《Jenlisa | Guide To Raising The Sick Villain》19


Jennie didn’t wear the large and bulky dark blue school uniform today. Instead, she wore the uniform of the western restaurant staff.

A western-style small waistcoat, a white single-collar shirt tucked in a short skirt, showing off her thin waist. Her hair was curled up simply, revealing a slender and beautiful neck line.

Additionally, she was wearing a pair of soft black leather shoes, and with it her calf looked more slender. All in all she looked slender, her posture straight, and her steps light, walking around the western restaurant, she was very skilled.

Father Manoban really couldn’t figure out what this son of his was thinking.

He had always liked this western restaurant, the environment was good, the service was good, and the food tasted great.

He couldn’t guess whether Lisa liked it or not. Seeing Lisa sitting in a wheelchair, showing no reaction, Father Manoban’s eyebrows furrowed ever so slightly.

“I come here often. It’s not bad. But if you don’t like it, we can go somewhere else.” Father Manoban said, “Or is it that you don’t want to eat Western food? What do you want to eat?”

Lisa’s gaze was still on Jennie’s back, and he uttered three words briefly,

“This is fine.”

Father Manoban quickly brought Lisa inside.

Father Manoban came here a lot, and since he was generous, most of the staff here knew him. The greeter saw Father Manoban and greeted him immediately, “Mr. Manoban, please go inside.”

Then she looked down, and saw the teenager in a wheelchair who followed Father Manoban.

His complexion was too pale, and his hair was a bit too long. It covered his eyes and so she couldn’t see his whole face. In short, he was a bit strange.

But her professionalism was good, so the greeter still came over with a smile, “I will push you in.”

The boy’s voice was cold and harsh, looking at the proprietress who was only one meter away from him with frosty eyes, “No need. “

The smile on her face turned a bit stiff. Father Manoban then explained that his son was not used to being too close to strangers, as the greeter tried to recover her smile.

Father Manoban looked back at Lisa, “Let’s go now, I know you don’t like noise, let’s go inside.”

Lisa turned his head, and his gaze fell on the familiar back once again, “You go first.”

Father Manoban frowned, but Lisa didn’t pay attention to him anymore. Father Manoban followed Lisa’s gaze, and tried to see what he was looking at. But all he could see were the guests eating and the waiters walking back and forth nothing special.

“Forget it”, Father Manoban no longer cared about what Lisa was doing, and ordered the waiter to bring him over in a while.

Jennie was very busy all day today.

The business of this western restaurant was unexpectedly good. If it weren’t for her previous experience of working in a western restaurant, she might not have been able to handle it.

When the table of guests she was in charge of left, Jennie finally had a moment of rest, she sighed and squeezed her calf in a small corridor with few people.

Before she was able to rest for even a minute, a girl who wore the same small uniform as Jennie walked straight over. She pointed to two customers with impatience, and asked Jennie to get their order quickly and not to be lazy.

This girl is called Jessica.

As soon as Jennie came here today, she could feel Jessica’s hostility towards her. She had an arrogant attitude, and was a person who always ordered Jennie around.


The reason for this was not hard to guess, it was Jessica who asked for leave last night, and Jennie had worked Jessica’s shift all night.

When she first came in the morning, Jessica even tricked Jennie. She found out that Jennie was only a freshman and deliberately sent Jennie to get the order of some foreigners.

It’s just that Jessica didn’t expect that Jennie, who was just a freshman in high school, seemed to have better English than her. After she finished with their table, the few foreigners finally gave Jennie a lot of tips.

Jessica’s intestines were green when she saw this.

After that, she targeted Jennie all day.

Xiao Liu, had just greeted the guests, and brought them in and asked her to hurry up and get their order. But Jessica really didn’t want to go.

The consumption level of this restaurant is very high. Most of the people who can come here to eat are rich people. After working here for a long time, she could gradually see the economic situation of the guests by looking at their clothes, watches, and bags.

Everyone prefered to take the order of those who were rich, because there were usually more orders which meant they got more commissions, even if tips were not guaranteed.

Two tables of guests just came in. One table was a gentleman surnamed Manoban who often came here. Every time he came he spent a lot of money, so Jessica naturally wanted to go to this table. But the foreman asked her to take charge of another table. Jessica didn’t find a luxury item on that guest, so she naturally didn’t want to go.

Turning around, she saw that Jennie was taking a break in a small corner, and immediately pushed the guest to Jennie.

Jennie glanced at Jessica and stood up, “I see.”

Jessica gave her a satisfied smile, and turned around in a good mood, but she had yet to turn her head before she hit a teenager in a wheelchair.

