《A Guild of Moonlit Shadows (A KOTLC FanFic)》~13~Loyalty Unwavering
Okay so I felt bad leaving you guys on the last note, so I made this for you, I know it's early, but think of it as... I don't know I'm just pumped to be writing these next couple chapters, okay? So in all honesty, you will most likely be getting these next few chapters early. This was also a REALLY fun chapter to write ;)
Also, If I make you cry during reading, then hell yeah, that means I'm doing my job right :D
Grady and Edaline watched as the Assassins jumped the wall of Everglen and the Winged Warriors fly overhead, slowly landing. Edaline's eyes scanned through the crowd, desperately looking for a pair of brown eyes. But the hundreds of Soldiers and Assassins returning made it impossible to pick her out from the group.
"I hope the council arrests each one of these beasts." An Elf whispered. Grady turned around and looked at them, but Edaline stood in her place.
"Right? They pretend to be the heroes; we all know what the Vatarians are like- along with the Dunmer? I wouldn't have minded if more of them died today." Another whispered back. Edaline turned on her heel, starting towards them, but Grady held her forearm, shaking his head.
"I always knew that Sophie wasn't normal. She turns out to be one of these freaks? And an Assassin no less?"
Edaline's blood boiled, and she bit her lip.
Edaline had to admit, she was uncomfortable with the idea that her daughter took lives, but she knew Sophie, and she knew there was so much more too it than that.
But how could they think like this? Hatred against two races of people they have never met?!
"SOPHIE!" A voice screeched. Grady and Edaline whipped their heads around, and all eyes set on Sophie. She was bent down, dressing the wounds of one of her men. She looked awful, her lip busted, a gash on her forehead, scratched armor, wild hair, but she didn't care to herself. She went straight to her men, making sure they were okay.
Grady and Edaline watched as the Elven Council started towards her. Sophie assured the Assassins she was tending, and she got onto her feet, glaring as the Council neared her. A few Assassins gathered around Sophie as they got closer, like a close family of wolves ready to pounce.
A darker-skinned woman with silver armor and black clothing, the colors contrasting one another.
A man with wild black hair and steely blue eyes, a swirling design under his eye.
Someone who Grady and Edaline would recognize anywhere, Alvar Vacker.
A man that looked very similar to Sophie, his hair a very light brown and his entire right side of his face bandaged.
The Pyrokinetic Mansi, who was now awake and recovering.
The last and the last one was the most peculiar and the most handsome, large leather wings arching across his back, blue-black hair that glinted in the hazy sun, with broad arms crossed.
Sophie's closest allies in her Guild.
Her inner circle.
"My Assassins are recovering; we will be able to return to our homeland in a matter of hours. Eternalia and Foxfire have been secured; they are still in your control. However, there is damage to the property-"
"Get out." Councilor Alina snapped.
Sophie merely blinked, her only show of surprise and confusion.
Instead, the steely eyes man came forward.
"Careful how you address my Mentore." He threatened. The whole Council was in Alina's tracks, and she seemed to be the voice of them all. With Emery gone, there was an imbalance of power of who would be the voice of the public, and it seemed Alina took the responsibility.
"I'm afraid I don't understand Councilor," Sophie responded, evenly and quietly. Alina pointed to the mass of injured Assassins as if Sophie needed directions.
"Pack up your things, and get your murderers out of our city." Alina snapped. Sophie glanced over her soldiers and then turned back to Alina.
"No." She replied sternly.
"You have wrecked our city, taken over our," She gestures to the Council behind her, "responsibility of protecting our people without addressing us. There is a reason the Vatarians are not allowed to leave their little cities."
"How would you know about the Vatarians?" Sophie asked. Alina's eyes blazed.
