《A Guild of Moonlit Shadows (A KOTLC FanFic)》~2~Blondie?
Sophie had her elbows propped on her knees as she leaned forward, listening to Queen Sarai. Queen Sarai brought them to the castle and to the guest chambers, guards glaring at the four of them the whole way there. Keefe, Biana, and Lilac went to the rooms to get more comfortable before Queen Sarai explained everything, but Sophie couldn't sit still and get all relaxed. Sophie was still in her riding leathers, her hair pulled out of her face as she immediately started asking questions.
"So Ruy is with you, he is here, right?" Sophie confirmed. Sarai quickly nodded her head, and Sophie was relieved. She learned to read people to see if they are lying, and Queen Sarai was completely honest. Sophie loosed a breath that felt like it was building in her chest for days. Sarai smiled and lightly patted Sophie's shoulder, her grip firm yet still calm.
"You are a good Mentore, going out of your way to hunt down your right-hand man," Sarai said warmly. Sophie hid her pink cheeks under her hands as she ran them over her face.
"Yeah, he has just helped me through a lot. He is more than my right hand, he is my ally, my friend." Sophie sighed. Sarai smirked, and leaned over to check behind Sophie's shoulder for everyone else, who were still in their rooms.
"You two are closer than just friends, aren't you?" Sarai whispered. Sophie looked at the queen through her fingers, her face aflame. Sophie's mouth was open as she squeaked out an excuse, but Sarai still had a small smirk. Sophie glanced around, still confirming they were alone, and she sighed, finally removing her hands off her face.
"What gave it away?" Sophie pathetically chuckled. Sarai smiled as she leaned back in her chair.
"Just the way you look when you talk about him." Sarai shrugged, "I'm really good at picking up those types of things." She smiled. Sophie smiled as well, her cheeks aflame, but quickly realized they were getting off track.
"Where is Ruy now? Could we see him? We have been away from the Guild for too long-" Sarai had a sharp intake of breath. Sophie looked at the Queen with a blank expression, and Sarai sighed.
"Listen, there is something you need to know about Ruy-"
"He is half Dunmer, I know," Sophie answered. The Queen nodded, but her feathered wings still awkwardly shuffled behind her.
"Well, yes, but there is a bit more to it than that," Sarai whispered.
"What do you mean?" Sophie asked worriedly. Sarai bit her lip before she answered.
"He is my stepson." She whispered. Sophie was blank for a moment, trying to wrap around what that fully meant.
The Queen was married to the King.
That would mean that Ruy would have to be a child of the King for Sarai to be his stepmother.
So that would make Ruy a prince.
Sophie continued to look blankly at the Queen, who started to shuffle underneath her stare.
"Uh, Miss Amalia?" The Queen waved her hand in front of Sophie's face, to no avail.
"C-come again?" Sophie asked, her voice small.
"Ruy is a child of King Dorian." Queen Sarai said, trying to just get it out there. Sophie's face finally started to move, and she whipped her head around as if looking for hidden cameras like it was all one big prank.
"Your friends are here. Let me explain with them." Queen Sarai said as Biana, Keefe, and Lilac all walked forward. Queen Sarai then told them all about King Dorain and Vespera, how Vespera tricked the King, and robbed him of their child. How the King hoped every day his son would come home, then all of the sudden this rowdy Assassin came rolling into his throne room in chains, and was somehow able to resist his power. And then realized to be the King's son.
Queen Sarai said she wasn't in the room when Ruy first arrived, and she is yet to meet him, but her husband told her every single detail. Not only did Sarai share the return of Ruy, but also the army marching on the Lost Cities. By the end of her explaining it all, Keefe had his hands on his head with his eyes wide and his mouth agape, Biana and Lilac's were eyes wide with paling faces, and Sophie sat with eyes wide and a face of stone.
"No. Way." Keefe was the first one to speak.
"You all look gauntly, should I get some water?" Sarai asked worriedly. They all gave her little shakes of their heads, and she nodded as they continued to process the information.
"Gods, what do I do?" Sophie breathed.
"What do you mean?" Lilac asked.
