《Jenlisa | Guide To Raising The Sick Villain》22


Jennie glanced at Chungha, frowned and said, “Come on.”

Jennie was not silly and sweet. Since childhood, Jennie would not easily put her trust in people, and it was very obvious.

But she really couldn’t figure out why this girl wanted to be close to her.

When physical education class started, Jennie encountered Jackson again. Jackson still maintained his familiar attitude and after seeing Jennie, he greeted her.

Looking at Jackson’s big white teeth and the smile on his face, Jennie returned Jackson’s greeting with a “hello”. But when she turned her head, she saw several girls that were with Chungha squeezing over.

“Jennie”, The group of girls greeted her kind expression on their face. They then looked over to the boy in front of her and acted as if they had only just noticed him, “Eh, you are Jackson from Class 5!”

Jackson, who had a hearty personality, smiled and said yes, and they started to chat. .

Jennie finally understood why Chungha was talking to her recently.

However, it was simply inexplicable.

She and Jackson barely knew one another, they would just greet each other casually whenever they would meet.

Chungha blocked Jackson off, just enough to let Jennie slip away silently. After she returned to the classroom, she looked at Lisa once again.

Jennie finally saw what Lisa had been reading, “Classical Electrodynamics”, a physics book written by an American physicist.

For Jennie, who had trouble understanding the basics of acceleration, the symbols and drawings on the book were nothing but gibberish to her.

Jennie knew that Lisa was very smart, because in the original novel, the author has repeatedly mentioned that Lisa had an amazing memory and an IQ far beyond ordinary people. Even the male protagonist Suho was much worse than Lisa.

The book says that Lisa was a genius.

Jennie had watched Lisa before, saw him reading calculus books, Wuthering Heights, and lots of historical texts, but now when she saw this book that she couldn’t understand at all, she finally felt the gap between their IQ.

Jennie was suddenly curious.

“Lisa,” Jennie called him.

Lisa ignored her.

After receiving the packet of medicine on the day of the fight, and after seeing Uncle Chen come to pick up food a few days later, Jennie understood that Lisa might be angry, but he definitely did not hate her.

Lisa ignored her, but Jennie didn’t care, “Lisa, is the physics we’re learning now particularly simple for you.”

Of course.

Lisa raised his head and glanced at Jennie blankly.

He had already taught himself this when he was twelve years old. The last time he saw the question that Jennie had left blank, Lisa was able to get the answer without even having to calculate it by hand.

Lisa clearly didn’t say anything, but Jennie felt that she seemed to be despised.

It seems like he found it to be very simple.

That’s right.

Jennie sighed, putting her arm on the chair, and putting her chin on her arms. “You are actually very smart, and you know much more than us. You know how to do all the exam questions. You can definitely do it. So Lisa, why won’t you take the exam?”

The high school curriculum was far too simple for Lisa. If he took the exam, he would definitely get amazing results.

Lisa looked at Jennie and pursed his lips.

It was just after physical education had ended and Jennie had quickly escaped back to the classroom while everyone was still outside. So Lisa, seeing that there was no one else in the class, finally spoke.


“Do you have to take an exam if you can do it well?”

For a while, Jennie couldn’t understand Lisa’s logic, and it took her a long time to touch on what Lisa meant.

Lisa was not interested in the exams. Everyone wanted to get high scores because high scores meant they could be assigned to a better class in the second year of high school. Being assigned to one of the better classes increased the social status of students in the school. It meant they would be the subject of admiration to all the other students, and it also meant that they would be admitted to a better university later on.

But the exam did not bring any attraction to Lisa. He didn’t care about what normal people wanted or what they thought of him.

But Jennie still wanted everyone to know that Lisa was not stupid, and not only was he not stupid, but he was many times smarter than they could imagine.

She wanted to continue talking, but then someone entered the classroom, Lisa no longer wanted to continue speaking and only said in a voice as cold as ever, “Turn it around.”

Jennie: …

He ignored her again.

Chungha and many other classmates came in from the outside, and as soon as they came in, they saw Jennie leaning on the back of her chair and talking to Lisa. But Lisa had his head lowered as if he hadn’t seen Jennie at all.