Jennie’s pupils shrank, she rushed over in surprise, and grabbed the wheelchair. She looked at the young man and didn’t know why he appeared here, and was about to ask him if there was anything wrong. Jessica, who almost fell in fright, pushed Jennie aside and leaned in front of Lisa, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry…”

Lisa pushed Jessica abruptly, and his wheelchair slammed back into the wall.

At the sudden approach of a stranger, Lisa’s felt uncontrollable rejection and nausea.

Jessica was stunned and raised her head. She was extremely disgusted with the young boy’s eyes, which were as cold as her bones.

“Go away.”

Jessica’s feet froze in place.

Even if she was a fool, she could hear the irritability and disgust in Lisa’s tone.

The other waiters passing by inevitably took another look. Jessica’s face was flushed, but she still squeezed out a smile and hurriedly left with her head down.

Jennie looked at the teenager who she hadn’t seen for several days, and hesitantly stopped even though she wanted to go forward.

A few days ago, Lisa clearly told her that he liked to be alone and he hated being approached.

Just now, because Jessica was too close Lisa had pushed her. Seeing his attitude made people feel scared.

Jennie paused, and stood two meters away from Lisa, before asking him softly, “Are you okay.”

Lisa raised his head, his eyes fixed on her face.

Just now, he had watched her for a long time, but he didn’t dare to come up. He had always remembered the boy who had walked with Jennie that day. He was afraid that Jennie would ignore him and say that she would never bother him, and then pass by him pretending to be a stranger.


He couldn’t understand the look on her face, but when Jennie rushed over and pulled his wheelchair away, and said the phrase “Are you okay”, Lisa thought carefully and cautiously in his heart, was this concern??

But if it was an ordinary guest who was accidentally bumped into, would she still do the same thing then ask if there is anything wrong with them.

Lisa’s heart that had just fluctuated suddenly tightened a bit, and the soreness in his heart seemed to pull on his whole body for an instant, and the arm that had just been hit ached.

There was an expression of unbearable pain on Lisa’s face.

Jennie’s face changed slightly, “Did you get hit? Where did you get hit?”

Lisa finally heard a bit of urgency from this sentence. He raised his head and quickly took a look at Jennie, then lowered his head again. Jennie thought that when Lisa was resisting her again, until Lisa’s voice pierced Jennie’s eardrums.


Jennie was stunned. The teenager who said that he didn’t like her that day gradually overlapped with Lisa, who was slightly fragile at this moment. Jennie tentatively took a small step forward and looked at Lisa carefully.

“Is it serious?”

Lisa seemed to have not heard this sentence. He sat here quietly, as if he was having a long ideological struggle. A few moments later he raised his head and met Jennie’s gaze,

“Why are you here?”

Lisa had answered her question with one of his own, if one were to consider it, wouldn’t this be the first time Lisa took the initiative to talk to her.

It has been a month since she and Lisa have met each other, and this was the first time Lisa had ever taken the initiative to speak to her.

Lisa said that he hated people approaching him, but if he took the initiative, did that mean that he didn’t actually hate her approach?

Jennie couldn’t hide his surprise in her heart, “I’m working.”


Lisa still continued to stared at her, “You’re not going to school?”

“I only go to work on weekends and evenings. I still go to class normally.”

The subjects in the first year of high school are not so easy. Even though school was already hard, she still insists on working? Lisa thought about it and figured it out.

“Are you short of money?”

Jennie was caught off guard by the straightforwardness of his question.

Jennie remembered a piece of content that she had seen while researching about Asperger’s Syndrome. People with Asperger’s Syndrome could not be ambiguous. They said things in a direct way which could easily make people feel embarrassed.

Sure enough, Lisa was very straightforward.

Jennie smiled softly, “It’s a bit lacking.”

If Lisa had a normal way of expressing emotions, then his brows would be furrowed at this moment. He was silent for a long time before finally spitting out something astonishing.

Lisa said, “I’ll give it to you.”

Jennie almost dropped the order booklet in her hand.

Normal people would never think this way, nor would normal people speak this way.

But Lisa was different.

You are short of money, and I have money, so I give you money, there was no logical error in that.

“No need, it’s not so terribly lacking, and the schoolwork is not heavy.” Jennie shook her head, fearing that Lisa would get mad she changed the subject hurriedly, “Why are you here, are you here for dinner?”

Lisa looked at Jennie again. After a long time, there was a slow “Mm.”

“Then I’ll take you there.” Jennie glanced at Lisa’s arm, “Do you need me to push you over.”

Lisa subconsciously refused, “No.”

After he finished talking, Lisa was silent again.

He thought for a moment and discovered that in fact, being pushed by Jennie, it wasn’t as unacceptable as being pushed by others.

