《One Night; tk》✨5- Kiss and Ramen


I was sitting in my room playing overwatch, i kept playing for almost 4 hours straight as i kept losing, my mind being somewhere else, i removed my headphones after losing one more round. i got up from my seat and jumped laying in my bed, looking at the ceiling, filtering my thoughts.

does this mean i am gay? no i am sure it was a drunken mistake. It happens. but why do i feel guilty? of course you will feel guilty, you just slept with your sister's boyfriend. i flinched when the word slept passed through my mind, as tears kept threatening to fall down my cheeks, and when it finally did, tickling my ear and dropping on the bed, i couldn't help but think 'what will Heejin do if she finds out?'. just on cue i heard a knock on the door, i quickly wiped my tears and rubbed my nose to get rid of the redness that might have come.

"come in" i said while sitting on the bed fiddling with my phone,

"kook" i looked up to see Heejin smiling at me with 2 bowls of Ramen 'n' cheese and coke, i smiled at her and made place for her to sit in the bed, i took a built-in-table and put our ramen and drinks in that.

"what happened Hee? you rarely make food for me unless its something you did---what did you do now?" i asked to her while blowing and then slurping on my noodles, as i heard huff out loud and roll her eyes, i laughed and kept slurping my noodl---

"i kissed Sooyoung" i immediately spat my noodles on the table and looked at her with my lips red and puffy,

"YOU DID WHAT?" i exclaimed, she did not. From my knowledge she loved Taehyung, she was probably drunk, yes Jungkook she was probably drunk,


"i said i kissed---" she started but i interrupted her

"well child i figured that OUT! uhh uhm don't worry, it was probably a drunk mistake, just tell to T-taehyung about it he will be fine" i said convincing myself more than her, she looked at me gulping my coke and then slurped on her noodles, i took that as a sign that she was probably dru--

"w-well i didn't quite exactly drink" she mumbled loud enough for me to hear, i choked on my coke and looked at her wide eyed while she was there tear-eyed,

"what?" i asked softly not wanting to scare her even more. But deep inside we both were scared, for the same reason, Taehyung. Poor guy is already in guilt and if he knows this he will be far more hurt.

"it was in the moment i don't know, we both were dancing and i eventually leaned in and she did too, we kissed and then i tasted the alcohol in her lips and quickly pulled away and realized what i just did, Oppa did i cheat?" she asked as tears rolled down her cheeks. I stayed quiet and shaked my head.

"Like you just said, you were caught up in the moment. to be more convinced that you did not do a bad thing let me ask you a question Hee, who do you love? SooYoung or Taehyung?" i asked smiling calmly at her, but deep inside i was nervous, what if she chooses her?

but who am i to decide? i myself helped someone cheat, i cheated with my own sister's trust. i myself am a sinner to call others an angel.

"i-i love t-taehyung more" she said smiling, and then got up from the bed and came to me and started to kiss my cheeks,


"okay ew ew stop your lips are sticky because of the Ramen, go take your bowl and get out from my room, ew StOp DiSgArsTinG sHaT." i said and she smiled cheekily and took the bowl hopping left to right she left my room. as soon as she left i put my head in my hands, fuck

'she was unsure'

i knocked on the door of Jimin's house as they all were there, drunk. yesterday night they all went for drinking i did not join because i wasn't in the mood, and right now i have the sole responsibility of delivering hangover soups and medicines. i should have just gone drinking.

as i kept on knocking no one responded, i sighed out loud cursing at my life choices and took the spare key that was kept hidden under a plant pot, i dusted of the dust that was there in my hands with a disgusted face and opened the door,

"oh my HOLY MOTHERFUCKING SHIT" i screamed as soon as the disgusting smell of the room reached my nose, i immediately reached out to the cupboard clutching on to my nose for my dear life and took the air freshner, i sprayed it all over the room,

"God it still stinks, what the fuck were these guys doing? having a foursome?" i questioned myself loudly getting pissed

"make that a fivesome" i turned around and saw Seokjin, i widened my eyes and then rolled them

"Hyung seriously, i thought you were mature" i said flapping my arms down giving up.

"i am just kidding, we were having a full on wrestling match here, no fucking only fighting" he said sipping on hot water clutching his head, he was in a hangover by the mere look of it

"well what do you have there in your hands?" he asked pointing at the bags of soup i was holding,

"well these are just some hangover soup and some------" i was interrupted as Jin snatched my bags,

"Thank you Taehyung-ah, i owe you food, i love you" i sighed and nodded, then i left to the bedroom in search of the 4 idiots, i then successfully found them laying on the bed, but wait, 1...2...3 wait where's the 4th one? i suddenly felt a heavy weight behind me i turned around and held the person,


moral of the story: go drinking with your friends.

with love,


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