Recently, everyone had become accustomed to this scene, but getting used to it was one thing, and understanding was another.

No one understood why Jennie kept talking to a fool, and not only was he a fool, but he was also a little crazy.

When Sehun saw this scene, he turned to the guy next to him, “Jennie, I really don’t understand her, is she not afraid?”

Everyone shook their heads.

Chungha got her wish and talked to Jackson, so at the moment, she was in a good mood. Additionally, she felt that she had gotten close to Jennie recently so she walked over and directly asked her, “Jennie, why are you talking to him again?”

Lisa’s fingers quivered slightly.

Jennie’s smile fell.

It was a pity that Chungha didn’t notice her reaction, and wanted to show off in front of their other classmates, so she continued, “You talk to him every day, but he doesn’t understand.”

After that, she stretched out her hand and put it one Jennie’s shoulder, “Don’t be so close to him, be careful. He might suddenly hit you with a convulsion.”

Jennie shook off Chungha’s hand with a terrifying expression in her eyes. She looked at Chungha, “Has he beaten you?”

Chungha and the crowd of students who were watching the excitement all froze, and Chungha’s face became stiff.

Of course not.

But Lisa was a lunatic, and he might have sudden episodes.

“What do you mean?” Chungha exclaimed, “I am doing this for your own good…”

“I don’t need you to be so good to me,” Jennie interrupted Chungha directly.

Chungha couldn’t figure out why Jennie suddenly became so fierce with her, why did this happen suddenly?

Seeing that Jennie didn’t give her any face and how the people in the class looked at her, Chungha’s face was so burnt that she couldn’t help but say, “You don’t care about the people who care for you but care about someone who doesn’t care for you at all.”

With that, she turned around and left.

The girls that were with Chungha also gave Jennie a stern look.


The surrounding people resumed to their previous discussions. Suho and Mark looked at them from a distance, not knowing what they were thinking.

Jennie didn’t care what other people’s attitudes were. She turned her head again and saw Lisa’s book that had been clearly intact just before, now had been torn apart.

Jennie took a long breath.

“Lisa”, Jennie whispered to him, and sighed tragically as she watched his already pale face become more white, “If you ignore me, no one else will care about me.”

This kind of a coquettish remark was hidden in the noisy discussion of the surrounding students, but it penetrated into Lisa’s heart deeply.

Every day, he kept his distance carefully, not willing to pull Jennie into the dark and muddy area around him, but Jennie walked in by herself.

She stood by his side in front of everyone. After that she continued to talk to him, and even asked him to take care of her. But Lisa thought that despite everything, the fact was, that every moment of every day, he wanted to be in the same position as Mino. To be able to talk to her about anything and everything without scruples.

In the end, how could he really ignore her.

But he still couldn’t understand why she did it, why she continued to do it.

Was he worth it?

Lisa couldn’t understand.

He has always had the mentality of having to understand everything, whether in life or studying. But now, Lisa suddenly didn’t want to understand.

After all, was the answer so important?

No, it wasn’t.

He raised his head and faced Jennie, unable to understand the smile in Jennie’s eyes, but he could see the curvature of her lips.

Lisa suddenly wanted to laugh. He had never laughed before, but he wanted to give this girl a smile.

But what a smile should be like, Lisa didn’t know. He wasn’t like a normal person that could smile without thinking at all. He needed to look at the smiling lips of the girl in front of him and think in his head which muscles of his face should be moved. After that, he would finally imitate it, creating a somewhat nondescript smile.

This imitation is very poor.

There was no smile in his eyes, and the corners of his eyes would not rise. Only the corners of the lips made a faintly discernible arc, which looked strange in the eyes of others, but Jennie understood.

She remembered a sentence she had read. For people with Asperger’s Syndrome, starting to imitate expressions was their first step to getting close to someone.

Jennie’s eyes softened, her chin lying on her arm, her eyes falling on the book torn by him, “Can you tell me what book this is now?”

The surrounding discussions continued, abd Lisa hesitated. Looking up, one could see how many people were looking at them curiously.