"You don't. You went through your limited information on our people and created your backward image of us. My men and women saved your lives, but your prejudice against our species causes you to be rude and proud. It is not you who stop us from leaving our cities, but we restrict you from ever entering. Because you take and destroy what isn't yours, push your horrible ideals onto those who don't want them." Sophie snapped. The elves around chuckled, yes, chuckled when she said that. The Assassins and Dunmer looked around, confused. The Council looked around them smugly.
"They don't believe you as much as we do." Councilor Alina chuckled. Edaline and Grady looked around, their faces dropping as they looked over the elves.
They looked at the Assassins and Dunmer with disgust, anger, and terror.
Barely any forgiveness shone on their faces.
Men and Women died for them, and they couldn't be thankful.
The Inner Circle noticed this too, and Sophie turned back to the Council.
"I will be leaving with my forces in a couple of hours once we recovered enough to make the trip back home." Sophie snapped. She looked over the thousands of people in Everglen. The elves were using Two-thirds of all of the estate. The rest by her Assassins and the Dunmer, who were recovering with one another, breaking bread together and sharing stories among their species, two widely different species who was battled each other in the war were now dressing each other's wounds. But the Elves just glared at all of them, strictly keeping their camps separate.
"Fine. But once you are done, you leave, and-" Alina crossed her arms, "You pay for the cost of the damage to Eternalia."
Everyone went quiet, and Sophie's hands shook, but the man with bandaged face took the opportunity instead.
"Are you kidding me?" He snapped. Sophie tried to hold him back, whispering something to him, but he surged forward.
"Our brothers and sisters in arms died because we wanted to save your lives. This war is happening, whether you like it or not. But we sacrificed our lives protecting your stupid school."
He got right into her face, and Alina gulped.
"You have infinite money, live in your fancy castles, eat what you want, and never think about others. People are dying in the Neutral Territoires, people starving and begging for food as the Neverseen takes over more and more territory every day, they grow more powerful then you could ever imagine."
Edaline clutched Grady's hand.
"But you wouldn't know anything besides what's happening in your little cities? Some people don't have clean water, edible food, or clothes on their backs! You hog it all, you sit on your stupid thrones with your crystal circlets while others bow before you and polish your boots. Things you don't like you don't address, you just throw it into Exile!" The man with the massive wings bit his lip when Exile was mentioned, and the man with the steely blue eyes looked away, clearly a hard topic for both of them, "My sister sacrificed everything to come here and save lives, lives of your people that you were too weak to protect. And then you stand here and spit in her face!" The man roared.
Edaline gasped.
Sister, he said sister. That would make this man Sophie's brother. That is why they looked so similar.
"War is coming, and your people are doomed." He spat.
The Council paled.
"They are doomed unless you stop blaming others and stop being such "
The slap could be heard across Everglen.
Could be heard across all of Eternalia.
Sophie's brother stumbled, holding his left cheek, cursing in what Edaline guessed what Inalian.
Alina was breathing heavily, her hand still in the air. The Council backed away from the altercation, and all of the Assassins stood at attention, ready to pounce.
"Don't ever talk to me like that you Vatarian-"
Alina didn't get to finish before Sophie grabbed her by the neck, swinging her to the ground with absolutely no mercy. The Assassins Mentore put her knee on Alina's back, pushing down and grappling onto her head, pushing it harder down into the gravel road.
Alina wailed underneath Sophie's grip, screaming for help or that Sophie was going to kill her.
And by the look in Sophie's eyes, Grady and Edaline knew it was a possibility.
Sophie's eyes were burning a bright raging gold, her lips in a snarl revealing pointed canines, and the hand clutching onto Alina's skull elongated, the nails turned to pointed claws. Strands of white started to appear in Sophie's unbound hair.
What was happening to her?!
"Amalia!" Mansi cried out. Sophie didn't hear her, still snarling right next to Alina's neck.
"Lia, I'm okay-"
"Amalia." A voice called out. It was stern and familiar. But it sounded like it was from a distant dream, flashing in and out of her mind.
Sophie lifted her head, just slightly, her teeth snarling.