"War. Lilac, the guild probably knows by now, and their two leaders are away and hard to contact. The elves already hate the Vatarians, and what will happen when we intervene? And what about the other Vatarian cities? My right-hand man hasn't been seen in over two days-" Keefe cut Sophie off by desperately placing his hand on her shoulder from behind the sofa, sending emotions of now warmth or kindness but pure calm, a blank hum of peace running through her veins. But even that wasn't enough to completely calm her.
Sophie was divided, and she knew Ruy would demand that Sophie go home and start the war efforts. And besides, her guild wasn't a guild meant for war! They were thieves, spies, and assassins! Their training may be legendary, but it is legendary for a specific skill set. But she knew Alexios was probably already doing a great job for war efforts, and she was so close to Ruy, to having him back.
"Amalia," The Queen got Sophie's attention, "My husband is conflicted about you. He never really interacted with the new Cyevan Assassin's guild, but he has met your ancestors. You are going to meet him, and he is not going to like you. But he knows how," Sarai held Sophie's eyes, "close you are with his son. But you need to hold your ground and make it clear how much you need him and he needs you. I think we are going to be crossing paths in more ways than just you retrieving your right hand." Sarai said sternly. Sophie straightened her back, and she nodded. Sarai was right, the Dunmer weren't holed up underground anymore, they were becoming active again, and it might be a possibility to mend the rift between Vatarians and Dunmer. And with the threat of destruction on the horizon and the changing times, the alliance will be much needed.
"Why does the King not like the Cyevan Assassins?" Biana asked. Sarai looked at Sophie, and Sophie easily answered for her.
"My ancestor assassinated the last king of the Dunmer, the King's father." Sophie explained. It was so quiet in that room, you could hear a pin drop.
"Yeah..." Sarai sighed.
"To be fair, our king before my husband was fairly cruel and not well-liked. He was the one that caused the original war between the Vatarians and Dunmer, but he was Dorian's father nonetheless." Sarai admitted. Sophie nodded, she understood why the King wouldn't be too thrilled to meet with her.
"I understand, thank you, Your Highness," Sophie confirmed, breaking eye contact with the queen and glancing out the window behind her. Queen Sarai smiled as she got up from the couch in the guest quarters. She turned to Sophie with a hand over her heart, her feathered wings shifting behind her.
"He is safe-"
"Then why can't I see him? You keep on promising me that he is safe, but how can I know that for sure?" Sophie asked, not meeting the queen's eyes The queen didn't take it to heart, and she placed a hand on Sophie's shoulder, and Sophie finally met her eyes. She just now noticed that the queen's eyes were a deep violet-blue, with swirling streaks of ocean blue and turquoise. Sophie had no idea why, but whenever she looked in them, she relaxed.
"I promise on my heart and soul, Mentore." The Queen said warmly. Sophie felt something change inside her, her entire body feeling Sarai's sincerity, and Sophie sighed. Queen Sarai smiled and walked to the door, where her guards were waiting for her.
"My husband will probably ask for you soon, he is not one for beating around the bush. Oh, and you all might need to head to bed soon. You all are in a new environment and being exposed to new chemicals. Your bodies need to adjust." Sarai added on, right before closing the door behind her and taking her guards with her. Sophie stared at the door for a moment longer, even as she heard Queen Sarai's heels clicking down the hall. Sophie sighed and got up from the couch, stretching out her body and placing her hand on Lilac's shoulder.
"What did we bring down here?" Sophie asked, not hesitating a moment.
"W-what?" Keefe asked. Sophie looked through the minimal items they managed to bring into the Dunmer kingdom and sighed when she realized her other armor she brought on the mission was still with Ricin above ground.
"I'm am going to council with the king, I have been wearing my riding leathers for almost two days straight with no time to wash them, I should change," Sophie explained.
"Wait, Sophie, we just arrived, don't you think you should take some time to adjust-"
"Mentore Amalia? The king wishes to see you." A guard called out from behind their door. Biana and Keefe were open-mouthed to see how fast the King responded to Sophie's presence, but she just sighed.
"We are in dangerous times. We've no time for adjusting." Sophie sighed. Sophie patted off her riding leathers, some fo the dust poofing out from under the sewn-on scales, and tied up her hair. It was out of her face and showed her confident features and eyes.