But Jennie didn’t look at them or care about them. She looked at him and asked him what book it was.

Lisa closed the book, revealing the cover of the book, and then turned the book to face Jennie. He pursed his lips, and after what seemed like a difficult ideological struggle, he finally said, “Classic electrodynamics.”

Jennie’s eyes suddenly became sore.

Lisa finally spoke, he finally spoke to her in front of so many people.

She stretched her hand and put it on the book and looked up at his eyes, “Can I take a look, then.”

Without thinking this time, Lisa nodded immediately.

Jennie opened the catalog and turned the back. Pure English, Jennie’s English was still very good, and she could score more than one hundred points in the sixth level of the CET. But looking at the book in front of her, she read one sentence, and found that a lot of the words on there were unknown to her.

There were too many technical terms.

Jennie sighed, turned the book back so that it faced Lisa again, and looked at him, “I can’t understand it,” And because she wanted to make Lisa talk more, she asked, “Can you tell me about this book? What’s it about?”

Lisa started to speak subconsciously, but the moment he spoke, he suddenly thought of something and paused.

People with Asperger’s Syndrome have a very obvious characteristic. They are passionate about specific things or interests. So when talking about the things they are more interested in, they often talk about it regardless of whether others are willing to listen.

In other words, because they find it interesting, they assume that others find it interesting too. Additionally, they couldn’t understand the impatience on their listener’s face, so they don’t realize that what they were saying, in the perspective of their listener, was just noise.

When he was ten, because of his extremely high IQ, when the rest of the children were still calculating one-dimensional linear equations, he could already understand definite integral and indefinite integral by himself.

He insisted on telling other children about the mathematics that he knew, but the other children didn’t understand Lisa, who was already being bullied. After showing his superior IQ, he became even more out of place and was further rejected by peers.

Later, his mother advised him time and time again, that if there was something he found really interesting, he should go home and tell her and not to tell others.

But then his mother passed away in a car accident, and Lisa no longer had anyone to talk to about these things. He did not tell other people, because as he got older, he also gradually understood that other people were not willing to listen to him when he spoke.

But now Jennie took the initiative to ask him. Lisa’s fingers that were on the book tightened unconsciously, and after a long time, he finally said, “This is a book by American physicists, and it’s divided into two volumes. This is the first volume. The main content of the first volume is traditional electromagnetic theory, including static electricity, magnetostatics, electromagnetic fields that change with time, Maxwell’s equations, etc., and apply Maxwell’s equations to discuss various macro-electromagnetic phenomena…”

Jennie admitted that she herself did not understand what Lisa was saying, and the various theorems and subjects he was talking about were foreign to her.

But she could hear how Lisa stumbled with his words in the beginning, but then as he went on it became smoother.

Lisa was always expressionless, and his unusually pale face and long hair that covered his eyes made people constantly notice his weirdness every time they saw him. In addition to the fact that they never saw his facial features clearly it only made them avoid him even more.

It was the first time that Jennie looked at Lisa so closely, and when she saw him she noticed that his light brown eyes showed a different look. Suddenly, the young boy’s unusually outstanding facial features became vivid in an instant.

Jennie realized that the Lisa’s was also exceptionally good-looking.


That night, like clockwork Uncle Chen drove Lisa to the restaurant. But just as he was about to go inside the restaurant alone, Lisa said, “I want to go.”

Did they reconcile? They stopped arguing?

A lot of thoughts popped into of Uncle Chen’s mind, but he didn’t ask much. He took the wheelchair out of the car with a smile, and pushed Lisa into the western restaurant.

This time, Jessica no longer bothered them anymore. The others in the restaurant had long been used to the daily patronage of Lisa and Uncle Chen, and when they saw Lisa come in, they called Jennie to take the order.

Seeing Jennie walking out, several girls couldn’t help sighing.

“I wonder, why won’t Young Master Manoban give Jennie money directly?”

“What’s the point of that ?” the other person said, “Oh really, if someone treated me like that, even if that person is really disabled, I would still do it. To the extent that even if they were disabled I wouldn’t even care about it.”

