hard time, its okay to lean on somebody for comfort and understanding. we are humans after all.

"let me go shower, by the time you both solve your problems" Heejin said and kissed their cheeks walking off to her room smiling happily after a long time

in the living room the both boys were in silence as they held hands.

"I am sorr--"

"it's okay" Taehyung replied fast and Jungkook shook his head

"no it's not, as much as i deserve you, you deserve me too. i would never want to be anything but yours. You make me so happy that i get blinded by everything when i think of you. you are my family and it's my right to cherish you, forever"

forever, a seven letter word that Jungkook only used for his sister, he used it for his lover. and as much as he tried he couldn't think of a life without the older. he promised from now on to cherish and love him forever and ever.

Taehyung smiled as he kissed the younger firmly, we are in this shit together and forever.

"i love you" Jungkook widened his eyes at what the older said and kissed him passionately

"i love you too"

more than love itself.


sorry for late updates and thank you for the immense support.

love you all and take care.

with love, hobisbravery

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