Leto stood in front of her, hands in his pockets, and a blank face. His face was bloody; his knee bent at an awful angle. Clearly was on the battlefield, fighting.
Memories swarmed to Sophie, ones of Leto teaching her math and language as her father was on contracts, him teaching her holding techniques in the Guildhall courtyard, him comforting her when she learned of her past in the Black Swan Lumangwe base...
And then one of both of them dead in a ditch. His body was farther away then hers; their horse lay dead on the other side of the road.
More memories of her death.
"Let's go home." He whispered.
Home, not the Lost Cities, but his home as much as it was hers.
That's right.... he hasn't seen Inalia in almost seven years.
Sophie blinked, being dragged out of her Pancras form. It was normally never controlled her, she normally controlled it. But the sight of this insignificant horror of a woman laying a hand on her brother, her primal instinct was to protect her family to the death.
Sophie looked around, and she saw all of the elves looking at her with terror. Like everything she was doing justified their prejudice against her species as horrible monsters. The Assassins and Dunmer didn't have any terror, only anger and confidence, ready to attack the minute she gave the word. Sophie knew Doreah was nearby, closely monitoring everything that was happening
Sophie leaned closer to Alina's ear, who was hyperventilating under Sophie's grip.
"If you ever, and I mean ever in your entire stupid existence, you touch my Assassins, I will gut you and leave you out in the courtyard for the crows to pick at your flesh. And if you even step close to my family, , again? I won't even leave a body for your stupid Council to find." Sophie snarled. Alina was deadly quiet underneath her, her eyes wide and small whimpers coming out of the back of her throat.
And, against all of her raging Pancras instinct, she let go. Sophie stepped back, and Alina scrambled up, no blood or cuts. Merely some dirt on the side of her face from being shoved into the gravel. Alina sprinted over to the Council, who all stared in utter shock.
No one moved towards Sophie.
Sophie's claws turned back to her regular nails, her canines back to their traditional dull point. But the burning gold in her eyes remained, the bright color giving the clear message to stay away from her.
"Alina, you were the one in the wrong. We have nothing to arrest her on." Councilor Oralie whispered. Sophie cocked her eyebrow, wondering if Oralie remembered the warmth shared between them.
"She nearly just killed me! Throw her into Exile for the rest of her days!"
"You aren't taking our Mentore anywhere!" An Assassin cried out. Others started to join in. Dunmer started to mutter, talking about how they came above ground for this? How Sophie was being misjudged and getting no thanks.
Leto walked towards Sophie, placing a hand on her shoulder.
"As páme spíti." Let's go home, He breathed, tears brimming his eyes. Sophie relaxed and placed her hand atop his.
Sophie looked at the Councilors, who were still trying to calm down Alina's panic. But it wasn't the Councilors that she was worried about. Sophie gazed around them, at all of the horrified elven faces, some parents even sheltering their children, like they was going to steal them away at night. Her Assassins noticed this as well, and she could feel their pride shrinking.
They haven't gotten a single thank you.
"We will pay for nothing," Sophie decided, calling out the Councilor. Leto moved to her side, his hand still on her shoulder. Alina finally shut up, and they looked at her.
"And you will be receiving the requests for compensation for the families of the Assassins and Dunmer lost today, along with paying for rebuilding your own city. The Council, and you alone, will be paying the families who now suffer because lives were lost today. It will be paid out of your own funds, and if I hear that your people were taxed so you spent their money instead of your own? I'm not going to be happy." Sophie breathed.
"Are you serious-"
"You sit on crystal thrones in crystal castles; you don't even have to blink when it comes to funds. You can expect transaction ready within maybe two days."
They all blinked at her.
"Absolutely not-"
"She is right." A low voice grumbled. Sophie's shock was rising as she saw that Bronte was the one who said that. Bronte looked around at all of his fellow Councilors.
