《Written in the Tablets of my Heart》Writing


(This poem is produced because of a requirement in Grammar and Composition Subject Year 2010)


She got a pen and a piece of paper.

Writing is her only bestfriend.

She poured her thoughts and emotions.

She remembered something from the past.

Coloring the sky gray,

It's what the clouds were doing.

Keeping her so much in pain,

As the darkness covered her world.

Calling your name so loud,

That's all she could do now.

Pretending you didn't hear her,

You just stand still on where you are.

Crying is the only thing left,

That's all she could do now.

Nothing would be the same as before,

All of her dreams faded away.

Tearing the paper into pieces,

Is the next thing she did.

She didn't want to remember it anymore.

She should not keep that memory into writing.

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