"I'll be back soon," Sophie promised. Sophie exited the room before Keefe and Biana could say another word, Lilac just looking worriedly at her sister. Outside their door were six guards, all of them heavily armed. Four more guards tan a normal escort, and almost triple the weapons of one aswell. Sophie made no movements to harm them, her face stone cold. The guards were wearing the royal colors of navy blue and silver, their Dunmer markings, wings, and horns all fit into the uniforms. They all surrounded Sophie as they guided her through the halls, weaving through the seemingly endless halls. They passed a set of truly extravagant windows, and Sophie managed to peek out of them.
And she gasped.
In the courtyard, was Ruy. He was shirtless, his impressive body gleamed with sweat as he rolled out of the way of an attack from a red-haired woman. Another attack came from the swing of a staff, being held by a Dunmer of deep brown skin with stark white hair. Ruy looked pained, his hair even wilder than normal and his panting jagged. Sophie's eyes turned hot at the sight of him, and she immediately stopped in front of the window and placed her hands flat against it.
"Ruy," She whimpered.
"What are you doing to him?!" Sophie begged.
"He is going through training, suggested by the king." One of the guards claimed. Sophie turned to the guard with an offended expression, and the guard slightly paled. Sophie stepped away from the window and towards the guard, her steps simple.
"Was my training of my men, my right-hand man of all people, not good enough for his Royal Highness?" Sophie scoffed. The guard shook his head, and Sophie turned her head to the throne room. Sophie's stride was strong as she started towards the room again. Sophie practically kicked the door open into the throne room, her guard escorts scrambling behind her.
Sophie met King Dorian's eyes, he wasn't sitting on his throne, but conversing with the others of his court. Queen Sarai was sitting on her throne however, her two sons beside her. The King eyed Sophie nervously, and he waved his hand, his court moving to their positions around the throne room. Sarai looked at Sophie carefully as the young assassins strode toward the throne, and Sophie gave her a small nod.
"So you are Mentore Amalia Morretti." The King examined as he sat down on his throne.
"And you are the one that stole my right-hand man right out from under my nose." Sophie retorted. Sarai's eyes flashed with a warning, reminding Sophie of the king's rocky road with the assassins. The King's crown had a slightly stronger glint as he glared at Sophie, but Sophie wasn't backing down.
"It wasn't a court-issued order to bring Ruy, and we are trying to find the traitor now-"
"I have been informed that you think this could be more than just a mistake. One of your close allies, Elrond, seems to have gone rogue? He is the one who torched Inalia, so he better have gone rogue and not carrying out any of your demands." Sophie threatened. The King glanced around at his court, all of them guilty.
"Elrond never liked the Vatarians, I never knew why. After he dropped off Ruy, saying he was a prisoner from a battle, he just up and vanished. But I believe I have tracked him down." The King explained. Sophie placed her hands on her hips.
"And it seems our worst fears have come true. As you have probably been informed by my wife, there is a Neverseen army gathering outside of the Lost Cities. We have finally tracked Elrond to one of the Neverseen bases that seem to be rallying the army. He truly is a traitor it seems." The King sighed. Sophie sympathized with the King, she has had a couple of traitors in the guild here and there, but never one of her closest allies have even thought about betraying her.
"I'm sorry about Elrond, it seemed like he was your friend," Sophie muttered. The King was put off by Sophie's condolences, but he quickly gathered himself.
"My father was my friend too." The King glared. Sophie's hands tightened at her sides, but she looked at the King with a perplexed look.
"He was a cruel man. Was he truly your friend, or did he make you think he was your friend in order for you to trust him more so he could groom you into his ideals of a perfect king?" Sophie countered. The King's nostrils flared.
"He was my father-"
"And that is the only thing I regret."
The King looked at Sophie with a confused look, and Sophie's gaze softened.
"I can't control my ancestor's actions, but I am proud of what they did. They took away a cruel king and helped a nation of innocent people thrive. The one thing I regret is that, yes, they took away a cruel man, but they also took away a father." Sophie explained. Queen Sarai's hand tightened around King Dorian's. King Dorian chuckled as he glared at Sophie.