"Her men and women died for us today. And we won't even let them recover." He said sternly. The Council all muttered agreements, except for Alina, who just glowered at Sophie. Bronte walked towards Sophie, and everyone held their breath, watching him like she was going to rip his arm off or something.
He held out his hand.
"You have a deal, Miss Sophie Foster," Bronte said sternly. Sophie clenched Leto's hand tighter, but let go to walk forward and clasp Bronte's hand.
"My men will be gone within two hours. Again, the compensations will be at your doorsteps within maybe two days, and returned in a timely manner." And she smiled slightly at Bronte, but not a kind smile, one of snark.
"And my name is Amalia Morretti now, Mentore Morretti to you," Sophie said sweetly. Bronte seemed taken aback for only a second, but nodded.
Sophie's eyes looked over the crowds once again, looking at the terrified or sneering faces.
And then she saw Grady and Edaline.
They clenched each other's hands, their eyes wide as they took her in.
Sophie's lip quivered, just slightly, and she stopped. They started to towards her, but a voice stopped them.
"Soph-Amalia?" Oralie's voice called out. Sophie's face dropped back to stone as she glanced at the Councilor.
"Leave the Lost Cities, and never come back."
Sophie understood what it meant. It wasn't a threat, but a warning. A warning that there was nothing left in the Lost Cities for her now.
Sophie didn't nod, didn't thank her or scoff at her, just silently turned around and started towards her Assassins once again. She glanced over her shoulder, to Grady and Edaline, who stood amongst the crowd of elves.
Too many things to say with too many spectators.
They couldn't move; there were no words that they would be able to exchange right now, not with everyone watching.
Sophie looked away, almost like she was dismissing them.
But her quiet transmission to only them said otherwise.
"The cave on the beach at Havenfield, midnight." She transmitted.
She heard Edaline squeak as she got the transmission.
Sophie added one final word.
"Please." She pleaded through their minds.
And that was it.
Doreah commanded her soldiers home the minute they left the Lost Cities. Sophie remembered how she looked at Ruy expectingly, but Ruy simply stepped closer to Sophie.
"I'm going home," He said to her. She looked ready to complain, but he held up a hand.
"I'm not running away from them; I just need to be with family for a bit." He smiled. Doreah had smiled slightly, nodded, and was off into the horizon.
The Assassins filtered into Inalia quietly, secretly, she didn't want the Senate getting wind of where they were. It would get out eventually, but for right now, they kept it quiet. Her Assassins stuck in the shadows, sewers, or rooftops, slowly returning back to the Guildhall.
Sophie was one of the last to return to the golden Guildhall, and she won't forget the worried Inalian citizens gathered around the gates, muttering worried whispers about her and her family.
But she also won't forget the face Biana had when she walked in.
Assassins cradled the children of her Guildhall, all of them crying into their arms. Sophie's hand flew to her mouth when she heard whispers of what happened. Biana approached Sophie first.
"I was too late; she got out before I got there." Biana breathed. Biana hadn't changed her clothing, her cheeks and delicate eyelashes were wet, her eyes red.
"I'm so, so, so sorry, I really tried-" Sophie wrapped her arms around the weeping Biana. She froze slightly as Sophie hugged her, but sobbed and wrapped her arms around her in return.
"Thank you for protecting my people, Biana," Sophie whispered. People bustled and rushed around them, but the two friends remained unmoving throughout all of it. Eventually, Biana was the one to pull away first.
"The kids are strong." She breathed, looking over all of them.
Lucky, they were so so fortunate.
None of the Assassins who died were parents.
Gods, that sounded awful.
They were still husbands, wives, brothers, sisters, sons, and daughters.
And Sophie was going to be the one who tells their families that they died.
"They will be okay." A kind voice sounded from behind them.
Filomena walked towards them, her face settled and slightly covered with sweat.
"The children will be okay. And our Assassins will be okay." Filomena smiled. Sophie's aunt bundled her up in her arms, hugging her tight.
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