《Forbidden But Pure》Chapter 7 - A Year Later.


It had been a year. A year of sneaking around. A year of lust and desire.

Amy knew. I couldn't wait, it was only a few more months and then I would have finished school, not as much sneaking around then.

It was her birthday. And I'd planned something special for tonight, and we had English today.

Amy and I almost ran into English, laughing and goofing around, it was great because Miss B didn't mind. But we weren't greeted by her warm smile, instead we were greeted by a stern look of a strange man. A supply teacher? Clara hadn't informed me she was ill.

No Messages, No Calls, No Emails, No Answer At Her Door.

Days went past, no word from her, lesson after lesson of supply.

It had been almost a week since anyone had heard anything, and now we were sat in Assembly, Amy one side of me, Louise the other.

"As you all know, it has been a while since we've had Miss B in, and well, I'm sorry to inform you all, but I don't believe you'll ever speak to her again, exactly a week ago, Miss B was in a car accident, a series one, and sadly, she passed away a few days ago."

My mouth went dry and I bit my lip, holding it all in, I couldn't show how much this was killing me.

A few moments later the assembly was dismissed, everyone left, I found my way to the bathroom, followed by Amy. I kicked the door to one of the cubicles, punching a mirror, shattering it into pieces before collapsing onto the floor, Amy wrapped her arms around my quivering body. Tears streaming down my cheeks, staining them.

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