"Ever since my father was taken, I counted down the days I would have an Assassin in my grasp. I would be able to return the favor."
"I know what it is like. To have someone to lean on and then have them ripped away from you. I too had to live like an orphan for a part of my life, and I am lucky to have been adopted and cared for by wonderful people that helped me grow into the person I am."
Everyone was quiet in the room, and Sophie was worried she crossed the line. But King Dorian's eyes were surprisingly soft and he sighed, nodding his head.
"I am just trying to right the wrongs of my father's actions." The King sighed.
"Then join us," Sophie claimed.
"That is impossible, the Dunmer have been underground for far too long to just rejoin above ground, not to mention the Mirthless and the Vatarians-"
"The Mirthless are slowly being controlled. The Vatarians may be a bit hesitant, but I believe that all the leaders of the Vatarians cities are willing to seek reason. Though I am not a city leader myself, my word carries weight. Times are changing your Highness, and I believe both of our races need to change with it." Sophie ranted. The court looked somewhat scandalized at the ideas Sophie was proposing, but she kept her gaze strong and steely.
"And what about the oncoming war. The Neverseen have been at war with the Elven cities for a while now, but this siege is a huge occasion. If it succeeds, there is no telling what will happen." King Dorian argued.
"Of course my guild will be there to intervene, we won't be able to know how the elves will be able to react-"
"And what about the Neverseen themselves. You know the Neverseen Amalia, you know how slick and underhanded they are."
"Though, yes, that may be true. My guild has recently captured Vespera, the leader of the Neverseen."
"You really think the Neverseen doesn't have backup plans? They will all fall apart at the seams because you nabbed Vespera?"
"What are you proposing?"
The King sighed and pushed himself off his throne, and he walked down the room as motioned for Sophie to follow. As Sophie followed, she made the relations between him and Ruy, and it was slightly tripping her up. He walked over to a table in the corner of the room where plans were strewn across in an organized manner.
"These reports say that Elrond and one of the Neverseen accomplices, Fintan-"
"I know him. A powerful elven pyrokinetic, been a part of the Neverseen for years."
"Yes, the two of them seem to be going one of the small cities in the neutral territories. Probably discussing and planning the final bits for the siege on the cities. We could really use an Assassin to get in there and learn about their final siege plans. And maybe take a few lives of Neverseen leaders." The King suggested.
"I'm no puppet, your Highness. I could do this, I could probably be in and out of there in one day. But I came here to get Ruy back, not to be your errand girl. I need to go back to my guild with my right-hand man to prepare."
The King looked at Sophie with a cocked eyebrow, but Sophie crossed her arms, unmoveable.
"Ruy isn't something for you to own-"
"And I would never say he is something for me to own. But he has a duty to the guild, that I am sure he wants to return to. Though I agree that this mission you are proposing for me would be helpful, we are on the clock. And there is no promise Elrond and Fintan are holding anything useful anyway."
The King nodded with Sophie's information, and he glanced outside the window where his son was training in the courtyard.
"My son needs to train, and no, not in combat. In pressure, in his soul. He has a Dunmer heart and soul along with a Vatarian one, and he is working to unleash it. We have time Mentore, I am telling you, if you do this we will be able to swing the tides in our favor. I'm not holding Ruy hostage, he is welcome to leave. But he agreed with me that this training will help him in the coming years." The King argued. Sophie let her cold expression crumble a little bit, and her eyebrows pressed down as she thought through it.
"You can talk to him, talk to your people. Decide and debate. I want this alliance between the Dunmer and Vatarians as much as you do Amalia, but we need to learn to work together on these such things." King Dorian sighed. Sophie nodded and started towards the exit, just wanting to leave and think. King Dorian nodded to her guard escort, but Queen Sarai put up her hand, stopping them.
"She needs to see him, alone. He is more than just your son Dorian, he is her... friend. You need her resources just as much as she needs yours." Queen Sarai whispered. The King looked annoyed, but he nodded, and the guards left Sophie. Queen Sarai turned to Sophie with kind eyes, gesturing to the other set of doors at the end of the hall.
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