“Jennie seems to be only sixteen years old, alas, that person must be around her age. If only I was still sixteen.”

“Oh be quiet, you’re like twenty-six!”

The girls burst into laughter, and the western restaurant was softly lit, and slowly the sound of water dripped on glass sounded out.

Hearing the pattering sound, the people inside realized that it was raining.

Jennie brought the dishes one by one. Lisa wanted a small steak today.

“I’ll cut it for you.” She said.

Lisa held the knife and fork for a moment, and then handed it to Jennie. He sat quietly and watched Jennie expertly divide the steak into two, and then into four.

Uncle Chen, who was sitting opposite, could not help but slow down his eating speed.

Lisa didn’t like the approach of others, even Mr. Manoban would avoid him and keep his distance every time he came over. But now this little girl named Jennie was standing beside Lisa, and her sleeve would brush against Lisa’s shoulders from time to time .

He did not cringe away or avoid her closeness, instead, he fixed his gaze on Jennie’s hands. After a long while, he heard the sound of thunder from outside, which made him look out the window as if he had been awakened from a daze.

“It’s raining,” Lisa said suddenly.

Uncle Chen also took a look outside, and subconsciously answered, “Yes”, it is raining, “It’s quite heavy…”

When he turned his head, he found that Lisa was not looking at him at all. Instead, he had raised his head and looked at Jennie who was still cutting the steak.

It was raining, but Lisa didn’t say it to him at all, he said it to Jennie.

Uncle Chen: …

Even Uncle Chen didn’t react, let alone Jennie. The “passionate” Uncle Chen looked at Jennie who didn’t realize it at all. After waiting a little, Lisa no longer said anything else.

Seeing Lisa’s failure at starting a conversation, Uncle Chen decided to step in, “The rain is quite heavy, Miss Kim, how will you be going back?”

Jennie was called by Miss Kim by Uncle Chen, and hurriedly said, “Just call me Jennie.”

The steak was finally cut, and she handed the knife and fork back to Lisa, saying, “I’m getting off work early today, it shouldn’t be too late at that time.”

After she finished speaking, she glanced at Lisa, and noticed that his clothes were very thin, “Are you cold?”

After taking the knife and fork back from Jennie he felt that they had the temperature of Jennie’s fingers on them, “It’s not cold.” He said, before taking a silent bite of the steak.

If it continues to rain…

She had just recovered from a cold.

Uncle Chen was surprised.

Something must have happened today.

After Jennie left, Lisa put down his knife and fork, and took out his mobile phone and looked at it for a long time. “It will keep raining tonight.”

Uncle Chen thought for a while, “Then I will send you back first. Then, I’ll take another trip to send Miss Kim home, okay?”

Lisa looked at the heavy rain outside the window, nodded, before taking another bite of steak.

“That’s good.”

After paying the bill as usual, Uncle Chen asked casually as he was pushing Lisa out, “Miss Kim you still have classes during the day. Will working at night affect your studies?”

Jennie smiled. “It’s not too busy during the first year of high school, so I’m okay.”

“Then what time do you usually leave?”

“I usually get off work at eleven.”

Chen Bo nodded cheerfully. Jennie didn’t notice anything wring and sent the two out. Standing at the door of the western restraunt, the girl standing in the lighted area smiled and waved her hand as she did when she was in school, “Goodbye Lisa.”

Lisa looked back at her, “See you tomorrow.”

There was thunder and rain outside the window. It was a much heavier rain than the shower that the weather app had forecasted.

Because of the heavy rain, the number of customers in the store was much less than usual. Jennie and the others had some free time. Jennie even managed to look over the text that they were going over tomorrow in class.

The other staff members stood at the door, watching the heavy rain outside the window, and began to worry about how to get back. The bus was gone, and now it was difficult to get a taxi.

A few girls twittered and asked everyone who had an umbrella, so they could walk together.

After eleven o’clock, there were no customers in the shop. Everyone closed the restaurant and walked out, before shivering due to the cold night. Jessica saw Jennie without an umbrella and wearing a thin school uniform.

She couldn’t help but say, “Do you need to walk back with us…”

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