Lisa pursed his lips. He was probably a little regretful. He slowly rolled his wheelchair and followed Jennie back to where his father was waiting. Just as Jennie was about to head back. “You help me order food.”

Jennie glanced back at him then at the person standing by the table waiting to take their order.

Lisa didn’t seem to see it at all.

“You order.”

The person who was supposed to take order looked at Jennie and smiled, before turning to leave. Father Manoban who was waiting for Lisa gave Jennie a surprised look.

Jennie could only take out her order book, showing a professional smile to introduce to Father Manoban and Lisa the must-dos in the shop.

Father Manoban came often, and always ate the same dishes so he quickly made his order. Lisa looked at the menu and ordered one dish after another blankly, and all the orders were all expensive.

After writing down the fourth one, Jennie couldn’t stand anymore, “If it’s just two people eating, then the order might be a little too big.”

Lisa stopped, but his eyes were still glued to the caviar.

Father Manoban didn’t think too much about it, Lisa’s preferences were too difficult to guess, and it was rare that he took the initiative to order food, so Father Manoban let him order whatever he wanted. The Manoban family lacked anything but money.

“Just order it if you want to.”

So Lisa added another caviar and some pudding.

When the order was given to the back kitchen, several workers next to her looked at Jennie with envy.

In addition to the basic salary, the restaurant employees mainly relied on commissions. Which was a small portion of the meals ordered by the responsible guests allocated to the waiter in charge of this table.

The table that Jennie was in charge of just now totalled up to around 10,000 yuan, and from it Jennie will be able to receive a few hundred yuan.

Jennie’s expression changed subtly .

Although still felt a little hesitant thinking this way, she still felt that Lisa’s actions had some relation to her.

After all, Lisa had just said he wanted to give her money and she refused.

Holding the slip in her hand, Jennie felt her hand trembling a little.

The dishes were put on the table one by one, but Lisa only ate a little. As expected, in the end, a lot of Lisa did not finish even one-fifth.

Lisa was still expressionless, Father Manoban gave her a card and asked her to swipe the card, but when she returned to the table Lisa and Father Manoban had already left.

The foreman walked up to her with a look of surprise, “Mr. Manoban added another one thousand yuan.”


“It’s a tip for you!”

Jennie: …

When eating western food people generally gave 10%-15% service. But generally people didn’t have to give tips, especially if they ordered a lot like Lisa, since the service fee itself is already included in food.

Jennie hurriedly looked out the window, but Lisa had already got into a car, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Jennie should have been very happy to get so much money in one day, but when she thought of Lisa, she felt that the money was hot.

After returning home in the evening, Mother Kim complained that she didn’t see her for a day and didn’t know where she went. Jennie didn’t explain to Mother Kim, and she quickly finished washing and went to rest.

After all, she had to get to class tomorrow morning.

The next day she came to the school as usual and walked into the classroom. Mino and the two girls sitting behind her said hello casually. Jennie replied good morning. When she turned her head, she saw Suho who was looking in her direction.

Suho came so early?

Jennie suddenly felt a little stressed.

Although she has the advantage of the previous foundation, Suho was still the male protagonist after all. It was said in the book that Suho had always been the number one since childhood.

Suho’s science was better than her, and he learned very easily, but now that he actually started to study more, maybe next time he would surpass Jennie.

How could Jennie not be nervous?

She wanted a scholarship.

Jennie didn’t dare to waste a bit of time. After finishing her her early self-study, she rushed to the bottom of the building to fetch water. After fetching the water, she returned to the classroom and saw Lisa at a glance.

After disappearing for two days last week, Lisa finally returned.

He still sat there quietly, looking down at his book.

Jennie was in charge of cleaning today, and when she was cleaning near Lisa, she saw that the book Lisa was reading was a thick historical lecture.

“Morning,” Jennie smiled and said to Lisa, Lisa raised his head and glanced at Jennie, but his gaze went over Jennie’s shoulder and fell on the other students who were curiously looking here.

Whispering at Jennie, he said, “Don’t talk to me.”

Jennie was taken aback, if it weren’t for the money in her pocket, she would have thought that the Lisa from yesterday was fake.

Lisa lowered his head again, and Jennie walked away with the mop, she took two steps before she looked back.

What’s wrong again?

She spent all day thinking about it but still couldn’t figure our what was wrong with Lisa.

When school was over in the afternoon, Jennie hurried to the western restaurant and changed clothes. After a while, a familiar figure appeared in the western restaurant, and an old man walked in with Lisa’s wheelchair.

Lisa’s light brown eyes searched for Jennie’s figure, and then his eyes fell on her.

“Order food.”

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