《Forbidden But Pure》Chapter 1 - Meeting and Greeting.


"Belle! It's 7:30, get up!"

I heard my mother shout up, I knew sooner or later I had to climb out of bed, but I wasn't quite ready.

My phone lit up and I read the text, of course Amy would be the one texting me at this time.

Was all I had the effort to reply. I waited a few moments, no reply from Amy, typical. I climbed out of bed, sliding on my jeans, and a baggy jumper top, it was a non school uniform day, lucky me, this wasn't the sort of thing I'd usually wear, but since mine and my boyfriends break up, I just wasn't myself.

Finally, Amy had replied, my eyes rolled at her text.

Amy had a way about her, she was weird, crazy sometimes but she had this radar, it was as if she could sense when I was upset or annoyed, and she'd always make me feel better, she was the best friend everyone wanted.

I sighed softly.

English wasn't one of my strong points. Sure, I could speak the whole of Romeo and Juliet word by word and was pretty good at analysing things, but the explanation, was definitely my downfall.

I quickly applied my make up, something Amy kept insisting I didn't need, before checking the time. It was eight already.

I smiled softly at Amy's message.

I slid my phone into the back pocket of my jeans before running downstairs, catching a glance of myself in the mirror half way down. I stood there for a few minutes watching my hair fall in front of my face, I carefully slid the loose strand behind my ear. I hated the way I looked, my hair was a casual brown colour, nothing fun, or exciting, my eyes were a dull brown, there was nothing fascinating or amazing about me at all. Amy always told me different, but she's my best friend, it's her job to tell me that.


"You're going to be late." I hear my mothers voice from the kitchen, I walk in, pulling on my converse.

"I'm never late." I point out with a soft smile. "Bye mom." I gently leave a kiss on her cheek.

"Bye sweetie, have a good day, be good." She looked seriously at me.

I grabbed my bag before rushing out of the house.

It wasn't a long walk. It was short enough not to exhaust me but long enough to give me time to persuade myself to actually enter the gates of hell.

I walked in, head up high, ready to take any sneers of comments that came my way.

And sure enough they did, I heard a few giggles and caught a few states.

"Belle!!!" I dreaded it when people said my name these days, I was about to turn around when my hand was quickly grabbed and I was pulled in a direction.

"Hey Amy." I managed to laughed a little as I was pulled into our tutor room.

"Smile." She pulled a funny face at me.

I managed a weak smile.

"We have double English last." Amy pointed out with a laugh.

"Great." I sighed.

"It'll be great." Amy reassured me.

"I'm sure." I nodded.

"Are you still down about him? Belle he was worthless, if he's acting that immature he didn't deserve you, you deserve a mature person who is going to treat you like the princess you are." Amy pulled me into a hug, and of course I hugged her back.

"Hey Amy looks like you've got an admirer." I laughed slightly, winking at her before motioning at the cute blonde sat a couple of seats away. Amy blushed a little and smiled at him, they shared a few glances before I intervened. "Go talk to him." I gently nudged her, so she did, it was cute.


The day went past pretty quickly.

Maths, Science, History, and now double English. Great. Lucky me.

We stood outside the classroom, waiting patiently. The teacher was late. No surprise there.

"Sorry, sorry I'm late, I forgot a few books and had to go back."

The voice I heard was so angelic, it was a nervous sputter yet a confident point, it was perfect.

"I haven't had time to draw up a seating plan so you may sit where you like." Everyone took this chance to run in and grab seats next to their mates, I didn't rush, I knew Amy would save me a seat. The women tripped over her own foot, dropping the books. She sighed softly. I crouched in front of her, helping her pick up the books, when I looked up I was met by two wide hazel eyes, they were perfect, they weren't too dark yet not to dark, they had a simple but perfect texture to them.

"Thank you." Her voice knocked me out of my daze. I simply nodded before walking in, taking a seat next to Amy.

"Hello class, I'm Miss B. I'm going to be your English teacher this year." Her smile was so warm, maybe Amy was right, maybe this would be different.

"I have you for the last two hours so I've decided I want to spend the first hour getting to know you, while I get the first task ready, why don't you chat amongst yourselves." She smiled, going to her laptop.

"So that cute guy from earlier, how did it go?" I looked to my best friend with eager to know the gossip.


"Well.. What happened?"

"So she's cool right, she's cute, she's so your type." I saw a small smirk on Amy's lips.

"Stop changing the subject. But ew, Amy, she's our teacher." It was lucky the class were all talking to each other, God forbid if anyone overheard mine and Amy's conversations.

"He asked me on a date." Amy confessed. I couldn't help but grin.

"Ohh good on you, you go girl." I was happy, I had a beautiful new, down to earth English Teacher and my best friend was happy, maybe this year was going to be a good one.

"Okay, class hush please, the first task is to write a poem or story about anything you like." Miss B announced and everyone got into the task quickly.

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